KHK homology RNA-binding domain |
SMART accession number: | SM00322 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR004087): | The K homology (KH) domain was first identified in the human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) K. An evolutionarily conserved sequence of around 70 amino acids, the KH domain is present in a wide variety of nucleic acid-binding proteins. The KH domain binds RNA, and can function in RNA recognition [ (PUBMED:17437720) ]. It is found in multiple copies in several proteins, where they can function cooperatively or independently. For example, in the AU-rich element RNA-binding protein KSRP, which has 4 KH domains, KH domains 3 and 4 behave as independent binding modules to interact with different regions of the AU-rich RNA targets [ (PUBMED:17437720) ]. The solution structure of the first KH domain of FMR1 [ (PUBMED:9302998) ] and of the C-terminal KH domain of hnRNP K [ (PUBMED:10369774) ] determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed a beta-alpha-alpha-beta-beta-alpha structure. Proteins containing KH domains include:
According to structural analyses [ (PUBMED:9302998) (PUBMED:10369774) (PUBMED:11160884) ], the KH domain can be separated in two groups - type 1 and type 2. |
GO function: | nucleic acid binding (GO:0003676) |
Family alignment: |
There are 181505 KH domains in 115166 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing KH domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with KH domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing KH domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: RNA-binding
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Lewis HA et al.
- Sequence-specific RNA binding by a Nova KH domain: implications for paraneoplastic disease and the fragile X syndrome.
- Cell. 2000; 100: 323-32
- Display abstract
The structure of a Nova protein K homology (KH) domain recognizing single-stranded RNA has been determined at 2.4 A resolution. Mammalian Nova antigens (1 and 2) constitute an important family of regulators of RNA metabolism in neurons, first identified using sera from cancer patients with the autoimmune disorder paraneoplastic opsoclonus-myoclonus ataxia (POMA). The structure of the third KH domain (KH3) of Nova-2 bound to a stem loop RNA resembles a molecular vise, with 5'-Ura-Cyt-Ade-Cyt-3' pinioned between an invariant Gly-X-X-Gly motif and the variable loop. Tetranucleotide recognition is supported by an aliphatic alpha helix/beta sheet RNA-binding platform, which mimics 5'-Ura-Gua-3' by making Watson-Crick-like hydrogen bonds with 5'-Cyt-Ade-3'. Sequence conservation suggests that fragile X mental retardation results from perturbation of RNA binding by the FMR1 protein.
- Adinolfi S, Bagni C, Musco G, Gibson T, Mazzarella L, Pastore A
- Dissecting FMR1, the protein responsible for fragile X syndrome, in its structural and functional domains.
- RNA. 1999; 5: 1248-58
- Display abstract
FMR1 is an RNA-binding protein that is either absent or mutated in patients affected by the fragile X syndrome, the most common inherited cause of mental retardation in humans. Sequence analysis of the FMR1 protein has suggested that RNA binding is related to the presence of two K-homologous (KH) modules and an RGG box. However, no attempt has been so far made to map the RNA-binding sites along the protein sequence and to identify possible differential RNA-sequence specificity. In the present article, we describe work done to dissect FMR1 into regions with structurally and functionally distinct properties. A semirational approach was followed to identify four regions: an N-terminal stretch of 200 amino acids, the two KH regions, and a C-terminal stretch. Each region was produced as a recombinant protein, purified, and probed for its state of folding by spectroscopical techniques. Circular dichroism and NMR spectra of the N-terminus show formation of secondary structure with a strong tendency to aggregate. Of the two homologous KH motifs, only the first one is folded whereas the second remains unfolded even when it is extended both N- and C-terminally. The C-terminus is, as expected from its amino acid composition, nonglobular. Binding assays were then performed using the 4-nt homopolymers. Our results show that only the first KH domain but not the second binds to RNA, and provide the first direct evidence for RNA binding of both the N-terminal and the C-terminal regions. RNA binding for the N-terminus could not be predicted from sequence analysis because no known RNA-binding motif is identifiable in this region. Different sequence specificity was observed for the fragments: both the N-terminus of the protein and KH1 bind preferentially to poly-(rG). The C-terminal region, which contains the RGG box, is nonspecific, as it recognizes the bases with comparable affinity. We therefore conclude that FMR1 is a protein with multiple sites of interaction with RNA: sequence specificity is most likely achieved by the whole block that comprises the first approximately 400 residues, whereas the C-terminus provides a nonspecific binding surface.
- Ostareck-Lederer A, Ostareck DH, Hentze MW
- Cytoplasmic regulatory functions of the KH-domain proteins hnRNPs K and E1/E2.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1998; 23: 409-11
- Musco G et al.
- The solution structure of the first KH domain of FMR1, the protein responsible for the fragile X syndrome.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1997; 4: 712-6
- Musco G et al.
- Three-dimensional structure and stability of the KH domain: molecular insights into the fragile X syndrome.
- Cell. 1996; 85: 237-45
- Display abstract
The KH module is a sequence motif found in a number of proteins that are known to be in close association with RNA. Experimental evidence suggests a direct involvement of KH in RNA binding. The human FMR1 protein, which has two KH domains, is associated with fragile X syndrome, the most common inherited cause of mental retardation. Here we present the three-dimensional solution structure of the KH module. The domain consists of a stable beta alpha alpha beta beta alpha fold. On the basis of our results, we suggest a potential surface for RNA binding centered on the loop between the first two helices. Substitution of a well-conserved hydrophobic residue located on the second helix destroys the KH fold; a mutation of this position in FMR1 leads to an aggravated fragile X phenotype.
- Siomi H, Choi M, Siomi MC, Nussbaum RL, Dreyfuss G
- Essential role for KH domains in RNA binding: impaired RNA binding by a mutation in the KH domain of FMR1 that causes fragile X syndrome.
- Cell. 1994; 77: 33-9
- Display abstract
The KH domain is an evolutionarily conserved sequence motif present in many RNA-binding proteins, including the pre-mRNA-binding (hnRNP) K protein and the fragile X mental retardation gene product (FMR1). We assessed the role of KH domains in RNA binding by mutagenesis of KH domains in hnRNP K and FMR1. Conserved residues of all three hnRNP K KH domains are required for its wild-type RNA binding. Interestingly, while fragile X syndrome is usually caused by lack of FMR1 expression, a previously reported mutation in a highly conserved residue of one of its two KH domains (Ile-304-->Asn) also results in mental retardation. We found that the binding of this mutant protein to RNA is severely impaired. These results demonstrate an essential role for KH domains in RNA binding. Furthermore, they strengthen the connection between fragile X syndrome and loss of the RNA binding activity of FMR1.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the KH domain.
Protein Disease Synaptic functional regulator FMR1 (Q06787) (SMART) OMIM:309550: Fragile X syndrome - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 34.62 map00240
Pyrimidine metabolism 34.62 map00230
Purine metabolism 29.68 map03010 Ribosome 1.00 map02010 ABC transporters - General 0.08 map00190
Oxidative phosphorylation This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with KH domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing KH domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of KH domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1dt4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF NOVA-1 KH3 K-HOMOLOGY RNA-BINDING DOMAIN 1dtj CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF NOVA-2 KH3 K-HOMOLOGY RNA-BINDING DOMAIN 1e3h SeMet derivative of Streptomyces antibioticus PNPase/GPSI enzyme 1e3p tungstate derivative of Streptomyces antibioticus PNPase/GPSI enzyme 1ec6 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF NOVA-2 KH3 K-HOMOLOGY RNA-BINDING DOMAIN BOUND TO 20-MER RNA HAIRPIN 1fjg STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH THE ANTIBIOTICS STREPTOMYCIN, SPECTINOMYCIN, AND PAROMOMYCIN 1hh2 Crystal structure of NusA from Thermotoga maritima 1hnw STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH TETRACYCLINE 1hnx STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH PACTAMYCIN 1hnz STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH HYGROMYCIN B 1hr0 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF INITIATION FACTOR IF1 BOUND TO THE 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT 1i94 CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE SMALL RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT WITH TETRACYCLINE, EDEINE AND IF3 1i95 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT FROM THERMUS THERMOPHILUS IN COMPLEX WITH EDEINE 1i96 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT FROM THERMUS THERMOPHILUS IN COMPLEX WITH THE TRANSLATION INITIATION FACTOR IF3 (C-TERMINAL DOMAIN) 1i97 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT FROM THERMUS THERMOPHILUS IN COMPLEX WITH TETRACYCLINE 1ibk STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH THE ANTIBIOTIC PAROMOMYCIN 1ibl STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH A MESSENGER RNA FRAGMENT AND COGNATE TRANSFER RNA ANTICODON STEM-LOOP BOUND AT THE A SITE AND WITH THE ANTIBIOTIC PAROMOMYCIN 1ibm STRUCTURE OF THE THERMUS THERMOPHILUS 30S RIBOSOMAL SUBUNIT IN COMPLEX WITH A MESSENGER RNA FRAGMENT AND COGNATE TRANSFER RNA ANTICODON STEM-LOOP BOUND AT THE A SITE 1j4w COMPLEX OF THE KH3 and KH4 DOMAINS OF FBP WITH A SINGLE_STRANDED 29mer DNA OLIGONUCLEOTIDE FROM THE FUSE ELEMENT OF THE C-MYC ONCOGENE 1j5e Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S Ribosomal Subunit 1j5k COMPLEX OF THE KH3 DOMAIN OF HNRNP K WITH A SINGLE_STRANDED 10MER DNA OLIGONUCLEOTIDE 1jgo The Path of Messenger RNA Through the Ribosome. THIS FILE, 1JGO, CONTAINS THE 30S RIBOSOME SUBUNIT, THREE TRNA, AND MRNA MOLECULES. 50S RIBOSOME SUBUNIT IS IN THE FILE 1GIY 1jgp The Path of Messenger RNA Through the Ribosome. THIS FILE, 1JGP, CONTAINS THE 30S RIBOSOME SUBUNIT, THREE TRNA, AND MRNA MOLECULES. 50S RIBOSOME SUBUNIT IS IN THE FILE 1GIY 1jgq The Path of Messenger RNA Through the Ribosome. THIS FILE, 1JGQ, CONTAINS THE 30S RIBOSOME SUBUNIT, THREE TRNA, AND MRNA MOLECULES. 50S RIBOSOME SUBUNIT IS IN THE FILE 1GIY 1k0r Crystal Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis NusA 1k1g STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR RECOGNITION OF THE INTRON BRANCH SITE RNA BY SPLICING FACTOR 1 1khm C-TERMINAL KH DOMAIN OF HNRNP K (KH3) 1l2f Crystal structure of NusA from Thermotoga maritima: a structure-based role of the N-terminal domain 1ml5 Structure of the E. coli ribosomal termination complex with release factor 2 1n32 Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit bound to codon and near-cognate transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the first codon position at the a site with paromomycin 1n33 Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit bound to codon and near-cognate transfer rna anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the second codon position at the a site with paromomycin 1n34 Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit in the presence of codon and crystallographically disordered near-cognate transfer rna anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the first codon position 1n36 Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit in the presence of crystallographically disordered codon and near-cognate transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the second codon position 1tua 1.5 A Crystal Structure of a Protein of Unknown Function APE0754 from Aeropyrum pernix 1vig NMR STUDY OF VIGILIN, REPEAT 6, 40 STRUCTURES 1vih NMR STUDY OF VIGILIN, REPEAT 6, MINIMIZED AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1vvj 1VVJ 1vy4 1VY4 1vy5 1VY5 1vy6 1VY6 1vy7 1VY7 1we8 Solution structure of KH domain in protein BAB28342 1wvn Crsytal Structure of domain 3 of human alpha polyC binding protein 1x4m Solution structure of KH domain in Far upstream element binding protein 1 1x4n Solution structure of KH domain in FUSE binding protein 1 1xmo Crystal Structure of mnm5U34t6A37-tRNALysUUU Complexed with AAG-mRNA in the Decoding Center 1xmq Crystal Structure of t6A37-ASLLysUUU AAA-mRNA Bound to the Decoding Center 1xnq Structure of an Inosine-Adenine Wobble Base Pair Complex in the Context of the Decoding Center 1xnr Crystal Structure of an Inosine-Cytosine Wobble Base Pair in the Context of the Decoding Center 1ztg human alpha polyC binding protein KH1 1zzi Crystal Structure Analysis of the third KH domain of hnRNP K in complex with ssDNA 1zzj Structure of the third KH domain of hnRNP K in complex with 15-mer ssDNA 1zzk Crystal Structure of the third KH domain of hnRNP K at 0.95A resolution 2ann Crystal structure (I) of Nova-1 KH1/KH2 domain tandem with 25 nt RNA hairpin 2anr Crystal structure (II) of Nova-1 KH1/KH2 domain tandem with 25nt RNA hairpin 2asb Structure of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis NusA-RNA complex 2atw Structure of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis NusA-RNA complex 2axy Crystal Structure of KH1 domain of human Poly(C)-binding protein-2 with C-rich strand of human telomeric DNA 2ba0 Archaeal exosome core 2bl5 Solution structure of the KH-QUA2 region of the Xenopus STAR-GSG Quaking protein. 2cpq Solution structure of the N-terminal KH domain of human FXR1 2cte Solution structure of the 1st KH type I domain from human Vigilin 2ctf Solution structure of the 4th KH type I domain from human Vigilin 2ctj Solution structure of the 8th KH type I domain from human Vigilin 2ctk Solution structure of the 12th KH type I domain from human Vigilin 2ctl Solution structure of the 13th KH type I domain from human Vigilin 2ctm Solution structure of the 14th KH type I domain from human Vigilin 2cxc Crystal structure of archaeal transcription termination factor NusA 2cy1 Crystal structure of APE1850 2dgr Solution structure of the second KH domain in ring finger and KH domain containing protein 1 2e3u Crystal structure analysis of Dim2p from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 2e5l A snapshot of the 30S ribosomal subunit capturing mRNA via the Shine- Dalgarno interaction 2f4v 30S ribosome + designer antibiotic 2fmr KH1 FROM THE FRAGILE X PROTEIN FMR1, NMR, 18 STRUCTURES 2hh2 Solution structure of the fourth KH domain of KSRP 2hh3 Solution structure of the third KH domain of KSRP 2hhh Crystal structure of kasugamycin bound to the 30S ribosomal subunit 2je6 Structure of a 9-subunit archaeal exosome 2jea Structure of a 9-subunit archaeal exosome bound to RNA 2jeb Structure of a 9-subunit archaeal exosome bound to Mn ions 2jvz Solution NMR Structure of the Second and Third KH Domains of KSRP 2jzx PCBP2 KH1-KH2 domains 2mjh 2MJH 2opu Solution NMR Structure of the First Domain of KSRP 2opv Solution NMR Structure of the Second Domain of KSRP 2p2r Crystal structure of the third KH domain of human Poly(C)-Binding Protein-2 in complex with C-rich strand of human telomeric DNA 2pqu Crystal structure of KH1 domain of human PCBP2 complexed to single-stranded 12-mer telomeric dna 2py9 Protein-RNA Interaction involving KH1 domain from Human Poly(C)-Binding Protein-2 2qnd Crystal Structure of the KH1-KH2 domains from human Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein 2uu9 Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a Valine-ASL with cmo5U in position 34 bound to an mRNA with a GUG-codon in the A-site and paromomycin. 2uua Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a Valine-ASL with cmo5U in position 34 bound to an mRNA with a GUC-codon in the A-site and paromomycin. 2uub Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a Valine-ASL with cmo5U in position 34 bound to an mRNA with a GUU-codon in the A-site and paromomycin. 2uuc Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a Valine-ASL with cmo5U in position 34 bound to an mRNA with a GUA-codon in the A-site and paromomycin. 2uxb Crystal structure of an extended tRNA anticodon stem loop in complex with its cognate mRNA GGGU in the context of the Thermus thermophilus 30S subunit. 2uxc Crystal structure of an extended tRNA anticodon stem loop in complex with its cognate mRNA UCGU in the context of the Thermus thermophilus 30S subunit. 2uxd Crystal structure of an extended tRNA anticodon stem loop in complex with its cognate mRNA CGGG in the context of the Thermus thermophilus 30S subunit. 2vqe Modified uridines with C5-methylene substituents at the first position of the tRNA anticodon stabilize U-G wobble pairing during decoding 2vqf Modified uridines with C5-methylene substituents at the first position of the tRNA anticodon stabilize U-G wobble pairing during decoding 2xr1 DIMERIC ARCHAEAL CLEAVAGE AND POLYADENYLATION SPECIFICITY FACTOR WITH N-TERMINAL KH DOMAINS (KH-CPSF) FROM METHANOSARCINA MAZEI 2ycb Structure of the archaeal beta-CASP protein with N-terminal KH domains from Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus 2ykr 30S ribosomal subunit with RsgA bound in the presence of GMPPNP 2z0s Crystal structure of putative exosome complex RNA-binding protein 2zm6 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit 3aev Crystal structure of a/eIF2alpha-aDim2p-rRNA complex from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 3af5 The crystal structure of an archaeal CPSF subunit, PH1404 from Pyrococcus horikoshii 3af6 The crystal structure of an archaeal CPSF subunit, PH1404 from Pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with RNA-analog 3cdi Crystal structure of E. coli PNPase 3gku Crystal structure of a probable RNA-binding protein from Clostridium symbiosum ATCC 14940 3j6x 3J6X 3j6y 3J6Y 3j77 3J77 3j78 3J78 3j7a 3J7A 3j7p 3J7P 3j7r 3J7R 3j80 3J80 3j81 3J81 3j9w 3J9W 3j9y 3J9Y 3j9z 3J9Z 3ja1 3JA1 3jag 3JAG 3jah 3JAH 3jai 3JAI 3jaj 3JAJ 3jam 3JAM 3jan 3JAN 3jap 3JAP 3jaq 3JAQ 3jbn 3JBN 3jbo 3JBO 3jbp 3JBP 3jbu 3JBU 3jbv 3JBV 3jcd 3JCD 3jce 3JCE 3jcj 3JCJ 3jcn 3JCN 3krm Imp1 kh34 3l7z Crystal structure of the S. solfataricus archaeal exosome 3oto Crystal Structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit from a KsgA mutant of Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 3t1h Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a human anti-codon stem loop (HASL) of transfer RNA lysine 3 (tRNALys3) bound to an mRNA with an AAA-codon in the A-site and Paromomycin 3t1y Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a human anti-codon stem loop (HASL) of transfer RNA Lysine 3 (TRNALYS3) bound to an mRNA with an AAG-codon in the A-site and paromomycin 3u1k Crystal structure of human PNPase 3vke Contribution of the first K-homology domain of poly(C)-binding protein 1 to its affinity and specificity for C-rich oligonucleotides 4a2i Cryo-electron Microscopy Structure of the 30S Subunit in Complex with the YjeQ Biogenesis Factor 4adv Structure of the E. coli methyltransferase KsgA bound to the E. coli 30S ribosomal subunit 4aid Crystal structure of C. crescentus PNPase bound to RNase E recognition peptide 4aim Crystal structure of C. crescentus PNPase bound to RNase E recognition peptide 4am3 Crystal structure of C. crescentus PNPase bound to RNA 4aqy Structure of ribsome-apramycin complexes 4b3m Crystal structure of the 30S ribosome in complex with compound 1 4b3r Crystal structure of the 30S ribosome in complex with compound 30 4b3s Crystal structure of the 30S ribosome in complex with compound 37 4b3t Crystal structure of the 30S ribosome in complex with compound 39 4b8t RNA BINDING PROTEIN Solution structure of the third KH domain of KSRP in complex with the G-rich target sequence. 4ba1 Archaeal exosome (Rrp4-Rrp41(D182A)-Rrp42) bound to inorganic phosphate 4ba2 Archaeal exosome (Rrp4-Rrp41(D182A)-Rrp42) bound to inorganic phosphate 4bsz Crystal Structure of the Yeast Ribosomal Protein Rps3 in Complex with its Chaperone Yar1 4d5l 4D5L 4d61 4D61 4dr1 Crystal structure of the apo 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 4dr2 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 30S ribosomal subunit with multiple copies of paromomycin molecules bound 4dr3 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 30S ribosomal subunit with streptomycin bound 4dr4 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 30S ribosomal subunit with codon, cognate transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop and multiple copies of paromomycin molecules bound 4dr5 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 30S ribosomal subunit with codon, crystallographically disordered cognate transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop and streptomycin bound 4dr6 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 30S ribosomal subunit with codon, near-cognate transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the first codon position and streptomycin bound 4dr7 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 30S ribosomal subunit with codon, crystallographically disordered near-cognate transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the second codon position, and streptomycin bound 4duy Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, U13C 4duz Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, U13C, bound with streptomycin 4dv0 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, U20G 4dv1 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, U20G, bound with streptomycin 4dv2 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, C912A 4dv3 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, C912A, bound with streptomycin 4dv4 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, A914G 4dv5 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, A914G, bound with streptomycin 4dv6 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, A915G 4dv7 Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit with a 16S rRNA mutation, A915G, bound with streptomycin 4gkj Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a human mitochondrial anticodon stem loop (ASL) of transfer RNA Methionine (TRNAMET) bound to an mRNA with an AUG-codon in the A-site and paromomycin. 4gkk Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a human mitochondrial anticodon stem loop (ASL) of transfer RNA Methionine (TRNAMET) bound to an mRNA with an AUA-codon in the A-site and paromomycin 4ji0 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji1 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji2 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji3 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji4 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji5 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji6 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji7 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4ji8 Crystal Structure of 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus 4jv5 Crystal structures of pseudouridinilated stop codons with ASLs 4jvh Structure of the star domain of quaking protein in complex with RNA 4jvy Structure of the STAR (signal transduction and activation of RNA) domain of GLD-1 bound to RNA 4jya Crystal structures of pseudouridinilated stop codons with ASLs 4k0k Crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit complexed with a serine-ASL and mRNA containing a stop codon 4khp Structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit in complex with de-6-MSA-pactamycin 4kvb 4KVB 4kzx Rabbit 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with eIF1. 4kzy Rabbit 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with eIF1 and eIF1A. 4kzz Rabbit 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with mRNA, initiator tRNA and eIF1A 4l47 4L47 4l71 4L71 4lel 4LEL 4lf4 4LF4 4lf5 4LF5 4lf6 4LF6 4lf7 4LF7 4lf8 4LF8 4lf9 4LF9 4lfa 4LFA 4lfb 4LFB 4lfc 4LFC 4lfz 4LFZ 4lij Crystal structure of a far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 1 (FUBP1) from Homo sapiens at 1.95 A resolution 4lnt 4LNT 4lsk 4LSK 4lt8 4LT8 4mtn Crystal structure of transcription termination factor NusA from Planctomyces limnophilus DSM 3776 4nbq 4NBQ 4nxm Crystal Structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit from a GidB (RsmG) mutant of Thermus thermophilus (HB8) 4nxn Crystal Structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit from a GidB (RsmG) mutant of Thermus thermophilus (HB8), bound with streptomycin 4ox9 Crystal structure of the aminoglycoside resistance methyltransferase NpmA bound to the 30S ribosomal subunit 4p6f 4P6F 4p70 4P70 4qmf 4QMF 4tua 4TUA 4tub 4TUB 4tuc 4TUC 4tud 4TUD 4tue 4TUE 4u1u 4U1U 4u1v 4U1V 4u20 4U20 4u24 4U24 4u25 4U25 4u26 4U26 4u27 4U27 4u3m 4U3M 4u3n 4U3N 4u3u 4U3U 4u4n 4U4N 4u4o 4U4O 4u4q 4U4Q 4u4r 4U4R 4u4u 4U4U 4u4y 4U4Y 4u4z 4U4Z 4u50 4U50 4u51 4U51 4u52 4U52 4u53 4U53 4u55 4U55 4u56 4U56 4u6f 4U6F 4uer 4UER 4ug0 4UG0 4ujc 4UJC 4ujd 4UJD 4uje 4UJE 4v3p 4V3P 4v42 4V42 4v47 4V47 4v48 4V48 4v49 4V49 4v4a 4V4A 4v4b 4V4B 4v4g 4V4G 4v4h 4V4H 4v4i 4V4I 4v4j 4V4J 4v4n 4V4N 4v4p 4V4P 4v4q 4V4Q 4v4r 4V4R 4v4s 4V4S 4v4t 4V4T 4v4v 4V4V 4v4w 4V4W 4v4x 4V4X 4v4y 4V4Y 4v4z 4V4Z 4v50 4V50 4v51 4V51 4v52 4V52 4v53 4V53 4v54 4V54 4v55 4V55 4v56 4V56 4v57 4V57 4v5a 4V5A 4v5b 4V5B 4v5c 4V5C 4v5d 4V5D 4v5e 4V5E 4v5f 4V5F 4v5g 4V5G 4v5h 4V5H 4v5j 4V5J 4v5k 4V5K 4v5l 4V5L 4v5m 4V5M 4v5n 4V5N 4v5p 4V5P 4v5q 4V5Q 4v5r 4V5R 4v5s 4V5S 4v5y 4V5Y 4v5z 4V5Z 4v63 4V63 4v64 4V64 4v65 4V65 4v66 4V66 4v67 4V67 4v68 4V68 4v69 4V69 4v6a 4V6A 4v6c 4V6C 4v6d 4V6D 4v6e 4V6E 4v6f 4V6F 4v6g 4V6G 4v6i 4V6I 4v6k 4V6K 4v6l 4V6L 4v6m 4V6M 4v6n 4V6N 4v6o 4V6O 4v6p 4V6P 4v6q 4V6Q 4v6r 4V6R 4v6s 4V6S 4v6t 4V6T 4v6u 4V6U 4v6v 4V6V 4v6w 4V6W 4v6x 4V6X 4v6y 4V6Y 4v6z 4V6Z 4v70 4V70 4v71 4V71 4v72 4V72 4v73 4V73 4v74 4V74 4v75 4V75 4v76 4V76 4v77 4V77 4v78 4V78 4v79 4V79 4v7a 4V7A 4v7b 4V7B 4v7c 4V7C 4v7d 4V7D 4v7e 4V7E 4v7h 4V7H 4v7i 4V7I 4v7j 4V7J 4v7k 4V7K 4v7l 4V7L 4v7m 4V7M 4v7p 4V7P 4v7r 4V7R 4v7s 4V7S 4v7t 4V7T 4v7u 4V7U 4v7v 4V7V 4v7w 4V7W 4v7x 4V7X 4v7y 4V7Y 4v7z 4V7Z 4v83 4V83 4v84 4V84 4v85 4V85 4v87 4V87 4v88 4V88 4v89 4V89 4v8a 4V8A 4v8b 4V8B 4v8c 4V8C 4v8d 4V8D 4v8e 4V8E 4v8f 4V8F 4v8g 4V8G 4v8h 4V8H 4v8i 4V8I 4v8j 4V8J 4v8n 4V8N 4v8o 4V8O 4v8q 4V8Q 4v8u 4V8U 4v8x 4V8X 4v8y 4V8Y 4v8z 4V8Z 4v90 4V90 4v92 4V92 4v95 4V95 4v97 4V97 4v9a 4V9A 4v9b 4V9B 4v9c 4V9C 4v9d 4V9D 4v9h 4V9H 4v9i 4V9I 4v9j 4V9J 4v9k 4V9K 4v9l 4V9L 4v9m 4V9M 4v9n 4V9N 4v9o 4V9O 4v9p 4V9P 4v9q 4V9Q 4v9r 4V9R 4v9s 4V9S 4w29 4W29 4w2e 4W2E 4w2f 4W2F 4w2g 4W2G 4w2h 4W2H 4w2i 4W2I 4w4g 4W4G 4wal 4WAL 4wan 4WAN 4wf1 4WF1 4woi 4WOI 4wpo 4WPO 4wq1 4WQ1 4wqf 4WQF 4wqr 4WQR 4wqu 4WQU 4wqy 4WQY 4wr6 4WR6 4wra 4WRA 4wro 4WRO 4wsd 4WSD 4wsm 4WSM 4wt1 4WT1 4wt8 4WT8 4wu1 4WU1 4www 4WWW 4wzd 4WZD 4wzo 4WZO 4x62 4X62 4x64 4X64 4x65 4X65 4x66 4X66 4xej 4XEJ 4y4o 4Y4O 4y4p 4Y4P 4ybb 4YBB 4yhh 4YHH 4ypb 4YPB 4yy3 4YY3 4yzv 4YZV 4z3s 4Z3S 4z8c 4Z8C 4zer 4ZER 4zsn 4ZSN 5a2q 5A2Q 5a9z 5A9Z 5aa0 5AA0 5afi 5AFI 5aj0 5AJ0 5br8 5BR8 5czp 5CZP 5d8b 5D8B 5dat 5DAT 5dc3 5DC3 5dfe 5DFE 5dox 5DOX 5doy 5DOY 5e7k 5E7K 5e81 5E81 5el3 5EL3 5el4 5EL4 5el5 5EL5 5el6 5EL6 5el7 5EL7 5elr 5ELR 5els 5ELS 5elt 5ELT 5emo 5EMO 5f8k 5F8K 5fci 5FCI 5fcj 5FCJ 5fdu 5FDU 5fdv 5FDV 5flx 5FLX 5hau 5HAU 5hcp 5HCP 5hcq 5HCQ 5hcr 5HCR 5hd1 5HD1 5i4l 5I4L 5ib7 5IB7 5ib8 5IB8 5ibb 5IBB 5imq 5IMQ 5imr 5IMR 5iqr 5IQR 5it7 5IT7 5it8 5IT8 5it9 5IT9 5iwa 5IWA 5j30 5J30 5j3c 5J3C 5j4b 5J4B 5j4c 5J4C 5j4d 5J4D 5j5b 5J5B 5j7l 5J7L 5j88 5J88 5j8a 5J8A 5j8b 5J8B 5j91 5J91 5jb3 5JB3 5jc9 5JC9 5jpq 5JPQ 5jte 5JTE 5ju8 5JU8 5juo 5JUO 5jup 5JUP 5jus 5JUS 5jut 5JUT 5juu 5JUU 5k0y 5K0Y 5kcr 5KCR 5kcs 5KCS 5kps 5KPS 5kpv 5KPV 5kpw 5KPW 5kpx 5KPX 5l3p 5L3P 5lmn 5LMN 5lmo 5LMO 5lmp 5LMP 5lmq 5LMQ 5lmr 5LMR 5lms 5LMS 5lmt 5LMT 5lmu 5LMU 5lmv 5LMV 5lyb 5LYB 5lza 5LZA 5lzb 5LZB 5lzc 5LZC 5lzd 5LZD 5lze 5LZE 5lzf 5LZF 5lzs 5LZS 5lzt 5LZT 5lzu 5LZU 5lzv 5LZV 5lzw 5LZW 5lzx 5LZX 5lzy 5LZY 5lzz 5LZZ 5tga 5TGA - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)