HOLILigand binding domain of hormone receptors |
SMART accession number: | SM00430 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR000536): | Nuclear receptors (NRs), such as the receptors for steroids and thyroid hormones, retinoids and vitamin D3, are one of the most abundant classes of transcriptional regulators in animals (metazoans). They regulate diverse functions, such as homeostasis, reproduction, development and metabolism. The most prominent feature differentiating them from other transcription factors is their capacity to bind small hydrophobic molecules specifically. These ligands constitute regulatory signals, which modify the NR transcriptional activity through conformational changes. Prototypical NRs share a common structural organisation with a variable N-terminal domain that contains a constitutively active activation function (AF)-1, a conserved DNA- binding domain (DBD) consisting of two zinc fingers, a linker region, and a C-terminal ligand-binding domain (LBD), also called HOLI domain [ (PUBMED:12538758) (PUBMED:15105832) (PUBMED:24844133) ]. The NR LBD plays a crucial role in ligand-mediated NR activity. In addition to its role is ligand recognition, the LBD also contains a ligand-dependent AF-2. Conformational changes in AF-2 induced by various ligands can modulate interactions with conserved motifs of coregulatory proteins. Specifically, the binding of ligands to the LBD determines the recruiting of transcriptional coregulators which triggers induction or repression of target genes. The coregulators include coactivators like the p160 factors also referred to as the steroid receptor coactivators (SRC) family, and corepressors such as SMART (silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors) and N-CoR (nuclear corepressor) [ (PUBMED:24361687) (PUBMED:11050318) (PUBMED:9640540) (PUBMED:20723571) ]. The overall structure of NR LBD is composed of about 11-13 alpha-helices that are arranged into a three-layer antiparallel alpha-helical sandwich with the three long helices (helices 3, 7, and 10) forming the two outer layers. The middle layer of helices (helices 4, 5, 8 and 9) is present only in the top half of the domain but is missing from the bottom half, thereby creating a cavity, so called ligand-binding pocket, for ligand binding in most receptors. The bound ligands stabilize the NR conformation through direct contacts with multiple structural elements including helices H3, H5, H6, H7, H10, and the loop proceeding the AF-2 helix. The C-terminal activation region also forms an alpha-helix (AF-2), which can adopt multiple conformation depending on the nature of the bound ligand. Helices 3,4 and 12 enclose a shallow hydrophobic groove which is the site for coregulator binding. Despite the conserved fold of NR LBDs, the ligand-binding pocket is the least conserved region among different NR LBDs [ (PUBMED:11050318) (PUBMED:9640540) (PUBMED:20723571) ]. |
Family alignment: |
There are 28310 HOLI domains in 28124 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing HOLI domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with HOLI domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing HOLI domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: hormones
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Gronemeyer H, Laudet V
- Transcription factors 3: nuclear receptors.
- Protein Profile. 1995; 2: 1173-308
- Evans RM
- The steroid and thyroid hormone receptor superfamily.
- Science. 1988; 240: 889-95
- Display abstract
Analyses of steroid receptors are important for understanding molecular details of transcriptional control, as well as providing insight as to how an individual transacting factor contributes to cell identity and function. These studies have led to the identification of a superfamily of regulatory proteins that include receptors for thyroid hormone and the vertebrate morphogen retinoic acid. Although animals employ complex and often distinct ways to control their physiology and development, the discovery of receptor-related molecules in a wide range of species suggests that mechanisms underlying morphogenesis and homeostasis may be more ubiquitous than previously expected.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the HOLI domain.
Protein Disease Androgen receptor (P10275) (SMART) OMIM:313700: Androgen insensitivity, several forms ; Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy of Kennedy
OMIM:313200: Prostate cancer ; Perineal hypospadias ; Breast cancer, male, with Reifenstein syndromeEstrogen receptor (P03372) (SMART) OMIM:133430: Breast cancer ; Estrogen resistance UNKNOWN (SMART) OMIM:300200: Adrenal hypoplasia, congenital, with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism ; Dosage-sensitive sex reversal
OMIM:300018:Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha (P41235) (SMART) OMIM:600281: MODY, type 1
OMIM:125850: {Diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent}
OMIM:125853:Vitamin D3 receptor (P11473) (SMART) OMIM:601769: Rickets, vitamin D-resistant
OMIM:277440: ?Osteoporosis, involutionalPhotoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (Q9Y5X4) (SMART) OMIM:604485: Enhanced S-cone syndrome
OMIM:268100: Retinitis pigmentosa, late onset
OMIM:268000:Glucocorticoid receptor (P04150) (SMART) OMIM:138040: Cortisol resistance Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (P37231) (SMART) OMIM:601487: Obesity, severe
OMIM:601665: [Obesity, protection against] ; Diabetes mellitus, insulin-resistant, with acanthosis nigricans and hypertension
OMIM:604367:UNKNOWN (SMART) OMIM:190160: Thyroid hormone resistance
OMIM:188570: - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 20.21 map03320 PPAR signaling pathway 11.70 map04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 11.35 map05216 Thyroid cancer 10.99 map05222 Small cell lung cancer 10.99 map05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 8.87 map04950 Maturity onset diabetes of the young 8.16 map04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 4.96 map05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 3.19 map04310 Wnt signaling pathway 2.84 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2.84 map05215 Prostate cancer 2.48 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 1.42 map04710 Circadian rhythm This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with HOLI domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing HOLI domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of HOLI domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a28 HORMONE-BOUND HUMAN PROGESTERONE RECEPTOR LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN 1a52 ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEXED TO ESTRADIOL 1bsx STRUCTURE AND SPECIFICITY OF NUCLEAR RECEPTOR-COACTIVATOR INTERACTIONS 1db1 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEAR RECEPTOR FOR VITAMIN D COMPLEXED TO VITAMIN D 1dkf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HETERODIMERIC COMPLEX OF RAR AND RXR LIGAND-BINDING DOMAINS 1e3g human Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding in complex with the ligand metribolone (R1881) 1e3k human Progesteron Receptor Ligand Binding Domain in complex with the ligand metribolone (R1881) 1ere HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH 17BETA-ESTRADIOL 1err HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH RALOXIFENE 1exa ENANTIOMER DISCRIMINATION ILLUSTRATED BY CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR HRARGAMMA LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN: THE COMPLEX WITH THE ACTIVE R-ENANTIOMER BMS270394. 1exx ENANTIOMER DISCRIMINATION ILLUSTRATED BY CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR HRARGAMMA LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN: THE COMPLEX WITH THE INACTIVE S-ENANTIOMER BMS270395. 1fby CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN RXR ALPHA LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN BOUND TO 9-CIS RETINOIC ACID 1fcx ISOTYPE SELECTIVITY OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID NUCLEAR RECEPTOR HRAR: THE COMPLEX WITH THE RARGAMMA-SELECTIVE RETINOID BMS184394 1fcy ISOTYPE SELECTIVITY OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID NUCLEAR RECEPTOR HRAR: THE COMPLEX WITH THE RARBETA/GAMMA-SELECTIVE RETINOID CD564 1fcz ISOTYPE SELECTIVITY OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID NUCLEAR RECEPTOR HRAR: THE COMPLEX WITH THE PANAGONIST RETINOID BMS181156 1fd0 ISOTYPE SELECTIVITY OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID NUCLEAR RECEPTOR HRAR: THE COMPLEX WITH THE RARGAMMA-SELECTIVE RETINOID SR11254 1fm6 THE 2.1 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HETERODIMER OF THE HUMAN RXRALPHA AND PPARGAMMA LIGAND BINDING DOMAINS RESPECTIVELY BOUND WITH 9-CIS RETINOIC ACID AND ROSIGLITAZONE AND CO-ACTIVATOR PEPTIDES. 1fm9 THE 2.1 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HETERODIMER OF THE HUMAN RXRALPHA AND PPARGAMMA LIGAND BINDING DOMAINS RESPECTIVELY BOUND WITH 9-CIS RETINOIC ACID AND GI262570 AND CO-ACTIVATOR PEPTIDES. 1g1u THE 2.5 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RXRALPHA LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN IN TETRAMER IN THE ABSENCE OF LIGAND 1g2n CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN OF THE ULTRASPIRACLE PROTEIN USP, THE ORTHOLOG OF RXRS IN INSECTS 1g50 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A WILD TYPE HER ALPHA LBD AT 2.9 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION 1g5y THE 2.0 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RXRALPHA LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN TETRAMER IN THE PRESENCE OF A NON-ACTIVATING RETINOIC ACID ISOMER. 1gs4 Structural basis for the glucocorticoid response in a mutant human androgen receptor (ARccr) derived from an androgen-independent prostate cancer 1gwq HUMAN OESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH RALOXIFENE CORE AND TIF2 NRBOX2 PEPTIDE 1gwr HUMAN OESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH 17BETA-OESTRADIOL AND TIF2 NRBOX3 PEPTIDE 1gwx MOLECULAR RECOGNITION OF FATTY ACIDS BY PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTORS 1h9u The structure of the human retinoid-X-receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with the specific synthetic agonist LG100268 1hg4 Ultraspiracle ligand binding domain from Drosophila melanogaster 1hj1 RAT OESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH PURE ANTIOESTROGEN ICI164,384 1i37 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RAT ANDROGEN RECEPTOR LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEX WITH DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE 1i38 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RAT ANDROGEN RECEPTOR LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN T877A MUTANT COMPLEX WITH DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE 1i7g CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN FROM HUMAN PPAR-ALPHA IN COMPLEX WITH THE AGONIST AZ 242 1i7i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN OF HUMAN PPAR-GAMMA IN COMPLEX WITH THE AGONIST AZ 242 1ie8 Crystal Structure Of The Nuclear Receptor For Vitamin D Ligand Binding Domain Bound to KH1060 1ie9 Crystal Structure Of The Nuclear Receptor For Vitamin D Ligand Binding Domain Bound to MC1288 1ilg Crystal Structure of Apo Human Pregnane X Receptor Ligand Binding Domain 1ilh Crystal Structure of Human Pregnane X Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Bound to SR12813 1k4w X-ray structure of the orphan nuclear receptor ROR beta ligand-binding domain in the active conformation 1k74 The 2.3 Angstrom resolution crystal structure of the heterodimer of the human PPARgamma and RXRalpha ligand binding domains respectively bound with GW409544 and 9-cis retinoic acid and co-activator peptides. 1k7l The 2.5 Angstrom resolution crystal structure of the human PPARalpha ligand binding domain bound with GW409544 and a co-activator peptide. 1kkq Crystal structure of the human PPAR-alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with an antagonist GW6471 and a SMRT corepressor motif 1knu LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR ACTIVATED RECEPTOR GAMMA IN COMPLEX WITH A SYNTHETIC AGONIST 1kv6 X-ray structure of the orphan nuclear receptor ERR3 ligand-binding domain in the constitutively active conformation 1l2i Human Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with (R,R)-5,11-cis-diethyl-5,6,11,12-tetrahydrochrysene-2,8-diol and a Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 NR box II Peptide 1l2j Human Estrogen Receptor beta Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with (R,R)-5,11-cis-diethyl-5,6,11,12-tetrahydrochrysene-2,8-diol 1lbd LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN NUCLEAR RECEPTOR RXR-ALPHA 1lv2 Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 is a Transcription Factor that Constitutively Binds Fatty Acids 1m13 Crystal Structure of the Human Pregane X Receptor Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Hyperforin, a Constituent of St. John's Wort 1m2z Crystal structure of a dimer complex of the human glucocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain bound to dexamethasone and a TIF2 coactivator motif 1m7w HNF4a ligand binding domain with bound fatty acid 1mv9 Crystal Structure of the human RXR alpha ligand binding domain bound to the eicosanoid DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) and a coactivator peptide 1mvc Crystal structure of the human RXR alpha ligand binding domain bound to the synthetic agonist compound BMS 649 and a coactivator peptide 1mzn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE at 1.9 ANGSTROEMS RESOLUTION OF THE HOMODIMER OF HUMAN RXR ALPHA LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN BOUND TO THE SYNTHETIC AGONIST COMPOUND BMS 649 AND A COACTIVATOR PEPTIDE 1n46 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN TR BETA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH A POTENT SUBTYPE-SELECTIVE THYROMIMETIC 1n4h Characterization of ligands for the orphan nuclear receptor RORbeta 1n83 Crystal Structure of the complex between the Orphan Nuclear Hormone Receptor ROR(alpha)-LBD and Cholesterol 1nav Thyroid Receptor Alpha in complex with an agonist selective for Thyroid Receptor Beta1 1nax Thyroid receptor beta1 in complex with a beta-selective ligand 1nde Estrogen Receptor beta with Selective Triazine Modulator 1nhz Crystal Structure of the Antagonist Form of Glucocorticoid Receptor 1nq0 TR Receptor Mutations Conferring Hormone Resistance and Reduced Corepressor Release Exhibit Decreased Stability in the Nterminal LBD 1nq1 TR Receptor Mutations Conferring Hormone Resistance and Reduced Corepressor Release Exhibit Decreased Stability in the Nterminal LBD 1nq2 Two RTH Mutants with Impaired Hormone Binding 1nq7 Characterization of ligands for the orphan nuclear receptor RORbeta 1nrl Crystal Structure of the human PXR-LBD in complex with an SRC-1 coactivator peptide and SR12813 1nuo Two RTH Mutants with Impaired Hormone Binding 1nyx Ligand binding domain of the human peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma in complex with an agonist 1osh A Chemical, Genetic, and Structural Analysis of the nuclear bile acid receptor FXR 1osv STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR BILE ACID BINDING AND ACTIVATION OF THE NUCLEAR RECEPTOR FXR 1ot7 Structural Basis for 3-deoxy-CDCA Binding and Activation of FXR 1ovl Crystal Structure of Nurr1 LBD 1p8d X-Ray Crystal Structure of LXR Ligand Binding Domain with 24(S),25-epoxycholesterol 1p93 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE AGONIST FORM OF GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR 1pcg Helix-stabilized cyclic peptides as selective inhibitors of steroid receptor-coactivator interactions 1pdu Ligand-binding domain of Drosophila orphan nuclear receptor DHR38 1pk5 Crystal structure of the orphan nuclear receptor LRH-1 1pq6 HUMAN LXR BETA HORMONE RECEPTOR / GW3965 COMPLEX 1pq9 HUMAN LXR BETA HORMONE RECEPTOR COMPLEXED WITH T0901317 COMPLEX 1pqc HUMAN LXR BETA HORMONE RECEPTOR COMPLEXED WITH T0901317 1prg LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR ACTIVATED RECEPTOR GAMMA 1pzl Crystal structure of HNF4a LBD in complex with the ligand and the coactivator SRC-1 peptide 1q4x Crystal Structure of Human Thyroid Hormone Receptor beta LBD in complex with specific agonist GC-24 1qkm HUMAN OESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH PARTIAL AGONIST GENISTEIN 1qkn RAT OESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH ANTAGONIST RALOXIFENE 1qkt MUTANT ESTROGEN NUCLEAR RECEPTOR LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH ESTRADIOL 1qku WILD TYPE ESTROGEN NUCLEAR RECEPTOR LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH ESTRADIOL 1r1k Crystal structure of the ligand-binding domains of the heterodimer EcR/USP bound to ponasterone A 1r20 Crystal structure of the ligand-binding domains of the heterodimer EcR/USP bound to the synthetic agonist BYI06830 1r5k Human Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-Binding Domain In Complex With GW5638 1r6g Crystal structure of the thyroid hormone receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with a beta selective compound 1rdt Crystal Structure of a new rexinoid bound to the RXRalpha ligand binding doamin in the RXRalpha/PPARgamma heterodimer 1rjk crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 2MD and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 1rk3 crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 1rkg crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 2MbisP and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 1rkh crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 2AM20R and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 1s0x Crystal structure of the human RORalpha ligand binding domain in complex with cholesterol sulfate at 2.2A 1s0z Crystal structure of the VDR LBD complexed to seocalcitol. 1s19 Crystal structure of VDR ligand binding domain complexed to calcipotriol. 1s9p crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen-related receptor gamma in complex with diethylstilbestrol 1s9q crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen-related receptor gamma in complex with 4-hydroxytamoxifen 1sj0 Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with the Antagonist Ligand 4-D 1skx Structural Disorder in the Complex of Human PXR and the Macrolide Antibiotic Rifampicin 1sqn Progesterone Receptor Ligand Binding Domain with bound Norethindrone 1sr7 Progesterone Receptor Hormone Binding Domain with Bound Mometasone Furoate 1t5z Crystal Structure of the Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (LBD) with DHT and a peptide derived from its physiological coactivator ARA70 1t63 Crystal Structure of the Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain with DHT and a peptide derived from its physiological coactivator GRIP1 NR box3 1t65 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain with DHT and a peptide derived form its physiological coactivator GRIP1 NR box 2 bound in a non-helical conformation 1t73 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a FxxFF motif 1t74 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a WxxLF motif 1t76 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a WxxVW motif 1t79 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a FxxLW motif 1t7f Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a LxxLL motif 1t7m Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a FxxYF motif 1t7r Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a FxxLF motif 1t7t Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with 5-alpha dihydrotestosterone 1tfc CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN OF THE ESTROGEN-RELATED RECEPTOR GAMMA IN COMPLEX WITH A STEROID RECEPTOR COACTIVATOR-1 PEPTIDE 1txi Crystal structure of the vdr ligand binding domain complexed to TX522 1u3q Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor beta complexed with CL-272 1u3r Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor beta complexed with WAY-338 1u3s Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor beta complexed with WAY-797 1u9e CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA COMPLEXED WITH WAY-397 1uhl Crystal structure of the LXRalfa-RXRbeta LBD heterodimer 1uom The Structure of Estrogen Receptor in Complex with a Selective and Potent Tetrahydroisochiolin Ligand. 1upv Crystal structure of the human Liver X receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist 1upw Crystal structure of the human Liver X receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist 1vjb crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen-related receptor gamma in complex with 4-hydroxytamoxifen 1wm0 PPARgamma in complex with a 2-BABA compound 1x76 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA COMPLEXED WITH WAY-697 1x78 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA COMPLEXED WITH WAY-244 1x7b CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA COMPLEXED WITH ERB-041 1x7e CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA COMPLEXED WITH WAY-244 1x7j CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA COMPLEXED WITH GENISTEIN 1x7r CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA COMPLEXED WITH GENISTEIN 1xap Structure of the ligand binding domain of the Retinoic Acid Receptor beta 1xb7 X-ray structure of ERRalpha LBD in complex with a PGC-1alpha peptide at 2.5A resolution 1xdk Crystal Structure of the RARbeta/RXRalpha Ligand Binding Domain Heterodimer in Complex with 9-cis Retinoic Acid and a Fragment of the TRAP220 Coactivator 1xiu Crystal structure of the agonist-bound ligand-binding domain of Biomphalaria glabrata RXR 1xj7 Complex Androgen Receptor LBD and RAC3 peptide 1xls Crystal structure of the mouse CAR/RXR LBD heterodimer bound to TCPOBOP and 9cRA and a TIF2 peptide containg the third LXXLL motifs 1xnn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RAT ANDROGEN RECEPTOR LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN T877A MUTANT COMPLEX WITH (3A-ALPHA-,4-ALPHA 7-ALPHA-,7A-ALPHA-)-3A,4,7,7A-TETRAHYDRO-2-(4-NITRO-1-NAPHTHALENYL)-4,7-ETHANO-1H-ISOINDOLE-1,3(2H)-DIONE. 1xnx Crystal structure of constitutive androstane receptor 1xow Crystal structure of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with an androgen receptor NH2-terminal peptide, AR20-30, and R1881 1xp1 HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH COMPOUND 15 1xp6 HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH COMPOUND 16 1xp9 HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH COMPOUND 18 1xpc HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH COMPOUND 19 1xq3 Crystal structure of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with R1881 1xqc X-ray structure of ERalpha LBD bound to a tetrahydroisoquinoline SERM ligand at 2.05A resolution 1xv9 crystal structure of CAR/RXR heterodimer bound with SRC1 peptide, fatty acid, and 5b-pregnane-3,20-dione. 1xvp crystal structure of CAR/RXR heterodimer bound with SRC1 peptide, fatty acid and CITCO 1xzx Thyroxine-Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactions 1y0s Crystal structure of PPAR delta complexed with GW2331 1y0x Thyroxine-Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactions 1y9r Crystal structure of the human mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain bound to deoxycorticosterone and harboring the S810L mutation responsible for a severe form of hypertension 1ya3 Crystal structure of the human mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain bound to progesterone and harboring the S810L mutation responsible for a severe form of hypertension 1yim Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with compound 4 1yin Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with compound 3F 1yje Crystal structure of the rNGFI-B ligand-binding domain 1ymt Mouse SF-1 LBD 1yok crystal structure of human LRH-1 bound with TIF-2 peptide and phosphatidylglycerol 1yow human Steroidogenic Factor 1 LBD with bound Co-factor Peptide 1yp0 Structure of the steroidogenic factor-1 ligand binding domain bound to phospholipid and a SHP peptide motif 1yuc Human Nuclear Receptor Liver Receptor Homologue-1, LRH-1, Bound to Phospholipid and a Fragment of Human SHP 1yy4 Crystal structure of estrogen receptor beta complexed with 1-chloro-6-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-naphthalen-2-ol 1yye Crystal structure of estrogen receptor beta complexed with way-202196 1z5x hemipteran ecdysone receptor ligand-binding domain complexed with ponasterone A 1z95 Crystal Structure of the Androgen Receptor Ligand-binding Domain W741L Mutant Complex with R-bicalutamide 1zaf Crystal structure of estrogen receptor beta complexed with 3-Bromo-6-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-inden-1-one 1zdt The Crystal Structure of Human Steroidogenic Factor-1 1zdu The Crystal Structure of Human Liver Receptor Homologue-1 1zeo Crystal Structure of Human PPAR-gamma Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with an Alpha-Aryloxyphenylacetic Acid Agonist 1zgy Structural and Biochemical Basis for Selective Repression of the Orphan Nuclear Receptor LRH-1 by SHP 1zh7 Structural and Biochemical Basis for Selective Repression of the Orphan Nuclear Receptor LRH-1 by SHP 1zky Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand-Binding Domain In Complex With OBCP-3M and A Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 Nr Box II Peptide 1zuc Progesterone receptor ligand binding domain in complex with the nonsteroidal agonist tanaproget 2a3i Structural and Biochemical Mechanisms for the Specificity of Hormone Binding and Coactivator Assembly by Mineralocorticoid Receptor 2aa2 Mineralocorticoid Receptor with Bound Aldosterone 2aa5 Mineralocorticoid Receptor with Bound Progesterone 2aa6 Mineralocorticoid Receptor S810L Mutant with Bound Progesterone 2aa7 Mineralocorticoid Receptor with Bound Deoxycorticosterone 2aax Mineralocorticoid Receptor Double Mutant with Bound Cortisone 2ab2 Mineralocorticoid Receptor Double Mutant with Bound Spironolactone 2abi Crystal structure of the human mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain bound to deoxycorticosterone 2acl Liver X-Receptor alpha Ligand Binding Domain with SB313987 2am9 Crystal structure of human androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with testosterone 2ama Crystal structure of human androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with dihydrotestosterone 2amb Crystal structure of human androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with tetrahydrogestrinone 2ao6 Crystal structure of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with TIF2(iii) 740-753 peptide and R1881 2ath Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human PPAR-gamma im complex with an agonist 2awh Human Nuclear Receptor-Ligand Complex 1 2ax6 Crystal Structure Of The Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain T877A Mutant In Complex With Hydroxyflutamide 2ax7 Crystal Structure Of The Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain T877A Mutant In Complex With S-1 2ax8 Crystal Structure Of The Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain W741L Mutant In Complex With S-1 2ax9 Crystal Structure Of The Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain In Complex With R-3 2axa Crystal Structure Of The Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain In Complex With S-1 2ayr A SERM Designed for the Treatment of Uterine Leiomyoma with Unique Tissue Specificity for Uterus and Ovaries in Rats 2b1v Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with OBCP-1M and a glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein 1 NR box II peptide 2b1z Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with 17methyl-17alpha-dihydroequilenin and a glucoc interacting protein 1 NR box II peptide 2b23 Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain and a glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 NR box II peptide 2b50 Human Nuclear Receptor-Ligand Complex 2 2baw Human Nuclear Receptor-Ligand Complex 1 2bj4 ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LBD IN COMPLEX WITH A PHAGE-DISPLAY DERIVED PEPTIDE ANTAGONIST 2e2r Crystal structure of human estrogen-related receptor gamma ligand binding domain complex with bisphenol A 2ewp Crystal structure of Estrogen Related Receptor-3 (ERR-gamma) ligand binding domaind with tamoxifen analog GSK5182 2f4b Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human PPAR-gamma in complex with an agonist 2fai Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand-Binding Domain In Complex With OBCP-2M and A Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 NR Box II Peptide 2fsz A second binding site for hydroxytamoxifen within the coactivator-binding groove of estrogen receptor beta 2fvj A novel anti-adipogenic partial agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARG) recruits pparg-coactivator-1 alpha (PGC1A) but potentiates insulin signaling in vitro 2g0g Structure-based drug design of a novel family of PPAR partial agonists: virtual screening, x-ray crystallography and in vitro/in vivo biological activities 2g0h Structure-based drug design of a novel family of PPAR partial agonists: virtual screening, x-ray crystallography and in vitro/in vivo biological activities 2g44 Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand-Binding Domain In Complex With OBCP-1M-G and A Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 NR Box II Peptide 2g5o Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with 2-(but-1-enyl)-17beta-estradiol and a glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein 1 NR BOX II Peptide 2giu Human estrogen receptor beta ligand-binding domain in complex with compound 45 2gl8 Human Retinoic acid receptor RXR-gamma ligand-binding domain 2gp7 Estrogen Related Receptor-gamma ligand binding domain 2gpo Estrogen Related Receptor-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with a synthetic peptide from RIP140 2gpp Estrogen Related Receptor-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with a RIP140 peptide and synthetic ligand GSK4716 2gpu Estrogen Related Receptor-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen 2gpv Estrogen Related Receptor-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen and a SMRT peptide 2gtk Structure-based Design of Indole Propionic Acids as Novel PPARag CO-Agonists 2gwx MOLECULAR RECOGNITION OF FATTY ACIDS BY PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTORS 2h77 Crystal structure of human TR alpha bound T3 in monoclinic space group 2h79 Crystal Structure of human TR alpha bound T3 in orthorhombic space group 2ham Crystal structure of VDR LBD complexed to 2alpha-propyl-calcitriol 2har Crystal structure of VDR LBD in complex with 2 alpha-(3-hydroxy-1-propoxy) calcitriol 2has Crystal structure of VDR LBD in complex with 2alpha-(1-propoxy) calcitriol 2hb7 Crystal structure of VDR LBD in complex with 2alpha(3-hydroxy-1-propyl) calcitriol 2hb8 Crystal structure of VDR LBD in complex with 2alpha-methyl calcitriol 2hbh Crystal structure of Vitamin D nuclear receptor ligand binding domain bound to a locked side-chain analog of calcitriol and SRC-1 peptide 2hc4 Crystal structure of the LBD of VDR of Danio rerio in complex with calcitriol 2hcd Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the Vitamin D nuclear receptor in complex with Gemini and a coactivator peptide 2hfp Crystal Structure of PPAR Gamma with N-sulfonyl-2-indole carboxamide ligands 2hvc The Crystal Structure of Ligand-binding Domain (LBD) of human Androgen Receptor in Complex with a selective modulator LGD2226 2hwq Structural basis for the structure-activity relationships of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor agonists 2hwr Structural basis for the structure-activity relationships of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor agonists 2i0g Benzopyrans are Selective Estrogen Receptor beta Agonists (SERBAs) with Novel Activity in Models of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 2i0j Benzopyrans are Selective Estrogen Receptor beta Agonists (SERBAs) with Novel Activity in Models of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 2i4j Crystal structure of the complex between PPARgamma and the agonist LT160 (ureidofibrate derivative) 2i4p Crystal structure of the complex between PPARgamma and the partial agonist LT127 (ureidofibrate derivative). Structure obtained from crystals of the apo-form soaked for 30 days. 2i4z Crystal structure of the complex between PPARgamma and the partial agonist LT127 (ureidofibrate derivative). This structure has been obtained from crystals soaked for 6 hours. 2ihq Crystal Structure of the Rat Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domian Complex with an N-Aryl-Hydroxybicyclohydantoin 2iog Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with compound 11F 2iok Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with compound 1D 2j14 3,4,5-Trisubstituted Isoxazoles as Novel PPARdelta Agonists: Part2 2j4a Human Thyroid hormone receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with KB131084 2j7x STRUCTURE OF ESTRADIOL-BOUND ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA LBD IN COMPLEX WITH LXXLL MOTIF FROM NCOA5 2j7y STRUCTURE OF 17-EPIESTRIOL-BOUND ESTROGEN RECEPTOR BETA LBD IN COMPLEX WITH LXXLL MOTIF FROM NCOA5 2jf9 ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LBD IN COMPLEX WITH A TAMOXIFEN-SPECIFIC PEPTIDE ANTAGONIST 2jfa ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LBD IN COMPLEX WITH AN AFFINITY-SELECTED COREPRESSOR PEPTIDE 2jj3 Estrogen receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with a Benzopyran agonist 2lbd LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR GAMMA BOUND TO ALL-TRANS RETINOIC ACID 2npa the crystal structure of the human PPARaplpha ligand binding domain in complex with a a-hydroxyimino phenylpropanoic acid 2nv7 Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor Beta Complexed with WAY-555 2nw4 Crystal Structure of the Rat Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Complex with BMS-564929 2nxx Crystal Structure of the Ligand-Binding Domains of the T.castaneum (Coleoptera) Heterodimer EcrUSP Bound to Ponasterone A 2o4j Crystal Structure of Rat Vitamin D Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with VitIII 17-20Z and the NR2 Box of DRIP 205 2o4r Crystal Structure of Rat Vitamin D Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with VitIII 17-20E and the NR2 Box of DRIP 205 2o9i Crystal Structure of the Human Pregnane X Receptor LBD in complex with an SRC-1 coactivator peptide and T0901317 2oax Crystal structure of the S810L mutant mineralocorticoid receptor associated with SC9420 2ocf Human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with estradiol and the E2#23 FN3 monobody 2om9 Ajulemic acid, a synthetic cannabinoid bound to PPAR gamma 2ouz Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor alpha-lasofoxifene complex 2ovh Progesterone Receptor with Bound Asoprisnil and a Peptide from the Co-Repressor SMRT 2ovm Progesterone Receptor with Bound Asoprisnil and a Peptide from the Co-Repressor NCoR 2oz7 Crystal structure of the human androgen receptor T877A mutant ligand-binding domain with cyproterone acetate 2p15 Crystal structure of the ER alpha ligand binding domain with the agonist ortho-trifluoromethylphenylvinyl estradiol 2p1t Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoid X receptor alpha in complex with 3-(2'-methoxy)-tetrahydronaphtyl cinnamic acid and a fragment of the coactivator TIF-2 2p1u Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoid X receptor alpha in complex with 3-(2'-ethoxy)-tetrahydronaphtyl cinnamic acid and a fragment of the coactivator TIF-2 2p1v Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoid X receptor alpha in complex with 3-(2'-propoxy)-tetrahydronaphtyl cinnamic acid and a fragment of the coactivator TIF-2 2p4y Crystal structure of human PPAR-gamma-ligand binding domain complexed with an indole-based modulator 2p54 a crystal structure of PPAR alpha bound with SRC1 peptide and GW735 2p7a Crystal Structure of Estrogen Related Receptor g in complex with 3-methyl phenol 2p7g X-ray Structure of Estrogen Related Receptor g in complex with Bisphenol A. 2p7z Estrogen Related Receptor Gamma in complex with 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen 2pin Thyroid receptor beta in complex with inhibitor 2pio Androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2pip Androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2piq androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2pir Androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2pit Androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2piu Androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2piv Androgen receptor with small molecule 2piw Androgen receptor with small molecule 2pix AR LBD with small molecule 2pjl Crystal Structure of Human Estrogen-Related Receptor alpha in Complex with a Synthetic Inverse Agonist reveals its Novel Molecular Mechanism 2pkl Androgen receptor LBD with small molecule 2pnu Crystal structure of human androgen receptor ligand-binding domain in complex with EM-5744 2pob PPARgamma Ligand binding domain complexed with a farglitazar analogue gw4709 2pog Benzopyrans as Selective Estrogen Receptor b Agonists (SERBAs). Part 2: Structure Activity Relationship Studies on the Benzopyran Scaffold. 2prg LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR ACTIVATED RECEPTOR GAMMA 2q1h Ancestral Corticoid Receptor in Complex with Aldosterone 2q1v Ancestral corticoid receptor in complex with cortisol 2q3y Ancestral Corticiod Receptor in Complex with DOC 2q59 Crystal Structure of PPARgamma LBD bound to full agonist MRL20 2q5g Ligand binding domain of PPAR delta receptor in complex with a partial agonist 2q5p Crystal Structure of PPARgamma bound to partial agonist MRL24 2q5s Crystal Structure of PPARgamma bound to partial agonist nTZDpa 2q60 Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of polyandrocarpa misakiensis rxr in tetramer in absence of ligand 2q61 Crystal Structure of PPARgamma ligand binding domain bound to partial agonist SR145 2q6j Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor alpha Complexed to a B-N Substituted Ligand 2q6r Crystal structure of PPAR gamma complexed with partial agonist SF147 2q6s 2.4 angstrom crystal structure of PPAR gamma complexed to BVT.13 without co-activator peptides 2q70 Estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complxed to a benzopyran ligand 2q7i The Wild Type Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Bound with Testosterone and an AR 20-30 Peptide 2q7j The Wild Type Androgen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Bound with Testosterone and a TIF2 box 3 Coactivator Peptide 740-753 2q7k The Androgen Receptor Prostate Cancer Mutant H874Y Ligand Binding Domain Bound with Testosterone and an AR 20-30 Peptide 2q7l The Androgen Receptor Prostate Cancer Mutant H874Y Ligand Binding Domain Bound with Testosterone and a TIF2 box3 Coactivator Peptide 740-753 2q8s X-ray Crystal structure of the nuclear hormone receptor PPAR-gamma in a complex with a PPAR gamma/alpha dual agonist 2qa6 Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor Alpha mutant 537S Complexed with 4-(6-hydroxy-1H-indazol-3-yl)benzene-1,3-diol 2qa8 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Mutant 537S Complexed with Genistein 2qab Crystal Structure of Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Mutant 537S Complexed with an Ethyl Indazole Compound 2qe4 Estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with a benzopyran agonist 2qgt Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed to an Ether Estradiol Compound 2qgw Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with a Chloro-Indazole Compound 2qh6 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with an Oxabicyclic diarylethylene Compound 2qmv High Resolution Structure of Peroxisone Proliferation-Activated Receptor gamma and Characterisation of its Interaction with the Co-activator Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 2 2qnv Crystal Structure of the Pregnane X Receptor bound to Colupulone 2qpy AR LBD with small molecule 2qr9 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with an Oxabicyclic Derivative Compound 2qse Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain complexed with Burned Meat Compound 4-OH-PhIP 2qtu Estrogen receptor beta ligand-binding domain complexed to a benzopyran ligand 2qw4 Human NR4A1 ligand-binding domain 2qxm Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed to Burned Meat Compound PhIP 2qxs Crystal Structure of Antagonizing Mutant 536S of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed to Raloxifene 2qzo Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with WAY-169916 2r40 Crystal structure of 20E bound EcR/USP 2r6w Estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complexed to a SERM 2r6y Estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with a SERM 2rew Crystal Structure of PPARalpha ligand binding domain with BMS-631707 2v0v Crystal Structure of Rev-Erb beta 2v7c Crystal Structure of Rev-Erb beta 2vsr hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with 9-(S)-HODE 2vst hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with 13-(S)-HODE 2vv0 hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with DHA 2vv1 hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with 4-HDHA 2vv2 hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with 5-HEPA 2vv3 hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with 4-oxoDHA 2vv4 hPPARgamma Ligand binding domain in complex with 6-oxoOTE 2w8y RU486 bound to the progesterone receptor in a destabilized agonistic conformation 2xhs Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of Fushi tarazu factor 1 of Drosophila melanogaster. 2xkw LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN OF HUMAN PPAR-GAMMA IN COMPLEX WITH THE AGONIST PIOGLITAZONE 2xyj Novel Sulfonylthiadiazoles with an Unusual Binding Mode as Partial Dual Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) gamma-delta Agonists with High Potency and In-vivo Efficacy 2xyw Novel Sulfonylthiadiazoles with an Unusual Binding Mode as Partial Dual Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) gamma-delta Agonists with High Potency and In-vivo Efficacy 2xyx Novel Sulfonylthiadiazoles with an Unusual Binding Mode as Partial Dual Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) gamma-delta Agonists with High Potency and In-vivo Efficacy 2yat Crystal structure of estradiol derived metal chelate and estrogen receptor-ligand binding domain complex 2yfe Ligand binding domain of human PPAR gamma in complex with amorfrutin 1 2yhd Human androgen receptor in complex with AF2 small molecule inhibitor 2yja Stapled Peptides binding to Estrogen Receptor alpha. 2yjd Stapled peptide bound to Estrogen Receptor Beta 2ylo TARGETING THE BINDING FUNCTION 3 SITE OF THE ANDROGEN RECEPTOR THROUGH IN SILICO MOLECULAR MODELING 2ylp TARGETING THE BINDING FUNCTION 3 SITE OF THE ANDROGEN RECEPTOR THROUGH IN SILICO MOLECULAR MODELING 2ylq TARGETING THE BINDING FUNCTION 3 SITE OF THE ANDROGEN RECEPTOR THROUGH IN SILICO MOLECULAR MODELING 2yly Sulfonamides as selective Estrogen Receptor beta Agonists. 2z4b Estrogen receptor beta ligand-binding domain complexed to a benzopyran ligand 2z4j Crystal structure of AR LBD with SHP peptide NR Box 2 2zas Crystal structure of human estrogen-related receptor gamma ligand binding domain complex with 4-alpha-cumylphenol, a bisphenol A derivative 2zbs Crystal structure of human estrogen-related receptor gamma ligand binding domain apo form 2zfx Crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with YR301 and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 2zk0 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain 2zk1 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 2zk2 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with glutathion conjugated 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 2zk3 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 8-oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid 2zk4 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 15-oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid 2zk5 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with nitro-233 2zk6 Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with C8-BODIPY 2zkc Crystal structure of human estrogen-related receptor gamma ligand binding domain complex with bisphenol Z 2zl9 2-Substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27-dimethyl-19-norvitamin D3 analogs: Synthesis, biological evaluation and crystal structure 2zla 2-Substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27-dimethyl-19-norvitamin D3 analogs: Synthesis, biological evaluation and crystal structure 2zlc 2-Substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27-dimethyl-19-norvitamin D3 analogs: Synthesis, biological evaluation and crystal structure 2zmh Crystal Structure of Rat Vitamin D Receptor Bound to Adamantyl Vitamin D Analogs: Structural Basis for Vitamin D Receptor Antagonism and/or Partial Agonism 2zmi Crystal Structure of Rat Vitamin D Receptor Bound to Adamantyl Vitamin D Analogs: Structural Basis for Vitamin D Receptor Antagonism and/or Partial Agonism 2zmj Crystal Structure of Rat Vitamin D Receptor Bound to Adamantyl Vitamin D Analogs: Structural Basis for Vitamin D Receptor Antagonism and/or Partial Agonism 2znn Human PPRR alpha ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist TIPP703 2zno Human PPRR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist TIPP703 2znp Human PPRR delta ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist TIPP204 2znq Human PPRR delta ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist TIPP401 2zvt Cys285Ser mutant PPARgamma ligand-binding domain complexed with 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 2zxm A New Class of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands that Induce Structural Rearrangement of the Ligand-binding Pocket 2zxn A New Class of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands that Induce Structural Rearrangement of the Ligand-binding Pocket 2zxz Crystal structure of the human RXR alpha ligand binding domain bound to a synthetic agonist compound and a coactivator peptide 2zy0 Crystal structure of the human RXR alpha ligand binding domain bound to a synthetic agonist compound and a coactivator peptide 3a2h Crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with TEI-9647 and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 3a2i Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor (H305F) ligand binding domain complexed with TEI-9647 3a2j Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor (H305F/H397F) ligand binding domain complexed with TEI-9647 3a3z Crystal structure of the human VDR ligand binding domain bound to the synthetic agonist compound 2alpha-methyl-AMCR277A(C23S) 3a40 Crystal structure of the human VDR ligand binding domain bound to the synthetic agonist compound 2alpha-methyl-AMCR277B(C23R) 3a78 Crystal structure of the human VDR ligand binding domain bound to the natural metabolite 1alpha,25-dihydroxy-3-epi-vitamin D3 3a9e Crystal structure of a mixed agonist-bound RAR-alpha and antagonist-bound RXR-alpha heterodimer ligand binding domains 3ads Human PPARgamma ligand-binding domain in complex with indomethacin 3adt Human PPARgamma ligand-binding domain in complex with 5-hydroxy-indole acetate 3adu Human PPARgamma ligand-binding domain in complex with 5-methoxy-indole acetate 3adv Human PPARgamma ligand-binding domain in complex with serotonin 3adw Human PPARgamma ligand-binding domain in complex with 5-methoxy-indole acetate and 15-oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid 3adx Human PPARgamma ligand-binding domain in complex with indomethacin and nitro-233 3afr Crystal Structure of VDR-LBD/22S-Butyl-1a,24R-dihydroxyvitamin D3 complex 3an3 Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a gamma selective agonist MO3S 3an4 Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a gamma selective agonist MO4R 3aun Crystal structure of the rat vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with YR335 and a synthetic peptide containing the NR2 box of DRIP 205 3auq Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with Yne-diene type analog of active 14-epi-2alpha-methyl-19-norvitamin D3 3aur Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with Yne-diene type analog of active 14-epi-2beta-methyl-19-norvitamin D3 3ax8 Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 15alpha-methoxy-1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 3az1 Crystal Structure Analysis of Vitamin D receptor 3az2 Crystal Structure Analysis of Vitamin D receptor 3az3 Crystal Structure Analysis of Vitamin D receptor 3b0q Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with MCC555 3b0r Human PPAR gamma ligand binding dmain complexed with GW9662 in a covalent bonded form 3b0t Human VDR ligand binding domain in complex with maxacalcitol 3b0w Crystal structure of the orphan nuclear receptor ROR(gamma)t ligand-binding domain in complex with digoxin 3b1m Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator Cerco-A 3b3k Crystal structure of the complex between PPARgamma and the full agonist LT175 3b5r Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with SARM C-31 3b65 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with SARM S-24 3b66 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with SARM S-21 3b67 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with SARM C-23 3b68 Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with SARM S-4 3bc5 X-ray crystal structure of human ppar gamma with 2-(5-(3-(2-(5-methyl-2-phenyloxazol-4-yl)ethoxy)benzyl)-2-phenyl-2h-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)acetic acid 3bej Structure of human FXR in complex with MFA-1 and co-activator peptide 3bqd Doubling the Size of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Ligand Binding Pocket by Deacylcortivazol 3cdp Crystal structure of PPAR-gamma LBD complexed with a partial agonist, analogue of clofibric acid 3cds Crystal structure of the complex between PPAR-gamma and the agonist LT248 (clofibric acid analogue) 3cjw Crystal structure of the human COUP-TFII ligand binding domain 3cld Ligand binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor complexed with fluticazone furoate 3cqv Crystal structure of Reverb beta in complex with heme 3cs4 Structure-based design of a superagonist ligand for the vitamin D nuclear receptor 3cs6 Structure-based design of a superagonist ligand for the vitamin D nuclear receptor 3cs8 Structural and Biochemical Basis for the Binding Selectivity of PPARg to PGC-1a 3ctb Tethered PXR-LBD/SRC-1p apoprotein 3cwd Molecular recognition of nitro-fatty acids by PPAR gamma 3d24 Crystal structure of ligand-binding domain of estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha) in complex with the peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor coactivator-1alpha box3 peptide (PGC-1alpha) 3d57 TR Variant D355R 3d5f Crystal Structure of PPAR-delta complex 3d6d Crystal Structure of the complex between PPARgamma LBD and the LT175(R-enantiomer) 3d90 Crystal structure of the human progesterone receptor ligand-binding domain bound to levonorgestrel 3dct FXR with SRC1 and GW4064 3dcu FXR with SRC1 and GSK8062 3dr1 Side-chain fluorine atoms of non-steroidal vitamin D3 analogs stabilize helix 12 of vitamin D receptor 3dt3 Human Estrogen receptor alpha LBD with GW368 3dy6 PPARdelta complexed with an anthranilic acid partial agonist 3dzu Intact PPAR gamma - RXR alpha Nuclear Receptor Complex on DNA bound with BVT.13, 9-cis Retinoic Acid and NCOA2 Peptide 3dzy Intact PPAR gamma - RXR alpha Nuclear Receptor Complex on DNA bound with Rosiglitazone, 9-cis Retinoic Acid and NCOA2 Peptide 3e00 Intact PPAR gamma - RXR alpha Nuclear Receptor Complex on DNA bound with GW9662, 9-cis Retinoic Acid and NCOA2 Peptide 3e7c Glucocorticoid Receptor LBD bound to GSK866 3e94 Crystal structure of RXRalpha ligand binding domain in complex with tributyltin and a coactivator fragment 3erd HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH DIETHYLSTILBESTROL AND A GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR INTERACTING PROTEIN 1 NR BOX II PEPTIDE 3ert HUMAN ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ALPHA LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH 4-HYDROXYTAMOXIFEN 3et0 Structure of PPARgamma with 3-(5-Methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)-propionic acid 3et1 Structure of PPARalpha with 3-[5-Methoxy-1-(4-methoxy-benzenesulfonyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-propionic acid 3et2 Structure of PPARdelta with 3-[5-Methoxy-1-(4-methoxy-benzenesulfonyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-propionic acid 3et3 Structure of PPARgamma with 3-[5-Methoxy-1-(4-methoxy-benzenesulfonyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-propionic acid 3eyb Structural and functional insights into the ligand binding domain of a non-duplicated RXR from the invertebrate chordate amphioxus 3f5c Structure of Dax-1:LRH-1 complex 3f7d SF-1 LBD bound by phosphatidylcholine 3fal humanRXR alpha & mouse LXR alpha complexed with Retenoic acid and GSK2186 3fc6 hRXRalpha & mLXRalpha with an indole Pharmacophore, SB786875 3fei Design and biological evaluation of novel, balanced dual PPARa/g agonists 3fej Design and biological evaluation of novel, balanced dual PPARa/g agonists 3fli Discovery of XL335, a Highly Potent, Selective and Orally-Active Agonist of the Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) 3fs1 Crystal structure of HNF4a LBD in complex with the ligand and the coactivator PGC-1a fragment 3fug Crystal Structure of the Retinoid X Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Bound to the Synthetic Agonist 3-[4-Hydroxy-3-(3,5,5,8,8-pentamethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-yl)-phenyl]acrylic Acid 3fur Crystal Structure of PPARg in complex with INT131 3fxv Identification of an N-oxide pyridine GW4064 analogue as a potent FXR agonist 3g0w Crystal structure of the rat androgen receptor ligand binding domain complex with an n-aryl-oxazolidin 2-imine inhibitor 3g8i Aleglitazar, a new, potent, and balanced PPAR alpha/gamma agonist for the treatment of type II diabetes 3g8o Progesterone Receptor with bound Pyrrolidine 1 3g9e Aleglitaar. a new. potent, and balanced dual ppara/g agonist for the treatment of type II diabetes 3gbk Crystal Structure of Human PPAR-gamma Ligand Binding Domain Complexed with a Potent and Selective Agonist 3gd2 isoxazole ligand bound to farnesoid X receptor (FXR) 3gn8 X-ray Crystal Structure of AncGR2 in Complex with Dexamethasone 3gws Crystal Structure of T3-Bound Thyroid Hormone Receptor 3gwx MOLECULAR RECOGNITION OF FATTY ACIDS BY PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTORS 3gyt Nuclear receptor DAF-12 from parasitic nematode Strongyloides stercoralis in complex with its physiological ligand dafachronic acid delta 4 3gyu Nuclear receptor DAF-12 from parasitic nematode Strongyloides stercoralis in complex with its physiological ligand dafachronic acid delta 7 3gz9 Crystal Structure of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta (PPARd) in Complex with a Full Agonist 3h0a Crystal Structure of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARg) and Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha (RXRa) in Complex with 9-cis Retinoic Acid, Co-activator Peptide, and a Partial Agonist 3h52 Crystal structure of the antagonist form of human glucocorticoid receptor 3hc5 FXR with SRC1 and GSK826 3hc6 FXR with SRC1 and GSK088 3hlv Crystal structure of human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand-Binding Domain in complex with a Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 Nr Box II Peptide and 16-alpha-hydroxy-estrone ((8S,9R,13S,14R,16R)-3,16-dihydroxy-13-methyl-7,8,9,11,12,14,15, 16-octahydro-6H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-17-one 3hm1 Crystal structure of human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Ligand-Binding Domain in complex with a Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 Nr Box II Peptide and estrone ((8R,9S,13S,14S)-3-hydroxy-13-methyl-7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16-octahydro-6H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-17-one) 3ho0 Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a new aryloxy-3phenylpropanoic acid 3hod Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a new aryloxy-3phenylpropanoic acid 3hq5 Progesterone Receptor bound to an Alkylpyrrolidine ligand. 3hvl Tethered PXR-LBD/SRC-1p complexed with SR-12813 3hzf Structure of TR-alfa bound to selective thyromimetic GC-1 in C2 space group 3ia6 X-ray Crystal structure of the nuclear hormone receptor PPAR-gamma in a complex with a PPAR gamma/alpha dual agonist 3ilz Structure of TR-alfa bound to selective thyromimetic GC-1 in P212121 space group 3imy Structure of TR-beta bound to selective thyromimetic GC-1 3ipq X-ray structure of GW3965 synthetic agonist bound to the LXR-alpha 3ips X-ray structure of benzisoxazole synthetic agonist bound to the LXR-alpha 3ipu X-ray structure of benzisoxazole urea synthetic agonist bound to the LXR-alpha 3ixp Crystal structure of the ecdysone receptor bound to BYI08346 3jzb Crystal Structure of TR-alfa bound to the selective thyromimetic TRIAC 3jzc Crystal Structure of TR-beta bound to the selective thyromimetic TRIAC 3k22 Glucocorticoid Receptor with Bound alaninamide 10 with TIF2 peptide 3k23 Glucocorticoid Receptor with Bound D-prolinamide 11 3k6p Estrogen Related Receptor alpha in Complex with an Ether Based Ligand 3k8s Crystal Structure of PPARg in complex with T2384 3kba Progesterone receptor bound to sulfonamide pyrrolidine partial agonist 3kdt Crystal structure of peroxisome proliferator-activatedeceptor alpha (PPARalpha) complex with N-3-((2-(4-Chlorophenyl)-5-methyl-1,3-oxazol-4-yl)methoxy)benzyl)-N-(methoxycarbonyl)glycine 3kdu Crystal structure of peroxisome proliferator-activatedeceptor alpha (PPARalpha) complex with N-3-((2-(4-Chlorophenyl)-5-methyl-1,3-oxazol-4-yl)methoxy)benzyl)-N-((4-methylphenoxy)carbonyl)glycine 3kfc Complex Structure of LXR with an agonist 3kmg The X-ray Crystal Structure of PPAR-gamma in Complex with an Indole Derivative Modulator, GSK538, and an SRC-1 Peptide 3kmr Crystal structure of RARalpha ligand binding domain in complex with an agonist ligand (Am580) and a coactivator fragment 3kmz Crystal structure of RARalpha ligand binding domain in complex with the inverse agonist BMS493 and a corepressor fragment 3kpz Crystal structure of a novel vitamin D3 analogue, ZK203278 showing dissociated profile 3kwy Crystal structure of RXRalpha ligand binding domain in complex with triphenyltin and a coactivator fragment 3kyt Crystal structure of orphan nuclear receptor RORgamma in complex with natural ligand 3l03 Crystal Structure of human Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-Binding Domain in complex with a Glucocorticoid Receptor Interacting Protein 1 Nr Box II peptide and Estetrol (Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,15 alpha,16alpha,17beta-tetrol) 3l0e X-ray crystal structure of a Potent Liver X Receptor Modulator 3l0j Crystal structure of orphan nuclear receptor RORgamma in complex with natural ligand 3l0l Crystal structure of orphan nuclear receptor RORgamma in complex with natural ligand 3l1b Complex Structure of FXR Ligand-binding domain with a tetrahydroazepinoindole compound 3l3x Crystal structure of DHT-bound androgen receptor in complex with the first motif of steroid receptor coactivator 3 3l3z Crystal structure of DHT-bound androgen receptor in complex with the third motif of steroid receptor coactivator 3 3lbd LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR GAMMA BOUND TO 9-CIS RETINOIC ACID 3lmp Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator 3m7r Crystal structure of VDR H305Q mutant 3mne Crystal structure of the agonist form of mouse glucocorticoid receptor stabilized by F608S mutation at 1.96A 3mno Crystal structure of the agonist form of mouse glucocorticoid receptor stabilized by (A611V, F608S) mutations at 1.55A 3mnp Crystal structure of the agonist form of mouse glucocorticoid receptor stabilized by (A611V, V708A, E711G) mutations at 1.50A 3n00 Crystal Structure of a deletion mutant of human Reverba ligand binding domain bound with an NCoR ID1 peptide determined to 2.60A 3noa Crystal structure of human PPAR-gamma ligand binding domain complex with a potency improved agonist 3nsp Crystal structure of tetrameric RXRalpha-LBD 3nsq Crystal structure of tetrameric RXRalpha-LBD complexed with antagonist danthron 3o1d Structure-function study of Gemini derivatives with two different side chains at C-20, Gemini-0072 and Gemini-0097. 3o1e Structure-function of Gemini derivatives with two different side chains at C-20, Gemini-0072 and Gemini-0097. 3oap Crystal structure of human Retinoid X Receptor alpha-ligand binding domain complex with 9-cis retinoic acid and the coactivator peptide GRIP-1 3ogt Design, Chemical synthesis, Functional characterization and Crystal structure of the sidechain analogue of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. 3okh Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-[(1S)-1-cyclohexyl-2-(cyclohexylamino)-2-oxoethyl]-1H-benzimidazole-6-carboxylic acid 3oki Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with (2S)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-N,2-dicyclohexylethanamide 3olf Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with 4-({(2S)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5,6-difluoro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-2-cyclohexylacetyl}amino)-3-methylbenzoic acid 3oll Crystal structure of phosphorylated estrogen receptor beta ligand binding domain 3ols Crystal structure of estrogen receptor beta ligand binding domain 3omk Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with (2S)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5,6-difluoro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-2-cyclohexyl-N-(2-methylphenyl)ethanamide 3omm Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with 4-({(2S)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5,6-difluoro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-2-cyclohexylacetyl}amino)-3-fluorobenzoic acid 3omo Fragment-Based Design of novel Estrogen Receptor Ligands 3omp Fragment-Based Design of novel Estrogen Receptor Ligands 3omq Fragment-Based Design of novel Estrogen Receptor Ligands 3oof Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with 4-({(2S)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5,6-difluoro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-2-cyclohexylacetyl}amino)benzoic acid 3ook Crystal structure of human FXR in complex with 4-({(2S)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5,6-difluoro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]-2-cyclohexylacetyl}amino)-3,5-difluorobenzoic acid 3os8 Estrogen Receptor 3os9 Estrogen Receptor 3osa Estrogen Receptor 3osi Crystal structure of PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with tetrachloro-bisphenol A (TCBPA) 3osw Crystal structure of PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with tetrabromo-bisphenol A (TBBPA) 3oz0 PPAR Delta in complex with azppard02 3ozj Crystal structure of human retinoic X receptor alpha complexed with bigelovin and coactivator SRC-1 3p0u Crystal Structure of the ligand binding domain of human testicular receptor 4 3p88 FXR bound to isoquinolinecarboxylic acid 3p89 FXR bound to a quinolinecarboxylic acid 3p8x Synthesis, Structure, and Biological Activity of des-Side Chain Analogues of 1alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 with Substituents at C-18 3pba Crystal structure of PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with monosulfate tetrabromo-bisphenol A (MonoTBBPA) 3pcu Crystal structure of human retinoic X receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complexed with LX0278 and SRC1 peptide 3peq PPARd complexed with a phenoxyacetic acid partial agonist 3plz Human LRH1 LBD bound to GR470 3po9 Crystal structure of PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with tripropyltin 3prg LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN OF HUMAN PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR ACTIVATED RECEPTOR 3q95 Crystal structure of human estrogen receptor alpha LBD in complex with GRIP peptide and estriol 3q97 Crystal structure of human estrogen receptor alpha LBD in complex with GRIP peptide and two isomers of Ethoxy triphenylethylene 3qt0 Revealing a steroid receptor ligand as a unique PPARgamma agonist 3r29 Crystal structure of RXRalpha ligand-binding domain complexed with corepressor SMRT2 3r2a Crystal structure of RXRalpha ligand-binding domain complexed with corepressor SMRT2 and antagonist rhein 3r5m Crystal structure of RXRalphaLBD complexed with the agonist magnolol 3r5n Crystal structure of PPARgammaLBD complexed with the agonist magnolol 3r8a X-ray crystal structure of the nuclear hormone receptor PPAR-gamma in a complex with a compound with dual PPAR gamma agonism and Angiotensin II Type I receptor antagonism activity 3r8d Activation of the Human Nuclear Xenobiotic Receptor PXR by the Reverse Transcriptase-Targeted Anti-HIV Drug PNU-142721 3r8i Crystal Structure of PPARgamma with an achiral ureidofibrate derivative (RT86) 3rlj Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with SARM S-22 3rll Crystal structure of the T877A androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with (S)-N-(4-Cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-3-(4-cyanonaphthalen-1-yloxy)-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide 3rut FXR with SRC1 and GSK359 3ruu FXR with SRC1 and GSK237 3rvf FXR with SRC1 and GSK2034 3ry9 Crystal Structure of the Resurrected Ancestral Glucocorticoid Receptor 1 in complex with DOC 3s9s Ligand binding domain of PPARgamma complexed with a benzimidazole partial agonist 3sp6 Structural basis for iloprost as a dual PPARalpha/delta agonist 3sp9 Structural basis for iloprost as a dual PPARalpha/delta agonist 3sz1 Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with luteolin and myristic acid 3t03 Crystal structure of PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a novel partial agonist GQ-16 3tkc Design, Synthesis, Evaluation and Structure of Vitamin D Analogues with Furan Side Chains 3tkm Crystal structure PPAR delta binding GW0742 3tx7 Crystal structure of LRH-1/beta-catenin complex 3ty0 Structure of PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with (R)-5-(3-((3-(6-methoxybenzo[d]isoxazol-3-yl)-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)methyl)phenyl)-5-methyloxazolidine-2,4-dione 3u9q Ligand binding domain of PPARgamma complexed with Decanoic Acid and PGC-1a peptide 3up0 Nuclear receptor DAF-12 from hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum in complex with (25S)-delta7-dafachronic acid 3up3 Nuclear receptor DAF-12 from hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum in complex with (25S)-cholestenoic acid 3uu7 Crystal structure of hERa-LBD (Y537S) in complex with bisphenol-A 3uua Crystal structure of hERa-LBD (Y537S) in complex with bisphenol-AF 3uuc Crystal structure of hERa-LBD (wt) in complex with bisphenol-C 3uud Crystal structure of hERa-LBD (Y537S) in complex with estradiol 3uvv Crystal Structure of the ligand binding domains of the thyroid receptor:retinoid X receptor complexed with 3,3',5 triiodo-L-thyronine and 9-cis retinoic acid 3v3e Crystal Structure of the Human Nur77 Ligand-binding Domain 3v3q Crystal Structure of Human Nur77 Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Ethyl 2-[2,3,4 trimethoxy-6(1-octanoyl)phenyl]acetate 3v49 Structure of ar lbd with activator peptide and sarm inhibitor 1 3v4a Structure of ar lbd with activator peptide and sarm inhibitor 2 3v9t Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator 3v9v Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator 3v9y Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator 3vhu Mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain with spironolactone 3vhv Mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain with non-steroidal antagonist 3vhw Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 4-MP 3vi8 Human PPRR alpha ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist APHM13 3vjh Human PPAR GAMMA ligand binding domain in complex with JKPL35 3vji Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with JKPL53 3vjs Vitamin D receptor complex with a carborane compound 3vjt Vitamin D receptor complex with a carborane compound 3vn2 Crystal Structure of PPARgamma complexed with Telmisartan 3vrt VDR ligand binding domain in complex with 2-Mehylidene-19,25,26,27-tetranor-1alpha,24-dihydroxyvitaminD3 3vru VDR ligand binding domain in complex with 2-Methylidene-19,24-dinor-1alpha,25-dihydroxy vitaminD3 3vrv VDR ligand binding domain in complex with 2-Methylidene-26,27-dimethyl-19,24-dinor-1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 3vrw VDR ligand binding domain in complex with 22S-Butyl-2-methylidene-26,27-dimethyl-19,24-dinor-1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 3vso Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a gamma selective agonist mekt21 3vsp Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a gamma selective agonist mekt28 3vt3 Crystal structures of rat VDR-LBD with R270L mutation 3vt4 Crystal structures of rat VDR-LBD with R270L mutation 3vt5 Crystal structures of rat VDR-LBD with R270L mutation 3vt6 Crystal structure of rat VDR-LBD with 2-Substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27-dimethyl-19-norvitamin D3 3vt7 Crystal structures of rat VDR-LBD with W282R mutation 3vt8 Crystal structures of rat VDR-LBD with W282R mutation 3vt9 Crystal structures of rat VDR-LBD with W282R mutation 3vtb Crystal structure of rat vitamin D receptor bound to a partial agonist 25-adamantyl-23-yne-19-norvitammin D ADTK1 3vtc Crystal structure of rat vitamin D receptor bound to a partial agonist 26-adamantyl-23-yne-19-norvitammin D ADTK3 3vtd Crystal structure of rat vitamin D receptor bound to a partial agonist 26-adamantyl-23-yne-19-norvitammin D ADTK4 3w0a Crystal Structure Analysis of Vitamin D receptor 3w0c Crystal Structure Analysis of Vitamin D receptor 3w0g Crystal Structure of Rat VDR Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Novel Nonsecosteroidal Ligands 3w0h Crystal Structure of Rat VDR Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Novel Nonsecosteroidal Ligands 3w0i Crystal Structure of Rat VDR Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Novel Nonsecosteroidal Ligands 3w0j Crystal Structure of Rat VDR Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Novel Nonsecosteroidal Ligands 3w0y Crystal Structure Analysis of Vitamin D receptor 3w5p Crystal structure of complexes of vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain with lithocholic acid derivatives 3w5q Crystal structure of complexes of vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain with lithocholic acid derivatives 3w5r Crystal structure of complexes of vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain with lithocholic acid derivatives 3w5t Crystal structure of complexes of vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain with lithocholic acid derivatives 3wff Mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain with compuond 2b 3wfg Mineralocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain with compuond 2e 3wgp 3WGP 3wj4 3WJ4 3wj5 3WJ5 3wmh 3WMH 3wt5 3WT5 3wt6 3WT6 3wt7 3WT7 3wtq 3WTQ 3wwr 3WWR 3x1h 3X1H 3x1i 3X1I 3x31 3X31 3x36 3X36 3zqt TARGETING THE BINDING FUNCTION 3 SITE OF THE ANDROGEN RECEPTOR THROUGH IN SILICO MOLECULAR MODELING 3zr7 Structural basis for agonism and antagonism for a set of chemically related progesterone receptor modulators 3zra Structural basis for agonism and antagonism for a set of chemically related progesterone receptor modulators 3zrb Structural basis for agonism and antagonism for a set of chemically related progesterone receptor modulators 4a2j PR X-Ray structures in agonist conformations reveal two different mechanisms for partial agonism in 11beta-substituted steroids 4a4v Ligand binding domain of human PPAR gamma in complex with amorfrutin 2 4a4w Ligand binding domain of human PPAR gamma in complex with amorfrutin B 4apu PR X-Ray structures in agonist conformations reveal two different mechanisms for partial agonism in 11beta-substituted steroids 4b7w Ligand binding domain human hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha: Apo form 4bcr Structure of PPARalpha in complex with WY14643 4ci4 4CI4 4ci5 4CI5 4csj The discovery of potent selective glucocorticoid receptor modulators, suitable for inhalation 4dk7 Crystal structure of LXR ligand binding domain in complex with full agonist 1 4dk8 Crystal structure of LXR ligand binding domain in complex with partial agonist 5 4dm6 Crystal structure of RARb LBD homodimer in complex with TTNPB 4dm8 Crystal structure of RARb LBD in complex with 9cis retinoic acid 4dma Crystal structure of ERa LBD in complex with RU100132 4dor Human Nuclear Receptor Liver Receptor Homologue-1, LRH-1, in its apo State Bound to a Fragment of Human SHP Box1 4dos Human Nuclear Receptor Liver Receptor Homologue-1, LRH-1, Bound to DLPC and a Fragment of TIF-2 4dqm Revealing a marine natural product as a novel agonist for retinoic acid receptors with a unique binding mode and antitumor activity 4e2j X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Ancestral Glucocorticoid Receptor 2 ligand binding domain in complex with mometasone furoate and TIF-2 coactivator fragment 4e4k Crystal Structure of PPARgamma with the ligand JO21 4e4q Crystal structure of PPARgamma with the ligand FS214 4em9 Human PPAR gamma in complex with nonanoic acids 4ema Human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in complex with rosiglitazone 4f9m Crystal structure of the PPARgamma-LBD complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator 4fgy Identification of a unique PPAR ligand with an unexpected binding mode and antibetic activity 4fhh Development of synthetically accessible non-secosteroidal hybrid molecules combining vitamin D receptor agonism and histone deacetylase inhibition 4fhi Development of synthetically accessible non-secosteroidal hybrid molecules combining vitamin D receptor agonism and histone deacetylase inhibition 4fn9 X-ray Crystal structure of the Ancestral 3-keto steroid receptor - Progesterone complex 4fne X-ray Crystal structure of the Ancestral 3-keto steroid receptor - DOC complex 4g1d Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4g1y Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4g1z Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4g20 Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4g21 Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4g2h Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4g2i Structural basis for the accommodation of bis- and tris-aromatic derivatives in Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor 4hee Crystal structure of PPARgamma in complex with compound 13 4hlw Targeting the Binding Function 3 (BF3) Site of the Human Androgen Receptor Through Virtual Screening. 2. Development of 2-((2-phenoxyethyl) thio)-1H-benzoimidazole derivatives. 4ia1 Diastereotopic and Deuterium Effects in Gemini 4ia2 Diastereotopic and Deuterium Effects in Gemini 4ia3 Diastereotopic and Deuterium Effects in Gemini 4ia7 Diastereotopic and Deuterium Effects in Gemini 4iqr Multi-Domain Organization of the HNF4alpha Nuclear Receptor Complex on DNA 4is8 Divergent sequence tunes ligand sensitivity in phospholipid-regulated hormone receptors 4ite Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 1alpha,25-Dihydroxy-2alpha-[2-(2H-tetrazol-2-yl)ethyl]vitamin D3 4itf Crystal structure of the human vitamin D receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 1alpha,25-Dihydroxy-2alpha-[2-(1H-tetrazole-1-yl)ethyl]vitamin D3 4iu7 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Constrained WAY-derivative, 2b 4iui Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Dynamic WAY derivative, 4a 4iv2 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Dynamic WAY-derivative, 5a 4iv4 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Constrained WAY-derivative, 5b 4ivw Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Constrained WAY-derivative, 6b 4ivy Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Dynamic WAY-derivative, 7a 4iw6 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Constrained WAY-derivative, 7b 4iw8 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Dynamic WAY-derivative, 9a 4iwc Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with a Dynamic Thiophene-derivative 4iwf Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with a Dynamic Oxime-derivative 4j24 Estrogen Receptor in complex with proline-flanked LXXLL peptides 4j26 Estrogen Receptor in complex with proline-flanked LXXLL peptides 4j5w Crystal Structure of the apo-PXR/RXRalpha LBD Heterotetramer Complex 4j5x Crystal Structure of the SR12813-bound PXR/RXRalpha LBD Heterotetramer Complex 4jaz Crystal structure of the complex between PPARgamma LBD and trans-resveratrol 4jgv Crystal Structure of Human Nur77 Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with THPN 4jl4 Crystal structure of the complex between PPARgamma LBD and the ligand LJ570 [(2S)-3-(biphenyl-4-yl)-2-(biphenyl-4-yloxy)propanoic acid] 4jyg Crystal structure of RARbeta LBD in complex with agonist BMS411 [4-{[(5,5-dimethyl-8-phenyl-5,6-dihydronaphthalen-2-yl)carbonyl]amino}benzoic acid] 4jyh Crystal structure of RARbeta LBD in complex with selective agonist BMS948 [4-{[(8-phenylnaphthalen-2-yl)carbonyl]amino}benzoic acid] 4jyi Crystal structure of RARbeta LBD in complex with selective partial agonist BMS641 [3-chloro-4-[(E)-2-(5,5-dimethyl-8-phenyl-5,6-dihydronaphthalen-2-yl)ethenyl]benzoic acid] 4k4j Crystal structure of human Retinoid X Receptor alpha-ligand binding domain complex with 9cUAB30 and the coactivator peptide GRIP-1 4k6i Crystal structure of human retinoid X receptor alpha-ligand binding domain complex with Targretin and the coactivator peptide GRIP-1 4k7a Crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with minoxidil 4kzi Crystal Structure of TR3 LBD in complex with DPDO 4kzj Crystal Structure of TR3 LBD L449W Mutant 4kzm Crystal Structure of TR3 LBD S553A Mutant 4l96 4L96 4l98 4L98 4lbd LIGAND-BINDING DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN RETINOIC ACID RECEPTOR GAMMA BOUND TO THE SYNTHETIC AGONIST BMS961 4lnw Crystal structure of TR-alpha bound to T3 in a second site 4lnx Crystal structure of TR-alpha bound to T4 in a second site 4log The crystal structure of the orphan nuclear receptor PNR ligand binding domain fused with MBP 4lsj Crystal Structure of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Bound to a Dibenzoxapine Sulfonamide 4ltw Ancestral Ketosteroid Receptor-Progesterone-Mifepristone Complex 4m8e CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN RETINOID X RECEPTOR ALPHA-LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEX WITH (S) 4-Methyl 9cUAB30 COACTIVATOR PEPTIDE GRIP-1 4m8h CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN RETINOID X RECEPTOR ALPHA-LIGAND BINDING DOMAIN COMPLEX WITH (R)4-METHYL 9cUAB30 AND COACTIVATOR PEPTIDE GRIP-1 4mdd 4MDD 4mg5 4MG5 4mg6 4MG6 4mg7 4MG7 4mg8 4MG8 4mg9 4MG9 4mga 4MGA 4mgb 4MGB 4mgc 4MGC 4mgd 4MGD 4n1y Crystal Structure of the Pacific Oyster Estrogen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain 4n5g Crystal Structure of RXRa LBD complexed with a synthetic modulator K8012 4n73 4N73 4n8r Crystal structure of RXRa LBD complexed with a synthetic modulator K-8008 4nb6 Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of RORC with T0901317 4nie Crystal structure of the orphan nuclear receptor ROR(gamma)t ligand-binding domain in complex with small molecule ligand 4nqa Crystal structure of liganded hRXR-alpha/hLXR-beta heterodimer on DNA 4nuf Crystal Structure of SHP/EID1 4ny9 4NY9 4o8f 4O8F 4oar 4OAR 4oc7 4OC7 4oea 4OEA 4oed 4OED 4oey 4OEY 4oez 4OEZ 4ofr 4OFR 4ofu 4OFU 4ogh 4OGH 4oh5 4OH5 4oh6 4OH6 4oha 4OHA 4oil 4OIL 4oiu 4OIU 4oiv 4OIV 4oj4 4OJ4 4oj9 4OJ9 4ojb 4OJB 4ok1 4OK1 4okb 4OKB 4okt 4OKT 4okw 4OKW 4okx 4OKX 4olm 4OLM 4oni 4ONI 4ozr 4OZR 4ozt 4OZT 4p6w Crystal Structure of mometasone furoate-bound glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain 4p6x Crystal Structure of cortisol-bound glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain 4pf3 4PF3 4pld 4PLD 4ple 4PLE 4poh 4POH 4poj 4POJ 4pp3 4PP3 4pp5 4PP5 4pp6 Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Resveratrol 4ppp Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with Fluoro-Resveratrol 4pps Crystal Structure of the Estrogen Receptor alpha Ligand-binding Domain in Complex with an A-CD ring estrogen derivative 4prg 0072 PARTIAL AGONIST PPAR GAMMA COCRYSTAL 4pvu 4PVU 4pwl 4PWL 4pxm 4PXM 4q0a 4Q0A 4q13 4Q13 4q50 4Q50 4qe6 4QE6 4qe8 4QE8 4qjr 4QJR 4qk4 4QK4 4ql8 4QL8 4qm0 4QM0 4r06 4R06 4r2u 4R2U 4r6s 4R6S 4rak 4RAK 4re8 4RE8 4ree 4REE 4ref 4REF 4rfw 4RFW 4rmc 4RMC 4rmd 4RMD 4rme 4RME 4ruj 4RUJ 4ruo 4RUO 4rup 4RUP 4rwv 4RWV 4rze 4RZE 4rzf 4RZF 4rzg 4RZG 4s0s 4S0S 4s0t 4S0T 4s14 4S14 4s15 4S15 4tuz 4TUZ 4tv1 4TV1 4uda 4UDA 4udb 4UDB 4udc 4UDC 4udd 4UDD 4umm 4UMM 4whf 4WHF 4whg 4WHG 4wlb 4WLB 4wpf 4WPF 4wqp 4WQP 4wvd 4WVD 4x1f 4X1F 4x1g 4X1G 4xai 4XAI 4xaj 4XAJ 4xao 4XAO 4xhd 4XHD 4xi3 4XI3 4xld 4XLD 4xt9 4XT9 4xta 4XTA 4xuh 4XUH 4xum 4XUM 4y29 4Y29 4ymq 4YMQ 4ynk 4YNK 4ypq 4YPQ 4yt1 4YT1 4zi1 4ZI1 4zjr 4ZJR 4zjw 4ZJW 4zn7 4ZN7 4zn9 4ZN9 4znh 4ZNH 4zns 4ZNS 4znt 4ZNT 4znu 4ZNU 4znv 4ZNV 4znw 4ZNW 4zo1 4ZO1 4zom 4ZOM 4zsh 4ZSH 5a86 5A86 5aau 5AAU 5aav 5AAV 5acc 5ACC 5ak2 5AK2 5aph 5APH 5apj 5APJ 5apk 5APK 5avi 5AVI 5avl 5AVL 5awj 5AWJ 5awk 5AWK 5ayg 5AYG 5azt 5AZT 5azv 5AZV 5b5b 5B5B 5c4o 5C4O 5c4s 5C4S 5c4t 5C4T 5c4u 5C4U 5cj6 5CJ6 5di7 5DI7 5did 5DID 5die 5DIE 5dig 5DIG 5dk9 5DK9 5dkb 5DKB 5dke 5DKE 5dkg 5DKG 5dks 5DKS 5dl4 5DL4 5dlr 5DLR 5dmc 5DMC 5dmf 5DMF 5dp0 5DP0 5drj 5DRJ 5drm 5DRM 5dsh 5DSH 5dtv 5DTV 5du5 5DU5 5due 5DUE 5dug 5DUG 5duh 5DUH 5dv3 5DV3 5dv6 5DV6 5dv8 5DV8 5dvc 5DVC 5dvs 5DVS 5dvv 5DVV 5dwe 5DWE 5dwg 5DWG 5dwi 5DWI 5dwj 5DWJ 5dwl 5DWL 5dx3 5DX3 5dxb 5DXB 5dxe 5DXE 5dxg 5DXG 5dxk 5DXK 5dxm 5DXM 5dxp 5DXP 5dxq 5DXQ 5dxr 5DXR 5dy8 5DY8 5dyb 5DYB 5dyd 5DYD 5dz0 5DZ0 5dz1 5DZ1 5dz3 5DZ3 5dzh 5DZH 5dzi 5DZI 5e0w 5E0W 5e0x 5E0X 5e14 5E14 5e15 5E15 5e19 5E19 5e1c 5E1C 5e7v 5E7V 5ec9 5EC9 5egv 5EGV 5ehj 5EHJ 5ei1 5EI1 5eit 5EIT 5ejv 5EJV 5eth 5ETH 5f9b 5F9B 5fqp 5FQP 5fqr 5FQR 5fqs 5FQS 5fqt 5FQT 5fqv 5FQV 5g42 5G42 5g43 5G43 5g44 5G44 5g45 5G45 5g46 5G46 5gt4 5GT4 5hcv 5HCV 5hjp 5HJP 5hjs 5HJS 5hyk 5HYK 5hyr 5HYR 5hzc 5HZC 5i4v 5I4V 5ixk 5IXK 5iz0 5IZ0 5jy3 5JY3 5k13 5K13 5kcc 5KCC 5kcd 5KCD 5kce 5KCE 5kcf 5KCF 5kct 5KCT 5kcu 5KCU 5kcw 5KCW 5kd9 5KD9 5kya 5KYA 5kyj 5KYJ 5l11 5L11 5lga 5LGA 5lwp 5LWP 5syz 5SYZ - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
INTERPRO IPR000536 PFAM hormone_rec