This family consists of several eukaryotic kinesin-associated (KAP) proteins. Kinesins are intracellular multimeric transport motor proteins that move cellular cargo on microtubule tracks. It has been shown that the sea urchin KRP85/95 holoenzyme associates with a KAP115 non-motor protein, forming a heterotrimeric complex in vitro, called the Kinesin-II PMID:10819327.
Family alignment:
There are 830 KAP domains in 830 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing KAP domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with KAP domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing KAP domain in the selected taxonomic class.
Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
Identification of a link between the tumour suppressor APC and the kinesinsuperfamily.
Nat Cell Biol. 2002; 4: 323-7
Display abstract
The tumour suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is mutated insporadic and familial colorectal tumours. APC is involved in theproteasome-mediated degradation of beta-catenin, through its interaction withbeta-catenin, GSK-3 beta and Axin. APC also interacts with the microtubulecytoskeleton and has been localized to clusters near the distal ends ofmicrotubules at the edges of migrating epithelial cells. Moreover, in Xenopuslaevis epithelial cells, APC has been shown to move along microtubules andaccumulate at their growing plus ends. However, the mechanism of APC accumulationand the nature of these APC clusters remain unknown. We show here that APCinteracts with the kinesin superfamily (KIF) 3A-KIF3B proteins, microtubuleplus-end-directed motor proteins, through an association with the kinesinsuperfamily-associated protein 3 (KAP3). The interaction of APC with KAP3 wasrequired for its accumulation in clusters, and mutant APCs derived from cancercells were unable to accumulate efficiently in clusters. These results suggestthat APC and beta-catenin are transported along microtubules by KAP3-KIF3A-KIF3B,accumulate in the tips of membrane protrusions, and may thus regulate cellmigration.
C. elegans KLP-11/OSM-3/KAP-1: orthologs of the sea urchin kinesin-II, and mouse KIF3A/KIFB/KAP3 kinesin complexes.
DNA Res. 2000; 7: 121-5
Display abstract
Kinesins are intracellular multimeric transport motor proteins that move cellularcargo on microtubule tracks. It has been shown that the sea urchin KRP85/95holoenzyme associates with a KAP115 non-motor protein, forming a heterotrimericcomplex in vitro, called the Kinesin-II. Here we describe isolation of a cDNAclone corresponding to the klp-11 kinesin in C. elegans. Our sequence analysis ofthe encoded KLP-11 shows that it shares high homology with the OSM-3 kinesin. We also describe a nematode cDNA encoding KAP-1 that shares extensive homology with the sea urchin KAP115 kinesin associated protein. Sequence-based structuralanalysis of the OSM-3, KLP-11, and KAP-1, presented here suggests that these may form a heterotrimeric complex. We also describe the presence of a Drosophilaarmadillo consensus motif in CeKAP-1, first found in spKAP115, that suggests apossible role for the KAP-1 in signal transduction.
Links (links to other resources describing this domain)