One of three types of internal repeat within the plasma protein, fibronectin. Found also in coagulation factor XII, HGF activator and tissue-type plasminogen activator. In t-PA and fibronectin, this domain type contributes to fibrin-binding.
Fibronectin type I repeats are one of the three repeats found in the fibronectin protein. Fibronectin is a plasma protein that binds cell surfaces and various compounds including collagen, fibrin, heparin, DNA, and actin. Type I domain (FN1) is approximately 40 residues in length. Four conserved cysteines are involved in disulphide bonds. The 3D structure of the FN1 domain has been determined [ (PUBMED:2112232) (PUBMED:1602484) (PUBMED:7582899) ]. It consists of two antiparallel beta-sheets, first a double-stranded one, that is linked by a disulphide bond to a triple-stranded beta-sheet. The second conserved disulphide bridge links the C-terminal adjacent strands of the domain.
In human tissue plasminogen activator chain A the FN1 domain together with the following epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain are involved in fibrin-binding [ (PUBMED:1900516) ]. It has been suggested that these two modules form a single structural and functional unit [ (PUBMED:7582899) ]. The two domains keep their specific tertiary structure, but interact intimately to bury a hydrophobic core; the inter-module linker makes up the third strand of the EGF-module's major beta-sheet.
The NH2-terminal fibrin-binding site of fibronectin is formed by interacting fourth and fifth finger domains. Studies with recombinant finger fragments expressed in Escherichia coli.
J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 9539-46
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The NH2-terminal 29-kDa Fib-1 fragment consisting of the first five finger modules of fibronectin (F1-5) binds reversibly to fibrin and facilitates cross-linking by Factor XIII. To narrow down the fibrin-binding site within this region, we have used recombinant technology to express a number of individual fingers, rF1, rF2, rF3, rF4, and rF5, and their pairs, rF1-2 rF2-3, and rF4-5, as fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. These recombinant fragments were separated from the carrier maltose-binding protein by digestion with human factor Xa or other proteases, and their structural integrity was confirmed by spectroscopic and calorimetric methods. The recombinant F1 and F4-5 exhibited fluorescence-detected melting transitions of the same magnitude and with the same midpoint (Tm) as their natural analogues prepared from Fib-1 by proteolysis. Differential scanning calorimetry experiments further demonstrated that these fragments are properly folded and have compact structures identical to the natural ones. Isolated rF4 melts at a much lower temperature than rF5 or the bimodular fragment rF4-5, indicating the loss of a stabilizing interaction between fingers 4 and 5. Comparison of fluorescence spectra of individual rF4 and rF5 with that of rF4-5 was also consistent with an interaction that affects the environment of Trp residue(s). rF2 also melts at a lower temperature than rF3 or rF2-3, suggesting a stabilizing interaction between the second and third fingers as well. When tested on fibrin-Sepharose, only the bimodular fragment rF4-5 was able to bind. All other fragments, including individual fingers 4 and 5, failed to bind. Thus, fibrin binding is not a common property of all fingers. The results indicate that a recognition site for fibrin is located within fingers 4 and 5. The interaction between these neighboring domains may play an important role in proper orientation of the residues forming this site.
Further characterization of the NH2-terminal fibrin-binding site on fibronectin.
J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 31938-45
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The fibronectin (Fn) monomer contains two major sites of fibrin binding affinity present within the NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal domains; they consist of five (1F1-5F1) and three (10F1-12F1) consecutive type 1 modules, respectively. Recently, we have reported that the fourth and fifth type 1 module pair (4F1.5F1) of the NH2-terminal domain of fibronectin demonstrated fibrin binding ability (Williams, M. J., Phan, I., Harvery, T. S., Rostagno, A., Gold, L. I., and Campbell, I. D. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 235, 1303-1311). In an attempt to further localize fibrin binding activity and to characterize the nature of the interaction between different type 1 modules of Fn and fibrin, we have tested a range of recombinant proteins and subtilisin generated proteolytic fragments of Fn in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and by fibrin affinity chromatography. Of the recombinant proteins, we found that only the 4F1.5F1 exhibited significant fibrin binding activity, while 1F1, 1F1.2F1, 7F1, and 10F1 had little to no affinity for fibrin. On a molar basis, 4-5 times more 4F1.5F1 than a proteolytic fragment, corresponding to 1F1-5F1 (25.9 kDa) was required to cause 50% inhibition (IC50) of intact biotinylated Fn binding to fibrin in a competitive ELISA. This suggests that all five type 1 modules in tandem engender higher fibrin binding activity than the 4F1.5F1 alone. Furthermore, since fibrin binding activity of the intact Fn molecule was inhibited, by 70-80%, by the 4F1.5F1, the 25.9-kDa fragment, and a MoAb mapped to an epitope on the 4F1.5F1, the fibrin-binding site within the 4F1.5F1 contributes greatly to the non-covalent interaction of intact Fn with fibrin. These results provide significant insight into the Fn/fibrin interaction, a major component of the processes of wound repair and fibrin matrix assembly.
Solution structure of a pair of fibronectin type 1 modules with fibrin binding activity.
J Mol Biol. 1994; 235: 1302-11
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The tertiary structure of the fourth and fifth type 1 module pair from the N terminus of human fibronectin, has been determined by two-dimensional homonuclear 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Comparison of each module fold with those of two other type 1 modules shows that the type 1 "consensus" structure is conserved in the pair. The modules connect end-to-end to form an elongated structure with a limited clockwise twist around the long axis, from N to C terminus. The short five residue linker sequence forms a tight loop and the relative orientation of the two modules is maintained by fixed and intimate hydrophobic contacts, dominated by a non-conserved tryptophan residue from the fourth type 1 module. The protein binds specifically to fibrin in an ELISA and surface accessible residues that may be involved in this and other protein interactions can be identified. The structure provides an insight into how chains of type 1 modules may link up in intact fibronectin.
The rapid accumulation of sequence data has provided insight into the evolution of proteins and led to the identification of 'mosaic proteins'. These proteins have evolved by duplication, insertion and deletion of a common pool of structural units or modules, yet their biological functions are diverse. They are involved in cell adhesion and migration, embryogenesis and the pathways of blood clotting, fibrinolysis and complement. The modular units are defined by 'consensus sequences' which often include conserved disulphide bonds. Despite the available sequence information, little is known of the tertiary structure of mosaic proteins. If, however, the 'consensus structure' of the modules were known, valuable structural information could be inferred about a wide variety of proteins and biological systems. An important mosaic protein is fibronectin, an extracellular matrix protein that consists of three types of module (see refs 3, 7 for reviews). Here we describe the structure of the fibronectin type 1 module which appears twelve times in fibronectin and is also found in factor XII and tissue plasminogen activator. The module was produced using a yeast expression system and the structure was determined in solution using 1H NMR. This methodology promises to be extremely powerful in the investigation of modules from a wide range of mosaic proteins.
This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with FN1 domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing FN1 domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.