Lactamase_BMetallo-beta-lactamase superfamily |
SMART accession number: | SM00849 |
Description: | Apart from the beta-lactamases a number of other proteins contain this domain (PUBMED:7588620). These proteins include thiolesterases, members of the glyoxalase II family, that catalyse the hydrolysis of S-D-lactoyl-glutathione to form glutathione and D-lactic acid and a competence protein that is essential for natural transformation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and could be a transporter involved in DNA uptake. Except for the competence protein these proteins bind two zinc ions per molecule as cofactor. |
Interpro abstract (IPR001279): | Apart from the beta-lactamases and metallo-beta-lactamases, a number of other proteins contain this domain [ (PUBMED:7588620) ]. These proteins include thiolesterases, members of the glyoxalase II family, that catalyse the hydrolysis of S-D-lactoyl-glutathione to form glutathione and D-lactic acid and a competence protein that is essential for natural transformation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and could be a transporter involved in DNA uptake. Except for the competence protein these proteins bind two zinc ions per molecule as cofactor. |
Family alignment: |
There are 264030 Lactamase_B domains in 263820 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing Lactamase_B domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with Lactamase_B domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing Lactamase_B domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Cellular role: metabolism
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Neuwald AF, Liu JS, Lipman DJ, Lawrence CE
- Extracting protein alignment models from the sequence database.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 1997; 25: 1665-77
- Display abstract
Biologists often gain structural and functional insights into a proteinsequence by constructing a multiple alignment model of the family. Here aprogram called Probe fully automates this process of model constructionstarting from a single sequence. Central to this program is a powerful newmethod to locate and align only those, often subtly, conserved patternsessential to the family as a whole. When applied to randomly chosenproteins, Probe found on average about four times as many relationships asa pairwise search and yielded many new discoveries. These include: anobscure subfamily of globins in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans ; twonew superfamilies of metallohydrolases; a lipoyl/biotin swinging armdomain in bacterial membrane fusion proteins; and a DH domain in the yeastBud3 and Fus2 proteins. By identifying distant relationships and mergingfamilies into superfamilies in this way, this analysis further confirmsthe notion that proteins evolved from relatively few ancient sequences.Moreover, this method automatically generates models of these ancientconserved regions for rapid and sensitive screening of sequences.
- Carfi A et al.
- The 3-D structure of a zinc metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereusreveals a new type of protein fold.
- EMBO J. 1995; 14: 4914-21
- Display abstract
The 3-D structure of Bacillus cereus (569/H/9) beta-lactamase (EC3.5.2.6), which catalyses the hydrolysis of nearly all beta-lactams, hasbeen solved at 2.5 A resolution by the multiple isomorphous replacementmethod, with density modification and phase combination, from crystals ofthe native protein and of a specially designed mutant (T97C). The currentmodel includes 212 of the 227 amino acid residues, the zinc ion and 10water molecules. The protein is folded into a beta beta sandwich withhelices on each external face. To our knowledge, this fold has never beenobserved. An approximate internal molecular symmetry is found, with a2-fold axis passing roughly through the zinc ion and suggesting a possiblegene duplication. The active site is located at one edge of the beta betasandwich and near the N-terminal end of a helix. The zinc ion iscoordinated by three histidine residues (86, 88 and 149) and a watermolecule. A sequence comparison of the relevant metallo-beta-lactamases,based on this protein structure, highlights a few well-conserved aminoacid residues. The structure shows that most of these residues are in theactive site. Among these, aspartic acid 90 and histidine 210 participatein a proposed catalytic mechanism for beta-lactam hydrolysis.
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 50.65 map00620 Pyruvate metabolism 19.30 map03090 Type II secretion system 7.26 map00312 beta-Lactam resistance 7.26 map00311 Penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthesis 7.26 map02020 Two-component system - General 3.05 map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism 0.73 map00230 Purine metabolism 0.44 map01056 Biosynthesis of type II polyketide backbone 0.44 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 0.29 map00350 Tyrosine metabolism 0.29 map00930 Caprolactam degradation 0.29 map00903 Limonene and pinene degradation 0.29 map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism 0.29 map00340 Histidine metabolism 0.29 map00632 Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 0.15 map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism 0.15 map00785 Lipoic acid metabolism 0.15 map00650 Butanoate metabolism 0.15 map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism 0.15 map00624 1- and 2-Methylnaphthalene degradation 0.15 map02010 ABC transporters - General 0.15 map00120 Bile acid biosynthesis 0.15 map00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis 0.15 map00150 Androgen and estrogen metabolism 0.15 map00460 Cyanoamino acid metabolism 0.15 map00362 Benzoate degradation via hydroxylation 0.15 map00600 Sphingolipid metabolism 0.15 map00730 Thiamine metabolism This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with Lactamase_B domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing Lactamase_B domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of Lactamase_B domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a7t METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE WITH MES 1a8t METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE IN COMPLEX WITH L-159,061 1bc2 ZN-DEPENDENT METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE FROM BACILLUS CEREUS 1bmc STRUCTURE OF A ZINC METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE FROM BACILLUS CEREUS 1bvt METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE FROM BACILLUS CEREUS 569/H/9 1dd6 IMP-1 METALLO BETA-LACTAMASE FROM PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA IN COMPLEX WITH A MERCAPTOCARBOXYLATE INHIBITOR 1ddk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF IMP-1 METALLO BETA-LACTAMASE FROM PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA 1dxk Metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9 C168S mutant 1e5d RUBREDOXIN OXYGEN:OXIDOREDUCTASE (ROO) FROM ANAEROBE DESULFOVIBRIO GIGAS 1hlk METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE FROM BACTEROIDES FRAGILIS IN COMPLEX WITH A TRICYCLIC INHIBITOR 1jje IMP-1 METALLO BETA-LACTAMASE FROM PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA IN COMPLEX WITH A BIARYL SUCCINIC ACID INHIBITOR (11) 1jjt IMP-1 METALLO BETA-LACTAMASE FROM PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA IN COMPLEX WITH A BIARYL SUCCINIC ACID INHIBITOR (1) 1jt1 FEZ-1 metallo-beta-lactamase from Legionella gormanii modelled with D-captopril 1k07 Native FEZ-1 metallo-beta-lactamase from Legionella gormanii 1ko2 VIM-2, a Zn-beta-lactamase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa with an oxidized Cys (cysteinesulfonic) 1ko3 VIM-2, a Zn-beta-lactamase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Cys221 reduced 1kr3 Crystal Structure of the Metallo beta-Lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis (CfiA) in Complex with the Tricyclic Inhibitor SB-236050. 1l9y FEZ-1-Y228A, A Mutant of the Metallo-beta-lactamase from Legionella gormanii 1m2x Crystal Structure of the metallo-beta-lactamase BlaB of Chryseobacterium meningosepticum in complex with the inhibitor D-captopril 1mqo Metallo-beta-lactamase BcII Cd substituted from Bacillus cereus at 1.35 angstroms resolution 1p9e Crystal Structure Analysis of Methyl Parathion Hydrolase from Pseudomonas sp WBC-3 1qh3 HUMAN GLYOXALASE II WITH CACODYLATE AND ACETATE IONS PRESENT IN THE ACTIVE SITE 1qh5 HUMAN GLYOXALASE II WITH S-(N-HYDROXY-N-BROMOPHENYLCARBAMOYL)GLUTATHIONE 1sml METALLO BETA LACTAMASE L1 FROM STENOTROPHOMONAS MALTOPHILIA 1vgn Structure-based design of the irreversible inhibitors to metallo--lactamase (IMP-1) 1vme Crystal structure of Flavoprotein (TM0755) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.80 A resolution 1wra Crystal Structure of Phosphorylcholine Esterase Domain of the Virulence Factor Choline Binding Protein E from Streptococcus Pneumoniae 1wuo Crystal structure of metallo-beta-lactamase IMP-1 mutant (D81A) 1wup Crystal structure of metallo-beta-lactamase IMP-1 mutant (D81E) 1ww1 Crystal structure of tRNase Z from Thermotoga maritima 1x8g Crystal Structure of the Mono-Zinc Carbapenemase CphA from Aeromonas Hydrophyla 1x8h The Mono-Zinc Carbapenemase CphA (N220G mutant) Shows a Zn(II)- NH2 ARG Coordination 1x8i Crystal Structure of the Zinc Carbapenemase CphA in Complex with the Antibiotic Biapenem 1xm8 X-RAY STRUCTURE OF GLYOXALASE II FROM ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA GENE AT2G31350 1y44 Crystal structure of RNase Z 1ycf Oxidized (di-ferric) FprA from Moorella thermoacetica 1ycg X-ray Structures of Moorella thermoacetica FprA. Novel Diiron Site Structure and Mechanistic Insights into a Scavenging Nitric Oxide Reductase 1ych X-ray Crystal Structures of Moorella thermoacetica FprA. Novel Diiron Site Structure and Mechanistic Insights into a Scavenging Nitric Oxide Reductase 1zkp 1.5A Resolution Crystal Structure of a Metallo Beta Lactamase Family Protein, the ELAC Homolgue of Bacillus anthracis, a Putative Ribonuclease 1znb METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE 1ztc Crystal structure of a putative metallo-beta-lactamase (tm0894) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.10 A resolution 2a7m 1.6 Angstrom Resolution Structure of the Quorum-Quenching N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Hydrolase of Bacillus thuringiensis 2aio Metallo beta lactamase L1 from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia complexed with hydrolyzed moxalactam 2az4 Crystal Structure of a Protein of Unknown Function from Enterococcus faecalis V583 2bc2 METALLO BETA-LACTAMASE II FROM BACILLUS CEREUS 569/H/9 AT PH 6.0, TRIGONAL CRYSTAL FORM 2bfk Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH7 using 20mM ZnSO4 in buffer. 1mM DTT was used as a reducing agent 2bfl Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH5 using 20mM ZnSO4 in buffer. 1mM DTT was used as a reducing agent. 2bfz Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH4.5 using 20mM ZnSO4 in buffer. 1mM DTT was used as a reducing agent. Cys221 is oxidized. 2bg2 Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH4.5 using 20mM ZnSO4 in the buffer. 1mM DTT and 1mM TCEP- HCl were used as reducing agents. Cys221 is reduced. 2bg6 Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH5 using 20 Micromolar ZnSO4 in the buffer. 1mM DTT was used as a reducing agent. Cys221 is oxidized. 2bg7 Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH4.5 using 20 Micromolar ZnSO4 in the buffer. 1mM DTT was used as a reducing agent. Cys221 is oxidized. 2bg8 Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH4.5 using 20 Micromolar ZnSO4 in the buffer. 1mM DTT and 1mM TCEP-HCl were used as reducing agents. 2bga Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (BcII) Arg (121) Cys mutant. Solved at pH7 using 20 Micromolar ZnSO4 in the buffer. 1mM DTT was used as a reducing agent. Cys221 is oxidized. 2bib Crystal structure of the complete modular teichioic acid phosphorylcholine esterase Pce (CbpE) from Streptococcus pneumoniae 2bmi METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE 2br6 Crystal Structure of Quorum-Quenching N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Lactonase 2btn Crystal Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of the Quorum-Quenching N- Acyl Homoserine Lactone Hydrolase 2cbn Crystal structure of ZipD from Escherichia coli 2cfu Crystal structure of SdsA1, an alkylsulfatase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in complex with 1-decane-sulfonic-acid. 2cfz Crystal structure of SdsA1, an alkylsulfatase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in complex with 1-dodecanol. 2cg2 Crystal structure of SdsA1, an alkylsulfatase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in complex with sulfate 2cg3 Crystal structure of SdsA1, an alkylsulfatase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2dkf Crystal Structure of TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8, a RNA Degradation Protein of the Metallo-beta-lactamase Superfamily 2doo The structure of IMP-1 complexed with the detecting reagent (DansylC4SH) by a fluorescent probe 2e7y High resolution structure of T. maritima tRNase Z 2fhx Pseudomonas aeruginosa SPM-1 metallo-beta-lactamase 2fk6 Crystal Structure of RNAse Z/tRNA(Thr) complex 2fm6 Zinc-beta-lactamase L1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (native form) 2fu6 Zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (apo form) 2fu7 Zinc-beta-lactamase L1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (Cu-substituted form) 2fu8 Zinc-beta-lactamase L1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (d-captopril complex) 2fu9 Zinc-beta-lactamase L1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (mp2 inhibitor complex) 2gcu X-Ray Structure of Gene Product from Arabidopsis Thaliana At1g53580 2gfj Crystal structure of the zinc-beta-lactamase L1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (inhibitor 1) 2gfk Crystal structure of the zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (inhibitor 2) 2gkl Crystal structure of the zinc carbapenemase CPHA in complex with the inhibitor pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylate 2gmn Crystal structure of BJP-1, a subclass B3 metallo-beta-lactamase of Bradyrhizobium japonicum 2h6a Crystal structure of the zinc-beta-lactamase L1 from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (mono zinc form) 2hb9 Crystal Structure of the Zinc-Beta-Lactamase L1 from Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia (Inhibitor 3) 2i7t Structure of human CPSF-73 2i7v Structure of Human CPSF-73 2m5c Solution Structure of the Bacillus cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase BcII 2m5d Solution Structure of the Bacillus cereus Metallo-Beta-Lactamase BcII in Complex with R-Thiomandelic Acid 2nxa Structure of Zn-dependent Metallo-Beta-Lactamase from Bacillus Cereus R121H, C221D Double Mutant 2nyp Structure of beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus. R121H, C221D doble mutant with two zinc ions. 2nze Structure of beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus. R121H, C221S double mutant. Space group P3121. 2nzf Structure of beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus. R121H, C221S double mutant. Space group C2. 2ohh Crystal Structure of coenzyme F420H2 oxidase (FprA), a diiron flavoprotein, active oxidized state 2ohi Crystal Structure of coenzyme F420H2 oxidase (FprA), a diiron flavoprotein, reduced state 2ohj Crystal Structure of coenzyme F420H2 oxidase (FprA), a diiron flavoprotein, inactive oxidized state 2p18 Crystal structure of the Leishmania infantum glyoxalase II 2p1e Crystal structure of the Leishmania infantum glyoxalase II with D-Lactate at the active site 2p4z A Ferredoxin-like Metallo-beta-lactamase Superfamily Protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis 2p97 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A PUTATIVE METAL-DEPENDENT HYDROLASE (AVA_3068) FROM ANABAENA VARIABILIS ATCC 29413 AT 1.65 A RESOLUTION 2q0i Structure of Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal Response Protein PqsE 2q0j Structure of Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal Response Protein PqsE 2q42 Ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of glyoxalase II from Arabidopsis thaliana gene At2g31350 2q9u Crystal structure of the flavodiiron protein from Giardia intestinalis 2qds Crystal Structure of the Zinc Carbapenemase CPHA in Complex with the Inhibitor D-Captopril 2qdt Structural Basis for the Broad-Spectrum Inhibition of Metallo-{Beta}-Lactamases: L1- IS38 Complex 2qed Crystal structure of Salmonella thyphimurium LT2 glyoxalase II 2qin Stenotrophomonas maltophilia L1 Metallo-beta-Lactamase Asp-120 Cys mutant 2qjs Stenotrophomonas maltophilia L1 metallo-beta-lactamase Asp-120 Asn mutant 2r2d Structure of a quorum-quenching lactonase (AiiB) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens 2uyx metallo-beta-lactamase (1BC2) single point mutant D120S 2vw8 Crystal Structure of Quinolone signal response protein pqsE from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2whg Crystal Structure of the Di-Zinc Metallo-beta-lactamase VIM-4 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2wrs Crystal Structure of the Mono-Zinc Metallo-beta-lactamase VIM-4 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2wyl Apo structure of a metallo-b-lactamase 2wym Structure of a metallo-b-lactamase 2xf4 Crystal structure of Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium YcbL 2xr1 DIMERIC ARCHAEAL CLEAVAGE AND POLYADENYLATION SPECIFICITY FACTOR WITH N-TERMINAL KH DOMAINS (KH-CPSF) FROM METHANOSARCINA MAZEI 2y87 Native VIM-7. Structural and computational investigations of VIM-7: Insights into the substrate specificity of VIM metallo-beta- lactamases 2y8a VIM-7 with Oxidised. Structural and computational investigations of VIM-7: Insights into the substrate specificity of VIM metallo-beta- lactamases 2y8b VIM-7 with Oxidised. Structural and computational investigations of VIM-7: Insights into the substrate specificity of VIM metallo-beta- lactamases 2ycb Structure of the archaeal beta-CASP protein with N-terminal KH domains from Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus 2yhe Structure determination of the stereoselective inverting sec- alkylsulfatase Pisa1 from Pseudomonas sp. 2ynt GIM-1-3Mol native. Crystal structures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa GIM- 1: active site plasticity in metallo-beta-lactamases 2ynu Apo GIM-1 with 2Mol. Crystal structures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa GIM-1: active site plasticity in metallo-beta-lactamases 2ynv Cys221 oxidized, Mono zinc GIM-1 - GIM-1-Ox. Crystal structures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa GIM-1: active site plasticity in metallo-beta- lactamases 2ynw GIM-1-2Mol native. Crystal structures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa GIM- 1: active site plasticity in metallo-beta-lactamases 2yz3 Crystallographic Investigation of Inhibition Mode of the VIM-2 Metallo-beta-lactamase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Mercaptocarboxylate Inhibitor 2znb METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE (CADMIUM-BOUND FORM) 2zo4 Crystal structure of metallo-beta-lactamase family protein TTHA1429 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 2zwr Crystal structure of TTHA1623 from thermus thermophilus HB8 2zzi Crystal structure of TTHA1623 in a di-iron-bound form 3a4y Crystal Structure of H61A mutant TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 3adr The first crystal structure of an archaeal metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein; ST1585 from Sulfolobus tokodaii 3af5 The crystal structure of an archaeal CPSF subunit, PH1404 from Pyrococcus horikoshii 3af6 The crystal structure of an archaeal CPSF subunit, PH1404 from Pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with RNA-analog 3aj3 Crystal structure of selenomethionine substituted 4-pyridoxolactonase from Mesorhizobium loti 3bc2 METALLO BETA-LACTAMASE II FROM BACILLUS CEREUS 569/H/9 AT PH 6.0, MONOCLINIC CRYSTAL FORM 3bk1 Crystal Structure Analysis of RNase J 3bk2 Crystal Structure Analysis of the RNase J/UMP complex 3bv6 Crystal structure of uncharacterized metallo protein from Vibrio cholerae with beta-lactamase like fold 3dh8 Structure of Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal Response Protein PqsE 3dha An Ultral High Resolution Structure of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Hydrolase with the Product N-Hexanoyl-L-Homoserine Bound at An Alternative Site 3dhb 1.4 Angstrom Structure of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Hydrolase with the Product N-Hexanoyl-L-Homoserine Bound at The Catalytic Metal Center 3dhc 1.3 Angstrom Structure of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Hydrolase with the Product N-Hexanoyl-L-Homocysteine Bound to The catalytic Metal Center 3esh Crystal structure of a probable metal-dependent hydrolase from Staphylococcus aureus. Northeast Structural Genomics target ZR314 3f9o Crystal Structure of the Di-Zinc Carbapenemase CphA from Aeromonas Hydrophila 3fai The Di Zinc Carbapenemase CphA N220G mutant 3fcz Adaptive protein evolution grants organismal fitness by improving catalysis and flexibility 3g1p Crystals structure of PhnP from E.coli K-12 3h3e Crystal structure of Tm1679, A METAL-DEPENDENT HYDROLASE OF THE BETA-LACTAMASE SUPERFAMILY 3i0v Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase: apo form 3i11 Cobalt-substituted metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus 3i13 Bacillus cereus Zn-dependent metallo-beta-lactamase at pH 5.8 3i14 Cobalt-substituted metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus: residue Cys168 partially oxidized 3i15 Cobalt-substituted metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus: residue Cys168 fully oxidized 3idz Crystal Structure of S378Q mutant TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 3ie0 Crystal Structure of S378Y mutant TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 3ie1 Crystal structure of H380A mutant TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 complexed with RNA 3ie2 Crystal Structure of H400V mutant TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 3iek Crystal Structure of native TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 3iel Crystal Structure of TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 complexed with UMP 3iem Crystal Structure of TTHA0252 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 complexed with RNA analog 3iof Crystal structure of CphA N220G mutant with inhibitor 10a 3iog Crystal structure of CphA N220G mutant with inhibitor 18 3knr Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase Cys221Asp mutant, 1 mM Zn(II) 3kns Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase Cys221Asp mutant, 20 mM Zn(II) 3l6n Crystal structure of metallo-beta-lactamase IND-7 3lvz New refinement of the crystal structure of BJP-1, a subclass B3 metallo-beta-lactamase of Bradyrhizobium japonicum 3m8t Crystal Structure of the complex between class B3 beta-lactamase BJP-1 and 4-nitrobenzene-sulfonamide 3md7 Crystal structure of a beta-lactamase-like protein bound to GMP from brucella melitensis 3p2u Crystal structure of PhnP in complex with orthovanadate 3pg4 The crystal structure of New Delhi Metallo-beta lactamase (NDM-1) 3py5 Crystal structure of a beta-lactamase-like protein from brucella melitensis bound to AMP 3py6 Crystal Structure of a Beta-Lactamase-Like Protein from Brucella Melitensis bound to GMP 3q6v Crystal Structure of Serratia fonticola Sfh-I: glycerol complex 3q6x Crystal structure of NDM-1 in complex with hydrolyzed ampicillin 3qh8 Crystal structure of a beta-lactamase-like protein bound to AMP from brucella melitensis, long wavelength synchrotron data 3r2u 2.1 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structure of Metallo-beta-lactamase from Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus COL 3rkj Crystal Structure of New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-1 from Klebsiella pnueumoniae 3rkk Crystal Structure of New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-1 from Klebsiella pneumoniae 3rpc The crystal structure of a possible metal-dependent hydrolase from Veillonella parvula DSM 2008 3s0z Crystal structure of New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1) 3sbl Crystal Structure of New Delhi Metal-beta-lactamase-1 from Klebsiella pneumoniae 3sd9 Crystal structure of serratia fonticola SFH-I: Source of the nucleophile in the catalytic mechanism of mono-zinc metallo-beta-lactamases 3sfp Crystal Structure of the Mono-Zinc-boundform of New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 from Klebsiella pneumoniae 3spu apo NDM-1 Crystal Structure 3srx New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 Complexed with Cd 3sw3 EDTA-free crystal structure of the mutant C221D of carbapenemase CphA from Aeromonas hydrophila 3t3n Molecular basis for the recognition and cleavage of RNA (UUCCGU) by the bifunctional 5'-3' exo/endoribonuclease RNase J 3t3o Molecular basis for the recognition and cleavage of RNA (CUGG) by the bifunctional 5'-3' exo/endoribonuclease RNase J 3t9m Crystal structure of Mutant C221D of Carbapenemase CphA from Aeromonas Hydrophila 3tp9 Crystal structure of Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius protein with beta-lactamase and rhodanese domains 3vpe Crystal Structure of Metallo-beta-Lactamase SMB-1 3vqz Crystal structure of metallo-beta-lactamase, SMB-1, in a complex with mercaptoacetic acid 3wxc 3WXC 3x2x 3X2X 3x2y 3X2Y 3x2z 3X2Z 3x30 3X30 3znb METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE (ZN, HG-BOUND FORM) 3zq4 Unusual, dual endo- and exo-nuclease activity in the degradosome explained by crystal structure analysis of RNase J1 3zr9 Structure of New Delhi Metallo-Beta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) 3zwf Crystal structure of Human tRNase Z, short form (ELAC1). 4ad9 Crystal structure of human LACTB2. 4av7 Structure determination of the double mutant S233Y F250G from the sec- alkyl sulfatase PisA1 4awy Crystal Structure of the Mobile Metallo-beta-Lactamase AIM-1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Insights into Antibiotic Binding and the role of Gln157 4awz Crystal Structure of the Mobile Metallo-beta-Lactamase AIM-1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Insights into Antibiotic Binding and the role of Gln157 4ax0 Q157A mutant. Crystal Structure of the Mobile Metallo-beta-Lactamase AIM-1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Insights into Antibiotic Binding and the role of Gln157 4ax1 Q157N mutant. Crystal Structure of the Mobile Metallo-beta-Lactamase AIM-1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Insights into Antibiotic Binding and the role of Gln157 4axh Structure and mechanism of the first inverting alkylsulfatase specific for secondary alkylsulfatases 4b87 Crystal structure of human DNA cross-link repair 1A 4bp0 4BP0 4bz3 4BZ3 4c09 4C09 4c1c 4C1C 4c1d 4C1D 4c1e 4C1E 4c1f 4C1F 4c1g 4C1G 4c1h 4C1H 4chl 4CHL 4d02 4D02 4d1t 4D1T 4d1u 4D1U 4d1v 4D1V 4d1w 4D1W 4dik Flavo Di-iron protein H90A mutant from Thermotoga maritima 4dil Flavo Di-iron protein H90N mutant from Thermotoga maritima 4efz Crystal Structure of a hypothetical metallo-beta-lactamase from Burkholderia pseudomallei 4exs Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to L-captopril 4exy Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to ethylene glycol 4ey2 Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed methicillin 4eyb Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed oxacillin 4eyf Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed benzylpenicillin 4eyl Crystal structure of NDM-1 bound to hydrolyzed meropenem 4f6h Mutagenesis of zinc ligand residue Cys221 reveals plasticity in the IMP-1 metallo-b-lactamase active site 4f6z Mutagenesis of zinc ligand residue Cys221 reveals plasticity in the IMP-1 metallo-b-lactamase active site 4fek Crystal Structure of putative diflavin flavoprotein A 5 (fragment 1-254) from Nostoc sp. PCC 7120, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target NsR435A , Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target NsR435A 4fr7 Crystal structure of the metallo-beta-lactamase VIM-31 in its reduced form at 1.61 A 4fsb Crystal structure of the metallo-beta-lactamase VIM-31 in its oxidized form at 1.88 A 4gcw Crystal structure of RNase Z in complex with precursor tRNA(Thr) 4gyq Crystal Structure of New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 D223A mutant from Klebsiella pneumoniae 4gyu Crystal Structure of New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 A121F mutant from Klebsiella pneumoniae 4h0d New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 Complexed with Mn from Klebsiella pneumoniae 4hky New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1, Complexed with Cd and Faropenem 4hl1 Crystal Structure of New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1, Complexed with Cd and Ampicillin 4hl2 New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase-1 1.05 A structure Complexed with Hydrolyzed Ampicillin 4j5f Crystal Structure of B. thuringiensis AiiA mutant F107W 4j5h Crystal Structure of B. thuringiensis AiiA mutant F107W with N-decanoyl-L-homoserine bound at the active site 4jo0 Crystal Structure of CmlA, a diiron beta-hydroxylase from Streptomyces venezuelae 4kep Crystal structure of 4-pyridoxolactonase, wild-type 4keq Crystal structure of 4-pyridoxolactonase, 5-pyridoxolactone bound 4le6 Crystal structure of the phosphotriesterase OPHC2 from Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes 4nq2 4NQ2 4nq4 4NQ4 4nq5 4NQ5 4nq6 4NQ6 4nq7 4NQ7 4nur 4NUR 4o98 4O98 4p62 4P62 4pdx 4PDX 4pvo 4PVO 4pvt 4PVT 4ram 4RAM 4raw 4RAW 4rbs 4RBS 4rl0 4RL0 4rl2 4RL2 4rm5 4RM5 4tyf 4TYF 4tyt 4TYT 4tz9 4TZ9 4tzb 4TZB 4tze 4TZE 4tzf 4TZF 4u4l 4U4L 4ua4 4UA4 4uam 4UAM 4ubq 4UBQ 4uwo 4UWO 4uwp 4UWP 4uwr 4UWR 4uws 4UWS 4v0h 4V0H 4wd6 4WD6 4xuk 4XUK 4xwt 4XWT 4xww 4XWW 4ysb 4YSB 4ysk 4YSK 4ysl 4YSL 4zej 4ZEJ 4znb METALLO-BETA-LACTAMASE (C181S MUTANT) 4zo2 4ZO2 4zo3 4ZO3 5a0t 5A0T 5a0v 5A0V 5a23 5A23 5a5z 5A5Z 5a87 5A87 5acp 5ACP 5acq 5ACQ 5acr 5ACR 5acs 5ACS 5act 5ACT 5acu 5ACU 5acv 5ACV 5acw 5ACW 5acx 5ACX 5aeb 5AEB 5aho 5AHO 5ahr 5AHR 5aij 5AIJ 5ajl 5AJL 5axo 5AXO 5axr 5AXR 5aya 5AYA 5b15 5B15 5b1u 5B1U 5eh9 5EH9 5eht 5EHT 5ev6 5EV6 5ev8 5EV8 5evb 5EVB 5evd 5EVD 5evk 5EVK 5ew0 5EW0 5ewa 5EWA 5fqa 5FQA 5fqb 5FQB 5fqc 5FQC 5hio 5HIO 5hip 5HIP 5hiq 5HIQ 5his 5HIS 5i0p 5I0P 5iqk 5IQK 5k0w 5K0W 5lld 5LLD 5lmc 5LMC 5lsc 5LSC - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
INTERPRO IPR001279 PFAM Lactamase_B