The sequences featured in this family are similar to a hypothetical protein product of ORF N1221 in the CPT1-SPC98 intergenic region of the yeast genome . This encodes an acidic polypeptide with several possible transmembrane regions PMID:8619318.
This domain can be found in the N terminus of the yeast Far11 protein and the human STRP1/2 proteins.
Budding yeast Far11 interacts with the phosphatases Pph21, Pph22, and Pph3 and may be involved in the regulation of autophagy and the DNA damage signaling [ (PUBMED:22782902) ]. STRP1/2 (also known as FAM40A/B) are regulators of cytoskeletal organization, cell morphology and migration [ (PUBMED:21834987) ].
Family alignment:
There are 1653 N1221 domains in 1652 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing N1221 domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with N1221 domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing N1221 domain in the selected taxonomic class.
Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
A 43.5 kb segment of yeast chromosome XIV, which contains MFA2, MEP2, CAP/SRV2,NAM9, FKB1/FPR1/RBP1, MOM22 and CPT1, predicts an adenosine deaminase gene and 14new open reading frames.
Yeast. 1995; 11: 1195-209
Display abstract
A 43,481 bp fragment from the left arm of chromosome XIV of Saccharomycescerevisiae was sequenced. A gene for tRNA(phe) and 23 non-overlapping openreading frames (ORFs) were identified, seven of which correspond to known yeastgenes: MFA2, MEP2, CAP/SRV2, NAM9, FKB1/FPR1/RBP1, MOM22 and CPT1. One ORF maycorrespond to the yet unidentified yeast adenosine deaminase gene. Among the 15other ORFs, four exhibit known signatures, which include a protein tyrosinephosphatase, a cytoskeleton-associated protein and two ATP-binding proteins, fourhave similarities with putative proteins of yeast or proteins from otherorganisms and seven exibit no significant similarity with amino acid sequencesdescribed in data banks. One ORF is identical to yeast expressed sequence tags(EST) and therefore corresponds to an expressed gene. Six ORFs presentsimilarities to human dbESTs, thus identifying motifs conserved during evolution.Nine ORFs are putative transmembrane proteins. In addition, one overlapping andthree antisense ORFs, which are not likely to be functional, were detected.
Links (links to other resources describing this domain)