RASRas subfamily of RAS small GTPases |
SMART accession number: | SM00173 |
Description: | Similar in fold and function to the bacterial EF-Tu GTPase. p21Ras couples receptor Tyr kinases and G protein receptors to protein kinase cascades |
Family alignment: |
There are 10915 RAS domains in 10905 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing RAS domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with RAS domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing RAS domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: GTP-hydrolysis
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Downward J
- Ras signalling and apoptosis.
- Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1998; 8: 49-54
- Display abstract
Activated Ras proteins have either positive or negative effects on the regulation of apoptosis depending on cell type and other factors. In part, this is due to the ability of Ras to control directly multiple effector pathways, including PI3-kinase, which provides a universal survival signal, and Raf, which can inhibit survival. The mechanisms remain partly unclear, however, especially with regard to Raf effects on apoptosis regulation. Recently Ras has been shown to be able to protect cells from apoptosis either through activation of PKB/Akt via PI3-kinase, or through activation of NF-kappa B.
- Lloyd AC
- Ras versus cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors.
- Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1998; 8: 43-8
- Display abstract
In the past year, complex interactions between Ras and the cell cycle have been identified. In primary cells, activated Ras induces a cell-cycle arrest via the induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs). Oncogenic changes that cooperate with Ras act by neutralising CDKIs by various mechanisms. In the absence of a negative growth signal from Ras, such as in most immortalised cell lines, Ras acts positively on the cell cycle. Insights have been made into the mechanisms by which Ras abrogates remaining cell-cycle controls.
- Wittinghofer A, Pai EF
- The structure of Ras protein: a model for a universal molecular switch.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1991; 16: 382-7
- Display abstract
X-ray crystallography has revealed the molecular architecture of the cellular and oncogenic forms of p21Ha-ras, the protein encoded by the human Ha-ras gene, in both its active (GTP-bound) and in its inactive (GDP-bound) forms. From comparison of these two structures, a mechanism is suggested for the GTPase hydrolysis reaction that triggers the conformational change necessary for signal transduction. The structures have also allowed identification of the structural consequences of point mutations and the way in which they interfere with the intrinsic GTPase activity of p21ras. The p21ras structure is similar to that of the G-domain of elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) from Escherichia coli, suggesting that p21ras can serve as a good model for other guanine nucleotide binding proteins.
- Schlichting I et al.
- Time-resolved X-ray crystallographic study of the conformational change in Ha-Ras p21 protein on GTP hydrolysis.
- Nature. 1990; 345: 309-15
- Display abstract
Crystals of Ha-Ras p21 with caged GTP at the active site have been used to investigate the conformational changes of p21 on GTP hydrolysis. The structure of the short-lived p21.GTP complex was determined by Laue diffraction methods. After GTP hydrolysis, substantial structural changes occur in the parts of the molecule implicated in the interaction with GTPase-activating protein. The trigger for this process seems to be a change in coordination of the active-site Mg2+ ion as a result of loss of the gamma-phosphate of GTP.
- Pai EF, Kabsch W, Krengel U, Holmes KC, John J, Wittinghofer A
- Structure of the guanine-nucleotide-binding domain of the Ha-ras oncogene product p21 in the triphosphate conformation.
- Nature. 1989; 341: 209-14
- Display abstract
The crystal structure of the guanine-nucleotide-binding domain of p21 (amino acids 1-166) complexed to the guanosine triphosphate analogue guanosine-5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate (GppNp) has been determined at a resolution of 2.6 A. The topological order of secondary structure elements is the same as that of the guanine-nucleotide-binding domain of bacterial elongation factor EF-Tu. Many interactions between nucleotide and protein have been identified. The effects of point mutations and the conservation of amino-acid sequence in the guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins are discussed.
- Shih TY, Papageorge AG, Stokes PE, Weeks MO, Scolnick EM
- Guanine nucleotide-binding and autophosphorylating activities associated with the p21src protein of Harvey murine sarcoma virus.
- Nature. 1980; 287: 686-91
- Display abstract
The purified p21src protein of Harvey sarcoma virus shows a guanine nucleotide-binding activity and, in addition, at elevated temperature an autophosphorylating activity at a threonine residue using as phosphoryl donor GTP or dGTP but not ATP or dATP. These biochemical activities are unique among those associated with transforming proteins of RNA-containing or DNA-containing tumour viruses.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the RAS domain.
Protein Disease Ras-related protein R-Ras2 (P62070) (SMART) OMIM:600098: ONCOGENE TC21 GTPase KRas (P01116) (SMART) OMIM:190070: Colorectal adenoma ; Colorectal cancer UNKNOWN (SMART) OMIM:190070: Colorectal adenoma ; Colorectal cancer GTPase HRas (P01112) (SMART) OMIM:190020: Bladder cancer
OMIM:109800:GTPase NRas (P01111) (SMART) OMIM:164790: Colorectal cancer Ras-related protein Rab-27A (P51159) (SMART) OMIM:603868: Griscelli syndrome
OMIM:214450: - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 6.97 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 5.61 map04530 Tight junction 5.61 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 4.55 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 4.24 map05211 Renal cell carcinoma 4.24 map04720 Long-term potentiation 2.88 map05219 Bladder cancer 2.88 map05216 Thyroid cancer 2.88 map04664 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway 2.88 map05213 Endometrial cancer 2.88 map04370 VEGF signaling pathway 2.88 map04912 GnRH signaling pathway 2.88 map04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 2.88 map05212 Pancreatic cancer 2.88 map05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 2.88 map05215 Prostate cancer 2.88 map05214 Glioma 2.88 map04012 ErbB signaling pathway 2.88 map04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 2.88 map04540 Gap junction 2.88 map05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 2.88 map04916 Melanogenesis 2.88 map04730 Long-term depression 2.88 map04360 Axon guidance 2.88 map05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 2.88 map05218 Melanoma 2.88 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 2.12 map04510 Focal adhesion 1.67 map04150 mTOR signaling pathway 1.36 map04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 1.06 map05210 Colorectal cancer 1.06 map04320 Dorso-ventral axis formation 1.06 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with RAS domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing RAS domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of RAS domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 121p STRUKTUR UND GUANOSINTRIPHOSPHAT-HYDROLYSEMECHANISMUS DES C-TERMINAL VERKUERZTEN MENSCHLICHEN KREBSPROTEINS P21-H-RAS 1aa9 HUMAN C-HA-RAS(1-171)(DOT)GDP, NMR, MINIMIZED AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1agp THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES AND PROPERTIES OF A TRANSFORMING AND A NONTRANSFORMING GLY-12 MUTANT OF P21-H-RAS 1bkd COMPLEX OF HUMAN H-RAS WITH HUMAN SOS-1 1c1y CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RAP.GMPPNP IN COMPLEX WITH THE RAS-BINDING-DOMAIN OF C-RAF1 KINASE (RAFRBD). 1clu H-RAS COMPLEXED WITH DIAMINOBENZOPHENONE-BETA,GAMMA-IMIDO-GTP 1crp THE SOLUTION STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF RAS P21. GDP DETERMINED BY HETERONUCLEAR THREE AND FOUR DIMENSIONAL NMR SPECTROSCOPY 1crq THE SOLUTION STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF RAS P21. GDP DETERMINED BY HETERONUCLEAR THREE AND FOUR DIMENSIONAL NMR SPECTROSCOPY 1crr THE SOLUTION STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF RAS P21. GDP DETERMINED BY HETERONUCLEAR THREE AND FOUR DIMENSIONAL NMR SPECTROSCOPY 1ctq STRUCTURE OF P21RAS IN COMPLEX WITH GPPNHP AT 100 K 1gnp X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF THE ONCOGENE PRODUCT P21H-RAS COMPLEXED WITH CAGED GTP AND MANT DGPPNHP 1gnq X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF THE ONCOGENE PRODUCT P21H-RAS COMPLEXED WITH CAGED GTP AND MANT DGPPNHP 1gnr X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF THE ONCOGENE PRODUCT P21H-RAS COMPLEXED WITH CAGED GTP AND MANT DGPPNHP 1gua HUMAN RAP1A, RESIDUES 1-167, DOUBLE MUTANT (E30D,K31E) COMPLEXED WITH GPPNHP AND THE RAS-BINDING-DOMAIN OF HUMAN C-RAF1, RESIDUES 51-131 1he8 Ras G12V - PI 3-kinase gamma complex 1iaq C-H-RAS P21 PROTEIN MUTANT WITH THR 35 REPLACED BY SER (T35S) COMPLEXED WITH GUANOSINE-5'-[B,G-IMIDO] TRIPHOSPHATE 1ioz Crystal Structure of the C-HA-RAS Protein Prepared by the Cell-Free Synthesis 1jah H-RAS P21 PROTEIN MUTANT G12P, COMPLEXED WITH GUANOSINE-5'-[BETA,GAMMA-METHYLENE] TRIPHOSPHATE AND MAGNESIUM 1jai H-RAS P21 PROTEIN MUTANT G12P, COMPLEXED WITH GUANOSINE-5'-[BETA,GAMMA-METHYLENE] TRIPHOSPHATE AND MANGANESE 1k8r Crystal structure of Ras-Bry2RBD complex 1kao CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE SMALL G PROTEIN RAP2A WITH GDP 1lf0 Crystal Structure of RasA59G in the GTP-bound form 1lf5 Crystal Structure of RasA59G in the GDP-bound Form 1lfd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ACTIVE RAS PROTEIN COMPLEXED WITH THE RAS-INTERACTING DOMAIN OF RALGDS 1nvu Structural evidence for feedback activation by RasGTP of the Ras-specific nucleotide exchange factor SOS 1nvv Structural evidence for feedback activation by RasGTP of the Ras-specific nucleotide exchange factor SOS 1nvw Structural evidence for feedback activation by RasGTP of the Ras-specific nucleotide exchange factor SOS 1nvx Structural evidence for feedback activation by RasGTP of the Ras-specific nucleotide exchange factor SOS 1p2s H-Ras 166 in 50% 2,2,2 triflouroethanol 1p2t H-Ras 166 in Aqueous mother liqour, RT 1p2u H-Ras in 50% isopropanol 1p2v H-RAS 166 in 60 % 1,6 hexanediol 1plj CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES ON P21H-RAS USING SYNCHROTRON LAUE METHOD: IMPROVEMENT OF CRYSTAL QUALITY AND MONITORING OF THE GTPASE REACTION AT DIFFERENT TIME POINTS 1plk CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES ON P21H-RAS USING SYNCHROTRON LAUE METHOD: IMPROVEMENT OF CRYSTAL QUALITY AND MONITORING OF THE GTPASE REACTION AT DIFFERENT TIME POINTS 1pll CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES ON P21H-RAS USING SYNCHROTRON LAUE METHOD: IMPROVEMENT OF CRYSTAL QUALITY AND MONITORING OF THE GTPASE REACTION AT DIFFERENT TIME POINTS 1q21 CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AT 2.2 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAINS OF NORMAL RAS PROTEIN AND AN ONCOGENIC MUTANT COMPLEXED WITH GSP 1qra STRUCTURE OF P21RAS IN COMPLEX WITH GTP AT 100 K 1rvd H-RAS COMPLEXED WITH DIAMINOBENZOPHENONE-BETA,GAMMA-IMIDO-GTP 1u8y CRystal structures of Ral-GppNHp and Ral-GDP reveal two novel binding sites that are also present in Ras and Rap 1u8z Crystal structures of Ral-GppNHp and Ral-GDP reveal two novel binding sites that are also present in Ras and Rap 1u90 Crystal structures of Ral-GppNHp and Ral-GDP reveal two novel binding sites that are also present in Ras and Rap 1uad Crystal structure of the RalA-GppNHp-Sec5 Ral-binding domain complex 1wq1 RAS-RASGAP COMPLEX 1x1r Crystal structure of M-Ras in complex with GDP 1x1s Crystal structure of M-Ras in complex with GppNHp 1xcm Crystal structure of the GppNHp-bound H-Ras G60A mutant 1xd2 Crystal Structure of a ternary Ras:SOS:Ras*GDP complex 1xj0 Crystal Structure of the GDP-bound form of the RasG60A mutant 1xtq Structure of small GTPase human Rheb in complex with GDP 1xtr Structure of small GTPase human Rheb in complex with GppNHp 1xts Structure of small GTPase human Rheb in complex with GTP 1zc3 Crystal structure of the Ral-binding domain of Exo84 in complex with the active RalA 1zc4 Crystal structure of the Ral-binding domain of Exo84 in complex with the active RalA 1zvq Structure of the Q61G mutant of Ras in the GDP-bound form 1zw6 Crystal Structure of the GTP-bound form of RasQ61G 221p THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF H-RAS P21 MUTANTS: MOLECULAR BASIS FOR THEIR INABILITY TO FUNCTION AS SIGNAL SWITCH MOLECULES 2a78 Crystal structure of the C3bot-RalA complex reveals a novel type of action of a bacterial exoenzyme 2a9k Crystal structure of the C3bot-NAD-RalA complex reveals a novel type of action of a bacterial exoenzyme 2atv The crystal structure of human RERG in the GDP bound state 2bov Molecular recognition of an ADP-ribosylating Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme by RalA GTPase 2c5l Structure of PLC epsilon Ras association domain with hRas 2ce2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF A FLUORESCENT FORM OF H-RAS P21 IN COMPLEX WITH GDP 2cl0 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF A FLUORESCENT FORM OF H-RAS P21 IN COMPLEX WITH GppNHp 2cl6 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF A FLUORESCENT FORM OF H-RAS P21 IN COMPLEX WITH S-caged GTP 2cl7 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF A FLUORESCENT FORM OF H-RAS P21 IN COMPLEX WITH GTP 2clc CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF A FLUORESCENT FORM OF H-RAS P21 IN COMPLEX WITH GTP (2) 2cld CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF A FLUORESCENT FORM OF H-RAS P21 IN COMPLEX WITH GDP (2) 2erx Crystal Structure of DiRas2 in Complex With GDP and Inorganic Phosphate 2ery The crystal structure of the Ras related protein RRas2 (RRAS2) in the GDP bound state 2evw Crystal structure analysis of a fluorescent form of H-Ras p21 in complex with R-caged GTP 2fn4 The crystal structure of human Ras-related protein, RRAS, in the GDP-bound state 2gf0 The crystal structure of the human DiRas1 GTPase in the inactive GDP bound state 2ke5 Solution structure and dynamics of the small GTPase Ralb in its active conformation: significance for effector protein binding 2kwi RalB-RLIP76 (RalBP1) complex 2l0x Solution structure of the 21 kDa GTPase RHEB bound to GDP 2lcf Solution structure of GppNHp-bound H-RasT35S mutant protein 2lwi Solution structure of H-RasT35S mutant protein in complex with Kobe2601 2msc 2MSC 2msd 2MSD 2mse 2MSE 2n42 2N42 2n46 2N46 2q21 CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AT 2.2 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAINS OF NORMAL RAS PROTEIN AND AN ONCOGENIC MUTANT COMPLEXED WITH GSP 2quz Crystal Structure of the activating H-RasK117R mutant in Costello Syndrome, bound to Mg-GDP 2rap THE SMALL G PROTEIN RAP2A IN COMPLEX WITH GTP 2rga Crystal structure of H-RasQ61I-GppNHp 2rgb Crystal structure of H-RasQ61K-GppNHp 2rgc Crystal structure of H-RasQ61V-GppNHp 2rgd Crystal structure of H-RasQ61L-GppNHp 2rge Crystal structure of H-Ras-GppNHp 2rgg Crystal structure of H-RasQ61I-GppNHp, trigonal crystal form 2rhd Crystal structure of Cryptosporidium parvum small GTPase RAB1A 2uzi Crystal structure of HRAS(G12V) - anti-RAS Fv complex 2vh5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HRAS(G12V) - ANTI-RAS FV (disulfide free mutant) COMPLEX 2x1v Crystal Structure of the activating H-Ras I163F mutant in Costello Syndrome, bound to MG-GDP 3brw Structure of the Rap-RapGAP complex 3cf6 Structure of Epac2 in complex with cyclic-AMP and Rap 3con Crystal structure of the human NRAS GTPase bound with GDP 3ddc Crystal Structure of NORE1A in Complex with RAS 3gft Human K-Ras in complex with a GTP analogue 3i3s Crystal Structure of H-Ras with Thr50 replaced by Isoleucine 3k8y Allosteric modulation of H-Ras GTPase 3k9l Allosteric modulation of H-Ras GTPase 3k9n Allosteric modulation of H-Ras GTPase 3kkm Crystal structure of H-Ras T35S in complex with GppNHp 3kkn Crystal structure of H-Ras T35S in complex with GppNHp 3kko Crystal structure of M-Ras P40D/D41E/L51R in complex with GppNHp 3kkp Crystal structure of M-Ras P40D in complex with GppNHp 3kkq Crystal structure of M-Ras P40D in complex with GDP 3kuc Complex of Rap1A(E30D/K31E)GDP with RafRBD(A85K/N71R) 3kud Complex of Ras-GDP with RafRBD(A85K) 3l8y Complex of Ras with cyclen 3l8z H-Ras wildtype new crystal form 3lbh Ras soaked in Calcium Acetate 3lbi Ras soaked in Magnesium Acetate and back soaked in Calcium Acetate 3lbn Ras soaked in Magnesium Acetate 3lo5 Crystal Structure of the dominant negative S17N mutant of Ras 3oes Crystal structure of the small GTPase RhebL1 3oiu H-RasQ61L with allosteric switch in the "on" state 3oiv H-RasG12V with allosteric switch in the "off" state 3oiw H-RasG12V with allosteric switch in the "on" state 3pir Crystal structure of M-RasD41E in complex with GppNHp (type 1) 3pit Crystal structure of M-RasD41E in complex with GppNHp (type 2) 3rap The small G protein Rap2 in a non catalytic complex with GTP 3rry H-Ras crosslinked control, soaked in aqueous solution: one of 10 in MSCS set 3rrz H-Ras in 70% glycerol: one of 10 in MSCS set 3rs0 H-Ras soaked in neat cyclopentanol: one of 10 in MSCS set 3rs2 H-Ras soaked in 50% 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol: one of 10 in MSCS set 3rs3 H-Ras soaked in neat hexane: 1 of 10 in MSCS set 3rs4 H-Ras soaked in 60% 1,6-hexanediol: 1 of 10 in MSCS set 3rs5 H-Ras soaked in 55% dimethylformamide: 1 of 10 in MSCS set 3rs7 H-Ras soaked in 50% isopropanol: 1 of 10 in MSCS set 3rsl H-Ras soaked in 90% R,S,R-bisfuranol: one of 10 in MSCS set 3rso H-Ras soaked in 20% S,R,S-bisfuranol: 1 of 10 in MSCS set 3sea Structure of Rheb-Y35A mutant in GDP- and GMPPNP-bound forms 3t5g Structure of fully modified farnesylated Rheb in complex with PDE6D 3tgp Room temperature H-ras 3v4f H-Ras PEG 400/CaCl2, ordered off 3x1w 3X1W 3x1x 3X1X 3x1y 3X1Y 3x1z 3X1Z 421p THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF H-RAS P21 MUTANTS: MOLECULAR BASIS FOR THEIR INABILITY TO FUNCTION AS SIGNAL SWITCH MOLECULES 4dlr H-Ras PEG 400/Ca(OAc)2, ordered off 4dls H-Ras Set 1 CaCl2 'Mixed' 4dlt H-Ras Set 2 Ca(OAc)2, on 4dlu H-Ras Set 1 Ca(OAc)2, on 4dlv H-Ras Set 2 CaCl2/DTT, ordered off 4dlw H-Ras Set 2 Ca(OAc)2/DTT, on 4dlx H-Ras Set 1 CaCl2/DTE, ordered off 4dly Set 1 CaCl2/DTT, ordered off 4dlz H-Ras Set 2 Ca(OAc)2/DTE, ordered off 4dsn Small-molecule ligands bind to a distinct pocket in Ras and inhibit SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange activity 4dso Small-molecule ligands bind to a distinct pocket in Ras and inhibit SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange activity 4dst Small-molecule ligands bind to a distinct pocket in Ras and inhibit SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange activity 4dsu Small-molecule ligands bind to a distinct pocket in Ras and inhibit SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange activity 4dxa Co-crystal structure of Rap1 in complex with KRIT1 4efl Crystal structure of H-Ras WT in complex with GppNHp (state 1) 4efm Crystal structure of H-Ras G12V in complex with GppNHp (state 1) 4efn Crystal structure of H-Ras Q61L in complex with GppNHp (state 1) 4epr Discovery of Small Molecules that Bind to K-Ras and Inhibit Sos-Mediated Activation. 4ept Discovery of Small Molecules that Bind to K-Ras and Inhibit Sos-mediated Activation 4epv Discovery of Small Molecules that Bind to K-Ras and Inhibit Sos-mediated Activation 4epw Discovery of Small Molecules that Bind to K-Ras and Inhibit Sos-mediated Activation 4epx Discovery of Small Molecules that Bind to K-Ras and Inhibit Sos-mediated Activation 4epy Discovery of Small Molecules that Bind to K-Ras and Inhibit Sos-mediated Activation 4g0n Crystal Structure of wt H-Ras-GppNHp bound to the RBD of Raf Kinase 4g3x Crystal Structure of Q61L H-Ras-GppNHp bound to the RBD of Raf Kinase 4hdo Crystal structure of the binary Complex of KRIT1 bound to the Rap1 GTPase 4hdq Crystal Structure of the Ternary Complex of KRIT1 bound to both the Rap1 GTPase and the Heart of Glass (HEG1) cytoplasmic tail 4k81 Crystal structure of the Grb14 RA and PH domains in complex with GTP-loaded H-Ras 4klz 4KLZ 4ku4 Crystal Structure of a Ras-like Protein from Cryphonectria parasitica in Complex with GDP 4kvg Crystal structure of RIAM RA-PH domains in complex with GTP bound Rap1 4l8g Crystal Structure of K-Ras G12C, GDP-bound 4l9s Crystal Structure of H-Ras G12C, GDP-bound 4l9w Crystal Structure of H-Ras G12C, GMPPNP-bound 4ldj 4LDJ 4lpk Crystal Structure of K-Ras WT, GDP-bound 4lrw Crystal Structure of K-Ras G12C (cysteine-light), GDP-bound 4luc Crystal Structure of small molecule disulfide 6 bound to K-Ras G12C 4lv6 Crystal Structure of small molecule disulfide 4 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4lyf Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 8 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4lyh Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 9 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4lyj Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 9 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C, alternative space group 4m1o Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 7 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m1s Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 13 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m1t Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 14 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m1w Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m1y Crystal Structure of small molecule vinylsulfonamide 15 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m21 Crystal Structure of small molecule acrylamide 11 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m22 Crystal Structure of small molecule acrylamide 16 covalently bound to K-Ras G12C 4m8n Crystal Structure of PlexinC1/Rap1B Complex 4mgi 4MGI 4mgk 4MGK 4mgy 4MGY 4mgz 4MGZ 4mh0 4MH0 4nmm 4NMM 4nyi Approach for Targeting Ras with Small Molecules that Activate SOS-Mediated Nucleotide Exchange 4nyj Approach for Targeting Ras with Small Molecules that Activate SOS-Mediated Nucleotide Exchange 4nym Approach for Targeting Ras with Small Molecules that Activate SOS-Mediated Nucleotide Exchange 4o25 Structure of Wild Type Mus musculus Rheb bound to GTP 4o2l Structure of Mus musculus Rheb G63A mutant bound to GTP 4o2r Structure of Mus musculus Rheb G63V mutant bound to GDP 4obe 4OBE 4pzy 4PZY 4pzz 4PZZ 4q01 4Q01 4q02 4Q02 4q03 4Q03 4q21 MOLECULAR SWITCH FOR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION: STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACTIVE AND INACTIVE FORMS OF PROTOONCOGENIC RAS PROTEINS 4ql3 4QL3 4rsg 4RSG 4tq9 4TQ9 4tqa 4TQA 4uru 4URU 4urv 4URV 4urw 4URW 4urx 4URX 4ury 4URY 4urz 4URZ 4us0 4US0 4us1 4US1 4us2 4US2 4wa7 4WA7 4xvq 4XVQ 4xvr 4XVR 521p THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF H-RAS P21 MUTANTS: MOLECULAR BASIS FOR THEIR INABILITY TO FUNCTION AS SIGNAL SWITCH MOLECULES 5b2z 5B2Z 5b30 5B30 5cm8 5CM8 5cm9 5CM9 5e95 5E95 5f2e 5F2E 5kho 5KHO 5p21 REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TRIPHOSPHATE CONFORMATION OF H-RAS P21 AT 1.35 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MECHANISM OF GTP HYDROLYSIS 5tar 5TAR 5tb5 5TB5 621p THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF H-RAS P21 MUTANTS: MOLECULAR BASIS FOR THEIR INABILITY TO FUNCTION AS SIGNAL SWITCH MOLECULES 6q21 MOLECULAR SWITCH FOR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION: STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACTIVE AND INACTIVE FORMS OF PROTOONCOGENIC RAS PROTEINS 721p THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF H-RAS P21 MUTANTS: MOLECULAR BASIS FOR THEIR INABILITY TO FUNCTION AS SIGNAL SWITCH MOLECULES 821p THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES AND PROPERTIES OF A TRANSFORMING AND A NONTRANSFORMING GLYCINE-12 MUTANT OF P21H-RAS - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
PFAM ras