There were 7245 matches in SMART for your query bamE. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Variovorax sp. 54 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE (Lipoprotein component of BamABCDE complex)


Methylobacterium sp. 190mf protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Roseivivax sediminis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1G7GY19_9SPHN (A0A1G7GY19)

Sphingomonas sp. S7-754 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1I4R0U9_9RHIZ (A0A1I4R0U9)

Pleomorphomonas diazotrophica protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Mucilaginibacter auburnensis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE (Lipoprotein component of BamABCDE complex)

A0A1H5WN92_9RHOB (A0A1H5WN92)

Jhaorihella thermophila protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A212QIA8_9RHIZ (A0A212QIA8)

Rhodoplanes sp. JGI PP 4-B12 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Rhodospirillales bacterium URHD0017 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1H2G517_9BACT (A0A1H2G517)

Verrucomicrobium sp. GAS474 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Monaibacterium marinum protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1H2K9R0_9DELT (A0A1H2K9R0)

Desulfobacula phenolica protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE

A0A1H2J4T1_9DELT (A0A1H2J4T1)

Desulfobacula phenolica protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE


Desulfobacula phenolica protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE

A0A1I3B3W6_9PROT (A0A1I3B3W6)

Nitrosospira sp. Nsp14 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Rhizobiales bacterium GAS191 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1I3Y741_9RHIZ (A0A1I3Y741)

Methylocapsa palsarum protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Paracoccus isoporae protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A239GFK6_9BACI (A0A239GFK6)

Bacillus sp. OK838 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Rhizobium oryzae protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Devosia crocina protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Salinihabitans flavidus protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A239H7G4_9PSED (A0A239H7G4)

Pseudomonas delhiensis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Burkholderia sp. JKS000303 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE (Lipoprotein component of BamABCDE complex)


Idiomarina maritima protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Roseospirillum parvum protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Roseivivax roseus protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1G6W727_9PROT (A0A1G6W727)

Kordiimonas lacus protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1G7V0W7_9GAMM (A0A1G7V0W7)

Dyella sp. 333MFSha protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1G4Z9T7_9PROT (A0A1G4Z9T7)

Nitrosospira sp. Nsp1 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1I7NE90_9RHIZ (A0A1I7NE90)

Hyphomicrobium facile protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Maricaulis salignorans protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1H9EK33_9RHOB (A0A1H9EK33)

Loktanella sp. DSM 29012 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1 protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE


Desulfobacterium vacuolatum DSM 3385 protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE


Bacteroides luti protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Loktanella pyoseonensis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Paracoccus homiensis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Desulfocapsa sulfexigens DSM 10523 protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE

A0A1H5HS77_9RHIZ (A0A1H5HS77)

Rhizobiales bacterium GAS188 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Paraburkholderia phenazinium protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1N6HL60_9BURK (A0A1N6HL60)

Paraburkholderia phenazinium protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1M6DB20_9FIRM (A0A1M6DB20)

Desulfosporosinus lacus DSM 15449 protein

Tungsten-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase-related protein bamE

A0A1G7K2S9_9BRAD (A0A1G7K2S9)

Bosea robiniae protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A285M8P4_9RHIZ (A0A285M8P4)

Cohaesibacter sp. ES.047 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Bartonella apis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex


Bartonella apis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1R0F7N7_9RHIZ (A0A1R0F7N7)

Bartonella apis protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A212U985_9ALTE (A0A212U985)

Marinobacter sp. es.048 protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex

A0A1G7QL61_9RHOB (A0A1G7QL61)

Sulfitobacter delicatus protein

Outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE, lipoprotein component of the BamABCDE complex