There were 12108 matches in SMART for your query engB. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Prevotella sp. CAG:924 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A091FAY8_9DELT (A0A091FAY8)

Smithella sp. SCADC protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A136MYU0_9BACT (A0A136MYU0)

Omnitrophica bacterium OLB16 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

K2K614_9PROT (K2K614)

Oceanibaculum indicum P24 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

S6G961_9MOLU (S6G961)

Mycoplasma yeatsii 13926 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1G0H0W3_9GAMM (A0A1G0H0W3)

Gammaproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPHIGHO2_12_FULL_40_19 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Deltaproteobacteria bacterium RBG_19FT_COMBO_58_16 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Parapedobacter indicus protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Leptospira noguchii str. 2001034031 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A239G0L4_9RHOB (A0A239G0L4)

Rhodobacter megalophilus protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0A1HS98_9PSED (A0A0A1HS98)

Pseudomonas sp. SHC52 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0R2R3P4_9ACTN (A0A0R2R3P4)

Acidimicrobiia bacterium BACL6 MAG-120322-bin79 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Marinobacter pelagius protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A166UF88_9GAMM (A0A166UF88)

Thalassolituus sp. HI0120 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Clostridium sp. CAG:149 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Methylobacterium sp. Leaf111 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1I6YN06_9GAMM (A0A1I6YN06)

Halomonas saccharevitans protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

E5V1K1_9BACL (E5V1K1)

Gemella morbillorum M424 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

H0UK57_9BACT (H0UK57)

Jonquetella anthropi DSM 22815 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1L8WP13_9ENTE (A0A1L8WP13)

Enterococcus ratti protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A072EHE8_9STRE (A0A072EHE8)

Streptococcus equi subsp. ruminatorum CECT 5772 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A142VWZ2_9SPHN (A0A142VWZ2)

Sphingopyxis terrae NBRC 15098 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1V9H880_9XANT (A0A1V9H880)

Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. syngonii LMG 9055 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Flavobacteriales bacterium TMED84 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1R1I298_9RHOO (A0A1R1I298)

Azonexus hydrophilus protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A085BMR9_9FLAO (A0A085BMR9)

Chryseobacterium halperniae protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1Q8E7M4_9STRE (A0A1Q8E7M4)

Streptococcus cuniculi protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A240TW02_9BURK (A0A240TW02)

Acidovorax sp. NA2 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0Q1L661_9FIRM (A0A0Q1L661)

Lachnospiraceae bacterium TF01-11 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Bacillus pseudofirmus protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Serratia odorifera DSM 4582 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Xanthomonas vesicatoria protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0K1K0U5_9BURK (A0A0K1K0U5)

Massilia sp. NR 4-1 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Thiocapsa sp. KS1 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Lactobacillus parakefiri DSM 10551 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Enterobacteriaceae bacterium strain FGI 57 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Sphingobium japonicum UT26S protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus AHT 2 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

R5S0G1_9BACE (R5S0G1)

Bacteroides sp. CAG:661 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1H8U7P2_9PROT (A0A1H8U7P2)

Rhodospirillales bacterium URHD0017 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila simulans wHa protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

D2MQ73_9FIRM (D2MQ73)

Bulleidia extructa W1219 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0C7D9E0_9RICK (A0A0C7D9E0)

Ehrlichia minasensis protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Capnocytophaga sp. oral taxon 332 str. F0381 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Clostridium scatologenes protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

R7A175_9FIRM (R7A175)

Firmicutes bacterium CAG:308 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Phenylobacterium sp. RIFCSPHIGHO2_01_FULL_70_10 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

U7G0E7_9GAMM (U7G0E7)

Alcanivorax sp. P2S70 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1T5BT22_9BACT (A0A1T5BT22)

Parabacteroides chartae protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A066UKG1_9GAMM (A0A066UKG1)

Moraxella bovoculi 237 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB