There were 12108 matches in SMART for your query engB. The results are sorted based on relevance.

U2WT22_9PROT (U2WT22)

alpha proteobacterium RS24 protein

Putative GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A165V416_PSEST (A0A165V416)

Pseudomonas stutzeri protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A162VYJ9_9BURK (A0A162VYJ9)

Hydrogenophaga crassostreae protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Tatumella citrea protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Robiginitalea biformata HTCC2501 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

R6H4N7_9FIRM (R6H4N7)

Firmicutes bacterium CAG:582 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Acinetobacter tandoii DSM 14970 = CIP 107469 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

F3L4C6_9GAMM (F3L4C6)

gamma proteobacterium IMCC3088 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0Q7Y200_9RHIZ (A0A0Q7Y200)

Rhizobium sp. Root149 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0R3MM29_9BRAD (A0A0R3MM29)

Bradyrhizobium retamae protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A085VM76_PSESX (A0A085VM76)

Pseudomonas syringae protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A060PZT6_9RICK (A0A060PZT6)

Wolbachia endosymbiont of Cimex lectularius protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A024P666_9BACI (A0A024P666)

Halobacillus karajensis protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Brevundimonas sp. AAP58 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

M2P719_9FIRM (M2P719)

Eggerthia catenaformis OT 569 = DSM 20559 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A2A4WZ56_9BACT (A0A2A4WZ56)

Candidatus Aerophobetes bacterium protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Martelella endophytica protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1V4H723_9GAMM (A0A1V4H723)

Moraxella equi protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1M4X8Y0_9FLAO (A0A1M4X8Y0)

Psychroflexus salarius protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1Y3X5F5_9BACT (A0A1Y3X5F5)

Alistipes sp. An54 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Sphingobium ummariense RL-3 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

M1LT14_9PROT (M1LT14)

Candidatus Kinetoplastibacterium oncopeltii TCC290E protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

U4V0B8_9RHOB (U4V0B8)

Rhodobacteraceae bacterium HIMB11 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A023WN41_PSEST (A0A023WN41)

Pseudomonas stutzeri protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Streptococcus sanguinis VMC66 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A238K8A8_9RHOB (A0A238K8A8)

Maliponia aquimaris protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

E6K8Y2_9BACT (E6K8Y2)

Prevotella buccae ATCC 33574 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A158HRF5_9BURK (A0A158HRF5)

Caballeronia humi protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0J5P9B0_9LACT (A0A0J5P9B0)

Fructobacillus sp. EFB-N1 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Serratia marcescens protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1G6YE11_9BURK (A0A1G6YE11)

Massilia sp. PDC64 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1F4G412_9PROT (A0A1F4G412)

Betaproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_12_FULL_66_14 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Helicobacter pylori Hp P-8b protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Comamonas testosteroni ATCC 11996 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A0L1L2T2_9BURK (A0A0L1L2T2)

Candidatus Burkholderia brachyanthoides protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Flavobacteriaceae bacterium TMED265 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A142JPQ2_9BURK (A0A142JPQ2)

Cupriavidus nantongensis protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A258YK22_9BACT (A0A258YK22)

Bacteroidetes bacterium 24-39-8 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

C9LG76_9BACT (C9LG76)

Alloprevotella tannerae ATCC 51259 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Lachnoclostridium sp. YL32 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Vibrio shilonii protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ARh 1 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Flavobacterium indicum GPTSA100-9 = DSM 17447 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1E5UG87_9FLAO (A0A1E5UG87)

Cloacibacterium normanense protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB


Pseudomonas stutzeri ATCC 14405 = CCUG 16156 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

T2G722_DESGI (T2G722)

Desulfovibrio gigas DSM 1382 = ATCC 19364 protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A142YXJ4_9BURK (A0A142YXJ4)

Paraburkholderia caribensis protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A193K8V7_9VIBR (A0A193K8V7)

Vibrio breoganii protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB

A0A1M5BJ88_9BACE (A0A1M5BJ88)

Bacteroides luti protein

Probable GTP-binding protein EngB