There were 106 matches in SMART for your query exuT. The results are sorted based on relevance.

R0EL99_9BURK (R0EL99)

Herbaspirillum frisingense GSF30 protein

Hexuronate transporter ExuT


Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae ICMP 9617 protein

Hexuronate transporter ExuT


Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae ICMP 18807 protein

Hexuronate transporter ExuT (Fragment)


Dickeya solani D s0432-1 protein

Putative hexuronate MFS transporter ExuT


Shigella dysenteriae Sd197 protein

Negative regulator of exu regulon, exuT, uxaAC, and uxuB

J7R615_ECOLX (J7R615)

Escherichia coli protein

Negative regulator of exu regulon, exuT, uxaAC, and uxuB (Fragment)