There were 1433 matches in SMART for your query fabR. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A1M4E1K5_9ACTN (A0A1M4E1K5)

Nonomuraea gerenzanensis protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A291B986_9BACT (A0A291B986)

bacterium symbiont of Cryptopsaras couesii protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Mannheimia haemolytica M42548 protein

HTH domain-containing DNA-binding transcriptional repressor FabR

A0A1R4IN45_9VIBR (A0A1R4IN45)

Vibrio sp. JB196 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A061Q5R7_9VIBR (A0A061Q5R7)

Vibrio sp. JCM 19052 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Cronobacter dublinensis 582 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Alcanivorax dieselolei protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

K8B2K9_9ENTR (K8B2K9)

Cronobacter dublinensis 582 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A090QY99_9GAMM (A0A090QY99)

Photobacterium aphoticum protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family

A0A0D6T1M9_9PSED (A0A0D6T1M9)

Pseudomonas sp. FeS53a protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A090SF54_9VIBR (A0A090SF54)

Vibrio variabilis protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family

A0A090QX97_9GAMM (A0A090QX97)

Photobacterium aphoticum protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family

L8D0X2_9GAMM (L8D0X2)

Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea B = ATCC 29581 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A090S831_9VIBR (A0A090S831)

Vibrio maritimus protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family

A0A090S786_9VIBR (A0A090S786)

Vibrio maritimus protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family


Cupriavidus basilensis protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A090TB38_9VIBR (A0A090TB38)

Vibrio maritimus protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family

A0A034TW00_9VIBR (A0A034TW00)

Vibrio sp. JCM 18905 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A108UC89_9GAMM (A0A108UC89)

Lysobacter capsici AZ78 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Pseudomonas fluorescens protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A137SBJ0_9GAMM (A0A137SBJ0)

Moritella sp. JT01 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

L8J6U5_9GAMM (L8J6U5)

Photobacterium marinum protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A061PRI6_9VIBR (A0A061PRI6)

Vibrio sp. JCM 19053 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A072N5F9_9ALTE (A0A072N5F9)

Marinobacter nitratireducens protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A137SGY8_9ALTE (A0A137SGY8)

Marinobacter excellens LAMA 842 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Vibrio fluvialis PG41 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A090RM01_9VIBR (A0A090RM01)

Vibrio sp. C7 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR TetR family


Cronobacter dublinensis 1210 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Pseudoalteromonas sp. SW0106-04 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family


Pasteurellaceae bacterium NI1060 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A0B8NR61_9VIBR (A0A0B8NR61)

Vibrio ishigakensis protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor fabR, tetR family


Shewanella sp. HN-41 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis repressor FabR, TetR family

A0A1R4JW53_9GAMM (A0A1R4JW53)

Psychrobacter sp. JB385 protein

Unsaturated fatty acid biosythesis repressor FabR, TetR family