There were 9844 matches in SMART for your query fliG. The results are sorted based on relevance.

N6X0R3_9ALTE (N6X0R3)

Marinobacter nanhaiticus D15-8W protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Pseudomonas sp. Chol1 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1B9L0L5_9GAMM (A0A1B9L0L5)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Alphaproteobacteria bacterium TMED194 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A178KPY5_9GAMM (A0A178KPY5)

Photobacterium jeanii protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Azoarcus tolulyticus protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1A7C4S6_9BURK (A0A1A7C4S6)

Janthinobacterium sp. S3-2 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1U7CT80_9BACT (A0A1U7CT80)

Paludisphaera borealis protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1J5MN18_9GAMM (A0A1J5MN18)

Gammaproteobacteria bacterium MedPE protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A0G8G5F0_9LACO (A0A0G8G5F0)

Lactobacillus ruminis protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1B9L1A3_9GAMM (A0A1B9L1A3)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1M4N7G7_9RHOB (A0A1M4N7G7)

Donghicola sp. KarMa protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A0N1C4R5_9SPHN (A0A0N1C4R5)

Novosphingobium sp. AAP83 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Acetobacter sp. CAG:977 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Rhodobacteraceae bacterium (ex Bugula neritina AB1) protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

J9HB17_9BACL (J9HB17)

Alicyclobacillus hesperidum URH17-3-68 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Celeribacter baekdonensis B30 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

U2KT94_9FIRM (U2KT94)

Selenomonas sp. oral taxon 892 str. F0426 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A0P1HY86_9RHOB (A0A0P1HY86)

Leisingera aquaemixtae protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1C0A436_9GAMM (A0A1C0A436)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1I7F3V2_9CLOT (A0A1I7F3V2)

Clostridium sp. DSM 8431 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1A7C733_9BURK (A0A1A7C733)

Janthinobacterium sp. S3-2 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1C3X1X3_9BRAD (A0A1C3X1X3)

Bradyrhizobium shewense protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Bradyrhizobium shewense protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Geobacter pickeringii protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Caloramator proteoclasticus DSM 10124 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1M5W6L4_9VIBR (A0A1M5W6L4)

Vibrio aerogenes CECT 7868 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Clostridioides difficile 050-P50-2011 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1B9LD81_9GAMM (A0A1B9LD81)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1B9L0V6_9GAMM (A0A1B9L0V6)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1B9K4E1_9GAMM (A0A1B9K4E1)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Desulfobulbaceae bacterium A2 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1W1X5N2_9DELT (A0A1W1X5N2)

Desulfacinum hydrothermale DSM 13146 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Herbaspirillum sp. protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Serratia proteamaculans protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1Y5K057_9BACL (A0A1Y5K057)

Paenibacillus sp. MY03 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1M7N9T3_9PSED (A0A1M7N9T3)

Pseudomonas punonensis protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A193GFQ2_9BORD (A0A193GFQ2)

Bordetella flabilis protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A0T6ZP59_9RHIZ (A0A0T6ZP59)

Sinorhizobium sp. GL28 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A246HET5_9BURK (A0A246HET5)

Mitsuaria sp. HZ7 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Cycloclasticus sp. symbiont of Bathymodiolus heckerae protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A0A1G9MK63_9FIRM (A0A1G9MK63)

Dendrosporobacter quercicolus protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

A6U626_SINMW (A6U626)

Sinorhizobium medicae WSM419 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Desulfobulbaceae bacterium A2 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG


Gilliamella apicola protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG

S3E145_9GAMM (S3E145)

Candidatus Photodesmus katoptron Akat1 protein

Flagellar motor switch protein FliG