There were 20236 matches in SMART for your query greA. The results are sorted based on relevance.

B7RM99_9RHOB (B7RM99)

Roseobacter sp. GAI101 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Candidatus Levybacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_38_21 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q5H0S2_9MICC (A0A0Q5H0S2)

Arthrobacter sp. Leaf137 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0L8LR53_9ACTN (A0A0L8LR53)

Streptomyces decoyicus protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Caulobacterales bacterium RIFOXYB1_FULL_67_16 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A8G8Z8_SERP5 (A8G8Z8)

Serratia proteamaculans 568 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Fructobacillus tropaeoli protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Q2CZ91_9ACTN (A0A1Q2CZ91)

Tessaracoccus flavescens protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


methanotrophic endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus azoricus (Menez Gwen) protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A7B992_9ACTO (A7B992)

Actinomyces odontolyticus ATCC 17982 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A134ALG6_9FIRM (A0A134ALG6)

Peptoniphilus coxii protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Desulfosporosinus orientis DSM 765 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

B0MZ56_9BACT (B0MZ56)

Alistipes putredinis DSM 17216 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F3X673_9PROT (A0A1F3X673)

Betaproteobacteria bacterium RBG_16_58_11 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A127EQ10_9RHIZ (A0A127EQ10)

Rhodoplanes sp. Z2-YC6860 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1X1V606_9MYCO (A0A1X1V606)

Mycobacterium fragae protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F9V2M6_9BACT (A0A1F9V2M6)

Elusimicrobia bacterium GWF2_62_30 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Flavobacterium terrigena protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A223S300_9ACTN (A0A223S300)

Nocardiopsis gilva YIM 90087 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A127F0W6_9RHIZ (A0A127F0W6)

Rhodoplanes sp. Z2-YC6860 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1S6J7T6_9ACTN (A0A1S6J7T6)

Streptomyces pactum protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A265UZ70_9FLAO (A0A265UZ70)

Winogradskyella sp. WNB302 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A128FEQ2_9GAMM (A0A128FEQ2)

Grimontia celer protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Pseudoalteromonas sp. BSi20652 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0G3X937_9SPHN (A0A0G3X937)

Altererythrobacter marensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A2A5YW46_9SPHN (A0A2A5YW46)

Sphingomonadaceae bacterium MED-G03 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A095VI17_9RHIZ (A0A095VI17)

Rhizobium sp. YS-1r protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Clostridium carboxidivorans P7 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Streptomyces pactum protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0R1SW24_9LACO (A0A0R1SW24)

Lactobacillus saerimneri DSM 16049 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Vibrio alginolyticus protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1H6S9V2_9FIRM (A0A1H6S9V2)

Lachnospiraceae bacterium A10 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Y4M569_9FIRM (A0A1Y4M569)

Drancourtella sp. An177 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A245ZPB6_9SPHN (A0A245ZPB6)

Sphingomonas dokdonensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A246ANE0_9FLAO (A0A246ANE0)

Flavobacteriaceae bacterium JJC protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Flavobacteriales bacterium protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A258P994_9BURK (A0A258P994)

Polaromonas sp. 35-63-35 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Q9U9R3_9NOCA (A0A1Q9U9R3)

Rhodococcus sp. CUA-806 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Candidatus Liberibacter africanus PTSAPSY protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0G1K3E4_9BACT (A0A0G1K3E4)

Candidatus Giovannonibacteria bacterium GW2011_GWA2_44_13b protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F5N469_9BACT (A0A1F5N469)

Candidatus Daviesbacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_02_FULL_38_15 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Anaeromassilibacillus sp. An200 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Nitrosomonas oligotropha protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Blautia sp. YL58 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Corynebacterium glucuronolyticum ATCC 51866 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q5V3B3_9FLAO (A0A0Q5V3B3)

Flavobacterium sp. Leaf359 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


beta proteobacterium AAP65 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0M9XV17_9ACTN (A0A0M9XV17)

Streptomyces sp. NRRL F-5755 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Mesorhizobium sp. B7 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Treponema phagedenis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA