There were 20236 matches in SMART for your query greA. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Hydrogenimonas thermophila protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Firmicutes bacterium CAG:227 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Desulfuromonadales bacterium C00003068 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1G1D1X8_9BACT (A0A1G1D1X8)

Nitrospinae bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_39_10 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

D2R891_PIRSD (D2R891)

Pirellula staleyi DSM 6068 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Burkholderia sp. IDO3 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Microgenomates group bacterium GW2011_GWB1_46_7 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

K0B480_CLOA9 (K0B480)

Gottschalkia acidurici 9a protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A038H1K6_9BURK (A0A038H1K6)

Caballeronia jiangsuensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A3VB72_9RHOB (A3VB72)

Maritimibacter alkaliphilus HTCC2654 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Lentzea waywayandensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Q6U9M4_9PROT (A0A1Q6U9M4)

Azospirillum sp. 51_20 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Helicobacter winghamensis ATCC BAA-430 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


candidate division WWE3 bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_41_18 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

D2Z323_9BACT (D2Z323)

Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans DSM 11002 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1I6XM12_9RHOB (A0A1I6XM12)

Sedimentitalea nanhaiensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Candidatus Peregrinibacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_39_12 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


secondary endosymbiont of Ctenarytaina eucalypti protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Y4V4A7_9FIRM (A0A1Y4V4A7)

Eubacterium sp. An11 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Oleispira antarctica RB-8 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Corynebacterium lipophiloflavum DSM 44291 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q5N1H7_9MICO (A0A0Q5N1H7)

Frigoribacterium sp. Leaf172 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A151FN87_9BRAD (A0A151FN87)

Bradyrhizobium liaoningense protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Leptospira alstonii serovar Pingchang str. 80-412 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q6FB72_9RHIZ (A0A0Q6FB72)

Rhizobium sp. Leaf453 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Candidatus Nomurabacteria bacterium RIFCSPHIGHO2_02_FULL_38_15 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Desulfobacterales bacterium GWB2_56_26 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0G0BC48_9BACT (A0A0G0BC48)

Candidatus Roizmanbacteria bacterium GW2011_GWA2_32_13 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


bacterium protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Lactobacillus brevis BSO 464 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Alcanivorax pacificus W11-5 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F6DA32_9BACT (A0A1F6DA32)

Candidatus Kaiserbacteria bacterium RIFCSPHIGHO2_01_FULL_55_17 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

R7HB11_9FIRM (R7HB11)

Eubacterium sp. CAG:38 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0C2UX55_9PROT (A0A0C2UX55)

Sulfurovum sp. PC08-66 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A084JCM2_9CLOT (A0A084JCM2)

Clostridium sulfidigenes protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1B9U293_9RHIZ (A0A1B9U293)

Agrobacterium rubi protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Q5XJ75_9BACL (A0A1Q5XJ75)

Paenibacillus sp. P3E protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A146ATI2_9BORD (A0A146ATI2)

Bordetella ansorpii protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Streptomyces gancidicus BKS 13-15 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1E4B0Q3_9SPHN (A0A1E4B0Q3)

Erythrobacter sp. SCN 62-14 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Corynebacterium ulcerans protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1H2VF08_9PROT (A0A1H2VF08)

Nitrosomonas communis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Q5XA54_9BACL (A0A1Q5XA54)

Paenibacillus sp. P3E protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

W6M8S2_9GAMM (W6M8S2)

Candidatus Competibacter denitrificans Run_A_D11 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A2D6L7Q9_9BACT (A0A2D6L7Q9)

bacterium protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Z8VR72_9PROT (A0A1Z8VR72)

Alphaproteobacteria bacterium TMED62 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Corynebacterium durum F0235 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F3P0E6_9BACT (A0A1F3P0E6)

Bacteroidetes bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_12_FULL_37_12 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A024K345_9MYCO (A0A024K345)

Mycobacterium triplex protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0B4C1D8_9RHOB (A0A0B4C1D8)

Tateyamaria sp. ANG-S1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA