There were 20236 matches in SMART for your query greA. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A127E064_ACIBA (A0A127E064)

Acinetobacter baumannii protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Lactobacillus namurensis DSM 19117 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1H1B6M0_9BACI (A0A1H1B6M0)

Virgibacillus salinus protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1I7L4A6_9RHIZ (A0A1I7L4A6)

Methylobacterium sp. 174MFSha1.1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A257NB85_9GAMM (A0A257NB85)

Methylococcaceae bacterium NSP1-1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A179SIM5_9RHIZ (A0A179SIM5)

Methylobacterium platani protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Burkholderia sp. 2002721687 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Selenomonas sp. oral taxon 478 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Kocuria marina protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Streptomyces rubidus protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Mesonia phycicola protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Ruminococcus flavefaciens 007c protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Sphingobacterium sp. IITKGP-BTPF85 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A2A5CL60_9PROT (A0A2A5CL60)

Alphaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A259SXE9_9BACL (A0A259SXE9)

Paenibacillus sp. XY044 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1D7Z1U4_9GAMM (A0A1D7Z1U4)

Pectobacterium wasabiae CFBP 3304 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A134ARU0_9FIRM (A0A134ARU0)

Peptoniphilus sp. DNF00840 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1H3Y4H4_9BACT (A0A1H3Y4H4)

Chitinophaga terrae Kim and Jung 2007 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Paenibacillus sp. KS1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1W1V788_9DEIO (A0A1W1V788)

Deinococcus hopiensis KR-140 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Campylobacter peloridis LMG 23910 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Tepidimonas fonticaldi protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

R6XR89_9FIRM (R6XR89)

Firmicutes bacterium CAG:313 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A095SKD7_9GAMM (A0A095SKD7)

Alcanivorax nanhaiticus protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1E4K6Z3_9GAMM (A0A1E4K6Z3)

Xanthomonadaceae bacterium SCN 69-320 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Sphingobium faniae protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Opitutales bacterium TMED158 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A286E3H1_9NEIS (A0A286E3H1)

Alysiella filiformis DSM 16848 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A231PGP8_9ACTN (A0A231PGP8)

Streptomyces sp. XY006 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Q8U637_9ACTN (A0A1Q8U637)

Streptomyces sp. MNU77 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Frateuria sp. Soil773 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0J5QZ75_9BACI (A0A0J5QZ75)

Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0S7YA97_9BACT (A0A0S7YA97)

candidate division TA06 bacterium DG_78 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F7K952_9BACT (A0A1F7K952)

Candidatus Roizmanbacteria bacterium RIFOXYA1_FULL_41_12 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

Q893B9_CLOTE (Q893B9)

Clostridium tetani E88 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Bacillus sp. AFS077874 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae KACC 10331 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q5J033_9XANT (A0A0Q5J033)

Xanthomonas sp. Leaf148 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

Q899G8_CLOTE (Q899G8)

Clostridium tetani E88 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1G1T7G0_9BACT (A0A1G1T7G0)

Hymenobacter glacialis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A259SZC2_9BACL (A0A259SZC2)

Paenibacillus sp. XY044 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Z9Q7H8_9FLAO (A0A1Z9Q7H8)

Flavobacteriales bacterium TMED235 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Bacteroides salyersiae CL02T12C01 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1I1T6C7_9RHOB (A0A1I1T6C7)

Sulfitobacter brevis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q9R7U0_9BACL (A0A0Q9R7U0)

Paenibacillus sp. Soil787 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

M5DV58_9GAMM (M5DV58)

Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Lactobacillus ruminis SPM0211 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Alphaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Paenibacillus sp. IHBB 10380 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

V6UQ57_9ACTN (V6UQ57)

Streptomyces sp. HCCB10043 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA