There were 20236 matches in SMART for your query greA. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A254RMM6_9BACT (A0A254RMM6)

Fibrobacter sp. UWR2 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A286CY82_9GAMM (A0A286CY82)

Pseudoxanthomonas wuyuanensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

H6Q584_WIGGL (H6Q584)

Wigglesworthia glossinidia endosymbiont of Glossina morsitans morsitans (Yale colony) protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

W0Q9S2_9PAST (W0Q9S2)

Mannheimia varigena USDA-ARS-USMARC-1296 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Agrobacterium arsenijevicii protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Bartonella ancashensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Rhizobiales bacterium GAS191 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Xanthomonas gardneri protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A2J0MW82_9BACT (A0A2J0MW82)

Candidatus Moranbacteria bacterium CG_4_9_14_0_8_um_filter_41_43 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A080MAV6_9PROT (A0A080MAV6)

Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. BA-91 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1F6H5W3_9BACT (A0A1F6H5W3)

Candidatus Levybacteria bacterium RBG_16_35_11 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Klebsiella michiganensis protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus B316 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Corallococcus coralloides DSM 2259 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Firmicutes bacterium CAG:124 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Y4T3X1_9FIRM (A0A1Y4T3X1)

Faecalibacterium sp. An121 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Eubacterium sp. CAG:115 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0W0W1L9_9GAMM (A0A0W0W1L9)

Legionella maceachernii protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Bradyrhizobium sp. NAS80.1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Pseudomonas reinekei protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A261S812_9BORD (A0A261S812)

Bordetella genomosp. 1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1Z9H9H6_9BACT (A0A1Z9H9H6)

Phycisphaera sp. TMED151 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

R6K226_9FIRM (R6K226)

Eubacterium sp. CAG:252 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Streptomyces sp. Root1310 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1S2DG00_9GAMM (A0A1S2DG00)

Salinicola sp. MIT1003 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Planctomycetaceae bacterium TMED10 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1V3C880_9ACTN (A0A1V3C880)

Nocardiopsis sinuspersici protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Moraxella atlantae protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Methylovorus glucosetrophus SIP3-4 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

M6A052_9LEPT (M6A052)

Leptospira sp. P2653 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Clostridium amylolyticum protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Bartonella sp. WD12.1 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A238XB93_9FLAO (A0A238XB93)

Maribacter sedimenticola protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A2D8P902_9RHOB (A0A2D8P902)

Maritimibacter sp. protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A191ZK15_9GAMM (A0A191ZK15)

Halothiobacillus sp. LS2 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Candidatus Saccharibacteria bacterium 49-20 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A101EYR5_9BACT (A0A101EYR5)

Acetothermia bacterium 64_32 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Alphaproteobacteria bacterium 13_1_20CM_3_64_12 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

W9D6C3_9ACTN (W9D6C3)

Frankia sp. CcI6 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Candidatus Magasanikbacteria bacterium RIFOXYD1_FULL_40_23 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Terriglobus saanensis SP1PR4 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0P1J747_9GAMM (A0A0P1J747)

Alcanivorax dieselolei protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A1W9L1W0_9GAMM (A0A1W9L1W0)

Beggiatoa sp. IS2 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A151CJN0_9PROT (A0A151CJN0)

Sulfurovum riftiae protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

S5C0P2_9ALTE (S5C0P2)

Alteromonas mediterranea UM7 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A2C2V281_9BACI (A0A2C2V281)

Bacillus sp. AFS031507 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0A8HP27_9PROT (A0A0A8HP27)

Campylobacter volucris LMG 24379 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA

A0A0Q4HA69_9MICO (A0A0Q4HA69)

Agromyces sp. Leaf222 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA


Variovorax paradoxus B4 protein

Transcription elongation factor GreA