There were 14315 matches in SMART for your query lptD. The results are sorted based on relevance.

T0DN37_9PROT (T0DN37)

Bacteriovorax sp. BAL6_X protein

Lipopolysaccharide transport system LptA/LptD domain protein

S8GW61_9BACT (S8GW61)

Bacteroidetes bacterium oral taxon 272 str. F0290 protein

Lipopolysaccharide transport system LptA/LptD domain protein

A0A1B6NQ74_9ZZZZ (A0A1B6NQ74)

marine sediment metagenome protein

LPS assembly outer membrane complex protein LptD

U2L8Q5_9BACT (U2L8Q5)

Prevotella salivae F0493 protein

Lipopolysaccharide transport system LptA/LptD domain protein


Prevotella baroniae F0067 protein

Lipopolysaccharide transport system LptA/LptD domain protein

A0A146G866_9BACT (A0A146G866)

Terrimicrobium sacchariphilum protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD

W3Y368_9FIRM (W3Y368)

Veillonella sp. AS16 protein

Lipopolysaccharide transport system LptA/LptD domain protein

A0A2C9D079_9RHIZ (A0A2C9D079)

Hartmannibacter diazotrophicus protein

LPS assembly outer membrane complex protein LptD


Mucilaginibacter auburnensis protein

Lipopolysaccharide assembly outer membrane protein LptD (OstA)

J5N239_PASMD (J5N239)

Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Anand1_cattle protein

LPS assembly outer membrane complex protein LptD (Fragment)


Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Anand1_cattle protein

LPS assembly outer membrane complex protein LptD (Fragment)

J5N251_PASMD (J5N251)

Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Anand1_cattle protein

LPS assembly outer membrane complex protein LptD (Fragment)


Pfam domain

… the LPS-assembly protein lptD, which is involved in organic solvent tolerance [(PUBMED:7811102)]…


Chryseobacterium humi protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Candidatus Kryptobacter tengchongensis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A0S4N5R8_9BACT (A0A0S4N5R8)

Candidatus Thermokryptus mobilis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Candidatus Kryptonium thompsoni protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1G7H1R4_9FLAO (A0A1G7H1R4)

Chryseobacterium hungaricum protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Chryseobacterium wanjuense protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1M7I6F7_9FLAO (A0A1M7I6F7)

Flavobacterium pectinovorum protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1H2F8A2_9FLAO (A0A1H2F8A2)

Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_78 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1I1M0J6_9BACT (A0A1I1M0J6)

Flexibacter flexilis DSM 6793 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Pseudosphingobacterium domesticum protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1G5DC04_9FLAO (A0A1G5DC04)

Flavobacterium caeni protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1M5P0D2_9FLAO (A0A1M5P0D2)

Chryseobacterium oranimense protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Chryseobacterium ureilyticum protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1H6HK77_9FLAO (A0A1H6HK77)

Chryseobacterium culicis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1M4W2H1_9FLAO (A0A1M4W2H1)

Chryseobacterium sp. YR203 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Pedobacter africanus protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1X7J0H8_9FLAO (A0A1X7J0H8)

Arenibacter troitsensis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1H1A3X7_9FLAO (A0A1H1A3X7)

Chryseobacterium soldanellicola protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1M5I1C2_9FLAO (A0A1M5I1C2)

Flavobacterium granuli protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Tenacibaculum sp. MAR_2010_89 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1I4Z988_9FLAO (A0A1I4Z988)

Salegentibacter flavus protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1I3GJ33_9FLAO (A0A1I3GJ33)

Chryseobacterium frigidisoli protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Fibrobacter sp. UWB7 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1M4X805_9FLAO (A0A1M4X805)

Chryseobacterium arachidis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1M6A989_9FLAO (A0A1M6A989)

Aquimarina spongiae protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Aequorivita viscosa protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Chryseobacterium sp. YR221 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1I6S1I6_9FLAO (A0A1I6S1I6)

Lutibacter maritimus protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Ulvibacter litoralis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1I6H244_9FLAO (A0A1I6H244)

Robiginitalea myxolifaciens protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1H8ZG36_9FLAO (A0A1H8ZG36)

Flavobacterium urocaniciphilum protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1H8CF21_9BACT (A0A1H8CF21)

bacterium A37T11 protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1I1W9Z1_9BACT (A0A1I1W9Z1)

Thermophagus xiamenensis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)


Algoriella xinjiangensis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1W2A340_9FLAO (A0A1W2A340)

Cellulophaga tyrosinoxydans protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1G7D4Q7_9FLAO (A0A1G7D4Q7)

Riemerella columbipharyngis protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)

A0A1T5CA22_9SPHI (A0A1T5CA22)

Sphingobacterium nematocida protein

LPS assembly outer membrane protein LptD (Organic solvent tolerance protein OstA)