There were 6130 matches in SMART for your query nlpD. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Idiomarina zobellii protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Microbacterium enclense protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1H1P091_9MICO (A0A1H1P091)

Microterricola viridarii protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Gemmobacter megaterium protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1W2E2H0_9RHIZ (A0A1W2E2H0)

Fulvimarina manganoxydans protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Desulfacinum hydrothermale DSM 13146 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1M5GN34_9RHIZ (A0A1M5GN34)

Kaistia soli DSM 19436 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1W2C155_9RHIZ (A0A1W2C155)

Rhizobium sp. RU36D protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1M5Z4V1_9FIRM (A0A1M5Z4V1)

Sporobacter termitidis DSM 10068 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Thermanaeromonas toyohensis ToBE protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Reichenbachiella faecimaris protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1M5B8R8_9BACT (A0A1M5B8R8)

Aliifodinibius roseus protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Alkalispirochaeta americana protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Papillibacter cinnamivorans DSM 12816 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Paramaledivibacter caminithermalis DSM 15212 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Deinococcus hopiensis KR-140 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Seinonella peptonophila protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Hymenobacter psychrotolerans DSM 18569 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Malonomonas rubra DSM 5091 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Thermomonas hydrothermalis protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Papillibacter cinnamivorans DSM 12816 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1M6L3T4_9CLOT (A0A1M6L3T4)

Paramaledivibacter caminithermalis DSM 15212 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Rhizobium sp. RU36D protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Dethiosulfovibrio salsuginis protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1X7LT93_9BACL (A0A1X7LT93)

Paenibacillus aquistagni protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1T4T3G2_9PROT (A0A1T4T3G2)

Enhydrobacter aerosaccus protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Chryseobacterium jejuense protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1G5VD05_9RHIZ (A0A1G5VD05)

Mesorhizobium qingshengii protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1G7VZ40_9RHIZ (A0A1G7VZ40)

Pelagibacterium luteolum protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Citreicella thiooxidans protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Pseudomonas borbori protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Caulobacter sp. UNC279MFTsu5.1 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A212QF55_9ALTE (A0A212QF55)

Marinobacter sp. es.042 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A212UF07_9ALTE (A0A212UF07)

Marinobacter sp. es.048 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A212TD99_9BACT (A0A212TD99)

Hymenobacter gelipurpurascens protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1C5G758_9ACTN (A0A1C5G758)

Micromonospora echinofusca protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A239AUS7_9FLAO (A0A239AUS7)

Dokdonia pacifica protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A238YJU1_9FLAO (A0A238YJU1)

Dokdonia pacifica protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A239F9G4_9FIRM (A0A239F9G4)

Anaerovirgula multivorans protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1H4E6U2_9FIRM (A0A1H4E6U2)

Eubacterium aggregans protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Lihuaxuella thermophila protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1G8R9S8_9RHOB (A0A1G8R9S8)

Citreicella marina protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Eubacterium barkeri protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1H5D7A5_9MICO (A0A1H5D7A5)

Haloactinobacterium album protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1G6Y810_9BACT (A0A1G6Y810)

Dyadobacter soli protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Lachnospiraceae bacterium G41 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1H0V571_9CLOT (A0A1H0V571)

Clostridium gasigenes protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1H5HZ34_9ACTN (A0A1H5HZ34)

Streptomyces sp. 2231.1 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain


Methylobacterium sp. yr596 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain

A0A1I4F1Y3_9BACL (A0A1I4F1Y3)

Paenibacillus sp. 1_12 protein

Murein DD-endopeptidase MepM and murein hydrolase activator NlpD, contain LysM domain