There were 24270 matches in SMART for your query radA. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A1V4YI48_9EURY (A0A1V4YI48)

Methanomethylovorans sp. PtaU1.Bin093 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Halogeometricum borinquense DSM 11551 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2J6N5U3_9CREN (A0A2J6N5U3)

Fervidicoccus fontis protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Natronobacterium gregoryi SP2 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A1L3Q0N2_9EURY (A0A1L3Q0N2)

Methanohalophilus halophilus protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Halorhabdus tiamatea SARL4B protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A101FUW2_9EURY (A0A101FUW2)

Methanosaeta harundinacea protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2D8GN65_9EURY (A0A2D8GN65)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2E6JL30_9EURY (A0A2E6JL30)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Natrinema pellirubrum DSM 15624 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2D8F9H6_9EURY (A0A2D8F9H6)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2E4T449_9EURY (A0A2E4T449)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2E1L1J1_9EURY (A0A2E1L1J1)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2E4WV17_9EURY (A0A2E4WV17)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2E5Y4Y5_9EURY (A0A2E5Y4Y5)

Euryarchaeota archaeon protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A0Q2RH79_9EURY (A0A0Q2RH79)

Thermococcus thioreducens protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Acidiplasma aeolicum protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Halobiforma lacisalsi AJ5 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A1L9C5A9_9EURY (A0A1L9C5A9)

Methanohalophilus portucalensis FDF-1 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A1D2QF42_9EURY (A0A1D2QF42)

Haladaptatus sp. W1 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Haloterrigena hispanica protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

D8J582_HALJB (D8J582)

Halalkalicoccus jeotgali B3 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

E6N951_9ARCH (E6N951)

Candidatus Caldiarchaeum subterraneum protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

E6N6M7_9ARCH (E6N6M7)

Candidatus Caldiarchaeum subterraneum protein

DNA repair protein RadA/Sms

A0A0P0N547_9CREN (A0A0P0N547)

Pyrodictium delaneyi protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A089ZG02_METFO (A0A089ZG02)

Methanobacterium formicicum protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Aciduliprofundum boonei T469 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Sulfolobales archaeon AZ1 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A256JCX0_9EURY (A0A256JCX0)

Halorubrum ezzemoulense protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A126R1E9_9EURY (A0A126R1E9)

Methanobrevibacter olleyae protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

T0N664_9EURY (T0N664)

Thermoplasmatales archaeon Gpl protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Haloterrigena daqingensis protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2H9LG86_9ARCH (A0A2H9LG86)

Candidatus Diapherotrites archaeon CG08_land_8_20_14_0_20_30_16 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Geoglobus acetivorans protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A2A5NZ43_9ARCH (A0A2A5NZ43)

Candidatus Geothermarchaeota archaeon ex4572_27 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Methanomassiliicoccales archaeon RumEn M1 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A0E3P2J3_9EURY (A0A0E3P2J3)

Methanosarcina siciliae T4/M protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

A0A1Q7PZ15_9ARCH (A0A1Q7PZ15)

archaeon 13_1_40CM_2_52_4 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Euryarchaeota archaeon TMED97 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

I3ZU71_9EURY (I3ZU71)

Thermococcus cleftensis protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

M0B894_9EURY (M0B894)

Natrialba aegyptia DSM 13077 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA


Halovivax asiaticus JCM 14624 protein

DNA repair and recombination protein RadA