There were 16510 matches in SMART for your query rsgA. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Paenibacillus sp. cl6col protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Virgibacillus sp. IO3-P3-H5 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

M5DV53_9GAMM (M5DV53)

Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0J5R364_9BACI (A0A0J5R364)

Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A246S4W4_9GAMM (A0A246S4W4)

Halomonas campaniensis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

M9X160_MANHA (M9X160)

Mannheimia haemolytica M42548 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Enterococcus phoeniculicola ATCC BAA-412 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Pseudomonas sp. Root329 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Streptomyces sp. DvalAA-19 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1D7YY75_9GAMM (A0A1D7YY75)

Pectobacterium wasabiae CFBP 3304 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Lactobacillus gasseri SV-16A-US protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

F0H4U0_9BACT (F0H4U0)

Prevotella denticola CRIS 18C-A protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Candidatus Thiodiazotropha endoloripes protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1M4N8Q8_9CLOT (A0A1M4N8Q8)

Clostridium sp. N3C protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Loktanella litorea protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Acinetobacter proteolyticus protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1H8H4Y4_9ACTN (A0A1H8H4Y4)

Streptomyces rubidus protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A2B1GQ36_9BACI (A0A2B1GQ36)

Bacillus sp. AFS077874 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

I8Z2T2_9BACE (I8Z2T2)

Bacteroides salyersiae CL02T12C01 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A171AGW4_9ACTN (A0A171AGW4)

Streptomyces sp. F-3 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0D3V798_9BACL (A0A0D3V798)

Paenibacillus sp. IHBB 10380 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0U2AQ49_9GAMM (A0A0U2AQ49)

Moraxella bovoculi protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1I6TW63_9FLAO (A0A1I6TW63)

Zhouia amylolytica protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Leptospira interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa str. LT2186 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1H4F9G2_9BACT (A0A1H4F9G2)

Chitinophaga terrae Kim and Jung 2007 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A257CM11_9BURK (A0A257CM11)

Burkholderiales bacterium PBB3 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1Y3SQ98_9FIRM (A0A1Y3SQ98)

Flavonifractor sp. An82 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Bacteroides oleiciplenus protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A257FYY4_9BURK (A0A257FYY4)

Comamonadaceae bacterium PBBC2 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A257U6A5_9BACT (A0A257U6A5)

Acidobacteria bacterium 21-70-11 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Streptomonospora alba protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0S3KD46_9ENTE (A0A0S3KD46)

Enterococcus silesiacus protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A257CRH4_9BURK (A0A257CRH4)

Burkholderiales bacterium PBB3 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Nocardiopsis sp. TSRI0078 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Caloranaerobacter azorensis DSM 13643 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Legionella nautarum protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A221ZF41_SALET (A0A221ZF41)

Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Synechococcus sp. RCC307 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

X5YV51_9RHIZ (X5YV51)

Mesorhizobium sp. LNJC399B00 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0A0J722_9MICO (A0A0A0J722)

Knoellia flava TL1 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A257YH63_9SPHN (A0A257YH63)

Sphingomonadales bacterium 12-68-11 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1G7U579_9FLAO (A0A1G7U579)

Chryseobacterium hungaricum protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

D5U6T6_BRAM5 (D5U6T6)

Brachyspira murdochii DSM 12563 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1X7JP05_9BACT (A0A1X7JP05)

Marivirga sericea protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Xanthomonadaceae bacterium SCN 69-123 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Leptospira borgpetersenii str. 200701203 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Micromonospora coriariae protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Acetonema longum DSM 6540 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0R1K1M0_9LACO (A0A0R1K1M0)

Lactobacillus namurensis DSM 19117 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Nodularia spumigena CCY9414 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA