There were 16510 matches in SMART for your query rsgA. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A0A2T0M8_9BACI (A0A0A2T0M8)

Anoxybacillus gonensis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1U7I427_9NOSO (A0A1U7I427)

Nostoc calcicola FACHB-389 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

N9QN01_9GAMM (N9QN01)

Acinetobacter sp. NIPH 542 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Nonlabens dokdonensis DSW-6 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Vibrio sp. N418 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1R3UG35_9ACTN (A0A1R3UG35)

Nocardiopsis sp. JB363 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A242NT57_9GAMM (A0A242NT57)

Gilliamella apis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A158GWA0_9BURK (A0A158GWA0)

Caballeronia humi protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Microbacterium azadirachtae protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A250F453_CAPSP (A0A250F453)

Capnocytophaga sputigena protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A084TGZ9_9VIBR (A0A084TGZ9)

Vibrio sp. ER1A protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0J8YN51_9BACT (A0A0J8YN51)

bacteria symbiont BFo2 of Frankliniella occidentalis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Arsenicicoccus sp. oral taxon 190 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Robiginitalea biformata HTCC2501 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0S4NH16_9BACT (A0A0S4NH16)

Candidatus Kryptobacter tengchongensis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Kitasatospora sp. CB01950 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Psychroflexus salarius protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A175BY60_LEUGE (A0A175BY60)

Leuconostoc gelidum subsp. gasicomitatum protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A024P341_9BACI (A0A024P341)

Halobacillus karajensis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Parabacteroides johnsonii CAG:246 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0C5WW28_9MOLU (A0A0C5WW28)

Mycoplasma dispar protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Megasphaera sp. An286 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Microbacterium sp. Root553 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Bacillus cereus R309803 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A0N9HX74_9PSEU (A0A0N9HX74)

Kibdelosporangium phytohabitans protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A142JML7_9BURK (A0A142JML7)

Cupriavidus nantongensis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Lactobacillus manihotivorans DSM 13343 = JCM 12514 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A174NDM1_9FIRM (A0A174NDM1)

Lachnospira pectinoschiza protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

H7F054_PSEST (H7F054)

Pseudomonas stutzeri ATCC 14405 = CCUG 16156 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli str. CTCB07 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

E6K7S3_9BACT (E6K7S3)

Prevotella buccae ATCC 33574 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A2A6GF90_9RHIZ (A0A2A6GF90)

Rhizobium anhuiense protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Pseudomonas marginalis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Pseudomonas stutzeri protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Kibdelosporangium phytohabitans protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


[Eubacterium] rectale DSM 17629 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A162YVN8_9BURK (A0A162YVN8)

Hydrogenophaga crassostreae protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1G6P3E1_9BURK (A0A1G6P3E1)

Massilia sp. PDC64 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1C7FZ49_9FIRM (A0A1C7FZ49)

Lachnoclostridium sp. YL32 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

X5X652_9RHIZ (X5X652)

Mesorhizobium sp. LSHC412B00 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

M1LZ54_9PROT (M1LZ54)

Candidatus Kinetoplastibacterium oncopeltii TCC290E protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. vincentii 4_1_13 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1B9P466_ALILO (A0A1B9P466)

Aliivibrio logei protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Lactobacillus brevis protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Streptomyces viridochromogenes protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Pseudomonas stutzeri protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Streptococcus sanguinis VMC66 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 9701 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA

A0A1C4I821_9ACTN (A0A1C4I821)

Streptomyces sp. DvalAA-14 protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA


Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum protein

Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA