There were 34826 matches in SMART for your query secA. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A198GV39_9ENTR (A0A198GV39)

Enterobacter soli ATCC BAA-2102 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Saccharothrix espanaensis DSM 44229 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Corynebacterium afermentans protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A157ZS70_9BURK (A0A157ZS70)

Caballeronia arationis protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium GWA2_70_23 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Bartonella clarridgeiae 73 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Selenomonas ruminantium subsp. lactilytica TAM6421 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1X7L2E6_9ENTR (A0A1X7L2E6)

Cedecea sp. NFIX57 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

G6Y3J9_9RHIZ (G6Y3J9)

Mesorhizobium amorphae CCNWGS0123 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A176US53_9GAMM (A0A176US53)

Pantoea sp. OXWO6B1 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Campylobacter volucris LMG 24379 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Leptospira sp. P2653 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Corynebacterium terpenotabidum Y-11 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A0E3U3T6_9ENTR (A0A0E3U3T6)

Blochmannia endosymbiont of Polyrhachis (Hedomyrma) turneri protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Clostridium frigidicarnis protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Entomoplasmatales bacterium EntAcro1 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Moraxella atlantae protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1Y3U0H8_9ACTN (A0A1Y3U0H8)

Enorma massiliensis protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A241VQD8_9GAMM (A0A241VQD8)

Acinetobacter sp. ANC 5054 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Vibrio splendidus 1F-157 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A243R313_9ACTN (A0A243R313)

Streptomyces swartbergensis protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1H9W1M0_9BACI (A0A1H9W1M0)

Salisediminibacterium haloalkalitolerans protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Streptomyces sp. Root1310 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1I6M3A7_9SPHN (A0A1I6M3A7)

Sphingomonas jatrophae protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

T0P2M8_9BACI (T0P2M8)

Geobacillus sp. A8 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Mycoplasma sp. CAG:472 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1F6PN01_9BACT (A0A1F6PN01)

Candidatus Melainabacteria bacterium GWF2_32_7 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1B8QA74_9GAMM (A0A1B8QA74)

Moraxella atlantae protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A241VPF4_9GAMM (A0A241VPF4)

Acinetobacter sp. ANC 5054 protein

Preprotein translocase subunit SecA


Chryseobacterium culicis protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A151CIF6_9PROT (A0A151CIF6)

Sulfurovum riftiae protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Bifidobacterium asteroides PRL2011 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A0G1JS94_9BACT (A0A0G1JS94)

Microgenomates group bacterium GW2011_GWA2_44_7 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Mycobacterium sp. Soil538 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A238YIG3_9FLAO (A0A238YIG3)

Maribacter sedimenticola protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

K0YQ57_9ACTO (K0YQ57)

Actinomyces turicensis ACS-279-V-Col4 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A254RJ33_9BACT (A0A254RJ33)

Fibrobacter sp. UWR2 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Agathobacter ruminis protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

W9E7N2_9FIRM (W9E7N2)

Thermoanaerobacterium aotearoense SCUT27 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A0D8KU24_9RHIZ (A0A0D8KU24)

Agrobacterium arsenijevicii protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1G3L4Z3_9SPIR (A0A1G3L4Z3)

Spirochaetes bacterium GWB1_48_6 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Bacillus sp. cl95 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

U4Q9A8_9RHIZ (U4Q9A8)

Rhizobium sp. IRBG74 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Campylobacter lari protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A0S1Y8M4_9BORD (A0A0S1Y8M4)

Bordetella sp. N protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

U2A4V0_9MICC (U2A4V0)

Arthrobacter sp. AK-YN10 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Gardnerella vaginalis 284V protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA


Vibrio parahaemolyticus VP766 protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA

A0A1V4GN43_9GAMM (A0A1V4GN43)

Moraxella atlantae protein

Protein translocase subunit SecA