There were 17565 matches in SMART for your query secF. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Serratia proteamaculans 568 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1H4X6F0_9ACTN (A0A1H4X6F0)

Streptomyces sp. 3213.3 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A2G4H7N6_9FLAO (A0A2G4H7N6)

Flavobacteriales bacterium protein

Protein translocase subunit SecF (Fragment)

A0A2H0Y4N9_9BACT (A0A2H0Y4N9)

Parcubacteria group bacterium CG08_land_8_20_14_0_20_48_21 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Desulfovibrio sp. DV protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0W1L694_9GAMM (A0A0W1L694)

Pseudoalteromonas sp. H105 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A077FGA6_9PSED (A0A077FGA6)

Pseudomonas alkylphenolica protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Pseudoalteromonas sp. H105 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Propionicimonas paludicola protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1F6P6L6_9BACT (A0A1F6P6L6)

Candidatus Magasanikbacteria bacterium RIFOXYD12_FULL_33_17 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Helicobacter pylori FD703 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Ethanoligenens harbinense YUAN-3 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Arcobacter porcinus protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Williamsia marianensis protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0M4T5G8_9NOSO (A0A0M4T5G8)

Nostoc piscinale CENA21 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A257TSQ4_9BACT (A0A257TSQ4)

Ignavibacteriae bacterium 37-53-5 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1F5S695_9BACT (A0A1F5S695)

Candidatus Falkowbacteria bacterium RBG_13_39_14 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1Z9D6J2_9RICK (A0A1Z9D6J2)

Rickettsiales bacterium TMED127 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1F6N3Q4_9BACT (A0A1F6N3Q4)

Candidatus Magasanikbacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_40_15 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1I5L9P4_9PSED (A0A1I5L9P4)

Pseudomonas sp. NFACC24-1 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Streptomyces sp. B9173 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0C1W297_9VIBR (A0A0C1W297)

Vibrio owensii CAIM 1854 = LMG 25443 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1F3CD75_9BACT (A0A1F3CD75)

Armatimonadetes bacterium RBG_16_67_12 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1G6RP82_9GAMM (A0A1G6RP82)

Aquimonas voraii protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Candidatus Thiomargarita nelsonii protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0C1W6L1_9CYAN (A0A0C1W6L1)

Aphanocapsa montana BDHKU210001 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A271JFD1_9BACT (A0A271JFD1)

Rubrivirga sp. SAORIC476 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Rhodococcus sp. CUA-806 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Thiomicrospira aerophila AL3 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A9B5U8_HERA2 (A9B5U8)

Herpetosiphon aurantiacus DSM 785 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0C4WK43_9GAMM (A0A0C4WK43)

Azotobacter chroococcum NCIMB 8003 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Desulfosporosinus orientis DSM 765 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1V2YI25_9FIRM (A0A1V2YI25)

Epulopiscium sp. Nuni2H_MBin001 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1F9VA37_9BACT (A0A1F9VA37)

Elusimicrobia bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_12_FULL_39_28 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A285D3D6_9RHOB (A0A285D3D6)

Rhodobacter ovatus protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0G1H1U4_9BACT (A0A0G1H1U4)

Candidatus Giovannonibacteria bacterium GW2011_GWA2_44_13b protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1B8S4A5_9RHOB (A0A1B8S4A5)

Leisingera sp. JC1 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1G3Q287_9SPIR (A0A1G3Q287)

Spirochaetes bacterium GWF1_41_5 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0C2A455_9DELT (A0A0C2A455)

Enhygromyxa salina protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0L8MJ23_9ACTN (A0A0L8MJ23)

Streptomyces decoyicus protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0Q5H1U3_9MICC (A0A0Q5H1U3)

Arthrobacter sp. Leaf137 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Paraburkholderia aspalathi protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Vibrio alginolyticus protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0M2S0V4_9ACTN (A0A0M2S0V4)

Micromonospora sp. HK10 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1Q2D191_9ACTN (A0A1Q2D191)

Tessaracoccus flavescens protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A250JB18_9DELT (A0A250JB18)

Cystobacter fuscus protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Streptomyces sp. NRRL F-5755 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A178GUI9_9RICK (A0A178GUI9)

Wolbachia endosymbiont of Dactylopius coccus protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Pseudoalteromonas sp. BSi20652 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Microgenomates group bacterium GW2011_GWC1_38_14 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF