There were 17565 matches in SMART for your query secF. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A1V2M0S5_9FIRM (A0A1V2M0S5)

Epulopiscium sp. SCG-B11WGA-EpuloA1 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

D2Z8Y1_9BACT (D2Z8Y1)

Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans DSM 11002 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1E4B0P7_9SPHN (A0A1E4B0P7)

Erythrobacter sp. SCN 62-14 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Roseomonas sp. TAS13 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Azospirillum sp. 51_20 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Corynebacterium ulcerans protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1I5N1D5_9PROT (A0A1I5N1D5)

Hydrogenimonas thermophila protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A226WKT9_9BURK (A0A226WKT9)

Caballeronia sordidicola protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


secondary endosymbiont of Ctenarytaina eucalypti protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0G0T159_9BACT (A0A0G0T159)

Candidatus Yanofskybacteria bacterium GW2011_GWE2_40_11 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Corynebacterium ulcerans protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Methylocella silvestris BL2 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

G5F5S8_9ACTN (G5F5S8)

Olsenella sp. oral taxon 809 str. F0356 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A157LK45_9BORD (A0A157LK45)

Bordetella ansorpii protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Xanthomonas albilineans GPE PC73 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Prochlorococcus sp. MIT 0601 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Kushneria sp. YCWA18 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

K0AY86_CLOA9 (K0AY86)

Gottschalkia acidurici 9a protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Microbacterium esteraromaticum protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1G2E0R7_9BACT (A0A1G2E0R7)

Candidatus Nealsonbacteria bacterium RBG_13_42_11 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0W0RH66_9GAMM (A0A0W0RH66)

Legionella anisa protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0Q5N678_9MICO (A0A0Q5N678)

Frigoribacterium sp. Leaf172 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A0G1N548_9BACT (A0A0G1N548)

Candidatus Jorgensenbacteria bacterium GW2011_GWA2_45_9 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Montevideo str. 609458-2 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1I7JX93_9RHIZ (A0A1I7JX93)

Methylobacterium sp. UNCCL125 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

R6P7Z7_9CLOT (R6P7Z7)

Clostridium sp. CAG:306 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A109LXN8_9SPHN (A0A109LXN8)

Erythrobacter sp. AP23 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Litoreibacter ascidiaceicola protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1Q4RX44_9CYAN (A0A1Q4RX44)

Calothrix sp. HK-06 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans M1 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1G6JV50_9MICO (A0A1G6JV50)

Sanguibacter gelidistatuariae protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Anabaena sp. CRKS33 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

W6M701_9GAMM (W6M701)

Candidatus Competibacter denitrificans Run_A_D11 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Borreliella valaisiana VS116 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Thermosipho africanus TCF52B protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A158S6K4_9SPHN (A0A158S6K4)

Novosphingobium sp. KN65.2 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A157S605_9BORD (A0A157S605)

Bordetella ansorpii protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Burkholderiales bacterium 70-64 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A081GQI0_9CYAN (A0A081GQI0)

Cyanobium sp. CACIAM 14 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Sedimentitalea nanhaiensis protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1Q6TF55_9FIRM (A0A1Q6TF55)

Ruminococcus sp. 37_24 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1Q5WT49_9BACL (A0A1Q5WT49)

Paenibacillus sp. P3E protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1G1D1N2_9BACT (A0A1G1D1N2)

Nitrospinae bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_39_10 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. B100 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A7C3M9_9GAMM (A7C3M9)

Beggiatoa sp. PS protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Alphaproteobacteria bacterium TMED62 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF


Gallionellales bacterium RIFOXYB12_FULL_54_9 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1G1ZA45_9BACT (A0A1G1ZA45)

Candidatus Colwellbacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_12_FULL_43_11 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

A0A1X1MT25_9VIBR (A0A1X1MT25)

Vibrio sp. qd031 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF

K6W0X5_9ACTN (K6W0X5)

Gordonia rhizosphera NBRC 16068 protein

Protein-export membrane protein SecF