There were 21517 matches in SMART for your query tatC. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A2A7GY57_9BACI (A0A2A7GY57)

Bacillus sp. AFS098217 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A0Q6L0I2_9BACI (A0A0Q6L0I2)

Bacillus sp. Leaf406 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A060JGG9_9MICO (A0A060JGG9)

Rhodoluna lacicola protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A1F9UE10_9BACT (A0A1F9UE10)

Elusimicrobia bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL_59_12 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Polymorphum gilvum SL003B-26A1 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A1X3S4M5_9GAMM (A0A1X3S4M5)

Lonsdalea britannica protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Legionella tucsonensis protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A259FHU3_9PROT (A0A259FHU3)

Hydrogenophilales bacterium 17-64-34 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Rothia sp. HMSC065B04 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Actinobacteria bacterium OV450 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A259V1D6_9FIRM (A0A259V1D6)

Sporomusa acidovorans DSM 3132 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Wolbachia endosymbiont of Onchocerca ochengi protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Mucilaginibacter sp. OK098 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Gammaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Gammaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A2A4I2S4_9SPHN (A0A2A4I2S4)

Sphingomonas ginsenosidimutans protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Chloroflexi bacterium RBG_13_54_8 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Streptomyces sp. XY431 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A0C2UT17_9PROT (A0A0C2UT17)

Sulfurovum sp. AS07-7 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Luteimonas sp. FCS-9 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Gallibacterium genomosp. 2 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Pelagibacterium sp. SCN 63-126 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A066WQC1_9FLAO (A0A066WQC1)

Flavobacterium seoulense protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Ponticoccus marisrubri protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

I0G780_9BRAD (I0G780)

Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A268J603_9BACL (A0A268J603)

Paenibacillus sp. 7884-2 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

F0J622_ACIMA (F0J622)

Acidiphilium multivorum AIU301 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A1J5W6T8_9CORY (A0A1J5W6T8)

Corynebacterium sp. NML130628 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A257ZQX4_9RHOB (A0A257ZQX4)

Rhodobacterales bacterium 12-65-15 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A1Q6Z1Y2_9BACT (A0A1Q6Z1Y2)

Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium 13_2_20CM_2_64_8 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Brevibacillus parabrevis protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Gemmatimonadetes bacterium 13_1_40CM_4_69_8 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Helicobacter pylori UM085 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Cyanobacterium aponinum PCC 10605 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A066TMT2_9NEIS (A0A066TMT2)

Snodgrassella alvi protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A150FCS6_9BACI (A0A150FCS6)

Bacillus nakamurai protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A0J1B990_RHOIS (A0A0J1B990)

Rhodopirellula islandica protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

L1Q5N9_9FLAO (L1Q5N9)

Capnocytophaga sp. oral taxon 326 str. F0382 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A150FB81_9BACI (A0A150FB81)

Bacillus nakamurai protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A163KX28_BREPA (A0A163KX28)

Brevibacillus parabrevis protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Salinicoccus roseus protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A0C2DL32_9STAP (A0A0C2DL32)

Salinicoccus roseus protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Gemmatimonadetes bacterium 13_1_40CM_4_69_8 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A2G2LC51_9GAMM (A0A2G2LC51)

Kangiella sp. protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Psychrobacter urativorans protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Candidatus Burkholderia crenata protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Streptomyces sp. F-1 protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A1H8D670_9BACI (A0A1H8D670)

Bacillus persicus protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC


Afipia felis protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC

A0A059W465_STRA9 (A0A059W465)

Streptomyces albulus protein

Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC