There were 10473 matches in SMART for your query tolR. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A134BYG0_9FIRM (A0A134BYG0)

Veillonella parvula protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A239PZE7_9PROT (A0A239PZE7)

Amphiplicatus metriothermophilus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A134BV06_9FIRM (A0A134BV06)

Veillonella parvula protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Nitrosovibrio tenuis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


gamma proteobacterium HIMB55 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

D8F8A1_9DELT (D8F8A1)

delta proteobacterium NaphS2 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A1H6Y8U9_9PSED (A0A1H6Y8U9)

Pseudomonas sp. NFR16 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A238XVW2_9PROT (A0A238XVW2)

Methylobacillus rhizosphaerae protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A066TGV5_9GAMM (A0A066TGV5)

Gilliamella apicola protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein


Prevotella salivae DSM 15606 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A062F5Z2_ACIBA (A0A062F5Z2)

Acinetobacter baumannii 940793 protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein (Fragment)

A0A239J7W5_9BACT (A0A239J7W5)

Granulicella rosea protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1K1MB44_9BURK (A0A1K1MB44)

Burkholderia sp. NFACC33-1 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

D3IG69_9BACT (D3IG69)

Prevotella sp. oral taxon 317 str. F0108 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Marinobacter segnicrescens protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A291P7K4_9GAMM (A0A291P7K4)

Halomonas beimenensis protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein


Arcobacter marinus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Pseudomonas fluorescens protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein


Microbulbifer yueqingensis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Labrenzia alexandrii DFL-11 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A239D965_9BACT (A0A239D965)

Granulicella rosea protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Pseudomonas fluorescens protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein

A0A0T7DG88_9VIBR (A0A0T7DG88)

Vibrio sp. J2-29 protein

Putative Outer membrane stability protein, TolR


Pseudomonas fluorescens protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein


Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 protein

Putative biopolymer transport protein, ExbD/TolR domain


Pseudomonas sp. UW4 protein

Biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR family protein


Methylobacterium phyllostachyos protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1H7YM12_9DELT (A0A1H7YM12)

Syntrophus gentianae protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A062FD43_ACIBA (A0A062FD43)

Acinetobacter baumannii 940793 protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein (Fragment)


Acidovorax wautersii protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1B7IN91_9ENTR (A0A1B7IN91)

Buttiauxella brennerae ATCC 51605 protein

TolR family component of Tol biopolymer transport system

A0A022I7Q0_9GAMM (A0A022I7Q0)

Acinetobacter sp. 1000160 protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein


Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae ICMP 19096 protein

Biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR (Fragment)

Q15RN9_PSEA6 (Q15RN9)

Pseudoalteromonas atlantica T6c protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Nitratifractor salsuginis DSM 16511 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A022I7Y7_9GAMM (A0A022I7Y7)

Acinetobacter sp. 1000160 protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein

A0A1I6QJ89_9CAUL (A0A1I6QJ89)

Brevundimonas viscosa protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Aurantimonas sp. USBA 369 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A198FHM6_9GAMM (A0A198FHM6)

Cosenzaea myxofaciens ATCC 19692 protein

TolR family component of Tol biopolymer transport system

B6R8Z3_9RHOB (B6R8Z3)

Pseudovibrio sp. JE062 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A1X7C4V1_9DELT (A0A1X7C4V1)

Desulfovibrio sp. K3S protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1N7RM50_9BURK (A0A1N7RM50)

Paraburkholderia piptadeniae protein

Membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex


Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1I4D2T6_9RHOB (A0A1I4D2T6)

Loktanella salsilacus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A137SH23_9ALTE (A0A137SH23)

Marinobacter excellens LAMA 842 protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein

A0A1N6E9V4_9RHOB (A0A1N6E9V4)

Oceanicola litoreus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Psychrobacter sp. JCM 18903 protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein

A0A1H8Z766_9BACT (A0A1H8Z766)

bacterium A52C2 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1Y6F4H8_9SPHN (A0A1Y6F4H8)

Altererythrobacter xiamenensis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A0T7EK00_9VIBR (A0A0T7EK00)

Vibrio sp. J2-31 protein

Putative Outer membrane stability protein, TolR