There were 10473 matches in SMART for your query tolR. The results are sorted based on relevance.

A0A1H7I6Z7_9GAMM (A0A1H7I6Z7)

Pseudoxanthomonas sp. GM95 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1N7RM29_9BURK (A0A1N7RM29)

Paraburkholderia piptadeniae protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein

V9W121_9RHOB (V9W121)

Leisingera methylohalidivorans DSM 14336 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A010J2L0_9GAMM (A0A010J2L0)

Acinetobacter sp. 1542444 protein

Biopolymer transport ExbD/TolR family protein

D3I4G7_9BACT (D3I4G7)

Prevotella melaninogenica D18 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

B6R8Z2_9RHOB (B6R8Z2)

Pseudovibrio sp. JE062 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Bradyrhizobium sp. ORS 278 protein

Putative biopolymer transport protein, ExbD/TolR family

Q729G2_DESVH (Q729G2)

Desulfovibrio vulgaris str. Hildenborough protein

Biopolymer transport protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A212S486_RHOAC (A0A212S486)

Rhodoblastus acidophilus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1H0XG29_9PSED (A0A1H0XG29)

Pseudomonas guguanensis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

Q4FS41_PSYA2 (Q4FS41)

Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4 protein

Possible biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR


Vibrio fluvialis PG41 protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein


Vibrio mimicus VM223 protein

Tol biopolymer transport system TolR protein

A0A059FNT3_9RHOB (A0A059FNT3)

Hyphomonas johnsonii MHS-2 protein

ExbD/TolR family transport energizing protein


Halorhodospira halophila SL1 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1H2P7D1_9PSED (A0A1H2P7D1)

Pseudomonas vancouverensis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

B9M351_GEODF (B9M351)

Geobacter daltonii FRC-32 protein

Biopolymer transport membrane protein, TolR-related


Marinomonas polaris DSM 16579 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Rhodoblastus acidophilus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Thalassobius maritimus protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Pseudomonas guguanensis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Bradyrhizobium sp. Rc3b protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

E0NY87_9FIRM (E0NY87)

Selenomonas sp. oral taxon 149 str. 67H29BP protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Paraburkholderia sartisoli protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Legionella gratiana protein

Membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex

A6E0P2_9RHOB (A6E0P2)

Roseovarius sp. TM1035 protein

Biopolymer transport protein, ExbD/TolR family


Eikenella corrodens ATCC 23834 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Prevotella baroniae F0067 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

U2P712_9BACT (U2P712)

Prevotella baroniae F0067 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

S3V5E8_9LEPT (S3V5E8)

Leptospira wolffii serovar Khorat str. Khorat-H2 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Pseudovibrio denitrificans protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A4A9R4_9GAMM (A4A9R4)

Congregibacter litoralis KT71 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A238D1W5_THIDL (A0A238D1W5)

Thiomonas delicata protein

Putative Biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR

B4W019_9CYAN (B4W019)

Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes PCC 7420 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Campylobacter rectus RM3267 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

S3UI65_9LEPT (S3UI65)

Leptospira wolffii serovar Khorat str. Khorat-H2 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Chlorobium phaeovibrioides DSM 265 protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

A0A1R3V3A5_9RHIZ (A0A1R3V3A5)

Mesorhizobium prunaredense protein

Membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex

S3US64_9LEPT (S3US64)

Leptospira wolffii serovar Khorat str. Khorat-H2 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

B4VS08_9CYAN (B4VS08)

Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes PCC 7420 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

S3UP72_9LEPT (S3UP72)

Leptospira wolffii serovar Khorat str. Khorat-H2 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family


Legionella geestiana protein

Membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex


Campylobacter rectus RM3267 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

U2QM35_9BACT (U2QM35)

Prevotella baroniae F0067 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

A0A1G7QE67_9GAMM (A0A1G7QE67)

Halomonas taeanensis protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR

S3VR61_9LEPT (S3VR61)

Leptospira wolffii serovar Khorat str. Khorat-H2 protein

Transport energizing protein, ExbD/TolR family

K8AS25_9ENTR (K8AS25)

Cronobacter muytjensii 530 protein

Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein

A0A1G6BK11_9GAMM (A0A1G6BK11)

Idiomarina indica protein

Cell division and transport-associated protein TolR


Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum protein

Biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR (Fragment)