There were 13019 matches in SMART for your query ubiB. The results are sorted based on relevance.


Lactobacillus ceti DSM 22408 protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiB

G4F5I6_9GAMM (G4F5I6)

Halomonas sp. HAL1 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A251XA76_9GAMM (A0A251XA76)

Thioflexothrix psekupsii protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiB

A0A1I4F9J6_9GAMM (A0A1I4F9J6)

Lysobacter sp. cf310 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Gallibacterium genomosp. 2 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A0W0ZT15_9GAMM (A0A0W0ZT15)

Legionella tucsonensis protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A1E4DV87_9RHIZ (A0A1E4DV87)

Pelagibacterium sp. SCN 63-126 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Shigella flexneri protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A2A5BN95_9GAMM (A0A2A5BN95)

Gammaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Acinetobacter junii MTCC 11364 protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase UbiB

A0A1P8MY97_9RHOB (A0A1P8MY97)

Tateyamaria omphalii protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A2A4VJ23_9GAMM (A0A2A4VJ23)

Gammaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A1I5ET99_9RHOB (A0A1I5ET99)

Roseovarius lutimaris protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Gammaproteobacteria bacterium protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Variovorax sp. OK202 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Wolbachia endosymbiont of Onchocerca ochengi protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A0H1AM35_9GAMM (A0A0H1AM35)

Luteimonas sp. FCS-9 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A127QSK9_9BURK (A0A127QSK9)

Collimonas pratensis protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A066TDX8_9NEIS (A0A066TDX8)

Snodgrassella alvi protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase UbiB

A0A2G2LC72_9GAMM (A0A2G2LC72)

Kangiella sp. protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Glaesserella parasuis SW114 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Rhodopirellula islandica protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase UbiB

A0A139SWL1_9GAMM (A0A139SWL1)

Ventosimonas gracilis protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A1H0H8Q0_9BRAD (A0A1H0H8Q0)

Afipia sp. GAS231 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Idiomarina sp. H105 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A263NZW5_9PSED (A0A263NZW5)

Pseudomonas sp. IB20 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Thioclava nitratireducens protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A222F925_9RHOB (A0A222F925)

Labrenzia sp. VG12 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Yersinia kristensenii protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A060H9P1_XYLFS (A0A060H9P1)

Xylella fastidiosa subsp. sandyi Ann-1 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A109YA54_ENTAG (A0A109YA54)

Pantoea agglomerans protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A1N6K0H9_9RHOB (A0A1N6K0H9)

Rhodovulum sp. ES.010 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Nonlabens marinus S1-08 protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase UbiB

A0A1Q3HT25_9DELT (A0A1Q3HT25)

Archangium sp. Cb G35 protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiB


Silicibacter sp. TrichCH4B protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Streptomyces griseoflavus protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase UbiB


Gracilibacillus boraciitolerans JCM 21714 protein

Ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase UbiB

A0A1I6U073_9RHOB (A0A1I6U073)

Yangia pacifica protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Aromatoleum aromaticum EbN1 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A109DBG9_9VIBR (A0A109DBG9)

Vibrio toranzoniae protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Enterobacter sp. Ag1 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A167AEV8_9GAMM (A0A167AEV8)

Ectothiorhodospira sp. BSL-9 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A2A7V720_ENTAG (A0A2A7V720)

Pantoea agglomerans protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A0L8EL59_9BURK (A0A0L8EL59)

Achromobacter sp. DMS1 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Pelagibacteraceae bacterium GOM-A5 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB


Nesiotobacter exalbescens protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A136HI05_9PROT (A0A136HI05)

Thalassospira sp. Nap_22 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB

A0A095BUY4_9SPHN (A0A095BUY4)

Sphingopyxis sp. LC81 protein

Probable protein kinase UbiB