Secondary literature sources for DUF862
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- Madrzak J et al.
- Ubiquitination of the Dishevelled DIX domain blocks its head-to-tail polymerization.
- Nat Commun. 2015; 6: 6718-6718
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Dishevelled relays Wnt signals from the plasma membrane to different cytoplasmic effectors. Its signalling activity depends on its DIX domain, which undergoes head-to-tail polymerization to assemble signalosomes. The DIX domain is ubiquitinated in vivo at multiple lysines, which can be antagonized by various deubiquitinases (DUBs) including the CYLD tumour suppressor that attenuates Wnt signalling. Here, we generate milligram quantities of pure human Dvl2 DIX domain mono-ubiquitinated at two lysines (K54 and K58) by genetically encoded orthogonal protection with activated ligation (GOPAL), to investigate their effect on DIX polymerization. We show that the ubiquitination of DIX at K54 blocks its polymerization in solution, whereas DIX58-Ub remains oligomerization-competent. DUB profiling identified 28 DUBs that cleave DIX-ubiquitin conjugates, half of which prefer, or are specific for, DIX54-Ub, including Cezanne and CYLD. These DUBs thus have the potential to promote Dvl polymerization and signalosome formation, rather than antagonize it as previously thought for CYLD.
- Sahtoe DD, Sixma TK
- Layers of DUB regulation.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 2015; 40: 456-67
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Proteolytic enzymes, such as (iso-)peptidases, are potentially hazardous for cells. To neutralize their potential danger, tight control of their activities has evolved. Deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) are isopeptidases involved in eukaryotic ubiquitylation. They reverse ubiquitin signals by hydrolyzing ubiquitin adducts, giving them control over all aspects of ubiquitin biology. The importance of DUB function is underscored by their frequent deregulation in human disease, making these enzymes potential drug targets. Here, we review the different layers of DUB enzyme regulation. We discuss how post-translational modification (PTM), regulatory domains within DUBs, and incorporation of DUBs into macromolecular complexes contribute to their activity. We conclude that most DUBs are likely to use a combination of these basic regulatory mechanisms.
- Radjacommare R, Usharani R, Kuo CH, Fu H
- Distinct phylogenetic relationships and biochemical properties of Arabidopsis ovarian tumor-related deubiquitinases support their functional differentiation.
- Front Plant Sci. 2014; 5: 84-84
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The reverse reaction of ubiquitylation is catalyzed by different classes of deubiquitylation enzymes (DUBs), including ovarian tumor domain (OTU)-containing DUBs; experiments using Homo sapiens proteins have demonstrated that OTU DUBs modulate various cellular processes. With the exception of OTLD1, plant OTU DUBs have not been characterized. We identified 12 Arabidopsis thaliana OTU loci and analyzed 11 of the encoded proteins in vitro to determine their preferences for the ubiquitin (UB) chains of M1, K48, and K63 linkages as well as the UB-/RUB-/SUMO-GST fusions. The A. thaliana OTU DUBs were shown to be cysteine proteases and classified into four groups with distinct linkage preferences: OTU1 (M1 = K48 > K63), OTU3/4/7/10 (K63 > K48 > M1), OTU2/9 (K48 = K63), and OTU5/11/12/OTLD1 (inactive). Five active OTU DUBs (OTU3/4/7/9/10) also cleaved RUB fusion. OTU1/3/4 cleaved M1 UB chains, suggesting a possible role for M1 chains in plant cellular signaling. The different substrate specificities of the various A. thaliana OTU DUBs indicate the involvement of distinct structural elements; for example, the OTU1 oxyanion residue D89 is essential for cleaving isopeptide bond-linked chains but dispensable for M1 chains. UB-binding activities were detected only for OTU2 and OTLD1, with distinct linkage preferences. These differences in biochemical properties support the involvement of A. thaliana OTU DUBs in different functions. Moreover, based on the established phylogenetic tree, plant- and H. sapiens-specific clades exist, which suggests that the proteins within these clades have taxa-specific functions. We also detected five OTU clades that are conserved across species, which suggests that the orthologs in different species within each clade are involved in conserved cellular processes, such as ERAD and DNA damage responses. However, different linkage preferences have been detected among potential cross-species OTU orthologs, indicating functional and mechanistic differentiation.
- Kang YH et al.
- Implications of PPPDE1 expression in the distribution of plakoglobin and beta-catenin in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
- Oncol Lett. 2014; 8: 1229-1233
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Human PPPDE peptidase domain-containing protein 1 (PPPDE1) is a recently identified protein; however, its exact functions remain unclear. In our previous study, the PPPDE1 protein was found to be decreased in certain cancer tissues. In the present study, a total of 96 pancreatic ductal carcinoma tissue samples and 31 normal tissues samples were assessed to investigate the distribution of plakoglobin and beta-catenin under the conditions of various PPPDE1 expression levels by means of immunohistochemistry. Generally, the staining of PPPDE1 was strong in normal tissues, but weak in cancer tissues. Plakoglobin was mainly distributed along the membrane and cytoplasm border in normal cells, but was less evident in the membranes of cancer cells. In particular, a greater percentage of cells exhibited low membrane plakoglobin expression in cancer tissue with low PPPDE1 expression (PPPDE1-low cancer) compared with that in cancer tissue with high PPPDE1 expression (PPPDE1-high cancer). The distribution of beta-catenin in normal tissues was similar to that of plakoglobin. However, beta-catenin was peculiarly prone to invade nucleus in PPPDE1-low cancer compared with PPPDE1-high cancer. Our data suggested potential links between PPPDE1 expression and the distribution of plakoglobin and beta-catenin in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, providing insights into the role of PPPDE1 in the progression of pancreatic cancer.
- Chen Y, Wang L, Cheng X, Ge X, Wang P
- An ultrasensitive system for measuring the USPs and OTULIN activity using Nanoluc as a reporter.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014; 455: 178-83
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The deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) are a family of isopeptidases responsible for removing the ubiquitin from the ubiquitinated proteins. Identification of inhibitors for DUBs is emerging as an efficient way for discovering potential medicines for disease treatment. However, the high throughput screening (HTS) assay is still not available for all USPs, especially OTULIN. Here, we described a novel steadily quantifiable DUBs assay platform using Nanoluc (Nluc) as reporter. We further demonstrated that the Ub-Nluc assay could be used for HTS of DUBs inhibitors. Moreover, we generated a sensitive system for OTULIN inhibitors screening using Nluc as a reporter. In summary, our data indicate that Ub-Nluc and the improved Ub-Ub-GS-Nluc assay are efficient systems for measuring activities and screening inhibitors of USPs and OTULIN.
- Khafif M, Cottret L, Balague C, Raffaele S
- Identification and phylogenetic analyses of VASt, an uncharacterized protein domain associated with lipid-binding domains in Eukaryotes.
- BMC Bioinformatics. 2014; 15: 222-222
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BACKGROUND: Several regulators of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants encode proteins with putative lipid-binding domains. Among them, VAD1 is a regulator of PCD propagation harboring a GRAM putative lipid-binding domain. However the function of VAD1 at the subcellular level is unknown and the domain architecture of VAD1 has not been analyzed in details. RESULTS: We analyzed sequence conservation across the plant kingdom in the VAD1 protein and identified an uncharacterized VASt (VAD1 Analog of StAR-related lipid transfer) domain. Using profile hidden Markov models (profile HMMs) and phylogenetic analysis we found that this domain is conserved among eukaryotes and generally associates with various lipid-binding domains. Proteins containing both a GRAM and a VASt domain include notably the yeast Ysp2 cell death regulator and numerous uncharacterized proteins. Using structure-based phylogeny, we found that the VASt domain is structurally related to Bet v1-like domains. CONCLUSION: We identified a novel protein domain ubiquitous in Eukaryotic genomes and belonging to the Bet v1-like superfamily. Our findings open perspectives for the functional analysis of VASt-containing proteins and the characterization of novel mechanisms regulating PCD.
- Lenart A, Dudkiewicz M, Grynberg M, Pawlowski K
- CLCAs - a family of metalloproteases of intriguing phylogenetic distribution and with cases of substituted catalytic sites.
- PLoS One. 2013; 8: 62272-62272
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The zinc-dependent metalloproteases with His-Glu-x-x-His (HExxH) active site motif, zincins, are a broad group of proteins involved in many metabolic and regulatory functions, and found in all forms of life. Human genome contains more than 100 genes encoding proteins with known zincin-like domains. A survey of all proteins containing the HExxH motif shows that approximately 52% of HExxH occurrences fall within known protein structural domains (as defined in the Pfam database). Domain families with majority of members possessing a conserved HExxH motif include, not surprisingly, many known and putative metalloproteases. Furthermore, several HExxH-containing protein domains thus identified can be confidently predicted to be putative peptidases of zincin fold. Thus, we predict zincin-like fold for eight uncharacterised Pfam families. Besides the domains with the HExxH motif strictly conserved, and those with sporadic occurrences, intermediate families are identified that contain some members with a conserved HExxH motif, but also many homologues with substitutions at the conserved positions. Such substitutions can be evolutionarily conserved and non-random, yet functional roles of these inactive zincins are not known. The CLCAs are a novel zincin-like protease family with many cases of substituted active sites. We show that this allegedly metazoan family has a number of bacterial and archaeal members. An extremely patchy phylogenetic distribution of CLCAs in prokaryotes and their conserved protein domain composition strongly suggests an evolutionary scenario of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from multicellular eukaryotes to bacteria, providing an example of eukaryote-derived xenologues in bacterial genomes. Additionally, in a protein family identified here as closely homologous to CLCA, the CLCA_X (CLCA-like) family, a number of proteins is found in phages and plasmids, supporting the HGT scenario.
- Aravind L, Anand S, Iyer LM
- Novel autoproteolytic and DNA-damage sensing components in the bacterial SOS response and oxidized methylcytosine-induced eukaryotic DNA demethylation systems.
- Biol Direct. 2013; 8: 20-20
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The bacterial SOS response is an elaborate program for DNA repair, cell cycle regulation and adaptive mutagenesis under stress conditions. Using sensitive sequence and structure analysis, combined with contextual information derived from comparative genomics and domain architectures, we identify two novel domain superfamilies in the SOS response system. We present evidence that one of these, the SOS response associated peptidase (SRAP; Pfam: DUF159) is a novel thiol autopeptidase. Given the involvement of other autopeptidases, such as LexA and UmuD, in the SOS response, this finding suggests that multiple structurally unrelated peptidases have been recruited to this process. The second of these, the ImuB-C superfamily, is linked to the Y-family DNA polymerase-related domain in ImuB, and also occurs as a standalone protein. We present evidence using gene neighborhood analysis that both these domains function with different mutagenic polymerases in bacteria, such as Pol IV (DinB), Pol V (UmuCD) and ImuA-ImuB-DnaE2 and also other repair systems, which either deploy Ku and an ATP-dependent ligase or a SplB-like radical SAM photolyase. We suggest that the SRAP superfamily domain functions as a DNA-associated autoproteolytic switch that recruits diverse repair enzymes upon DNA damage, whereas the ImuB-C domain performs a similar function albeit in a non-catalytic fashion. We propose that C3Orf37, the eukaryotic member of the SRAP superfamily, which has been recently shown to specifically bind DNA with 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, 5-formylcytosine and 5-carboxycytosine, is a sensor for these oxidized bases generated by the TET enzymes from methylcytosine. Hence, its autoproteolytic activity might help it act as a switch that recruits DNA repair enzymes to remove these oxidized methylcytosine species as part of the DNA demethylation pathway downstream of the TET enzymes.
- Sanchez-Pulido L, Ponting CP
- Tiki, at the head of a new superfamily of enzymes.
- Bioinformatics. 2013; 29: 2371-4
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Tiki proteins appear to antagonize Wnt signalling pathway by acting as Wnt proteases, thereby affecting Wnt solubility by its amino-terminal cleavage. Tiki1 protease activity was shown to be metal ion-dependent and was inhibited by chelating agents and thus was tentatively proposed to be a metalloprotease. Nevertheless, Tiki proteins exhibit no detectable sequence similarity to previously described metalloproteases, but instead have been reported as being homologues of TraB proteins (Pfam ID: PF01963), a widely distributed family of unknown function and structure. Here, we show that Tiki proteins are members of a new superfamily of domains contained not just in TraB proteins, but also in erythromycin esterase (Pfam ID: PF05139), DUF399 (domain of unknown function 399; Pfam ID: PF04187) and MARTX toxins that contribute to host invasion and pathogenesis by bacteria. We establish the core fold of this enzymatic domain and its catalytic residues.
- van Kasteren PB et al.
- Deubiquitinase function of arterivirus papain-like protease 2 suppresses the innate immune response in infected host cells.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013; 110: 83847-83847
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Protein ubiquitination regulates important innate immune responses. The discovery of viruses encoding deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) suggests they remove ubiquitin to evade ubiquitin-dependent antiviral responses; however, this has never been conclusively demonstrated in virus-infected cells. Arteriviruses are economically important positive-stranded RNA viruses that encode an ovarian tumor (OTU) domain DUB known as papain-like protease 2 (PLP2). This enzyme is essential for arterivirus replication by cleaving a site within the viral replicase polyproteins and also removes ubiquitin from cellular proteins. To dissect this dual specificity, which relies on a single catalytic site, we determined the crystal structure of equine arteritis virus PLP2 in complex with ubiquitin (1.45 A). PLP2 binds ubiquitin using a zinc finger that is uniquely integrated into an exceptionally compact OTU-domain fold that represents a new subclass of zinc-dependent OTU DUBs. Notably, the ubiquitin-binding surface is distant from the catalytic site, which allowed us to mutate this surface to significantly reduce DUB activity without affecting polyprotein cleavage. Viruses harboring such mutations exhibited WT replication kinetics, confirming that PLP2-mediated polyprotein cleavage was intact, but the loss of DUB activity strikingly enhanced innate immune signaling. Compared with WT virus infection, IFN-beta mRNA levels in equine cells infected with PLP2 mutants were increased by nearly an order of magnitude. Our findings not only establish PLP2 DUB activity as a critical factor in arteriviral innate immune evasion, but the selective inactivation of DUB activity also opens unique possibilities for developing improved live attenuated vaccines against arteriviruses and other viruses encoding similar dual-specificity proteases.
- Keusekotten K et al.
- OTULIN antagonizes LUBAC signaling by specifically hydrolyzing Met1-linked polyubiquitin.
- Cell. 2013; 153: 1312-26
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The linear ubiquitin (Ub) chain assembly complex (LUBAC) is an E3 ligase that specifically assembles Met1-linked (also known as linear) Ub chains that regulate nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling. Deubiquitinases (DUBs) are key regulators of Ub signaling, but a dedicated DUB for Met1 linkages has not been identified. Here, we reveal a previously unannotated human DUB, OTULIN (also known as FAM105B), which is exquisitely specific for Met1 linkages. Crystal structures of the OTULIN catalytic domain in complex with diubiquitin reveal Met1-specific Ub-binding sites and a mechanism of substrate-assisted catalysis in which the proximal Ub activates the catalytic triad of the protease. Mutation of Ub Glu16 inhibits OTULIN activity by reducing kcat 240-fold. OTULIN overexpression or knockdown affects NF-kappaB responses to LUBAC, TNFalpha, and poly(I:C) and sensitizes cells to TNFalpha-induced cell death. We show that OTULIN binds LUBAC and that overexpression of OTULIN prevents TNFalpha-induced NEMO association with ubiquitinated RIPK1. Our data suggest that OTULIN regulates Met1-polyUb signaling.
- Arrigoni A, Grillo B, Vitriolo A, De Gioia L, Papaleo E
- C-Terminal acidic domain of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes: a multi-functional conserved intrinsically disordered domain in family 3 of E2 enzymes.
- J Struct Biol. 2012; 178: 245-59
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E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes are key elements of the ubiquitin (Ub) pathway, since they influence processivity and topology of the Ub chain assembly and, as a consequence, the fate of the target substrates. E2s are multi-domain proteins, with accessory N-terminal or C-terminal domains that can contribute to the specificity for the cognate Ub-like molecules, or even the E3. In this context, the thorough structural characterization of E2 accessory domains is mandatory, in particular when they are associated to specific functions. We here provide, by computational and comparative studies, the first evidence of an acidic domain (AD) conserved in the E2 sub-family 3R. It is an intrinsically disordered domain, in which elements for Ub or E3 recognition are maintained. This conserved acidic domain (AD) shows propensity for alpha-helix structures (185-192 and 204-218) in the proximity of the sites for interaction with the Ub or the cognate E3. Moreover, our results also suggest that AD can explore conformations with tertiary contacts mainly driven by aromatic and hydrophobic interactions, in absence of its interaction partners. The globular states are likely to be regulated by multiple phosphorylation events, which can trigger conformational changes toward more extended conformations, as judged by MD simulations of the phospho-variants. The extended conformations, in turn, promote the accessibility of the interaction sites for Ub and the E3. We also trace a parallel between this new and natively unfolded structural motif for Ub-recognition and the natively folded ubiquitin associated domain (UBA) typical of family 1 of E2 enzymes, which includes Ubc1. In fact, according to our calculations, Ubc1 maps at the interface between the space of the natively unfolded and folded proteins, as well as it shares common features with the acidic domain of family 3 members.
- Burroughs AM, Iyer LM, Aravind L
- The natural history of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-related domains.
- Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2012; 17: 1433-60
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The ubiquitin (Ub) system is centered on conjugation and deconjugation of Ub and Ub-like (Ubls) proteins by a system of ligases and peptidases, respectively. Ub/Ubls contain the beta-grasp fold, also found in numerous proteins with biochemically distinct roles unrelated to the conventional Ub-system. The beta-GF underwent an early radiation spawning at least seven clades prior to the divergence of extant organisms from their last universal common ancestor, first emerging in the context of translation-related RNA-interactions and subsequently exploding to occupy various functional niches. Most beta-GF diversification occurred in prokaryotes, with the Ubl clade showing dramatic expansion in the eukaryotes. Diversification of Ubl families in eukaryotes played a major role in emergence of characteristic eukaryotic cellular sub-structures and systems. Recent comparative genomics studies indicate precursors of the eukaryotic Ub-system emerged in prokaryotes. The simplest of these combine an Ubl and an E1-like enzyme in metabolic pathways. Sampylation in archaea and Urmylation in eukaryotes appear to represent recruitment of such systems as simple protein-tagging apparatuses. However, other prokaryotic systems incorporated further components and mirror the eukaryotic condition in possessing an E2, a RING-type E3 or both of these components. Additionally, prokaryotes have evolved conjugation systems independent of Ub ligases, such as the Pup system.
- Fu QS, Song AX, Hu HY
- Structural aspects of ubiquitin binding specificities.
- Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2012; 13: 482-9
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Ubiquitin (Ub) is widely distributed in eukaryotic cells as its name means. There are many kinds of Ub-like proteins (for example, SUMO, NEDD8 and ISG15) and Ub-like domains (UbLs) included in multi-domain proteins. To date, a large number of Ub-binding domains (UBDs), such as UBA, CUE, UIM, ZnF, and Pru, are coming up to us with different affinities to Ub and its homologues. The binding specificities provide the basis for controlling various cellular events as well as for delivering ubiquitinated proteins to proteasome for degradation. Structural details of these UBDs and their complexes with Ub might as well show us the delicate mechanism of Ub recognition and regulation. This review summarizes recent progresses on deciphering the structure-based Ub-binding specificities, which are the importantly fundamental elements in orchestrating the ubiquitination and deubiquitination processes in eukaryotic cells.
- Hickey CM, Wilson NR, Hochstrasser M
- Function and regulation of SUMO proteases.
- Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2012; 13: 755-66
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Covalent attachment of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to proteins is highly dynamic, and both SUMO-protein conjugation and cleavage can be regulated. Protein desumoylation is carried out by SUMO proteases, which control cellular mechanisms ranging from transcription and cell division to ribosome biogenesis. Recent advances include the discovery of two novel classes of SUMO proteases, insights regarding SUMO protease specificity, and revelations of previously unappreciated SUMO protease functions in several key cellular pathways. These developments, together with new connections between SUMO proteases and the recently discovered SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs), make this an exciting period to study these enzymes.
- Faesen AC et al.
- The differential modulation of USP activity by internal regulatory domains, interactors and eight ubiquitin chain types.
- Chem Biol. 2011; 18: 1550-61
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Ubiquitin-specific proteases (USPs) are papain-like isopeptidases with variable inter- and intramolecular regulatory domains. To understand the effect of these domains on USP activity, we have analyzed the enzyme kinetics of 12 USPs in the presence and absence of modulators using synthetic reagents. This revealed variations of several orders of magnitude in both the catalytic turnover (k(cat)) and ubiquitin (Ub) binding (K(M)) between USPs. Further activity modulation by intramolecular domains affects both the k(cat) and K(M), whereas the intermolecular activators UAF1 and GMPS mainly increase the k(cat). Also, we provide the first comprehensive analysis comparing Ub chain preference. USPs can hydrolyze all linkages and show modest Ub-chain preferences, although some show a lack of activity toward linear di-Ub. This comprehensive kinetic analysis highlights the variability within the USP family.
- Pasikowski P, Cydzik M, Kluczyk A, Stefanowicz P, Szewczuk Z
- Ubiquitin fragments: their known biological activities and putative roles.
- Biomol Concepts. 2010; 1: 67-83
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Ubiquitin (Ub) is involved in many key processes of cell biology. Identification of compounds that could interfere in the ubiquitination process is of importance. It could be expected that peptides derived from the Ub-binding regions might be able to interact with Ub receptors themselves and modify an ability of the Ub receptors interactions. This review summarizes current knowledge about known Ub-derived peptides and discusses putative activity of unexplored Ub fragments. Among identified biologically active Ub-derived peptides, its decapeptide fragment of the LEDGRTLSDY sequence was found to exhibit strong immunosuppressive effects on the cellular and humoral immune responses, comparable to that of cyclosporine. Some of the Ub fragments possess strong antibacterial and antifungal potency. In the search for new peptides that could interfere in the interaction of Ub with other proteins, we investigated the pentapeptide Ub sequences present in non-ubiquitin proteins. Based on examination of the Swiss-Prot database, we postulated that sequences of some Ub fragments often exist in other protein molecules. However, some of those motives are represented more frequently than others and could be involved in regulation of cellular processes related to Ub.
- Su D, Hochstrasser M
- A WLM protein with SUMO-directed protease activity.
- Mol Cell Biol. 2010; 30: 3734-6
- Matta-Camacho E, Kozlov G, Trempe JF, Gehring K
- Atypical binding of the Swa2p UBA domain to ubiquitin.
- J Mol Biol. 2009; 386: 569-77
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Swa2p is an auxilin-like yeast protein that is involved in vesicular transport and required for uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles. Swa2p contains a ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain, which is present in a variety of proteins involved in ubiquitin (Ub)-mediated processes. We have determined a structural model of the Swa2p UBA domain in complex with Ub using NMR spectroscopy and molecular docking. Ub recognition occurs predominantly through an atypical interaction in which UBA helix alpha1 and the N-terminal part of helix alpha2 bind to Ub. Mutation of Ala148, a key residue in helix alpha1, to polar residues greatly reduced the affinity of the UBA domain for Ub and revealed a second low-affinity Ub-binding site located on the surface formed by helices alpha1 and alpha3. Surface plasmon resonance showed that the Swa2p UBA domain binds K48- and K63-linked di-Ub in a non-linkage-specific manner. These results reveal convergent evolution of a Ub-binding site on helix alpha1 of UBA domains involved in membrane protein trafficking.
- Makarova KS, Wolf YI, van der Oost J, Koonin EV
- Prokaryotic homologs of Argonaute proteins are predicted to function as key components of a novel system of defense against mobile genetic elements.
- Biol Direct. 2009; 4: 29-29
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BACKGROUND: In eukaryotes, RNA interference (RNAi) is a major mechanism of defense against viruses and transposable elements as well of regulating translation of endogenous mRNAs. The RNAi systems recognize the target RNA molecules via small guide RNAs that are completely or partially complementary to a region of the target. Key components of the RNAi systems are proteins of the Argonaute-PIWI family some of which function as slicers, the nucleases that cleave the target RNA that is base-paired to a guide RNA. Numerous prokaryotes possess the CRISPR-associated system (CASS) of defense against phages and plasmids that is, in part, mechanistically analogous but not homologous to eukaryotic RNAi systems. Many prokaryotes also encode homologs of Argonaute-PIWI proteins but their functions remain unknown. RESULTS: We present a detailed analysis of Argonaute-PIWI protein sequences and the genomic neighborhoods of the respective genes in prokaryotes. Whereas eukaryotic Ago/PIWI proteins always contain PAZ (oligonucleotide binding) and PIWI (active or inactivated nuclease) domains, the prokaryotic Argonaute homologs (pAgos) fall into two major groups in which the PAZ domain is either present or absent. The monophyly of each group is supported by a phylogenetic analysis of the conserved PIWI-domains. Almost all pAgos that lack a PAZ domain appear to be inactivated, and the respective genes are associated with a variety of predicted nucleases in putative operons. An additional, uncharacterized domain that is fused to various nucleases appears to be a unique signature of operons encoding the short (lacking PAZ) pAgo form. By contrast, almost all PAZ-domain containing pAgos are predicted to be active nucleases. Some proteins of this group (e.g., that from Aquifex aeolicus) have been experimentally shown to possess nuclease activity, and are not typically associated with genes for other (putative) nucleases. Given these observations, the apparent extensive horizontal transfer of pAgo genes, and their common, statistically significant over-representation in genomic neighborhoods enriched in genes encoding proteins involved in the defense against phages and/or plasmids, we hypothesize that pAgos are key components of a novel class of defense systems. The PAZ-domain containing pAgos are predicted to directly destroy virus or plasmid nucleic acids via their nuclease activity, whereas the apparently inactivated, PAZ-lacking pAgos could be structural subunits of protein complexes that contain, as active moieties, the putative nucleases that we predict to be co-expressed with these pAgos. All these nucleases are predicted to be DNA endonucleases, so it seems most probable that the putative novel phage/plasmid-defense system targets phage DNA rather than mRNAs. Given that in eukaryotic RNAi systems, the PAZ domain binds a guide RNA and positions it on the complementary region of the target, we further speculate that pAgos function on a similar principle (the guide being either DNA or RNA), and that the uncharacterized domain found in putative operons with the short forms of pAgos is a functional substitute for the PAZ domain. CONCLUSION: The hypothesis that pAgos are key components of a novel prokaryotic immune system that employs guide RNA or DNA molecules to degrade nucleic acids of invading mobile elements implies a functional analogy with the prokaryotic CASS and a direct evolutionary connection with eukaryotic RNAi. The predictions of the hypothesis including both the activities of pAgos and those of the associated endonucleases are readily amenable to experimental tests.
- Pei J, Lupardus PJ, Garcia KC, Grishin NV
- CPDadh: a new peptidase family homologous to the cysteine protease domain in bacterial MARTX toxins.
- Protein Sci. 2009; 18: 856-62
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A cysteine protease domain (CPD) has been recently discovered in a group of multifunctional, autoprocessing RTX toxins (MARTX) and Clostridium difficile toxins A and B. These CPDs (referred to as CPDmartx) autocleave the toxins to release domains with toxic effects inside host cells. We report identification and computational analysis of CPDadh, a new cysteine peptidase family homologous to CPDmartx. CPDadh and CPDmartx share a Rossmann-like structural core and conserved catalytic residues. In bacteria, domains of the CPDadh family are present at the N-termini of a diverse group of putative cell-cell interaction proteins and at the C-termini of some RHS (recombination hot spot) proteins. In eukaryotes, catalytically inactive members of the CPDadh family are found in cell surface protein NELF (nasal embryonic LHRH factor) and some putative signaling proteins.
- Venancio TM, Balaji S, Iyer LM, Aravind L
- Reconstructing the ubiquitin network: cross-talk with other systems and identification of novel functions.
- Genome Biol. 2009; 10: 33-33
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BACKGROUND: The ubiquitin system (Ub-system) can be defined as the ensemble of components including Ub/ubiquitin-like proteins, their conjugation and deconjugation apparatus, binding partners and the proteasomal system. While several studies have concentrated on structure-function relationships and evolution of individual components of the Ub-system, a study of the system as a whole is largely lacking. RESULTS: Using numerous genome-scale datasets, we assemble for the first time a comprehensive reconstruction of the budding yeast Ub-system, revealing static and dynamic properties. We devised two novel representations, the rank plot to understand the functional diversification of different components and the clique-specific point-wise mutual-information network to identify significant interactions in the Ub-system. CONCLUSIONS: Using these representations, evidence is provided for the functional diversification of components such as SUMO-dependent Ub-ligases. We also identify novel components of SCF (Skp1-cullin-F-box)-dependent complexes, receptors in the ERAD (endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation) system and a key role for Sus1 in coordinating multiple Ub-related processes in chromatin dynamics. We present evidence for a major impact of the Ub-system on large parts of the proteome via its interaction with the transcription regulatory network. Furthermore, the dynamics of the Ub-network suggests that Ub and SUMO modifications might function cooperatively with transcription control in regulating cell-cycle-stage-specific complexes and in reinforcing periodicities in gene expression. Combined with evolutionary information, the structure of this network helps in understanding the lineage-specific expansion of SCF complexes with a potential role in pathogen response and the origin of the ERAD and ESCRT systems.
- Iyer LM, Abhiman S, Maxwell Burroughs A, Aravind L
- Amidoligases with ATP-grasp, glutamine synthetase-like and acetyltransferase-like domains: synthesis of novel metabolites and peptide modifications of proteins.
- Mol Biosyst. 2009; 5: 1636-60
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Recent studies have shown that the ubiquitin system had its origins in ancient cofactor/amino acid biosynthesis pathways. Preliminary studies also indicated that conjugation systems for other peptide tags on proteins, such as pupylation, have evolutionary links to cofactor/amino acid biosynthesis pathways. Following up on these observations, we systematically investigated the non-ribosomal amidoligases of the ATP-grasp, glutamine synthetase-like and acetyltransferase folds by classifying the known members and identifying novel versions. We then established their contextual connections using information from domain architectures and conserved gene neighborhoods. This showed remarkable, previously uncharacterized functional links between diverse peptide ligases, several peptidases of unrelated folds and enzymes involved in synthesis of modified amino acids. Using the network of contextual connections we were able to predict numerous novel pathways for peptide synthesis and modification, amine-utilization, secondary metabolite synthesis and potential peptide-tagging systems. One potential peptide-tagging system, which is widely distributed in bacteria, involves an ATP-grasp domain and a glutamine synthetase-like ligase, both of which are circularly permuted, an NTN-hydrolase fold peptidase and a novel alpha helical domain. Our analysis also elucidates key steps in the biosynthesis of antibiotics such as friulimicin, butirosin and bacilysin and cell surface structures such as capsular polymers and teichuronopeptides. We also report the discovery of several novel ribosomally synthesized bacterial peptide metabolites that are cyclized via amide and lactone linkages formed by ATP-grasp enzymes. We present an evolutionary scenario for the multiple convergent origins of peptide ligases in various folds and clarify the bacterial origin of eukaryotic peptide-tagging enzymes of the TTL family.
- Gomis-Ruth FX
- Catalytic domain architecture of metzincin metalloproteases.
- J Biol Chem. 2009; 284: 15353-7
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Metalloproteases cleave proteins and peptides, and deregulation of their function leads to pathology. An understanding of their structure and mechanisms of action is necessary to the development of strategies for their regulation. Among metallopeptidases are the metzincins, which are mostly multidomain proteins with approximately 130-260-residue globular catalytic domains showing a common core architecture characterized by a long zinc-binding consensus motif, HEXXHXXGXX(H/D), and a methionine-containing Met-turn. Metzincins participate in unspecific protein degradation such as digestion of intake proteins and tissue development, maintenance, and remodeling, but they are also involved in highly specific cleavage events to activate or inactivate themselves or other (pro)enzymes and bioactive peptides. Metzincins are subdivided into families, and seven such families have been analyzed at the structural level: the astacins, ADAMs/adamalysins/reprolysins, serralysins, matrix metalloproteinases, snapalysins, leishmanolysins, and pappalysins. These families are reviewed from a structural point of view.
- Ye Y, Scheel H, Hofmann K, Komander D
- Dissection of USP catalytic domains reveals five common insertion points.
- Mol Biosyst. 2009; 5: 1797-808
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Ubiquitin specific proteases (USPs) are the largest family of deubiquitinating enzymes with approximately 56 members in humans. USPs regulate a wide variety of cellular processes by their ability to remove (poly)ubiquitin from target proteins. Their enzymatic activity is encoded in a common catalytic core of approximately 350 amino acids, however many USPs show significantly larger catalytic domains. Here we have analysed human and yeast USP domains, combining bioinformatics with structural information. We reveal that all USP domains can be divided into six conserved boxes, and we map the conserved boxes onto the USP domain core structure. The boxes are interspersed by insertions, some of which as large as the catalytic core. The two most common insertion points place inserts near the distal ubiquitin binding site, and in many cases ubiquitin binding domains or ubiquitin-like folds are found in these insertions, potentially directly affecting catalytic function. Other inserted sequences are unstructured, and removal of these might aid future structural and functional analysis. Yeast USP domains have a different pattern of inserted sequences, suggesting that the insertions are hotspots for evolutionary diversity to expand USP functionality.
- Song L, Rape M
- Reverse the curse--the role of deubiquitination in cell cycle control.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2008; 20: 156-63
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Reversible protein ubiquitination is a crucial mechanism regulating the progression through the eukaryotic cell cycle. Ubiquitin-dependent signaling is terminated by specific deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), which now are known to be integral components of the core cell cycle machinery and cell cycle checkpoints. The importance of DUBs for cell cycle control is underscored by their frequent misregulation in cancer. Here, we discuss the role of deubiquitinating enzymes in controlling proliferation.
- Nicholson B et al.
- Characterization of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like-protein isopeptidase activities.
- Protein Sci. 2008; 17: 1035-43
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Conjugation or deconjugation of ubiquitin (Ub) or ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs) to or from cellular proteins is a multifaceted and universal means of regulating cellular physiology, controlling the lifetime, localization, and activity of many critical proteins. Deconjugation of Ub or UBL from proteins is performed by a class of proteases called isopeptidases. Herein is described a readily quantifiable novel isopeptidase assay platform consisting of Ub or UBL fused to the reporter enzyme phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). Isopeptidase activity releases PLA(2), which cleaves its substrate, generating a signal that is linear with deubiquitylase (DUB) concentration and is able to discriminate DUB, deSUMOylase, deNEDDylase, and deISGylase activities. The power and sensitivity of the UBL-PLA(2) assay are demonstrated by its ability to differentiate the contrasting deISGylase and DUB activities of two coronavirus proteases: severe acute respiratory syndrome papain-like protease (SARS-CoV PLpro) and NL63 CoV papain-like protease 2 (PLP2). Furthermore, direct comparisons with the current Ub-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (Ub-AMC) assay demonstrated that the Ub-PLA(2) assay is an effective tool for characterizing modulators of isopeptidase activity. This observation was expanded by profiling the inhibitory activity of the nonselective isopeptidase inhibitor NSC 632839 against DUBs and deSUMOylases. Taken together, these studies illustrate the utility of the reporter-based approach to measuring isopeptidase activity.
- Edelmann MJ, Kessler BM
- Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like specific proteases targeted by infectious pathogens: Emerging patterns and molecular principles.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008; 1782: 809-16
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Attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) or ubiquitin-like (Ubl) modifiers is a reversible post-translational modification that regulates the fate and function of proteins. In particular, proteolytic enzymes with Ub/Ubl processing activity appear to be more widespread than originally anticipated. It is therefore not surprising that bacterial and viral pathogens have exploited many ways to interfere with Ub/Ubl conjugation, but also de-conjugation. On one hand, pathogens were shown to manipulate host encoded enzymes. On the other hand, pathogen derived sequences of proteases specific for Ub/Ubls are emerging as a common feature shared by many viruses, bacteria and protozoa, and we are at an early stage of understanding how these proteases contribute to the pathogenesis of infection. Whereas some of these proteases share a common origin with mammalian cell encoded hydrolases with specific properties towards Ub/Ubls, most of them have ancient intrinsic functions, such as processing pathogen protein components, and may have acquired the specificity for Ub/Ubls by interacting with mammalian hosts and their immune system throughout evolution. Since many of these proteases are clearly distinct from their mammalian counterparts, they represent attractive targets for drug design against infectious diseases.
- Tan F et al.
- Proteomic analysis of ubiquitinated proteins in normal hepatocyte cell line Chang liver cells.
- Proteomics. 2008; 8: 2885-96
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Post-translational modification by ubiquitin (Ub) and Ub-like modifiers is one of the most important mechanisms regulating a wide range of cellular processes in eukaryotes. Through mediating 26S proteasome-dependent degradation of substrates, the covalent modification of proteins by multiple Ub (ubiquitination) can regulate many different cellular functions such as transcription, antigen processing, signal transduction and cell cycle. To better understand ubiquitination and its functions, proteomic approaches have been developed to purify and identify more protein substrates. The S5a subunit of the 26S proteasome binds to poly-Ub chains containing four or more Ub. In this study, immobilized GST-S5a fusion protein was used to affinity-purify ubiquitinated proteins from Chang liver cells. The purified proteins were then identified with multi-dimensional LC combined with MS/MS. Eighty-three potential ubiquitination substrates were identified. From these proteins, 19 potential ubiquitination sites on 17 potential substrates were determined. These potential ubiquitination substrates are mainly related to important cellular functions including metabolism, translation and transcription. Our results provide helpful information for further understanding of the relationship between ubiquitination machinery and different cell functions.
- Frickel EM et al.
- Apicomplexan UCHL3 retains dual specificity for ubiquitin and Nedd8 throughout evolution.
- Cell Microbiol. 2007; 9: 1601-10
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Post-translational modification of proteins by ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like polypeptides such as Nedd8 controls cellular functions including protein degradation, the cell cycle and transcription. Here we have used an activity-based chemical probe that covalently labels ubiquitin hydrolases. We identify four such enzymes from Toxoplasma gondii by mass spectrometry. The homologue of mammalian UCHL3 was cloned from both T. gondii and Plasmodium falciparum and we show that both enzymes possess deubiquitinating as well as deNeddylating activity. A phylogenetic analysis of the UCHL3 amino acid sequences from several eukaryotes suggests that dual specificity for ubiquitin and Nedd8 was present in the ancestral eukaryotic UCHL3 and has been conserved throughout evolution. Finally, the structural characterization of UCHL3 from T. gondii shows a unique insertion at the surface of this enzyme, which may be involved in novel interactions with other proteins. The characterization of these apicomplexan UCHL3s adds to our understanding of the ubiquitin and Nedd8 pathways in these parasites.
- Burroughs AM, Balaji S, Iyer LM, Aravind L
- Small but versatile: the extraordinary functional and structural diversity of the beta-grasp fold.
- Biol Direct. 2007; 2: 18-18
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BACKGROUND: The beta-grasp fold (beta-GF), prototyped by ubiquitin (UB), has been recruited for a strikingly diverse range of biochemical functions. These functions include providing a scaffold for different enzymatic active sites (e.g. NUDIX phosphohydrolases) and iron-sulfur clusters, RNA-soluble-ligand and co-factor-binding, sulfur transfer, adaptor functions in signaling, assembly of macromolecular complexes and post-translational protein modification. To understand the basis for the functional versatility of this small fold we undertook a comprehensive sequence-structure analysis of the fold and developed a natural classification for its members. RESULTS: As a result we were able to define the core distinguishing features of the fold and numerous elaborations, including several previously unrecognized variants. Systematic analysis of all known interactions of the fold showed that its manifold functional abilities arise primarily from the prominent beta-sheet, which provides an exposed surface for diverse interactions or additionally, by forming open barrel-like structures. We show that in the beta-GF both enzymatic activities and the binding of diverse co-factors (e.g. molybdopterin) have independently evolved on at least three occasions each, and iron-sulfur-cluster-binding on at least two independent occasions. Our analysis identified multiple previously unknown large monophyletic assemblages within the beta-GF, including one which unifies versions found in the fasciclin-1 superfamily, the ribosomal protein L25, the phosphoribosyl AMP cyclohydrolase (HisI) and glutamine synthetase. We also uncovered several new groups of beta-GF domains including a domain found in bacterial flagellar and fimbrial assembly components, and 5 new UB-like domains in the eukaryotes. CONCLUSION: Evolutionary reconstruction indicates that the beta-GF had differentiated into at least 7 distinct lineages by the time of the last universal common ancestor of all extant organisms, encompassing much of the structural diversity observed in extant versions of the fold. The earliest beta-GF members were probably involved in RNA metabolism and subsequently radiated into various functional niches. Most of the structural diversification occurred in the prokaryotes, whereas the eukaryotic phase was mainly marked by a specific expansion of the ubiquitin-like beta-GF members. The eukaryotic UB superfamily diversified into at least 67 distinct families, of which at least 19-20 families were already present in the eukaryotic common ancestor, including several protein and one lipid conjugated forms. Another key aspect of the eukaryotic phase of evolution of the beta-GF was the dramatic increase in domain architectural complexity of proteins related to the expansion of UB-like domains in numerous adaptor roles.
- Zhu X, Menard R, Sulea T
- High incidence of ubiquitin-like domains in human ubiquitin-specific proteases.
- Proteins. 2007; 69: 1-7
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Ubiquitin-specific proteases (USPs) emerge as key regulators of numerous cellular processes and account for the bulk of human deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Their modular structure, mostly annotated by sequence homology, is believed to determine substrate recognition and subcellular localization. Currently, a large proportion of known human USP sequences are not annotated either structurally or functionally, including regions both within and flanking their catalytic cores. To extend the current understanding of human USPs, we applied consensus fold recognition to the unannotated content of the human USP family. The most interesting discovery was the marked presence of reliably predicted ubiquitin-like (UBL) domains in this family of enzymes. The UBL domain thus appears to be the most frequently occurring domain in the human USP family, after the characteristic catalytic domain. The presence of multiple UBL domains per USP protein, as well as of UBL domains embedded in the USP catalytic core, add to the structural complexity currently recognized for many DUBs. Possible functional roles of the newly uncovered UBL domains of human USPs, including proteasome binding, and substrate and protein target specificities, are discussed.
- Penengo L et al.
- Crystal structure of the ubiquitin binding domains of rabex-5 reveals two modes of interaction with ubiquitin.
- Cell. 2006; 124: 1183-95
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The interaction between ubiquitinated proteins and intracellular proteins harboring ubiquitin binding domains (UBDs) is critical to a multitude of cellular processes. Here, we report that Rabex-5, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab5, binds to Ub through two independent UBDs. These UBDs determine a number of properties of Rabex-5, including its coupled monoubiquitination and interaction in vivo with ubiquitinated EGFRs. Structural and biochemical characterization of the UBDs of Rabex-5 revealed that one of them (MIU, motif interacting with ubiquitin) binds to Ub with modes superimposable to those of the UIM (ubiquitin-interacting motif):Ub interaction, although in the opposite orientation. The other UBD, RUZ (Rabex-5 ubiquitin binding zinc finger) binds to a surface of Ub centered on Asp58(Ub) and distinct from the "canonical" Ile44(Ub)-based surface. The two binding surfaces allow Ub to interact simultaneously with different UBDs, thus opening new perspectives in Ub-mediated signaling.
- Iyer LM, Balaji S, Koonin EV, Aravind L
- Evolutionary genomics of nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses.
- Virus Res. 2006; 117: 156-84
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A previous comparative-genomic study of large nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA viruses (NCLDVs) of eukaryotes revealed the monophyletic origin of four viral families: poxviruses, asfarviruses, iridoviruses, and phycodnaviruses [Iyer, L.M., Aravind, L., Koonin, E.V., 2001. Common origin of four diverse families of large eukaryotic DNA viruses. J. Virol. 75 (23), 11720-11734]. Here we update this analysis by including the recently sequenced giant genome of the mimiviruses and several additional genomes of iridoviruses, phycodnaviruses, and poxviruses. The parsimonious reconstruction of the gene complement of the ancestral NCLDV shows that it was a complex virus with at least 41 genes that encoded the replication machinery, up to four RNA polymerase subunits, at least three transcription factors, capping and polyadenylation enzymes, the DNA packaging apparatus, and structural components of an icosahedral capsid and the viral membrane. The phylogeny of the NCLDVs is reconstructed by cladistic analysis of the viral gene complements, and it is shown that the two principal lineages of NCLDVs are comprised of poxviruses grouped with asfarviruses and iridoviruses grouped with phycodnaviruses-mimiviruses. The phycodna-mimivirus grouping was strongly supported by several derived shared characters, which seemed to rule out the previously suggested basal position of the mimivirus [Raoult, D., Audic, S., Robert, C., Abergel, C., Renesto, P., Ogata, H., La Scola, B., Suzan, M., Claverie, J.M. 2004. The 1.2-megabase genome sequence of Mimivirus. Science 306 (5700), 1344-1350]. These results indicate that the divergence of the major NCLDV families occurred at an early stage of evolution, prior to the divergence of the major eukaryotic lineages. It is shown that subsequent evolution of the NCLDV genomes involved lineage-specific expansion of paralogous gene families and acquisition of numerous genes via horizontal gene transfer from the eukaryotic hosts, other viruses, and bacteria (primarily, endosymbionts and parasites). Amongst the expansions, there are multiple families of predicted virus-specific signaling and regulatory domains. Most NCLDVs have also acquired large arrays of genes related to ubiquitin signaling, and the animal viruses in particular have independently evolved several defenses against apoptosis and immune response, including growth factors and potential inhibitors of cytokine signaling. The mimivirus displays an enormous array of genes of bacterial provenance, including a representative of a new class of predicted papain-like peptidases. It is further demonstrated that a significant number of genes found in NCLDVs also have homologs in bacteriophages, although a vertical relationship between the NCLDVs and a particular bacteriophage group could not be established. On the basis of these observations, two alternative scenarios for the origin of the NCLDVs and other groups of large DNA viruses of eukaryotes are considered. One of these scenarios posits an early assembly of an already large DNA virus precursor from which various large DNA viruses diverged through an ongoing process of displacement of the original genes by xenologous or non-orthologous genes from various sources. The second scenario posits convergent emergence, on multiple occasions, of large DNA viruses from small plasmid-like precursors through independent accretion of similar sets of genes due to strong selective pressures imposed by their life cycles and hosts.
- Kumanomidou T et al.
- The crystal structure of human Atg4b, a processing and de-conjugating enzyme for autophagosome-forming modifiers.
- J Mol Biol. 2006; 355: 612-8
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Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved pathway in which the cytoplasm and organelles are engulfed within double-membrane vesicles, termed autophagosomes, for the turnover and recycling of these cellular constituents. The yeast Atg8 and its human orthologs, such as LC3 and GABARAP, have a unique feature as they conjugate covalently to phospholipids, differing from ubiquitin and other ubiquitin-like modifiers that attach only to protein substrates. The lipidated Atg8 and LC3 localize to autophagosomal membranes and play indispensable roles for maturation of autophagosomes. Upon completion of autophagosome formation, some populations of lipidated Atg8 and LC3 are delipidated for recycling. Atg4b, a specific protease for LC3 and GABARAP, catalyzes the processing reaction of LC3 and GABARAP precursors to mature forms and de-conjugating reaction of the modifiers from phospholipids. Atg4b is a unique enzyme whose primary structure differs from that of any other proteases that function as processing and/or de-conjugating enzymes of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers. However, the tertiary structures of the substrates considerably resemble that of ubiquitin except for the N-terminal additional domain. Here we determined the crystal structure of human Atg4b by X-ray crystallography at 2.0 A resolution, and show that Atg4b is a cysteine protease whose active catalytic triad site consists of Cys74, His280 and Asp278. The structure is comprised of a left lobe and a small right lobe, designated the "protease domain" and the "auxiliary domain", respectively. Whereas the protease domain structure of Atg4b matches that of papain superfamily cysteine proteinases, the auxiliary domain contains a unique structure with yet-unknown function. We propose that the R229 and W142 residues in Atg4b are specifically essential for recognition of substrates and catalysis of both precursor processing and de-conjugation of phospholipids.
- Kiel C, Serrano L
- The ubiquitin domain superfold: structure-based sequence alignments and characterization of binding epitopes.
- J Mol Biol. 2006; 355: 821-44
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Ubiquitin-like domains are present, apart from ubiquitin-like proteins themselves, in many multidomain proteins involved in different signal transduction processes. The sequence conservation for all ubiquitin superfold family members is rather poor, even between subfamily members, leading to mistakes in sequence alignments using conventional sequence alignment methods. However, a correct alignment is essential, especially for in silico methods that predict binding partners on the basis of sequence and structure. In this study, using 3D-structural information we have generated and manually corrected sequence alignments for proteins of the five ubiquitin superfold subfamilies. On the basis of this alignment, we suggest domains for which structural information will be useful to allow homology modelling. In addition, we have analysed the energetic and electrostatic properties of ubiquitin-like domains in complex with various functional binding proteins using the protein design algorithm FoldX. On the basis of an in silico alanine-scanning mutagenesis, we provide a detailed binding epitope mapping of the hotspots of the ubiquitin domain fold, involved in the interaction with different domains and proteins. Finally, we provide a consensus fingerprint sequence that identifies all sequences described to belong to the ubiquitin superfold family. It is possible that the method that we describe may be applied to other domain families sharing a similar fold but having low levels of sequence homology.
- Angers S, Li T, Yi X, MacCoss MJ, Moon RT, Zheng N
- Molecular architecture and assembly of the DDB1-CUL4A ubiquitin ligase machinery.
- Nature. 2006; 443: 590-3
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Protein ubiquitination is a common form of post-translational modification that regulates a broad spectrum of protein substrates in diverse cellular pathways. Through a three-enzyme (E1-E2-E3) cascade, the attachment of ubiquitin to proteins is catalysed by the E3 ubiquitin ligase, which is best represented by the superfamily of the cullin-RING complexes. Conserved from yeast to human, the DDB1-CUL4-ROC1 complex is a recently identified cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase, which regulates DNA repair, DNA replication and transcription, and can also be subverted by pathogenic viruses to benefit viral infection. Lacking a canonical SKP1-like cullin adaptor and a defined substrate recruitment module, how the DDB1-CUL4-ROC1 E3 apparatus is assembled for ubiquitinating various substrates remains unclear. Here we present crystallographic analyses of the virally hijacked form of the human DDB1-CUL4A-ROC1 machinery, which show that DDB1 uses one beta-propeller domain for cullin scaffold binding and a variably attached separate double-beta-propeller fold for substrate presentation. Through tandem-affinity purification of human DDB1 and CUL4A complexes followed by mass spectrometry analysis, we then identify a novel family of WD40-repeat proteins, which directly bind to the double-propeller fold of DDB1 and serve as the substrate-recruiting module of the E3. Together, our structural and proteomic results reveal the structural mechanisms and molecular logic underlying the assembly and versatility of a new family of cullin-RING E3 complexes.
- Balaji S, Babu MM, Iyer LM, Aravind L
- Discovery of the principal specific transcription factors of Apicomplexa and their implication for the evolution of the AP2-integrase DNA binding domains.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2005; 33: 3994-4006
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The comparative genomics of apicomplexans, such as the malarial parasite Plasmodium, the cattle parasite Theileria and the emerging human parasite Cryptosporidium, have suggested an unexpected paucity of specific transcription factors (TFs) with DNA binding domains that are closely related to those found in the major families of TFs from other eukaryotes. This apparent lack of specific TFs is paradoxical, given that the apicomplexans show a complex developmental cycle in one or more hosts and a reproducible pattern of differential gene expression in course of this cycle. Using sensitive sequence profile searches, we show that the apicomplexans possess a lineage-specific expansion of a novel family of proteins with a version of the AP2 (Apetala2)-integrase DNA binding domain, which is present in numerous plant TFs. About 20-27 members of this apicomplexan AP2 (ApiAP2) family are encoded in different apicomplexan genomes, with each protein containing one to four copies of the AP2 DNA binding domain. Using gene expression data from Plasmodium falciparum, we show that guilds of ApiAP2 genes are expressed in different stages of intraerythrocytic development. By analogy to the plant AP2 proteins and based on the expression patterns, we predict that the ApiAP2 proteins are likely to function as previously unknown specific TFs in the apicomplexans and regulate the progression of their developmental cycle. In addition to the ApiAP2 family, we also identified two other novel families of AP2 DNA binding domains in bacteria and transposons. Using structure similarity searches, we also identified divergent versions of the AP2-integrase DNA binding domain fold in the DNA binding region of the PI-SceI homing endonuclease and the C-terminal domain of the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-like modules of eukaryotes. Integrating these findings, we present a reconstruction of the evolutionary scenario of the AP2-integrase DNA binding domain fold, which suggests that it underwent multiple independent combinations with different types of mobile endonucleases or recombinases. It appears that the eukaryotic versions have emerged from versions of the domain associated with mobile elements, followed by independent lineage-specific expansions, which accompanied their recruitment to transcription regulation functions.
- Anantharaman V, Aravind L
- Novel conserved domains in proteins with predicted roles in eukaryotic cell-cycle regulation, decapping and RNA stability.
- BMC Genomics. 2004; 5: 45-45
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BACKGROUND: The emergence of eukaryotes was characterized by the expansion and diversification of several ancient RNA-binding domains and the apparent de novo innovation of new RNA-binding domains. The identification of these RNA-binding domains may throw light on the emergence of eukaryote-specific systems of RNA metabolism. RESULTS: Using sensitive sequence profile searches, homology-based fold recognition and sequence-structure superpositions, we identified novel, divergent versions of the Sm domain in the Scd6p family of proteins. This family of Sm-related domains shares certain features of conventional Sm domains, which are required for binding RNA, in addition to possessing some unique conserved features. We also show that these proteins contain a second previously uncharacterized C-terminal domain, termed the FDF domain (after a conserved sequence motif in this domain). The FDF domain is also found in the fungal Dcp3p-like and the animal FLJ22128-like proteins, where it fused to a C-terminal domain of the YjeF-N domain family. In addition to the FDF domains, the FLJ22128-like proteins contain yet another divergent version of the Sm domain at their extreme N-terminus. We show that the YjeF-N domains represent a novel version of the Rossmann fold that has acquired a set of catalytic residues and structural features that distinguish them from the conventional dehydrogenases. CONCLUSIONS: Several lines of contextual information suggest that the Scd6p family and the Dcp3p-like proteins are conserved components of the eukaryotic RNA metabolism system. We propose that the novel domains reported here, namely the divergent versions of the Sm domain and the FDF domain may mediate specific RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions in cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complexes. More specifically, the protein complexes containing Sm-like domains of the Scd6p family are predicted to regulate the stability of mRNA encoding proteins involved in cell cycle progression and vesicular assembly. The Dcp3p and FLJ22128 proteins may localize to the cytoplasmic processing bodies and possibly catalyze a specific processing step in the decapping pathway. The explosive diversification of Sm domains appears to have played a role in the emergence of several uniquely eukaryotic ribonucleoprotein complexes, including those involved in decapping and mRNA stability.
- Ginalski K, Kinch L, Rychlewski L, Grishin NV
- BTLCP proteins: a novel family of bacterial transglutaminase-like cysteine proteinases.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 2004; 29: 392-5
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Using sequence similarity searches and top-of-the-range fold-recognition methods, we have identified a novel family of bacterial transglutaminase-like cysteine proteinases (BTLCPs) with an invariant Cys-His-Asp catalytic triad and a predicted N-terminal signal sequence. This family of previously uncharacterized hypothetical proteins encompasses sequences of unknown function from DUF920 (in the Pfam database) and COG3672. BTLCPs are predicted to possess the papain-like cysteine proteinase fold and catalyze post-translational protein modification through transamidase, acetylase or hydrolase activity. Inspection of neighboring genes encoding BTLCPs suggests a link between this predicted activity and a type-I secretion system resembling ATP-binding cassette exporters of toxins and proteases involved in bacterial pathogenicity.
- Leipe DD, Koonin EV, Aravind L
- STAND, a class of P-loop NTPases including animal and plant regulators of programmed cell death: multiple, complex domain architectures, unusual phyletic patterns, and evolution by horizontal gene transfer.
- J Mol Biol. 2004; 343: 1-28
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Using sequence profile analysis and sequence-based structure predictions, we define a previously unrecognized, widespread class of P-loop NTPases. The signal transduction ATPases with numerous domains (STAND) class includes the AP-ATPases (animal apoptosis regulators CED4/Apaf-1, plant disease resistance proteins, and bacterial AfsR-like transcription regulators) and NACHT NTPases (e.g. NAIP, TLP1, Het-E-1) that have been studied extensively in the context of apoptosis, pathogen response in animals and plants, and transcriptional regulation in bacteria. We show that, in addition to these well-characterized protein families, the STAND class includes several other groups of (predicted) NTPase domains from diverse signaling and transcription regulatory proteins from bacteria and eukaryotes, and three Archaea-specific families. We identified the STAND domain in several biologically well-characterized proteins that have not been suspected to have NTPase activity, including soluble adenylyl cyclases, nephrocystin 3 (implicated in polycystic kidney disease), and Rolling pebble (a regulator of muscle development); these findings are expected to facilitate elucidation of the functions of these proteins. The STAND class belongs to the additional strand, catalytic E division of P-loop NTPases together with the AAA+ ATPases, RecA/helicase-related ATPases, ABC-ATPases, and VirD4/PilT-like ATPases. The STAND proteins are distinguished from other P-loop NTPases by the presence of unique sequence motifs associated with the N-terminal helix and the core strand-4, as well as a C-terminal helical bundle that is fused to the NTPase domain. This helical module contains a signature GxP motif in the loop between the two distal helices. With the exception of the archaeal families, almost all STAND NTPases are multidomain proteins containing three or more domains. In addition to the NTPase domain, these proteins typically contain DNA-binding or protein-binding domains, superstructure-forming repeats, such as WD40 and TPR, and enzymatic domains involved in signal transduction, including adenylate cyclases and kinases. By analogy to the AAA+ ATPases, it can be predicted that STAND NTPases use the C-terminal helical bundle as a "lever" to transmit the conformational changes brought about by NTP hydrolysis to effector domains. STAND NTPases represent a novel paradigm in signal transduction, whereby adaptor, regulatory switch, scaffolding, and, in some cases, signal-generating moieties are combined into a single polypeptide. The STAND class consists of 14 distinct families, and the evolutionary history of most of these families is riddled with dramatic instances of lineage-specific expansion and apparent horizontal gene transfer. The STAND NTPases are most abundant in developmentally and organizationally complex prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Transfer of genes for STAND NTPases from bacteria to eukaryotes on several occasions might have played a significant role in the evolution of eukaryotic signaling systems.
- Papamichael EM, Theodorou LG, Bieth JG
- Insight into catalytic mechanism of papain-like cysteine proteinases: the case of D158.
- Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2004; 118: 171-5
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We studied the role of D158 in papain-like cysteine proteinases by using subtilisin Carlsberg, and its chemically modified analog thiolsubtilisin, by applying the proton inventory (PI) method and also by taking into account the pH profiles of the kcat/Km parameter. In the case of thiolsubtilisin, we estimated large inverse solvent isotope effects for kcat/Km, as in papain, whereas for subtilisin we found "dome-shaped" PI, suggesting a completely different mechanism. Finally, the kinetic behavior of thiolsubtilisin presented similarities as well as differences, compared to papain, suggesting a possible role for D158 as part of a catalytic triad in papain-like cysteine proteinases.
- Kim MS, Yoo KJ, Kang I, Chung HM, Baek KH
- A novel cysteine protease HeLa DUB-1 responsible for cleaving the ubiquitin in human ovarian cancer cells.
- Int J Oncol. 2004; 25: 373-9
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The regulation of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation is becoming important for a number of cellular processes. Human HeLa DUB-1 cDNA, encoding a novel deubiquitinating enzyme, was isolated from ovarian cancer cells. It has 1,647 bp nucleotides and encodes a 548 amino acid polypeptide with the molecular weight of approximately 61 kDa. It contains the highly conserved Cys, Asp (I), His, and Asn/Asp (II) domains characteristic of the ubiquitin-specific processing proteases. Biochemical assay revealed that HeLa DUB-1 has deubiquitinating enzyme activity in vivo and in vitro. Northern blot analysis for HeLa DUB-1 showed the strong expression in human skeletal muscle and pancreas and to some extent in heart, placenta, lung, liver, and kidney. Interestingly, the expression was hardly seen in the brain. Localization study indicates that HeLa DUB-1 proteins are present in both the cytoplasm and nucleus.
- Wiederanders B, Kaulmann G, Schilling K
- Functions of propeptide parts in cysteine proteases.
- Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2003; 4: 309-26
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Regulation of proteolytic enzyme activity is an essential requirement for cells and tissues because proteolysis at the wrong time and location may be lethal. Two principal mechanisms to control the activity of proteases have been developed during evolution. The first is the co-evolution of endogenous inhibitors, typically occurring in cellular compartments separated from those containing active enzymes. The second is the fact that proteases are synthesized as inactive or less active precursor molecules. They are activated, in some cases, upon an appropriate signal like acidification, Ca(++) -binding or, in other cases, by limited intra- or intermolecular proteolysis cleaving off an inhibitory peptide. These regulatory proenzyme regions have attracted much attention during the last decade, since it became obvious that they harbour much more information than just triggering activation. In this review we summarize experimental data concerning three functions of propeptides of clan CA family C1 cysteine peptidases (papain family), namely the selectivity of their inhibitory potency, the participation in correct intracellular targeting and assistance in folding of the mature enzyme. Cysteine peptidases of the CA-C1 family include members from the plant kingdom like papain as well as from the animal kingdom like the lysosomal cathepsins L and B. As it will be shown, the functions are determined by certain structural motifs conserved over millions of years after the evolutionary trails have diverged. The function of propeptides of two other important classes of cysteine peptidases - the calpains, clan CA family C4, and the caspases, clan CD family C 14 - are not considered in this review.
- Anantharaman V, Aravind L
- Application of comparative genomics in the identification and analysis of novel families of membrane-associated receptors in bacteria.
- BMC Genomics. 2003; 4: 34-34
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BACKGROUND: A great diversity of multi-pass membrane receptors, typically with 7 transmembrane (TM) helices, is observed in the eukaryote crown group. So far, they are relatively rare in the prokaryotes, and are restricted to the well-characterized sensory rhodopsins of various phototropic prokaryotes. RESULTS: Utilizing the currently available wealth of prokaryotic genomic sequences, we set up a computational screen to identify putative 7 (TM) and other multi-pass membrane receptors in prokaryotes. As a result of this procedure we were able to recover two widespread families of 7 TM receptors in bacteria that are distantly related to the eukaryotic 7 TM receptors and prokaryotic rhodopsins. Using sequence profile analysis, we were able to establish that the first members of these receptor families contain one of two distinct N-terminal extracellular globular domains, which are predicted to bind ligands such as carbohydrates. In their intracellular portions they contain fusions to a variety of signaling domains, which suggest that they are likely to transduce signals via cyclic AMP, cyclic diguanylate, histidine phosphorylation, dephosphorylation, and through direct interactions with DNA. The second family of bacterial 7 TM receptors possesses an alpha-helical extracellular domain, and is predicted to transduce a signal via an intracellular HD hydrolase domain. Based on comparative analysis of gene neighborhoods, this receptor is predicted to function as a regulator of the diacylglycerol-kinase-dependent glycerolipid pathway. Additionally, our procedure also recovered other types of putative prokaryotic multi-pass membrane associated receptor domains. Of these, we characterized two widespread, evolutionarily mobile multi-TM domains that are fused to a variety of C-terminal intracellular signaling domains. One of these typified by the Gram-positive LytS protein is predicted to be a potential sensor of murein derivatives, whereas the other one typified by the Escherichia coli UhpB protein is predicted to function as sensor of conformational changes occurring in associated membrane proteins CONCLUSIONS: We present evidence for considerable variety in the types of uncharacterized surface receptors in bacteria, and reconstruct the evolutionary processes that model their diversity. The identification of novel receptor families in prokaryotes is likely to aid in the experimental analysis of signal transduction and environmental responses of several bacteria, including pathogens such as Leptospira, Treponema, Corynebacterium, Coxiella, Bacillus anthracis and Cytophaga.
- Apic G, Huber W, Teichmann SA
- Multi-domain protein families and domain pairs: comparison with known structures and a random model of domain recombination.
- J Struct Funct Genomics. 2003; 4: 67-78
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There is a limited repertoire of domain families in nature that are duplicated and combined in different ways to form the set of proteins in a genome. Most proteins in both prokaryote and eukaryote genomes consist of two or more domains, and we show that the family size distribution of multi-domain protein families follows a power law like that of individual families. Most domain pairs occur in four to six different domain architectures: in isolation and in combinations with different partners. We showed previously that within the set of all pairwise domain combinations, most small and medium-sized families are observed in combination with one or two other families, while a few large families are very versatile and combine with many different partners. Though this may appear to be a stochastic pattern, in which large families have more combination partners by virtue of their size, we establish here that all the domain families with more than three members in genomes are duplicated more frequently than would be expected by chance considering their number of neighbouring domains. This duplication of domain pairs is statistically significant for between one and three quarters of all families with seven or more members. For the majority of pairwise domain combinations, there is no known three-dimensional structure of the two domains together, and we term these novel combinations. Novel domain combinations are interesting and important targets for structural elucidation, as the geometry and interaction between the domains will help understand the function and evolution of multi-domain proteins. Of particular interest are those combinations that occur in the largest number of multi-domain proteins, and several of these frequent novel combinations contain DNA-binding domains.
- Bates EE, Fridman WH, Mueller CG
- The ADAMDEC1 (decysin) gene structure: evolution by duplication in a metalloprotease gene cluster on chromosome 8p12.
- Immunogenetics. 2002; 54: 96-105
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Members of the ADAM superfamily of metalloprotease genes are involved in a number of biological processes, including fertilization, neurogenesis, muscle development, and the immune response. These proteins have been classified into several groups. The prototypic ADAM family is comprised of a pro-domain, a metalloprotease domain, a disintegrin domain, a cysteine-rich region, a transmembrane domain, and a variable cytoplasmic tail. We recently identified a novel member of this superfamily, ADAMDEC1 (decysin). Due to the partial lack of a disintegrin domain and the total lack of a cysteine-rich domain, this protein has been placed in a novel subclass of the ADAM gene family. We have investigated the gene structure of the human and mouse ADAMDEC1 and have revealed a metalloprotease gene cluster on human Chromosome 8p12 comprising ADAMDEC1, ADAM7, and ADAM28. Our results suggest that ADAMDEC1 has arisen by partial gene duplication from an ancestral gene at this locus and has acquired a novel function. ADAMDEC1 is expressed in the immune system, by dendritic cells and macrophages. The relatedness of ADAMDEC1, ADAM7, and ADAM28 suggests that these proteases share a similar function.
- Eichler J
- Archaeal signal peptidases from the genus Thermoplasma: structural and mechanistic hybrids of the bacterial and eukaryal enzymes.
- J Mol Evol. 2002; 54: 411-5
- Aravind L, Anantharaman V, Koonin EV
- Monophyly of class I aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, USPA, ETFP, photolyase, and PP-ATPase nucleotide-binding domains: implications for protein evolution in the RNA.
- Proteins. 2002; 48: 1-14
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Protein sequence and structure comparisons show that the catalytic domains of Class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, a related family of nucleotidyltransferases involved primarily in coenzyme biosynthesis, nucleotide-binding domains related to the UspA protein (USPA domains), photolyases, electron transport flavoproteins, and PP-loop-containing ATPases together comprise a distinct class of alpha/beta domains designated the HUP domain after HIGH-signature proteins, UspA, and PP-ATPase. Several lines of evidence are presented to support the monophyly of the HUP domains, to the exclusion of other three-layered alpha/beta folds with the generic "Rossmann-like" topology. Cladistic analysis, with patterns of structural and sequence similarity used as discrete characters, identified three major evolutionary lineages within the HUP domain class: the PP-ATPases; the HIGH superfamily, which includes class I aaRS and related nucleotidyltransferases containing the HIGH signature in their nucleotide-binding loop; and a previously unrecognized USPA-like group, which includes USPA domains, electron transport flavoproteins, and photolyases. Examination of the patterns of phyletic distribution of distinct families within these three major lineages suggests that the Last Universal Common Ancestor of all modern life forms encoded 15-18 distinct alpha/beta ATPases and nucleotide-binding proteins of the HUP class. This points to an extensive radiation of HUP domains before the last universal common ancestor (LUCA), during which the multiple class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases emerged only at a late stage. Thus, substantial evolutionary diversification of protein domains occurred well before the modern version of the protein-dependent translation machinery was established, i.e., still in the RNA world.
- Iyer LM, Koonin EV, Aravind L
- Adaptations of the helix-grip fold for ligand binding and catalysis in the START domain superfamily.
- Proteins. 2001; 43: 134-44
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With a protein structure comparison, an iterative database search with sequence profiles, and a multiple-alignment analysis, we show that two domains with the helix-grip fold, the star-related lipid-transfer (START) domain of the MLN64 protein and the birch allergen, are homologous. They define a large, previously underappreciated superfamily that we call the START superfamily. In addition to the classical START domains that are primarily involved in eukaryotic signaling mediated by lipid binding and the birch antigen family that consists of plant proteins implicated in stress/pathogen response, the START superfamily includes bacterial polyketide cyclases/aromatases (e.g., TcmN and WhiE VI) and two families of previously uncharacterized proteins. The identification of this domain provides a structural prediction of an important class of enzymes involved in polyketide antibiotic synthesis and allows the prediction of their active site. It is predicted that all START domains contain a similar ligand-binding pocket. Modifications of this pocket determine the ligand-binding specificity and may also be the basis for at least two distinct enzymatic activities, those of a cyclase/aromatase and an RNase. Thus, the START domain superfamily is a rare case of the adaptation of a protein fold with a conserved ligand-binding mode for both a broad variety of catalytic activities and noncatalytic regulatory functions. Proteins 2001;43:134-144.
- Barrett AJ, Rawlings ND
- Evolutionary lines of cysteine peptidases.
- Biol Chem. 2001; 382: 727-33
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The proteolytic enzymes that depend upon a cysteine residue for activity have come from at least seven different evolutionary origins, each of which has produced a group of cysteine peptidases with distinctive structures and properties. We show here that the characteristic molecular topologies of the peptidases in each evolutionary line can be seen not only in their three-dimensional structures, but commonly also in the two-dimensional structures. Clan CA contains the families of papain (C1), calpain (C2), streptopain (C10) and the ubiquitin-specific peptidases (C12, C19), as well as many families of viral cysteine endopeptidases. Clan CD contains the families of clostripain (C11), gingipain R (C25), legumain (C13), caspase-1 (C14) and separin (C50). These enzymes have specificities dominated by the interactions of the S1 subsite. Clan CE contains the families of adenain (C5) from adenoviruses, the eukaryotic Ulp1 protease (C48) and the bacterial YopJ proteases (C55). Clan CF contains only pyroglutamyl peptidase I (C15). The picornains (C3) in clan PA have probably evolved from serine peptidases, which still form the majority of enzymes in the clan. The cysteine peptidase activities in clans PB and CH are autolytic only. In conclusion, we suggest that although almost all the cysteine peptidases depend for activity on catalytic dyads of cysteine and histidine, it is worth noting some important differences that they have inherited from their distant ancestral peptidases.
- Hochstrasser M
- Evolution and function of ubiquitin-like protein-conjugation systems.
- Nat Cell Biol. 2000; 2: 1537-1537
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Ubiquitin functions by covalently modifying other proteins. In the past few years, a surprising number of other proteins have been identified that, despite often being only slightly similar to ubiquitin, can also be attached to proteins. Newly discovered parallels between the activation of ubiquitin and the biosynthesis of certain enzyme cofactors now hint at the possible evolutionary origins of the ubiquitin system.
- Jentsch S, Pyrowolakis G
- Ubiquitin and its kin: how close are the family ties?
- Trends Cell Biol. 2000; 10: 335-42
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Modification of proteins by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin is known to target them for degradation by proteasomes. Several proteins have been discovered recently that are related to ubiquitin or function similarly. Some of these proteins act as modifiers; others bear ubiquitin-like domains embedded in their polypeptide chain but do not form conjugates with cellular proteins. Ubiquitin-like proteins mediate an impressive range of cellular functions, including cell-cycle progression, DNA repair and apoptosis. Recent discoveries endorse the view that, in many cases, the function of the relatives of ubiquitin is linked to the ubiquitin pathway.
- Kentsis A, Borden KL
- Construction of macromolecular assemblages in eukaryotic processes and their role in human disease: linking RINGs together.
- Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2000; 1: 49-73
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Members of the Really Interesting New Gene (RING) family of proteins are found throughout the cells of eukaryotes and function in processes as diverse as development, oncogenesis, viral replication and apoptosis. There are over 200 members of the RING family where membership is based on the presence of a consensus sequence of zinc binding residues. Outside of these residues there is little sequence homology; however, there are conserved structural features. Current evidence strongly suggests that RINGs are protein interaction domains. We examine the features of RING binding motifs in terms of individual cases and the potential for finding a universal consensus sequence for RING binding domains (FRODOs). This review examines known and potential functions of RINGs, and attempts to develop a framework within which their seemingly multivalent cellular roles can be consistently understood in their structural and biochemical context. Interestingly, some RINGs can self-associate as well as bind other RINGs. The ability to self-associate is typically translated into the annoying propensity of these domains to aggregate during biochemical characterization. The RINGs of PML, BRCA1, RAG1, KAP1/TIF1beta, Polycomb proteins, TRAFs and the viral protein Z have been well characterized in terms of both biochemical studies and functional data and so will serve as focal points for discussion. We suggest physiological functions for the oligomeric properties of these domains, such as their role in formation of macromolecular assemblages which function in an intricate interplay of coupled metal binding, folding and aggregation, and participate in diverse functions: epigenetic regulation of gene expression, RNA transport, cell cycle control, ubiquitination, signal transduction and organelle assembly.
- Kawakami T et al.
- Isolation and characterization of cytosolic and membrane-bound deubiquitinylating enzymes from bovine brain.
- J Biochem. 1999; 126: 612-23
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The deubiquitinylating enzymes (DUBs), that release free ubiquitin (Ub) from its precursors or ubiquitinylated proteins, are known to comprise of a large protein family in eukaryotes, but those in mammalian tissues remain largely unknown. Here we report the existence of unexpectedly large species of DUBs in both soluble and membrane-bound fractions of bovine brain, based on their ability to cleave (125)I-labeled Ub-fused alphaNH-MHISPPEPESEEEEEHYC (designated as Ub-PESTc). Two cytosolic enzymes, tentatively called sDUB-1 and sDUB-2, with molecular masses of about 30 kDa were purified to near homogeneity by Ub-Sepharose affinity chromatography. sDUB-1 and sDUB-2 corresponded to UCH-L3 and UCH-L1/PGP 9.5, respectively. Intriguingly, the particulate fraction of the brain homogenate was found to also contain strong activities against (125)I-Ub-PESTc, which can be solubilized by treatment with 5% n-heptyl-beta-D-thioglucoside and 1% Nonidet P-40, but not by washing with 1 M NaCl. From the solubilized material, two new 30-kDa, membranous DUBs (called mDUB-1 and mDUB-2) were purified to apparent homogeneity by Ub-Sepharose chromatography. Two other Ub-aldehyde sensitive DUBs, designated as mDUB-3 and mDUB-4, were also partially purified by conventional chromatographic operations. These mDUBs differed from each other in substrate specificity and exhibited different characteristics from the sDUBs, revealing that they are a new type of membrane-bound DUB. These results indicate the presence of divergent DUBs in mammalian brain, which may contribute to regulation of numerous pivotal cellular functions mediated by the covalent modification of Ub.
- Babe LM, Craik CS
- Viral proteases: evolution of diverse structural motifs to optimize function.
- Cell. 1997; 91: 427-30
- Bode W et al.
- The metzincin-superfamily of zinc-peptidases.
- Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996; 389: 1-11
- Bond JS, Beynon RJ
- The astacin family of metalloendopeptidases.
- Protein Sci. 1995; 4: 1247-61
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The astacin family of metalloendopeptidases was recognized as a novel family of proteases in the 1990s. The crayfish enzyme astacin was the first characterized and is one of the smallest members of the family. More than 20 members of the family have now been identified. They have been detected in species ranging from hydra to humans, in mature and in developmental systems. Proposed functions of these proteases include activation of growth factors, degradation of polypeptides, and processing of extracellular proteins. Astacin family proteases are synthesized with NH2-terminal signal and proenzyme sequences, and many (such as meprins, BMP-1, tolloid) contain multiple domains COOH-terminal to the protease domain. They are either secreted from cells or are plasma membrane-associated enzymes. They have some distinguishing features in addition to the signature sequence in the protease domain: HEXXHXXGFXHEXXRXDR. They have a unique type of zinc binding, with pentacoordination, and a protease domain tertiary structure that contains common attributes with serralysins, matrix metalloendopeptidases, and snake venom proteases; they cleave peptide bonds in polypeptides such as insulin B chain and bradykinin and in proteins such as casein and gelatin; and they have arylamidase activity. Meprins are unique proteases in the astacin family, and indeed in the animal kingdom, in their oligomeric structure; they are dimers of disulfide-linked dimers and are highly glycosylated, type I integral membrane proteins that have many attributes of receptors or integrins with adhesion, epidermal growth factor-like, and transmembrane domains. The alpha and beta subunits are differentially expressed and processed to yield latent and active proteases as well as membrane-associated and secreted forms. Meprins represent excellent models of hetero- and homo-oligomeric enzymes that are regulated at the transcriptional and posttranslational levels.
- Stocker W et al.
- The metzincins--topological and sequential relations between the astacins, adamalysins, serralysins, and matrixins (collagenases) define a superfamily of zinc-peptidases.
- Protein Sci. 1995; 4: 823-40
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The three-dimensional structures of the zinc endopeptidases human neutrophil collagenase, adamalysin II from rattle snake venom, alkaline proteinase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and astacin from crayfish are topologically similar, with respect to a five-stranded beta-sheet and three alpha-helices arranged in typical sequential order. The four proteins exhibit the characteristic consensus motif HEXXHXXGXXH, whose three histidine residues are involved in binding of the catalytically essential zinc ion. Moreover, they all share a conserved methionine residue beneath the active site metal as part of a superimposable "Met-turn." This structural relationship is supported by a sequence alignment performed on the basis of topological equivalence showing faint but distinct sequential similarity. The alkaline proteinase is about equally distant (26% sequence identity) to both human neutrophil collagenase and astacin and a little further away from adamalysin II (17% identity). The pairs astacin/adamalysin II, astacin/human neutrophil collagenase, and adamalysin II/human neutrophil collagenase exhibit sequence identities of 16%, 14%, and 13%, respectively. Therefore, the corresponding four distinct families of zinc peptidases, the astacins, the matrix metalloproteinases (matrixins, collagenases), the adamalysins/reprolysins (snake venom proteinases/reproductive tract proteins), and the serralysins (large bacterial proteases from Serratia, Erwinia, and Pseudomonas) appear to have originated by divergent evolution from a common ancestor and form a superfamily of proteolytic enzymes for which the designation "metzincins" has been proposed. There is also a faint but significant structural relationship of the metzincins to the thermolysin-like enzymes, which share the truncated zinc-binding motif HEXXH and, moreover, similar topologies in their N-terminal domains.
- Berti PJ, Storer AC
- Alignment/phylogeny of the papain superfamily of cysteine proteases.
- J Mol Biol. 1995; 246: 273-83
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An alignment/phylogeny of the papain superfamily of cysteine proteases was created using an initial structure-based alignment followed by successive iterations of sequence alignment and phylogenetic inference. The iterative approach resulted in significant improvements in the alignment/phylogeny. There were three groups of cysteine proteases that were distantly related and which could be aligned against each other only in the active site regions: the papain group, which included such stereotypical cysteine proteases as cathepsins B, C, H, L and S; and the bleomycin hydrolase and calpain groups. There was one bacterial sequence in each of the bleomycin hydrolase and calpain groups. The former probably arose by lateral gene transfer, the latter possibly by direct evolution from an ancestral protease predating the eukaryote/prokaryote divergence. The phylogeny of the papain group indicated that many families diverged almost simultaneously early during eukaryotic evolution. In mammals there are at least 12 distinct families of cysteine proteases, possibly many more, including at least two as yet uncharacterized enzymes.