Secondary literature sources for HPT
The following references were automatically generated.
- Cheung J, Le-Khac M, Hendrickson WA
- Crystal structure of a histidine kinase sensor domain with similarity toperiplasmic binding proteins.
- Proteins. 2009; 77: 235-41
- Wang S, Engohang-Ndong J, Smith I
- Structure of the DNA-binding domain of the response regulator PhoP fromMycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Biochemistry. 2007; 46: 14751-61
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- Hamada K, Kato M, Shimizu T, Ihara K, Mizuno T, Hakoshima T
- Crystal structure of the protein histidine phosphatase SixA in themultistep His-Asp phosphorelay.
- Genes Cells. 2005; 10: 1-11
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- Wang L et al.
- Dissection of the functional and structural domains of phosphorelayhistidine kinase A of Bacillus subtilis.
- J Bacteriol. 2001; 183: 2795-802
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- Matsushika A, Mizuno T
- Characterization of three putative sub-domains in the signal-input domainof the ArcB hybrid sensor in Escherichia coli(1).
- J Biochem. 2000; 127: 855-60
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- Misra S, Beach BM, Hurley JH
- Structure of the VHS domain of human Tom1 (target of myb 1): insights intointeractions with proteins and membranes.
- Biochemistry. 2000; 39: 11282-90
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- Kato M, Mizuno T, Shimizu T, Hakoshima T
- Insights into multistep phosphorelay from the crystal structure of theC-terminal HPt domain of ArcB.
- Cell. 1997; 88: 717-23
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