Secondary literature sources for Telomerase_RBD
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- Hrdlickova R, Nehyba J, Lim SL, Grutzner F, Bose HR Jr
- Insights into the evolution of mammalian telomerase: platypus TERT shares similarities with genes of birds and other reptiles and localizes on sex chromosomes.
- BMC Genomics. 2012; 13: 216-216
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BACKGROUND: The TERT gene encodes the catalytic subunit of the telomerase complex and is responsible for maintaining telomere length. Vertebrate telomerase has been studied in eutherian mammals, fish, and the chicken, but less attention has been paid to other vertebrates. The platypus occupies an important evolutionary position, providing unique insight into the evolution of mammalian genes. We report the cloning of a platypus TERT (OanTERT) ortholog, and provide a comparison with genes of other vertebrates. RESULTS: The OanTERT encodes a protein with a high sequence similarity to marsupial TERT and avian TERT. Like the TERT of sauropsids and marsupials, as well as that of sharks and echinoderms, OanTERT contains extended variable linkers in the N-terminal region suggesting that they were present already in basal vertebrates and lost independently in ray-finned fish and eutherian mammals. Several alternatively spliced OanTERT variants structurally similar to avian TERT variants were identified. Telomerase activity is expressed in all platypus tissues like that of cold-blooded animals and murine rodents. OanTERT was localized on pseudoautosomal regions of sex chromosomes X3/Y2, expanding the homology between human chromosome 5 and platypus sex chromosomes. Synteny analysis suggests that TERT co-localized with sex-linked genes in the last common mammalian ancestor. Interestingly, female platypuses express higher levels of telomerase in heart and liver tissues than do males. CONCLUSIONS: OanTERT shares many features with TERT of the reptilian outgroup, suggesting that OanTERT represents the ancestral mammalian TERT. Features specific to TERT of eutherian mammals have, therefore, evolved more recently after the divergence of monotremes.
- Denesyuk NA, Thirumalai D
- Crowding promotes the switch from hairpin to pseudoknot conformation in human telomerase RNA.
- J Am Chem Soc. 2011; 133: 11858-61
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Formation of a pseudoknot (PK) in the conserved RNA core domain in the ribonucleoprotein human telomerase is required for function. In vitro experiments show that the PK is in equilibrium with an extended hairpin (HP) structure. We use molecular simulations of a coarse-grained model, which reproduces most of the salient features of the experimental melting profiles of PK and HP, to show that crowding enhances the stability of PK relative to HP in the wild type and in a mutant associated with dyskeratosis congenita. In monodisperse suspensions, small crowding particles increase the stability of compact structures to a greater extent than larger crowders. If the sizes of crowders in a binary mixture are smaller than that of the unfolded RNA, the increase in melting temperature due to the two components is additive. In a ternary mixture of crowders that are larger than the unfolded RNA, which mimics the composition of ribosome, large enzyme complexes and proteins in Escherichia coli , the marginal increase in stability is entirely determined by the smallest component. We predict that crowding can partially restore telomerase activity in mutants with decreased PK stability.
- Mihalusova M, Wu JY, Zhuang X
- Functional importance of telomerase pseudoknot revealed by single-molecule analysis.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011; 108: 20339-44
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Telomerase ribonucleoprotein (RNP) employs an RNA subunit to template the addition of telomeric repeats onto chromosome ends. Previous studies have suggested that a region of the RNA downstream of the template may be important for telomerase activity and that the region could fold into a pseudoknot. Whether the pseudoknot motif is formed in the active telomerase RNP and what its functional role is have not yet been conclusively established. Using single-molecule FRET, we show that the isolated pseudoknot sequence stably folds into a pseudoknot. However, in the context of the full-length telomerase RNA, interference by other parts of the RNA prevents the formation of the pseudoknot. The protein subunits of the telomerase holoenzyme counteract RNA-induced misfolding and allow a significant fraction of the RNPs to form the pseudoknot structure. Only those RNP complexes containing a properly folded pseudoknot are catalytically active. These results not only demonstrate the functional importance of the pseudoknot but also reveal the critical role played by telomerase proteins in pseudoknot folding.
- Rosenfeld KK, Ziv T, Goldin S, Glaser F, Manor H
- Mapping of DNA binding sites in the Tetrahymena telomerase holoenzyme proteins by UV cross-linking and mass spectrometry.
- J Mol Biol. 2011; 410: 77-92
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The Tetrahymena telomerase holoenzyme consists of a major catalytic protein [telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT)], an RNA subunit, and accessory proteins. We used site-specific UV cross-linking and mass spectrometry to map interactions between the holoenzyme and the telomeric DNA. In one series of experiments, an oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing a 5-iododeoxyuridine residue or 4-thio-deoxythymidine residue was cross-linked to the telomerase by irradiation with UV light-emitting diodes. The DNA was extended by the cross-linked enzyme with a radioactively labeled or unlabeled nucleotide. The complexes were subsequently resolved by SDS-PAGE. Proteins were isolated from strips in the unlabeled gels corresponding to bands observed in the radioactive gels. Mass spectrometric analysis of these proteins revealed a major cross-linking site in TERT. Serendipitous cleavage of TERT near amino acid 254 indicated that this site maps within the N-terminal cleavage product, which includes primarily the telomerase essential N-terminal (TEN) domain. Moreover, the absence of this N-terminal segment in TERT was found to cause a reduction in DNA binding by the telomerase and/or its activity to undetectable levels. In other experiments, similar unresolved cross-linked complexes were digested with trypsin, two exonucleases, and alkaline phosphatase. Tandem mass spectrometry was then used to search for peptides linked to the residual deoxyribonucleoside. Using this approach, we identified the phenylalanine residue F351 in the accessory protein p45 as a minor DNA cross-linking site. Our study constitutes the first direct mapping of DNA interaction sites in telomerase holoenzyme complexes. This mapping represents a significant contribution to the understanding of the mechanism of telomere extension by telomerase.
- Linger BR, Morin GB, Price CM
- The Pot1a-associated proteins Tpt1 and Pat1 coordinate telomere protection and length regulation in Tetrahymena.
- Mol Biol Cell. 2011; 22: 4161-70
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We have identified two new telomere proteins, Tpt1 and Pat1, from the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Although Tetrahymena telomerase is well characterized, only one telomere protein had previously been identified. This was the G-overhang binding-protein Pot1a. Tpt1 and Pat1 were isolated as Pot1a binding partners and shown to localize to telomeres. As Tpt1 and Pat1 were both found to be essential, conditional cell lines were generated to explore their function. Tpt1 depletion caused a rapid growth arrest and telomere elongation in the absence of cell division. The phenotype was similar to that seen after Pot1a depletion suggesting that Tpt1 and Pot1a function together to regulate telomere length and prevent telomere deprotection. In contrast, Pat1 depletion had a modest effect on cell growth but caused progressive telomere shortening similar to that observed upon TERT depletion. Thus Pat1 appears to be needed for telomerase to maintain the chromosome terminus. Analysis of Pot1a-Tpt1-Pat1 complex formation using purified proteins indicated that Tpt1 interacts directly with Pot1a while Pat1 interacts with Tpt1. Our results indicate that Tpt1 is the Tetrahymena equivalent of mammalian TPP1, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Tpz1, and Oxytricha nova TEBPbeta.
- Min B, Collins K
- Multiple mechanisms for elongation processivity within the reconstituted tetrahymena telomerase holoenzyme.
- J Biol Chem. 2010; 285: 16434-43
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To maintain telomeres, telomerase evolved a unique biochemical activity: the use of a single-stranded RNA template for the synthesis of single-stranded DNA repeats. High repeat addition processivity (RAP) of the Tetrahymena telomerase holoenzyme requires association of the catalytic core with the telomere adaptor subcomplex (TASC) and an RPA1-related subunit (p82 or Teb1). Here, we used DNA binding and holoenzyme reconstitution assays to investigate the mechanism by which Teb1 and TASC confer high RAP. We show that TASC association with the recombinant telomerase catalytic core increases enzyme activity. Subsequent association of the Teb1 C-terminal domain with TASC confers the capacity for high RAP even though the Teb1 C-terminal domain does not provide a high-affinity DNA interaction site. Efficient RAP also requires suppression of nascent product folding mediated by the central Teb1 DNA-binding domains (DBDs). These sequence-specific high-affinity DBDs of Teb1 can be functionally substituted by the analogous DBDs of Tetrahymena Rpa1 to suppress nascent product folding but only if the Rpa1 high-affinity DBDs are physically tethered into holoenzyme context though the Teb1 C-terminal domain. Overall, our findings reveal multiple mechanisms and multiple surfaces of protein-DNA and protein-protein interaction that give rise to elongation processivity in the synthesis of a single-stranded nucleic acid product.
- Bleichert F, Baserga SJ
- Ribonucleoprotein multimers and their functions.
- Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 2010; 45: 331-50
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Ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) play key roles in many cellular processes and often function as RNP enzymes. Similar to proteins, some of these RNPs exist and function as multimers, either homomeric or heteromeric. While in some cases the mechanistic function of multimerization is well understood, the functional consequences of multimerization of other RNPs remain enigmatic. In this review we will discuss the function and organization of small RNPs that exist as stable multimers, including RNPs catalyzing RNA chemical modifications, telomerase RNP, and RNPs involved in pre-mRNA splicing.
- Min B, Collins K
- An RPA-related sequence-specific DNA-binding subunit of telomerase holoenzyme is required for elongation processivity and telomere maintenance.
- Mol Cell. 2009; 36: 609-19
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Telomerase ribonucleoprotein complexes copy an internal RNA template to synthesize DNA repeats. DNA-interacting subunits other than telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and telomerase RNA (TER) have been hypothesized to account for high repeat addition processivity of telomerase holoenzyme compared to the minimal catalytic RNP. Here, we present the identification of three additional subunits of Tetrahymena thermophila telomerase holoenzyme. Each of seven telomerase proteins is required for telomere maintenance and copurifies active RNP. The catalytic core (p65-TER-TERT) is assembled with a three-protein subcomplex (p75-p45-p19) and two peripheral subunits (p82 and p50). Remarkably, only a p82-enriched subset of the total holoenzyme population is capable of high repeat addition processivity, as shown by p82 immunodepletion and add-back. The RPA-like p82 subunit binds sequence specifically to multiple telomeric repeats. These discoveries establish the existence of a telomerase holoenzyme processivity subunit with sequence-specific DNA binding.
- McGuire AT, Keates RA, Cook S, Mangroo D
- Structural modeling identified the tRNA-binding domain of Utp8p, an essential nucleolar component of the nuclear tRNA export machinery of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Biochem Cell Biol. 2009; 87: 431-43
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Utp8p is an essential 80 kDa intranuclear tRNA chaperone that transports tRNAs from the nucleolus to the nuclear tRNA export receptors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To help understand the mechanism of Utp8p function, predictive tools were used to derive a partial model of the tertiary structure of Utp8p. Secondary structure prediction, supported by circular dichroism measurements, indicated that Utp8p is divided into 2 domains: the N-terminal beta sheet and the C-terminal alpha helical domain. Tertiary structure prediction was more challenging, because the amino acid sequence of Utp8p is not directly homologous to any known protein structure. The tertiary structures predicted by threading and fold recognition had generally modest scores, but for the C-terminal domain, threading and fold recognition consistently pointed to an alpha-alpha superhelix. Because of the sequence diversity of this fold type, no single structural template was an ideal fit to the Utp8p sequence. Instead, a composite template was constructed from 3 different alpha-alpha superhelix structures that gave the best matches to different portions of the C-terminal domain sequence. In the resulting model, the most conserved sequences grouped in a tight cluster of positive charges on a protein that is otherwise predominantly negative, suggesting that the positive-charge cleft may be the tRNA-binding site. Mutations of conserved positive residues in the proposed binding site resulted in a reduction in the affinity of Utp8p for tRNA both in vivo and in vitro. Models were also derived for the 10 fungal homologues of Utp8p, and the localization of the positive charges on the conserved surface was found in all cases. Taken together, these data suggest that the positive-charge cleft of the C-terminal domain of Utp8p is involved in tRNA-binding.
- Takahashi H, Kitagawa Y, Maeda-Satoh M, Hasegawa H, Sawa H, Sata T
- Monoclonal antibody and siRNAs for topoisomerase I suppress telomerase activity.
- Hybridoma (Larchmt). 2009; 28: 63-5
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Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, is a cellular RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that serves to maintain the tandem arrays of telomeric repeats at the eukaryotic chromosomal ends. We previously reported that topoisomerase I dissociates HIV-1 reverse transcriptase from genomic RNAs, and binding of topoisomerase I to RNA template regulates cDNA synthesis. We also found that a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against topoisomerase I, designated as MAb 1, suppresses the reverse transcription efficiency using a detergent-disrupted HIV-1 virion. In this study, we describe how MAb 1 suppresses telomerase activity in cellular lysates. In addition, siRNAs of topoisomerase I has attenuated telomerase activity in culture cells. These results suggest that topoisomerase I is involved in telomerase activity, as well as HIV-1 reverse transcription.
- Raymond A et al.
- Combined protein construct and synthetic gene engineering for heterologous protein expression and crystallization using Gene Composer.
- BMC Biotechnol. 2009; 9: 37-37
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BACKGROUND: With the goal of improving yield and success rates of heterologous protein production for structural studies we have developed the database and algorithm software package Gene Composer. This freely available electronic tool facilitates the information-rich design of protein constructs and their engineered synthetic gene sequences, as detailed in the accompanying manuscript. RESULTS: In this report, we compare heterologous protein expression levels from native sequences to that of codon engineered synthetic gene constructs designed by Gene Composer. A test set of proteins including a human kinase (P38alpha), viral polymerase (HCV NS5B), and bacterial structural protein (FtsZ) were expressed in both E. coli and a cell-free wheat germ translation system. We also compare the protein expression levels in E. coli for a set of 11 different proteins with greatly varied G:C content and codon bias. CONCLUSION: The results consistently demonstrate that protein yields from codon engineered Gene Composer designs are as good as or better than those achieved from the synonymous native genes. Moreover, structure guided N- and C-terminal deletion constructs designed with the aid of Gene Composer can lead to greater success in gene to structure work as exemplified by the X-ray crystallographic structure determination of FtsZ from Bacillus subtilis. These results validate the Gene Composer algorithms, and suggest that using a combination of synthetic gene and protein construct engineering tools can improve the economics of gene to structure research.
- Tawar RG et al.
- Crystal structure of a nucleocapsid-like nucleoprotein-RNA complex of respiratory syncytial virus.
- Science. 2009; 326: 1279-83
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The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important human pathogen, yet neither a vaccine nor effective therapies are available to treat infection. To help elucidate the replication mechanism of this RNA virus, we determined the three-dimensional (3D) crystal structure at 3.3 A resolution of a decameric, annular ribonucleoprotein complex of the RSV nucleoprotein (N) bound to RNA. This complex mimics one turn of the viral helical nucleocapsid complex, which serves as template for viral RNA synthesis. The RNA wraps around the protein ring, with seven nucleotides contacting each N subunit, alternating rows of four and three stacked bases that are exposed and buried within a protein groove, respectively. Combined with electron microscopy data, this structure provides a detailed model for the RSV nucleocapsid, in which the bases are accessible for readout by the viral polymerase. Furthermore, the nucleoprotein structure highlights possible key sites for drug targeting.
- Barraud P et al.
- Crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus tRNA m1A58 methyltransferase and biophysical characterization of its interaction with tRNA.
- J Mol Biol. 2008; 377: 535-50
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Methyltransferases from the m(1)A(58) tRNA methyltransferase (TrmI) family catalyze the S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent N(1)-methylation of tRNA adenosine 58. The crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus TrmI, in complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, was determined at 1.7 A resolution. This structure is closely related to that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TrmI, and their comparison enabled us to enlighten two grooves in the TrmI structure that are large enough and electrostatically compatible to accommodate one tRNA per face of TrmI tetramer. We have then conducted a biophysical study based on electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, site-directed mutagenesis, and molecular docking. First, we confirmed the tetrameric oligomerization state of TrmI, and we showed that this protein remains tetrameric upon tRNA binding, with formation of complexes involving one to two molecules of tRNA per TrmI tetramer. Second, three key residues for the methylation reaction were identified: the universally conserved D170 and two conserved aromatic residues Y78 and Y194. We then used molecular docking to position a N(9)-methyladenine in the active site of TrmI. The N(9)-methyladenine snugly fits into the catalytic cleft, where the side chain of D170 acts as a bidentate ligand binding the amino moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine and the exocyclic amino group of the adenosine. Y194 interacts with the N(9)-methyladenine ring, whereas Y78 can stabilize the sugar ring. From our results, we propose that the conserved residues that form the catalytic cavity (D170, Y78, and Y194) are essential for fashioning an optimized shape of the catalytic pocket.
- Gupta YK, Nair DT, Wharton RP, Aggarwal AK
- Structures of human Pumilio with noncognate RNAs reveal molecular mechanisms for binding promiscuity.
- Structure. 2008; 16: 549-57
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Pumilio is a founder member of the evolutionarily conserved Puf family of RNA-binding proteins that control a number of physiological processes in eukaryotes. A structure of human Pumilio (hPum) Puf domain bound to a Drosophila regulatory sequence showed that each Puf repeat recognizes a single nucleotide. Puf domains in general bind promiscuously to a large set of degenerate sequences, but the structural basis for this promiscuity has been unclear. Here, we describe the structures of hPum Puf domain complexed to two noncognate RNAs, CycB(reverse) and Puf5. In each complex, one of the nucleotides is ejected from the binding surface, in effect, acting as a "spacer." The complexes also reveal the plasticity of several Puf repeats, which recognize noncanonical nucleotides. Together, these complexes provide a molecular basis for recognition of degenerate binding sites, which significantly increases the number of mRNAs targeted for regulation by Puf proteins in vivo.
- Toba G, White K
- The third RNA recognition motif of Drosophila ELAV protein has a role in multimerization.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2008; 36: 1390-9
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ELAV is a neuron-specific RNA-binding protein in Drosophila that is required for development and maintenance of neurons. ELAV regulates alternative splicing of Neuroglian and erect wing (ewg) transcripts, and has been shown to form a multimeric complex on the last ewg intron. The protein has three RNA recognition motifs (RRM1, 2 and 3) with a hinge region between RRM2 and 3. In this study, we used the yeast two-hybrid system to determine the multimerization domain of ELAV. Using deletion constructs, we mapped an interaction activity to a region containing most of RRM3. We found three conserved short sequences in RRM3 that were essential for the interaction, and also sufficient to give the interaction activity to RRM2 when introduced into it. In our in vivo functional assay, a mutation in one of the three sequences showed reduced activity in splicing regulation, underlining the functional importance of multimerization. However, RRM2 with the three RRM3 interaction sequences did not function as RRM3 in vivo, which suggested that multimerization is not the only function of RRM3. Our results are consistent with a model in which RRM3 serves as a bi-functional domain that interacts with both RNA and protein.
- Lin J et al.
- Nucleolar localization of TERT is unrelated to telomerase function in human cells.
- J Cell Sci. 2008; 121: 2169-76
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Telomerase maintains telomere length and has been implicated in both aging and carcinogenesis of human cells. This enzyme is a specialized ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex, minimally consisting of two essential components: the protein catalytic subunit TERT (telomerase reverse transcriptase) and the integral RNA moiety TR (telomerase RNA, TERC). Both TERT and TR have been found to localize to nucleoli within the nucleus, leading to the suggestion of nucleoli as the site for telomerase RNP biogenesis in human cells. However, whether this statement is true or not has not yet been convincingly demonstrated. Here, we identify that residues 965-981 of the human TERT polypeptide constitute an active nucleolar-targeting signal (NTS) essential for mediating human TERT nucleolar localization. Mutational inactivation of this NTS completely disrupted TERT nucleolar translocation in both normal and malignant human cells. Most interestingly, such a TERT mutant still retained the capacity to activate telomerase activity, maintain telomere length and extend the life-span of cellular proliferation, as does wild-type TERT, in BJ cells (normal fibroblasts). Therefore, our data suggest that TERT nucleolar localization is unrelated to telomerase function in human cells.
- Redon S, Reichenbach P, Lingner J
- Protein RNA and protein protein interactions mediate association of human EST1A/SMG6 with telomerase.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2007; 35: 7011-22
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The human EST1A/SMG6 polypeptide physically interacts with the chromosome end replication enzyme telomerase. In an attempt to better understand hEST1A function, we have started to dissect the molecular interactions between hEST1A and telomerase. Here, we demonstrate that the interaction between hEST1A and telomerase is mediated by protein-RNA and protein-protein contacts. We identify a domain within hEST1A that binds the telomerase RNA moiety hTR while full-length hEST1A establishes in addition RNase-resistant and hTR-independent protein-protein contacts with the human telomerase reverse transcriptase polypeptide (TERT). Conversely, within hTERT, we identify a hEST1A interaction domain, which comprises hTR-binding activity and RNA-independent hEST1A-binding activity. Purified, recombinant hEST1A binds the telomerase RNA moiety (hTR) with high affinity (apparent overall K(d) = 25 nM) but low specificity. We propose that hEST1A assembles specifically with telomerase in the context of the hTR-hTERT ribonucleoprotein, through the high affinity of hEST1A for hTR and specific protein-protein contacts with hTERT.
- Li Y, Yates JA, Chen JJ
- Identification and characterization of sea squirt telomerase reverse transcriptase.
- Gene. 2007; 400: 16-24
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Telomerase is essential for maintaining telomere length and chromosome stability in most eukaryotic organisms. The telomerase ribonucleoprotein complex consists of two essential components, the catalytic telomerase reverse transcriptase protein (TERT) and the intrinsic telomerase RNA. The sea squirts, as urochordates, occupy a key position in the phylogenetic tree of the chordates: they diverged from the other chordates just before the lineage of vertebrates, and thus provide special insight into the origin and evolution of vertebrate genes. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of TERT genes from two sea squirts, Ciona intestinalis and Ciona savignyi. The C. intestinalis TERT (CinTERT) gene encodes 907 amino acids and consists of 17 exons, which are similar to vertebrate TERT genes. The C. savignyi TERT (CsaTERT) gene encodes 843 amino acids, but surprisingly does not contain any introns. Both Ciona TERTs contain all of the reverse transcriptase (RT) motifs (1, 2, A, B, C, D, and E) that are typically present in telomerase and viral RTs. Interestingly, the alignment of Ciona and vertebrate TERT sequences reveals a previously unknown motif, named motif 3, located between motifs 2 and A. The Ciona TERT gene is expressed in all tissues analyzed except the brain and heart. This is the first report of the TERT gene in invertebrate chordates.
- Wang S, Hu Y, Overgaard MT, Karginov FV, Uhlenbeck OC, McKay DB
- The domain of the Bacillus subtilis DEAD-box helicase YxiN that is responsible for specific binding of 23S rRNA has an RNA recognition motif fold.
- RNA. 2006; 12: 959-67
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The YxiN protein of Bacillus subtilis is a member of the DbpA subfamily of prokaryotic DEAD-box RNA helicases. Like DbpA, it binds with high affinity and specificity to segments of 23S ribosomal RNA as short as 32 nucleotides (nt) that include hairpin 92. Several experiments have shown that the 76-residue carboxy-terminal domain of YxiN is responsible for the high-affinity RNA binding. The domain has been crystallized and its structure has been solved to 1.7 Angstroms resolution. The structure reveals an RNA recognition motif (RRM) fold that is found in many eukaryotic RNA binding proteins; the RRM fold was not apparent from the amino acid sequence. The domain has two solvent exposed aromatic residues at sites that correspond to the aromatic residues of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) motifs RNP1 and RNP2 that are essential for RNA binding in many RRMs. However, mutagenesis of these residues (Tyr404 and Tyr447) to alanine has little effect on RNA affinity, suggesting that the YxiN domain binds target RNAs in a manner that differs from the binding mode commonly found in many eukaryotic RRMs.
- Yingling YG, Shapiro BA
- The prediction of the wild-type telomerase RNA pseudoknot structure and the pivotal role of the bulge in its formation.
- J Mol Graph Model. 2006; 25: 261-74
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In this study, the three-dimensional structure of the wild-type human telomerase RNA pseudoknot was predicted via molecular modeling. The wild-type pseudoknot structure is then compared to the recent NMR solution structure of the telomerase pseudoknot, which does not contain the U177 bulge. The removal of the bulge from the pseudoknot structure results in higher stability and significant reduction of activity of telomerase. We show that the effect of the bulge on the structure results in a significant transformation of the pseudoknot junction region where the starting base pairs are disrupted and unique triple base pairs are formed. We found that the formation of the junction region is greatly influenced by interactions of the U177 bulge with loop residues and rotation of residue A174. Moreover, this is the first study to our knowledge where a structure as complex as the pseudoknot has been solved by purely theoretical methods.
- Ren X et al.
- Analysis of human telomerase activity and function by two color single molecule coincidence fluorescence spectroscopy.
- J Am Chem Soc. 2006; 128: 4992-5000
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Telomerase is a nonclassical DNA polymerase that uses its integral RNA as a template to synthesize telomeric repeats onto chromosome ends. The molecular mechanism of telomerase is unique and involves a translocation step after the synthesis of each telomeric repeat. To directly measure the enzymatic turnover of substrate and the efficiency of the translocation step we have extended our two-color single molecule fluorescence coincidence method (Anal.Chem. 2003, 75, 1664-1670). The method employs Cy5-dATP incorporation into a DNA primer that has been prelabeled with a reference fluorophore. Measurements are performed in the single molecule regime and products, which necessarily have both fluorophores, are excited by two independent lasers, and give rise to coincident events. By counting the number of coincident events and using the coincidence detection efficiency, it is possible to determine the number of the extended products generated by attomole quantities of telomerase, without separation or the use of PCR or radioactivity. Histograms of the logarithms of the ratios of the Cy5 to the reference fluorophore fluorescence can be used to determine the length distribution of the products and hence the enzyme processivity. The mean processivity obtained from the single molecule fluorescence coincidence assay is 0.32 +/- 0.04, in good agreement with the value of 0.37 +/- 0.05 derived from the direct radioactive assay approach. The function of the alignment domain of human telomerase RNA in sustaining catalytic activity in vitro has been reevaluated using this method. Together with our previous results (Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30, 4470-4480) these experiments identify the essential residues in the alignment domain of human telomerase RNA that contribute to the activity and processivity of telomerase.
- Gao X, Voytas DF
- A eukaryotic gene family related to retroelement integrases.
- Trends Genet. 2005; 21: 133-7
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Proteins encoded by mobile genetic elements occasionally assume cellular roles. Telomerase, for example, is a reverse transcriptase that replicates chromosome ends, and Rag1 is a transposase that mediates immunoglobulin gene rearrangements. In this article, we report cellular genes related to integrases that are not associated with a retrovirus or retrotransposon. These integrases are found in diverse eukaryotes and are evolving under functional constraint. We propose that the cellular integrases have assumed a host role and, like their retroelement counterparts, probably function in DNA metabolism.
- Figueiredo LM, Rocha EP, Mancio-Silva L, Prevost C, Hernandez-Verdun D, Scherf A
- The unusually large Plasmodium telomerase reverse-transcriptase localizes in a discrete compartment associated with the nucleolus.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2005; 33: 1111-22
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Telomerase replicates chromosome ends, a function necessary for maintaining genome integrity. We have identified the gene that encodes the catalytic reverse transcriptase (RT) component of this enzyme in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfTERT) as well as the orthologous genes from two rodent and one simian malaria species. PfTERT is predicted to encode a basic protein that contains the major sequence motifs previously identified in known telomerase RTs (TERTs). At approximately 2500 amino acids, PfTERT is three times larger than other characterized TERTs. We observed remarkable sequence diversity between TERT proteins of different Plasmodial species, with conserved domains alternating with hypervariable regions. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that PfTERT is expressed in asexual blood stage parasites that have begun DNA synthesis. Surprisingly, rather than at telomere clusters, PfTERT typically localizes into a discrete nuclear compartment. We further demonstrate that this compartment is associated with the nucleolus, hereby defined for the first time in P.falciparum.
- Huck L et al.
- Conserved tertiary base pairing ensures proper RNA folding and efficient assembly of the signal recognition particle Alu domain.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2004; 32: 4915-24
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Proper folding of the RNA is an essential step in the assembly of functional ribonucleoprotein complexes. We examined the role of conserved base pairs formed between two distant loops in the Alu portion of the mammalian signal recognition particle RNA (SRP RNA) in SRP assembly and functions. Mutations disrupting base pairing interfere with folding of the Alu portion of the SRP RNA as monitored by probing the RNA structure and the binding of the protein SRP9/14. Complementary mutations rescue the defect establishing a role of the tertiary loop-loop interaction in RNA folding. The same mutations in the Alu domain have no major effect on binding of proteins to the S domain suggesting that the S domain can fold independently. Once assembled into a complete SRP, even particles that contain mutant RNA are active in arresting nascent chain elongation and translocation into microsomes, and, therefore, tertiary base pairing does not appear to be essential for these activities. Our results suggest a model in which the loop-loop interaction and binding of the protein SRP9/14 play an important role in the early steps of SRP RNA folding and assembly.
- Lin J et al.
- A universal telomerase RNA core structure includes structured motifs required for binding the telomerase reverse transcriptase protein.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004; 101: 14713-8
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Telomerase synthesizes telomeric DNA by copying a short template sequence within its telomerase RNA component. We delineated nucleotides and base-pairings within a previously mapped central domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase RNA (TLC1) that are important for telomerase function and for binding to the telomerase catalytic protein Est2p. Phylogenetic comparison of telomerase RNA sequences from several budding yeasts revealed a core structure common to Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces yeast species. We show that in this structure three conserved sequences interact to provide a binding site for Est2p positioned near the template. These results, combined with previous studies on telomerase RNAs from other budding yeasts, vertebrates, and ciliates, define a minimal universal core for telomerase RNAs.
- Dominick PK, Keppler BR, Legassie JD, Moon IK, Jarstfer MB
- Nucleic acid-binding ligands identify new mechanisms to inhibit telomerase.
- Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2004; 14: 3467-71
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We screened a small library of known nucleic acid-binding ligands in order to identify novel inhibitors of recombinant human telomerase. Inhibitory compounds were classified into two groups: Group I inhibitors had a notably greater effect when added prior to telomerase assemblage and Group II inhibitors displayed comparable inhibition when added before or after telomerase assemblage. Hoechst 33258, a Group I inhibitor, was found to interact tightly (KD = 0.36 microM) with human telomerase RNA (hTR) leading us to propose that hTR is the molecular target for this and other Group I inhibitors. Our results suggest that hTR can be exploited as a small-molecule drug target and provide several new structural motifs for the further development of novel telomerase inhibitors.
- Ren X, Gavory G, Li H, Ying L, Klenerman D, Balasubramanian S
- Identification of a new RNA.RNA interaction site for human telomerase RNA (hTR): structural implications for hTR accumulation and a dyskeratosis congenita point mutation.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 2003; 31: 6509-15
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The enzyme telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein that has a critical role in the maintenance of stable telomeres in organisms that possess linear chromosomes. Using a recently developed single molecule fluorescence coincidence method, we have studied the RNA component of telomerase (hTR) and directly observed multimerisation of hTR in solution. RNA mutagenesis and blocking oligonucleotides were employed to identify the single-stranded internal loop J7b/8a as an important and specific hTR.hTR interaction site. This observation was confirmed by studies on a model RNA fragment (hTR(380-444)), comprising part of the H/ACA domain, the internal loop J7b/8a and the CR7 domain, that was found to dimerise. Substitution mutagenesis within the proposed RNA.RNA interaction site of hTR(380-444) resulted in a loss of dimerisation potential and insertion of the dyskeratosis congenita mutation C408G led to a significant reduction in dimer formation. Together, these results suggest that this RNA.RNA interaction site may be functionally relevant.
- Beattie TL, Zhou W, Robinson MO, Harrington L
- Functional multimerization of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase.
- Mol Cell Biol. 2001; 21: 6151-60
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The telomerase enzyme exists as a large complex (approximately 1,000 kDa) in mammals and at minimum is composed of the telomerase RNA and the catalytic subunit telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, telomerase appears to function as an interdependent dimer or multimer in vivo (J. Prescott and E. H. Blackburn, Genes Dev. 11:2790-2800, 1997). However, the requirements for multimerization are not known, and it remained unclear whether telomerase exists as a multimer in other organisms. We show here that human TERT (hTERT) forms a functional multimer in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate reconstitution assay and in human cell extracts. Two separate, catalytically inactive TERT proteins can complement each other in trans to reconstitute catalytic activity. This complementation requires the amino terminus of one hTERT and the reverse transcriptase and C-terminal domains of the second hTERT. The telomerase RNA must associate with only the latter hTERT for reconstitution of telomerase activity to occur. Multimerization of telomerase also facilitates the recognition and elongation of substrates in vitro and in vivo. These data suggest that the catalytic core of human telomerase may exist as a functionally cooperative dimer or multimer in vivo.
- Wenz C, Enenkel B, Amacker M, Kelleher C, Damm K, Lingner J
- Human telomerase contains two cooperating telomerase RNA molecules.
- EMBO J. 2001; 20: 3526-34
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Telomerase uses a short stretch of its intrinsic RNA molecule as template for telomere repeat synthesis. Reverse transcription of the RNA template is catalyzed by the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) protein subunit. We demonstrate that human telomerase reconstituted from recombinant TERT and telomerase RNA runs as a dimer on a gel filtration column and that it contains two telomerase RNA molecules. Significantly, a telomerase heterodimer reconstituted from wild-type and mutant telomerase RNA is barely active when compared with the wild-type homodimer. We conclude that the telomerase RNA templates in the active enzyme are interdependent and functionally cooperate with each other. We discuss models that may explain the biological and enzymatic roles of telomerase dimerization.
- Bryan TM, Goodrich KJ, Cech TR
- A mutant of Tetrahymena telomerase reverse transcriptase with increased processivity.
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 24199-207
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The protein catalytic subunit of telomerase (TERT) is a reverse transcriptase (RT) that utilizes an internal RNA molecule as a template for the extension of chromosomal DNA ends. In all retroviral RTs there is a conserved tyrosine two amino acids preceding the catalytic aspartic acids in motif C, a motif that is critical for catalysis. In TERTs, however, this position is a leucine, valine, or phenylalanine. We developed and characterized a robust in vitro reconstitution system for Tetrahymena telomerase and tested the effects of amino acid substitutions on activity. Substitution of the retroviral-like tyrosine in motif C did not change overall enzymatic activity but increased processivity. This increase in processivity correlated with an increased affinity for telomeric DNA primer. Substitution of an alanine did not increase processivity, while substitution of a phenylalanine had an intermediate effect. The data suggest that this amino acid is involved in interactions with the primer in telomerase as in other RTs, and show that mutating an amino acid to that conserved in retroviral RTs makes telomerase more closely resemble these other RTs.
- Autexier C
- Tetrahymena telomerase activity, purification, and reconstitution.
- Methods Cell Biol. 2000; 62: 395-415
- Xia J, Peng Y, Mian IS, Lue NF
- Identification of functionally important domains in the N-terminal region of telomerase reverse transcriptase.
- Mol Cell Biol. 2000; 20: 5196-207
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Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein reverse transcriptase responsible for the maintenance of one strand of telomere terminal repeats. The key protein subunit of the telomerase complex, known as TERT, possesses reverse transcriptase-like motifs that presumably mediate catalysis. These motifs are located in the C-terminal region of the polypeptide. Hidden Markov model-based sequence analysis revealed in the N-terminal region of all TERTs the presence of four conserved motifs, named GQ, CP, QFP, and T. Point mutation analysis of conserved residues confirmed the functional importance of the GQ motif. In addition, the distinct phenotypes of the GQ mutants suggest that this motif may play at least two distinct functions in telomere maintenance. Deletion analysis indicates that even the most N-terminal nonconserved region of yeast TERT (N region) is required for telomerase function. This N region exhibits a nonspecific nucleic acid binding activity that probably reflects an important physiologic function. Expression studies of various portions of the yeast TERT in Escherichia coli suggest that the N region and the GQ motif together may constitute a stable domain. We propose that all TERTs may have a bipartite organization, with an N-GQ domain connected to the other motifs through a flexible linker.
- Fitzgerald MS, Riha K, Gao F, Ren S, McKnight TD, Shippen DE
- Disruption of the telomerase catalytic subunit gene from Arabidopsis inactivates telomerase and leads to a slow loss of telomeric DNA.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999; 96: 14813-8
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Telomerase is an essential enzyme that maintains telomeres on eukaryotic chromosomes. In mammals, telomerase is required for the lifelong proliferative capacity of normal regenerative and reproductive tissues and for sustained growth in a dedifferentiated state. Although the importance of telomeres was first elucidated in plants 60 years ago, little is known about the role of telomeres and telomerase in plant growth and development. Here we report the cloning and characterization of the Arabidopsis telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene, AtTERT. AtTERT is predicted to encode a highly basic protein of 131 kDa that harbors the reverse transcriptase and telomerase-specific motifs common to all known TERT proteins. AtTERT mRNA is 10-20 times more abundant in callus, which has high levels of telomerase activity, versus leaves, which contain no detectable telomerase. Plants homozygous for a transfer DNA insertion into the AtTERT gene lack telomerase activity, confirming the identity and function of this gene. Because telomeres in wild-type Arabidopsis are short, the discovery that telomerase-null plants are viable for at least two generations was unexpected. In the absence of telomerase, telomeres decline by approximately 500 bp per generation, a rate 10 times slower than seen in telomerase-deficient mice. This gradual loss of telomeric DNA may reflect a reduced rate of nucleotide depletion per round of DNA replication, or the requirement for fewer cell divisions per organismal generation. Nevertheless, progressive telomere shortening in the mutants, however slow, ultimately should be lethal.
- Oguchi K, Liu H, Tamura K, Takahashi H
- Molecular cloning and characterization of AtTERT, a telomerase reverse transcriptase homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana.
- FEBS Lett. 1999; 457: 465-9
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On the basis of its predicted homology to human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), a cDNA for Arabidopsis thaliana TERT (AtTERT) has now been isolated from cultured cells. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 3372 bp, encoding a protein with a predicted size of 131 kDa and isoelectric point of 9.9. The AtTERT protein contains the conserved reverse transcriptase motifs 1, 2 and A-E as well as the TERT-specific T motif. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis and an assay of telomerase activity revealed that both AtTERT mRNA and telomerase activity are abundant in shoot apical meristems but are not detectable in rosette leaves.
- Autexier C, Triki I
- Tetrahymena telomerase ribonucleoprotein RNA-protein interactions.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 1999; 27: 2227-34
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Telomerase is an enzyme that is essential for the replication and maintenance of chromosomal termini. It is a ribonucleoprotein consisting of a catalytic subunit, one or more associated proteins, and an integral RNA subunit that serves as a template for the synthesisof telomeric repeats. We identified a Tetrahymena telomerase RNA-protein complex by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, using telomerase partially purified from whole cell extracts and radiolabeled, in vitro transcribed wild-type Tetrahymena telomerase RNA. Complex formation was specific as unlabeled Tetra-hymena telomerase RNA, but not Escherichia coli ribo-somal RNAs, competitively inhibited complex formation. Binding required concentrations of MgCl2of at least 10 mM and occurred over a wide range of potassium glutamate concentrations (20-220 mM). The RNA-protein complex was optimally reconstituted with a 30 degrees C preincubation for =5 min, prior to electrophoresis. Certain Tetrahymena telomerase RNAs containing deletions of structures and sequences previously predicted to be involved in protein binding were unable to competitively and specifically inhibit complex formation, suggesting a role in protein binding for the deleted residues or structures.
- Schnapp G, Rodi HP, Rettig WJ, Schnapp A, Damm K
- One-step affinity purification protocol for human telomerase.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 1998; 26: 3311-3
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Human telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) enzyme, comprising protein components and an RNA template that catalyses telomere elongation through the addition of TTAGGG repeats. Telomerase function has been implicated in aging and cancer cell immortalization. We report a rapid and efficient one-step purification protocol to obtain highly active telomerase from human cells. The purification is based on affinity chromatography of nuclear extracts with antisense oligonucleotides complementary to the template region of the human telomerase RNA component. Bound telomerase is eluted with a displacement oligonucleotide under mild conditions. The resulting affinity-purified telomerase is active in PCR-amplified telomerase assays. The purified telomerase complex has a molecular mass of approximately 550 kDa compared to the approximately 1000 kDa determined for the telomerase RNP in unfractionated nuclear extracts. The purification protocol provides a rapid and efficient tool for functional and structural studies of human telomerase.
- Gandhi L, Collins K
- Interaction of recombinant Tetrahymena telomerase proteins p80 and p95 with telomerase RNA and telomeric DNA substrates.
- Genes Dev. 1998; 12: 721-33
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Telomerase is a specialized reverse transcriptase that catalyzes telomeric repeat addition at the ends of existing telomeres or fragmented chromosomes. Two telomerase proteins from Tetrahymena thermophila, p80 and p95, were identified on the basis of their association with telomerase activity and telomerase RNA. Here we have produced recombinant versions of these proteins to characterize their functions in the ribonucleoprotein. Our findings indicate that the two proteins can form a complex whose association is independent of RNA. Each protein interacts directly with telomerase RNA, but the p80/p95 complex binds RNA with an affinity substantially greater than either protein alone. We have also characterized the DNA binding properties of p95 and show that it interacts with telomeric substrate DNAs with a specificity characteristic of the functionally defined Tetrahymena telomerase substrate anchor site. Together, these findings suggest a model in which protein-nucleic acid interactions separable from the active site contribute to positioning the template and primer, rather than exclusively the direct nucleic acid-active site interaction typical of other polymerases.
- Nakayama J, Saito M, Nakamura H, Matsuura A, Ishikawa F
- TLP1: a gene encoding a protein component of mammalian telomerase is a novel member of WD repeats family.
- Cell. 1997; 88: 875-84
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We have cloned and characterized the rat telomerase protein component 1 gene (TLP1), which is related to the gene for Tetrahymena p80. The cDNA encodes a 2629 amino acid sequence and produces the TLP1 proteins p240 and p230. The anti-TLP1 antibody specifically immunoprecipitated the telomerase activity. Moreover, p240 and p230 were copurified with telomerase activity in a series of extensive purification experiments. These results strongly suggest that the TLP1 proteins are components of, or are closely associated with, the rat telomerase. A pulse-chase experiment showed that p240 is modified to p230 in vivo. p230 was the dominant form in telomerase-positive cells, suggesting that modification of the TLP1 protein may regulate telomerase activity in vivo.
- Kirk KE, Harmon BP, Reichardt IK, Sedat JW, Blackburn EH
- Block in anaphase chromosome separation caused by a telomerase template mutation.
- Science. 1997; 275: 1478-81
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Telomeres are essential for chromosome stability, but their functions at specific cell-cycle stages are unknown. Telomeres are now shown to have a role in chromosome separation during mitosis. In telomeric DNA mutants of Tetrahymena thermophila, created by expression of a telomerase RNA with an altered template sequence, division of the germline nucleus was severely delayed or blocked in anaphase. The mutant chromatids failed to separate completely at the midzone, becoming stretched to up to twice their normal length. These results suggest a physical block in mutant telomere separation.
- Harrington L et al.
- A mammalian telomerase-associated protein.
- Science. 1997; 275: 973-7
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The telomerase ribonucleoprotein catalyzes the addition of new telomeres onto chromosome ends. A gene encoding a mammalian telomerase homolog called TP1 (telomerase-associated protein 1) was identified and cloned. TP1 exhibited extensive amino acid similarity to the Tetrahymena telomerase protein p80 and was shown to interact specifically with mammalian telomerase RNA. Antiserum to TP1 immunoprecipitated telomerase activity from cell extracts, suggesting that TP1 is associated with telomerase in vivo. The identification of TP1 suggests that telomerase-associated proteins are conserved from ciliates to humans.
- Shore D
- Telomerase and telomere-binding proteins: controlling the endgame.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1997; 22: 233-5
- Collins K
- Structure and function of telomerase.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1996; 8: 374-80
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The study of eukaryotic telomeres at the molecular level began with the discovery of short, tandem repeats at Tetrahymena chromosome ends. In the following two decades, major insights about telomere structure and function have come from investigations of telomerase, the DNA polymerase that synthesizes these repeats. In the past year, three areas of telomerase research have been particularly intense: assays of telomerase activity, isolation of telomerase components, and studies of the regulation of telomerase and telomere length in vivo.
- Collins K, Kobayashi R, Greider CW
- Purification of Tetrahymena telomerase and cloning of genes encoding the two protein components of the enzyme.
- Cell. 1995; 81: 677-86
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Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein DNA polymerase that catalyzes the de novo synthesis of telomeric simple sequence repeats. We describe the purification of telomerase and the cloning of cDNAs encoding two protein subunits from the ciliate Tetrahymena. Two proteins of 80 and 95 kDa copurified and coimmunoprecipitated with telomerase activity and the previously identified Tetrahymena telomerase RNA. The p95 subunit specifically cross-linked to a radiolabeled telomeric DNA primer, while the p80 subunit specifically bound to radiolabeled telomerase RNA. At the primary sequence level, the two telomerase proteins share only limited homologies with other polymerases and polymerase accessory factors.
- Romero DP, Blackburn EH
- Circular rDNA replicons persist in Tetrahymena thermophila transformants synthesizing GGGGTC telomeric repeats.
- J Eukaryot Microbiol. 1995; 42: 32-43
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Site-directed mutagenesis of the telomerase RNA from Tetrahymena thermophila was used previously to demonstrate the templating function of a sequence within this RNA; this sequence specifies the sequence of telomeric DNA in vivo. The possible functional importance of a phylogenetically conserved nucleotide outside the telomerase RNA template region was investigated by a similar experimental approach. The telomerase RNA gene was altered by site-directed mutagenesis, cloned in a circular selectable transformation vector consisting of an rRNA gene carrying a selectable drug resistance marker, and introduced into macronuclei of vegetatively dividing Tetrahymena thermophila by microinjection. Changing an invariant A to U at position 16 of the telomerase RNA (A16U) had no effect detectable by phenotype on telomerase function in vivo. However these experiments showed that a telomerase template alteration that dictates the synthesis of the mutant telomeric DNA sequence GGGGTC leads to a profound change in the population of rDNA replicons. The addition of GGGGTC mutant repeats leads to selective pressure for the loss of high copy linear rDNA, and the rRNA genes are maintained in the form of the circular rDNA replicons introduced during transformation.
- Hallberg EM, Fung P, Hallberg RL
- Genomic sequence encoding a heat shock-induced, RNA polymerase III-transcribed RNA from Tetrahymena thermophila.
- Nucleic Acids Res. 1992; 20: 912-912
- Romero DP, Blackburn EH
- A conserved secondary structure for telomerase RNA.
- Cell. 1991; 67: 343-53
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The RNA moiety of the ribonucleoprotein enzyme telomerase contains the template for telomeric DNA synthesis. We present a secondary structure model for telomerase RNA, derived by a phylogenetic comparative analysis of telomerase RNAs from seven tetrahymenine ciliates. The telomerase RNA genes from Tetrahymena malaccensis, T. pyriformis, T. hyperangularis, T. pigmentosa, T. hegewishii, and Glaucoma chattoni were cloned, sequenced, and compared with the previously cloned RNA gene from T. thermophila and with each other. To define secondary structures of these RNAs, homologous complementary sequences were identified by the occurrence of covariation among putative base pairs. Although their primary sequences have diverged rapidly overall, a strikingly conserved secondary structure was identified for all these telomerase RNAs. Short regions of nucleotide conservation include a block of 22 totally conserved nucleotides that contains the telomeric templating region.