Direct querying has been disabled due to misuse. Please contact us to obtain the access key which will unlock the query functionality..

Direct SQL query

Please don't use this form if you're not familiar with SQL.

Check below for tables structure and examples...
The query must return ONLY dom_prot.protein or End your query with ;

Access key:

+------------+       +------------+       +------------+
|  dom_prot  |       |  protein   |       |  taxonomy  |
+============+       +============+       +============+
|  protein   | ====> |   name     |       |   family   |
|  domain    |       |  organism  | ====> |  species   |
|  start     |       +------------+       |  kingdom   |
|  ende      |                            |superkingdom|
+------------+                            |   phylum   |


SELECT distinct(protein) FROM dom_prot WHERE domain = 'SH3' OR domain = 'SH2' 
AND protein NOT IN (SELECT protein FROM dom_prot WHERE domain = 'TyrKc'); 

SELECT distinct(dom_prot.protein) FROM dom_prot, protein, taxonomy WHERE dom_prot.domain = 'SH2'
AND AND protein.organism=taxonomy.species AND 
taxonomy.kingdom = 'Metazoa';