Secondary literature sources for PTPc_DSPc
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- Burke TR Jr et al.
- Phospho-Azatyrosine, a less effective protein-tyrosine phosphatase substrate than phosphotyrosine.
- Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2001; 11: 1265-8
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Azatyrosine (AzaTyr, 4) is a natural product isolated from Streptomyces chibanesis, whose structure is characterized by a nitrogen atom in the aryl ring of a tyrosyl residue. This seemingly minor modification to the tyrosyl residue results in profound physiological effects, as AzaTyr has been shown to promote permanent reversion of ras-dependent transformed cells to the normal phenotype in culture and to inhibit chemical induction of carcinogenesis in transgenic mice bearing oncogenic human ras. The mechanisms underlying these effects are not known, however ras-pathways involve an intricate balance between both protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). The present study was undertaken to examine the general utility of AzaTyr as a structural motif for PTP inhibitor design by examining the phospho-azatyrosine (pAzaTyr)-containing peptide Ac-Asp-Ala-Asp-Glu-pAzaTyr-Leu-amide (8) in a PTP1 enzyme system. Kinetic analysis indicated that 8 binds with a Km value of 210 microM and a catalytic turnover rate, kcat of 52 s(-1). This represents a greater than 50-fold reduction in binding affinity relative to the parent phosphotyrosine-containing peptide, indicating that the aryl nitrogen adversely affects binding affinity. The much lower PTP affinity of the pAzaTyr-containing peptide reduces the potential utility of the AzaTyr pharmacophore for PTP inhibitor design. These results are discussed from the point of view that incorporation of AzaTyr residues into proteins could result in perturbation of protein-tyrosine phosphorylation,dephosphorylation cascades that control signal transduction processes, including ras-dependent pathways.
- Le Du MH, Stigbrand T, Taussig MJ, Menez A, Stura EA
- Crystal structure of alkaline phosphatase from human placenta at 1.8 A resolution. Implication for a substrate specificity.
- J Biol Chem. 2001; 276: 9158-65
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Human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is one of three tissue-specific human APs extensively studied because of its ectopic expression in tumors. The crystal structure, determined at 1.8-A resolution, reveals that during evolution, only the overall features of the enzyme have been conserved with respect to Escherichia coli. The surface is deeply mutated with 8% residues in common, and in the active site, only residues strictly necessary to perform the catalysis have been preserved. Additional structural elements aid an understanding of the allosteric property that is specific for the mammalian enzyme (Hoylaerts, M. F., Manes, T., and Millan, J. L. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 22781-22787). Allostery is probably favored by the quality of the dimer interface, by a long N-terminal alpha-helix from one monomer that embraces the other one, and similarly by the exchange of a residue from one monomer in the active site of the other. In the neighborhood of the catalytic serine, the orientation of Glu-429, a residue unique to PLAP, and the presence of a hydrophobic pocket close to the phosphate product, account for the specific uncompetitive inhibition of PLAP by l-amino acids, consistent with the acquisition of substrate specificity. The location of the active site at the bottom of a large valley flanked by an interfacial crown-shaped domain and a domain containing an extra metal ion on the other side suggest that the substrate of PLAP could be a specific phosphorylated protein.
- Cho H et al.
- BeF(3)(-) acts as a phosphate analog in proteins phosphorylated on aspartate: structure of a BeF(3)(-) complex with phosphoserine phosphatase.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001; 98: 8525-30
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Protein phosphoaspartate bonds play a variety of roles. In response regulator proteins of two-component signal transduction systems, phosphorylation of an aspartate residue is coupled to a change from an inactive to an active conformation. In phosphatases and mutases of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily, phosphoaspartate serves as an intermediate in phosphotransfer reactions, and in P-type ATPases, also members of the HAD family, it serves in the conversion of chemical energy to ion gradients. In each case, lability of the phosphoaspartate linkage has hampered a detailed study of the phosphorylated form. For response regulators, this difficulty was recently overcome with a phosphate analog, BeF(3)(-), which yields persistent complexes with the active site aspartate of their receiver domains. We now extend the application of this analog to a HAD superfamily member by solving at 1.5-A resolution the x-ray crystal structure of the complex of BeF(3)(-) with phosphoserine phosphatase (PSP) from Methanococcus jannaschii. The structure is comparable to that of a phosphoenzyme intermediate: BeF(3)(-) is bound to Asp-11 with the tetrahedral geometry of a phosphoryl group, is coordinated to Mg(2+), and is bound to residues surrounding the active site that are conserved in the HAD superfamily. Comparison of the active sites of BeF(3)(-) x PSP and BeF(3)(-) x CeY, a receiver domain/response regulator, reveals striking similarities that provide insights into the function not only of PSP but also of P-type ATPases. Our results indicate that use of BeF(3)(-) for structural studies of proteins that form phosphoaspartate linkages will extend well beyond response regulators.
- Kim JH, Shin DY, Han MH, Choi MU
- Mutational and kinetic evaluation of conserved His-123 in dual specificity protein-tyrosine phosphatase vaccinia H1-related phosphatase: participation of Tyr-78 and Thr-73 residues in tuning the orientation of His-123.
- J Biol Chem. 2001; 276: 27568-74
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Active-site cysteine strategically positioned in the P-loop of protein-tyrosine phosphatases has been suggested to be further stabilized by hydrogen bonding arrays radiating out from the P-loop to neighboring residues. In this work, we investigated the structural role of histidine array in HC(X)(5)RS motif of the vaccinia H1-related protein phosphatase (VHR), using site-directed mutagenesis in conjunction with an extensive kinetic analysis. Conserved His-123 was mutated along with neighboring residues Tyr-78 and Thr-73. The increased pK(a) values of active-site Cys-124 found in Y78F and T73A mutants (6.51 and 6.75, respectively) were comparable to those of H123A and H123F mutants. Kinetic evaluation of Y78F and T73A mutants further implicates that the mutations perturb the relative position of Cys-124 within the P-loop. These results imply that Tyr-78 and Thr-73 make up an essential part of the His-123 array and structurally tune the Cys-124 position. Tyr-78 of VHR turns out to be the invariant Tyr reported in several protein-tyrosine phosphatases by a structure-based sequence alignment. Therefore, orientation of the imidazole ring of His-123 by the invariant Tyr-78 is crucial for maintaining the proper position of Cys-124 in the P-loop.
- Ostman A, Bohmer FD
- Regulation of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling by protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Trends Cell Biol. 2001; 11: 258-66
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Signaling through receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) is a major mechanism for intercellular communication during development and in the adult organism, as well as in disease-associated processes. The phosphorylation status and signaling activity of RTKs is determined not only by the kinase activity of the RTK but also by the activities of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). This review discusses recently identified PTPs that negatively regulate various RTKs and the role of PTP inhibition in ligand-induced RTK activation. The contributions of PTPs to ligand-independent RTK activation and to RTK inactivation by other classes of receptors are also surveyed. Continued investigation into the involvement of PTPs in RTK regulation is likely to unravel previously unrecognized layers of RTK control and to suggest novel strategies for interference with disease-associated RTK signaling.
- Bixby JL
- Ligands and signaling through receptor-type tyrosine phosphatases.
- IUBMB Life. 2001; 51: 157-63
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Virtually every aspect of cellular proliferation and differentiation is regulated by changes in tyrosine phosphorylation. Tyrosine phosphorylation, in turn, is controlled by the opposing activities of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). PTKs are often transmembrane proteins (receptor PTKs) whose enzymatic activities and signaling functions are tightly regulated by the binding of specific ligands. A variety of transmembrane PTPs has also been identified; these proteins are called receptor PTPs (RPTPs), but in most cases their roles as receptors are very poorly understood. This review discusses the evidence that RPTPs are actually receptors for extrinsic ligands, and the extent to which interactions with putative ligands are known or suspected to cause changes in enzymatic activity. Finally, some of the RPTP substrates believed to be physiologically important are described. The evidence gathered to date suggests that models derived from studies of receptor PTKs may be too simple to account for the diversity and complexity of mechanisms through which ligand binding controls RPTP function.
- Zhu L et al.
- Use of an anaerobic environment to preserve the endogenous activity of protein-tyrosine phosphatases isolated from intact cells.
- FASEB J. 2001; 15: 1637-9
- Muller CI, Blumbach B, Krasko A, Schroder HC
- Receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatases: origin of domains (catalytic domain, Ig-related domain, fibronectin type III module) based on the sequence of the sponge Geodia cydonium.
- Gene. 2001; 262: 221-30
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Reversible tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins is one of the major regulatory physiological events in response to cell-cell- and cell-matrix contact in Metazoa. Previously it was documented that the tyrosine phosphorylating enzymes, the tyrosine kinases (TKs), are autapomorphic characters of Metazoa, including sponges. In this paper the tyrosine dephosphorylating enzymes, the protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), are studied which can be grouped into two subfamilies, the soluble PTPs and the receptor PTPs (RPTPs). PTPs are characterized by one PTPase domain which interestingly comprises sequence similarity to yeast PTPs. In contrast to the PTPs, the RPTPs - which have been found only in Metazoa - are provided with two PTPase domains. To study the evolution of the RPTPs the full-length size RPTP was cloned from the marine demosponge Geodia cydonium, the phylogenetic oldest metazoan taxon. The 3253 bp long sequence has a putative open reading frame coding for a 999 aa long RPTP which is characterized by two fibronectin (type III; FN-III) domains in the extracellular portion, one intracellular immunoglobulin (Ig)-related domain, and two PTPase domains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the sponge FN-III domains form the basis of the metazoan FN-III domain with the common metazoan ancestor. The Ig-related, typical metazoan, module is classified to the disulphide lacking Ig members and represents the phylogenetic earliest member of this group. The beta-sheet propensity was calculated and the characteristic amino acids are present in the seven beta-sheets. The analysis of the two PTPase domains of the sponge RPTP demonstrates that the first domain is closely related to the PTPase domains present in the soluble PTPs, while the second PTPase domain is only distantly related to them. By constructing a rooted phylogenetic cladogram it became overt that the duplication of the PTPase domains must have occurred already in yeast. This interesting finding indicates that two conserved PTPase domains originated from a common ancestor in yeast while the evolutionary novelties, the FN-III domains and the Ig-related module, were added during the transition to the Metazoa. Hence, the tyrosine dephosphorylating enzyme, RPTP, is an example for a modular protein which is composed of ancient modules (PTPase domain[s]) and two metazoan novelties, while the tyrosine phosphorylating enzymes, the TKs, evolved only in Metazoa.
- Kolmodin K, Aqvist J
- The catalytic mechanism of protein tyrosine phosphatases revisited.
- FEBS Lett. 2001; 498: 208-13
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Experimental and theoretical studies of the catalytic mechanism in protein tyrosine phosphatases and dual specific phosphatases are reviewed. The structural properties of these enzymes contributing to the efficient rate enhancement of phosphate monoester hydrolysis have been established during the last decade. There are, however, uncertainties in the interpretation of available experimental data that make the commonly assumed reaction mechanism somewhat doubtful. Theoretical calculations as well as analysis of crystal structures point towards an alternative interpretation of the ionisation state in the reactive complex.
- Tsujikawa K et al.
- Distinct functions of the two protein tyrosine phosphatase domains of LAR (leukocyte common antigen-related) on tyrosine dephosphorylation of insulin receptor.
- Mol Endocrinol. 2001; 15: 271-80
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Most receptor-like, transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases), such as CD45 and the leukocyte common antigen-related (LAR) molecule, have two tandemly repeated PTPase domains in the cytoplasmic segment. The role of each PTPase domain in mediating PTPase activity remains unclear; however, it has been proposed that PTPase activity is associated with only the first of the two domains, PTPase domain 1, and the membrane-distal PTPase domain 2, which has no catalytic activity, would regulate substrate specificity. In this paper, we examine the function of each PTPase domain of LAR in vivo using a potential physiological substrate, namely insulin receptor, and LAR mutant proteins in which the conserved cysteine residue was changed to a serine residue in the active site of either or both PTPase domains. LAR associated with and preferentially dephosphorylated the insulin receptor that was tyrosine phosphorylated by insulin stimulation. Its association was mediated by PTPase domain 2, because the mutation of Cys-1813 to Ser in domain 2 resulted in weakening of the association. The Cys-1522 to Ser mutant protein, which is defective in the LAR PTPase domain 1 catalytic site, was tightly associated with tyrosine-phosphorylated insulin receptor, but failed to dephosphorylate it, indicating that LAR PTPase domain 1 is critical for dephosphorylation of tyrosine-phosphorylated insulin receptor. This hypothesis was further confirmed by using LAR mutants in which either PTPase domain 1 or domain 2 was deleted. Moreover, the association of the extracellular domains of both LAR and insulin receptor was supported by using the LAR mutant protein without the two PTPase domains. LAR was phosphorylated by insulin receptor tyrosine kinase and autodephosphorylated by the catalytic activity of the PTPase domain 1. These results indicate that each domain of LAR plays distinct functional roles through phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in vivo.
- Scapin G, Patel S, Patel V, Kennedy B, Asante-Appiah E
- The structure of apo protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B C215S mutant: More than just an S --> O change.
- Protein Sci. 2001; 10: 1596-605
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters via a two-step mechanism involving a covalent phospho-enzyme intermediate. Biochemical and site-directed mutagenesis experiments show that the invariant Cys residue present in the PTPase signature motif (H/V)CX(5)R(S/T) (i.e., C215 in PTP1B) is absolutely required for activity. Mutation of the invariant Cys to Ser results in a catalytically inactive enzyme, which still is capable of binding substrates and inhibitors. Although it often is assumed that substrate-trapping mutants such as the C215S retain, in solution, the structural and binding properties of wild-type PTPases, significant differences have been found in the few studies that have addressed this issue, suggesting that the mutation may lead to structural/conformational alterations in or near the PTP1B binding site. Several crystal structures of apo-WT PTP1B, and of WT- and C215S-mutant PTP1B in complex with different ligands are available, but no structure of the apo-PTP1B C215S has ever been reported. In all previously reported structures, residues of the PTPase signature motif have an identical conformation, while residues of the WPD loop (a surface loop which includes the catalytic Asp) assume a different conformation in the presence or absence of ligand. These observations led to the hypothesis that the different spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of the mutant protein may be the result of a different conformation for the WPD loop. We report here the structure of the apo-PTP1B C215S mutant, which reveals that, while the WPD loop is in the open conformation observed in the apo WT enzyme crystal structure, the residues of the PTPases signature motif are in a dramatically different conformation. These results provide a structural basis for the differences in spectroscopic properties and thermodynamic parameters in inhibitor binding observed for the wild-type and mutant enzymes.
- Farooq A et al.
- Solution structure of ERK2 binding domain of MAPK phosphatase MKP-3: structural insights into MKP-3 activation by ERK2.
- Mol Cell. 2001; 7: 387-99
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MAP kinases (MAPKs), which control mitogenic signal transduction in all eukaryotic organisms, are inactivated by dual specificity MAPK phosphatases (MKPs). MKP-3, a prototypical MKP, achieves substrate specificity through its N-terminal domain binding to the MAPK ERK2, resulting in the activation of its C-terminal phosphatase domain. The solution structure and biochemical analysis of the ERK2 binding (EB) domain of MKP-3 show that regions that are essential for ERK2 binding partly overlap with its sites that interact with the C-terminal catalytic domain, and that these interactions are functionally coupled to the active site residues of MKP-3. Our findings suggest a novel mechanism by which the EB domain binding to ERK2 is transduced to cause a conformational change of the C-terminal catalytic domain, resulting in the enzymatic activation of MKP-3.
- Aricescu AR, Fulga TA, Cismasiu V, Goody RS, Szedlacsek SE
- Intramolecular interactions in protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTPmu: kinetic evidence.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001; 280: 319-27
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The receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTPmu contains three intracellular domains: the juxtamembrane (JM) and two phosphatase domains (D1 and D2). D1 is catalytically active in vitro. The functional roles of JM and D2 are still unclear. To find out whether and how they modulate the phosphatase activity of D1, we compared the enzymatic characteristics of two constructs, containing a truncated JM and either D1 or both phosphatase domains. p-Nitrophenyl phosphate and two peptide substrates were efficiently dephosphorylated by both constructs. The specificity constant of D1 alone was up to 50% higher. D2 induces (a) decreased K(m) values for peptide substrates, (b) decreased catalytic efficiency for these substrates, (c) shifting of the optimal pH to slightly lower values, and (d) looser binding of competitive inhibitors. These data suggest that the phosphatase activity of D1 is negatively modulated and its ligand binding capacity is sensibly modified by domain D2, having possible functional significance. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.
- Asante-Appiah E et al.
- The YRD motif is a major determinant of substrate and inhibitor specificity in T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 2001; 276: 26036-43
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We have studied T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP) as a model phosphatase in an attempt to unravel amino acid residues that may influence the design of specific inhibitors. Residues 48--50, termed the YRD motif, a region that is found in protein-tyrosine phosphatases, but absent in dual-specificity phosphatases was targeted. YRD derivatives of TCPTP were characterized by steady-state kinetics and by inhibition studies with BzN-EJJ-amide, a potent inhibitor of TCPTP. Substitution of Asp(50) to alanine or Arg(49) to lysine, methionine, or alanine significantly affected substrate hydrolysis and led to a substantial decrease in affinity for BzN-EJJ-amide. The influence of residue 49 on substrate/inhibitor selectivity was further investigated by comparing subsite amino acid preferences of TCPTP and its R49K derivative by affinity selection coupled with mass spectrometry. The greatest effect on selectivity was observed on the residue that precedes the phosphorylated tyrosine. Unlike wild-type TCPTP, the R49K derivative preferred tyrosine to aspartic or glutamic acid. BzN-EJJ-amide which retains the preferred specificity requirements of TCPTP and PTP1B was equipotent on both enzymes but greater than 30-fold selective over other phosphatases. These results suggest that Arg(49) and Asp(50) may be targeted for the design of potent and selective inhibitors of TCPTP and PTP1B.
- Changela A, Ho CK, Martins A, Shuman S, Mondragon A
- Structure and mechanism of the RNA triphosphatase component of mammalian mRNA capping enzyme.
- EMBO J. 2001; 20: 2575-86
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The 5' capping of mammalian pre-mRNAs is initiated by RNA triphosphatase, a member of the cysteine phosphatase superfamily. Here we report the 1.65 A crystal structure of mouse RNA triphosphatase, which reveals a deep, positively charged active site pocket that can fit a 5' triphosphate end. Structural, biochemical and mutational results show that despite sharing an HCxxxxxR(S/T) motif, a phosphoenzyme intermediate and a core alpha/beta-fold with other cysteine phosphatases, the mechanism of phosphoanhydride cleavage by mammalian capping enzyme differs from that used by protein phosphatases to hydrolyze phosphomonoesters. The most significant difference is the absence of a carboxylate general acid catalyst in RNA triphosphatase. Residues conserved uniquely among the RNA phosphatase subfamily are important for function in cap formation and are likely to play a role in substrate recognition.
- Espanel X et al.
- Pulling strings below the surface: hormone receptor signaling through inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Endocrine. 2001; 15: 19-28
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Hormones, cytokines, and related proteins (such as soluble hormone receptors) play an important role as therapeutic agents. Most hormone receptors signal through a mechanism that involves phosphorylation of the receptor's tyrosine residues. At any given moment, the receptor's phosphorylation state depends on the balance of kinase and phosphatase activities. Recent findings point to the exciting possibility that receptor signaling can be regulated by inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) that specifically hydrolyze receptor tyrosine-phosphates, or their immediate downstream effectors. This strategy has now been firmly validated for the insulin receptor and PTP1B; inhibiting PTP1B activity results in stimulation of the insulin receptor and signaling, even in the absence of insulin. This and similar findings suggest that PTP inhibitors have potential as hormone mimetics. In the present review, we outline this new paradigm for therapeutic regulation of the insulin receptor and discuss evidence that hints at other specific receptor-PTP pairs.
- Wang W, Kim R, Jancarik J, Yokota H, Kim S
- Crystal Structure of Phosphoserine Phosphatase from Methanococcus jannaschii, a Hyperthermophile, at 1.8 A Resolution.
- Structure (Camb). 2001; 9: 65-72
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Background: D-Serine is a co-agonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors, a major neurotransmitter receptor family in mammalian nervous systems. D-Serine is converted from L-serine, 90% of which is the product of the enzyme phosphoserine phosphatase (PSP). PSP from M. jannaschii (MJ) shares significant sequence homology with human PSP. PSPs and P-type ATPases are members of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like hydrolase family, and all members share three conserved sequence motifs. PSP and P-type ATPases utilize a common mechanism that involves Mg(2+)-dependent phosphorylation and autodephosphorylation at an aspartyl side chain in the active site. The strong resemblance in sequence and mechanism implies structural similarity among these enzymes.Results: The PSP crystal structure resembles the NAD(P) binding Rossmann fold with a large insertion of a four-helix-bundle domain and a beta hairpin. Three known conserved sequence motifs are arranged next to each other in space and outline the active site. A phosphate and a magnesium ion are bound to the active site. The active site is within a closed environment between the core alpha/beta domain and the four-helix-bundle domain.Conclusions: The crystal structure of MJ PSP was determined at 1.8 A resolution. Critical residues were assigned based on the active site structure and ligand binding geometry. The PSP structure is in a closed conformation that may resemble the phosphoserine bound state or the state after autodephosphorylation. Compared to a P-type ATPase (Ca(2+)-ATPase) structure, which is in an open state, this PSP structure appears also to be a good model for the closed conformation of P-type ATPase.
- Sodeoka M et al.
- Synthesis of a tetronic acid library focused on inhibitors of tyrosine and dual-specificity protein phosphatases and its evaluation regarding vhr and cdc25b inhibition.
- J Med Chem. 2001; 44: 3216-22
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Selective inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) and dual-specificity phosphatases (DSPs) are expected to be useful tools for clarifying the biological functions of the PTPs themselves and also to be candidates for novel therapeutics. We planned a library approach for the identification of PTP/DSP inhibitors in which 3-acyltetronic acid is used as a "core" phosphate mimic. A series of novel tetronic acid derivatives were synthesized and evaluated as inhibitors of the dual-specificity protein phosphatases VHR and cdc25B. Several compounds are found to be potent inhibitors of cdc25B, which is a key enzyme for cell-cycle progression. The promising results described herein strongly indicated that this tetronic acid library is potent as a library focused on the PTP/DSP-selective inhibitor.
- Szedlacsek SE, Aricescu AR, Fulga TA, Renault L, Scheidig AJ
- Crystal structure of PTP-SL/PTPBR7 catalytic domain: implications for MAP kinase regulation.
- J Mol Biol. 2001; 311: 557-68
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases PTP-SL and PTPBR7 are isoforms belonging to cytosolic membrane-associated and to receptor-like PTPs (RPTPs), respectively. They represent a new family of PTPs with a major role in activation and translocation of MAP kinases. Specifically, the complex formation between PTP-SL and ERK2 involves an unusual interaction leading to the phosphorylation of PTP-SL by ERK2 at Thr253 and the inactivating dephosphorylation of ERK2 by PTP-SL. This interaction is strictly dependent upon a kinase interaction motif (KIM) (residues 224-239) situated at the N terminus of the PTP-SL catalytic domain. We report the first crystal structure of the catalytic domain for a member of this family (PTP-SL, residues 254-549, identical with residues 361-656 of PTPBR7), providing an example of an RPTP with single cytoplasmic domain, which is monomeric, having an unhindered catalytic site. In addition to the characteristic PTP-core structure, PTP-SL has an N-terminal helix, possibly orienting the KIM motif upon interaction with the target ERK2. An unusual residue in the catalytically important WPD loop promotes formation of a hydrophobically and electrostatically stabilised clamp. This could induce increased rigidity to the WPD loop and therefore reduced catalytic activity, in agreement with our kinetic measurements. A docking model based on the PTP-SL structure suggests that, in the complex with ERK2, the phosphorylation of PTP-SL should be accomplished first. The subsequent dephosphorylation of ERK2 seems to be possible only if a conformational rearrangement of the two interacting partners takes place.
- Bleasdale JE et al.
- Small molecule peptidomimetics containing a novel phosphotyrosine bioisostere inhibit protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and augment insulin action.
- Biochemistry. 2001; 40: 5642-54
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Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) attenuates insulin signaling by catalyzing dephosphorylation of insulin receptors (IR) and is an attractive target of potential new drugs for treating the insulin resistance that is central to type II diabetes. Several analogues of cholecystokinin(26)(-)(33) (CCK-8) were found to be surprisingly potent inhibitors of PTP1B, and a common N-terminal tripeptide, N-acetyl-Asp-Tyr(SO(3)H)-Nle-, was shown to be necessary and sufficient for inhibition. This tripeptide was modified to reduce size and peptide character, and to replace the metabolically unstable sulfotyrosyl group. This led to the discovery of a novel phosphotyrosine bioisostere, 2-carboxymethoxybenzoic acid, and to analogues that were >100-fold more potent than the CCK-8 analogues and >10-fold selective for PTP1B over two other PTP enzymes (LAR and SHP-2), a dual specificity phosphatase (cdc25b), and a serine/threonine phosphatase (calcineurin). These inhibitors disrupted the binding of PTP1B to activated IR in vitro and prevented the loss of tyrosine kinase (IRTK) activity that accompanied PTP1B-catalyzed dephosphorylation of IR. Introduction of these poorly cell permeant inhibitors into insulin-treated cells by microinjection (oocytes) or by esterification to more lipophilic proinhibitors (3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myocytes) resulted in increased potency, but not efficacy, of insulin. In some instances, PTP1B inhibitors were insulin-mimetic, suggesting that in unstimulated cells PTP1B may suppress basal IRTK activity. X-ray crystallography of PTP1B-inhibitor complexes revealed that binding of an inhibitor incorporating phenyl-O-malonic acid as a phosphotyrosine bioisostere occurred with the mobile WPD loop in the open conformation, while a closely related inhibitor with a 2-carboxymethoxybenzoic acid bioisostere bound with the WPD loop closed, perhaps accounting for its superior potency. These CCK-derived peptidomimetic inhibitors of PTP1B represent a novel template for further development of potent, selective inhibitors, and their cell activity further justifies the selection of PTP1B as a therapeutic target.
- Zhang ZY
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: prospects for therapeutics.
- Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2001; 5: 416-23
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) form a large family of enzymes that serve as key regulatory components in signal transduction pathways. Recent gene knockout studies in mice identify PTP1B as a promising target for anti-diabetes/obesity drug discovery. PTPs are also implicated in a wide variety of other disorders, including cancer. Significant progress has been made in identifying small molecules that simultaneously bind both the active site and a unique adjacent site that enables specific inhibition of individual PTP isoenzymes. As a consequence, there are compelling reasons to believe that PTP inhibitors may ultimately serve as powerful therapeutic weapons in our arsenal for battling human diseases.
- Tonks NK, Neel BG
- Combinatorial control of the specificity of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2001; 13: 182-95
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), the enzymes that dephosphorylate tyrosyl phosphoproteins, were initially believed to be few in number and serve a 'housekeeping' role in signal transduction. Recent work indicates that this is totally incorrect. Instead, PTPs comprise a large superfamily whose members play critical roles in a wide variety of cellular processes. Moreover, PTPs exhibit exquisite substrate specificity in vivo. Recent evidence has led us to propose that members of the PTP family achieve selectivity through different combinations of specific targeting strategies and intrinsic catalytic domain specificity.
- Chen YT, Onaran MB, Doss CJ, Seto CT
- alpha-Ketocarboxylic acid-based inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2001; 11: 1935-8
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A series of aryl alpha-ketocarboxylic acids was synthesized and investigated as inhibitors for the protein tyrosine phosphatase from Yersinia enterocolitica. IC(50) values for these compounds range from 79 to 2700 microM. Larger aromatic groups, and aromatic groups with high electron density, lead to more potent inhibitors. In general, the related aryl alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acids show lower activity.
- Wang S, Stauffacher CV, Van Etten RL
- Structural and mechanistic basis for the activation of a low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase by adenine.
- Biochemistry. 2000; 39: 1234-42
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Although the activation of low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases by certain purines and purine derivatives was first described three decades ago, the mechanism of this rate enhancement was unknown. As an example, adenine activates the yeast low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase LTP1 more than 30-fold. To examine the structural and mechanistic basis of this phenomenon, we have determined the crystal structure of yeast LTP1 complexed with adenine. In the crystal structure, an adenine molecule is found bound in the active site cavity, sandwiched between the side chains of two large hydrophobic residues at the active site. Hydrogen bonding to the side chains of other active site residues, as well as some water-mediated hydrogen bonds, also helps to fix the position of the bound adenine molecule. An ordered water was found in proximity to the bound phosphate ion present in the active site, held by hydrogen bonding to N3 of adenine and Odelta1 of Asp-132. On the basis of the crystal structure, we propose that this water molecule is the nucleophile that participates in the dephosphorylation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate. Solvent isotope effect studies show that there is no rate-determining transfer of a solvent-derived proton in the transition state for the dephosphorylation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate. Such an absence of general base catalysis of water attack is consistent with the stability of the leaving group, namely, the thiolate anion of Cys-13. Consequently, adenine activates the enzyme by binding and orienting a water nucleophile in proximity to the phosphoryl group of the phosphoenzyme intermediate, thus increasing the rate of the dephosphorylation step, a step that is normally the rate-limiting step of this enzymatic reaction.
- Sarmiento M et al.
- Structural basis of plasticity in protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B substrate recognition.
- Biochemistry. 2000; 39: 8171-9
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Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) displays a preference for peptides containing acidic as well as aromatic/aliphatic residues immediately NH(2)-terminal to phosphotyrosine. The structure of PTP1B bound with DADEpYL-NH(2) (EGFR(988)(-)(993)) offers a structural explanation for PTP1B's preference for acidic residues [Jia, Z., Barford, D., Flint, A. J., and Tonks, N. K. (1995) Science 268, 1754-1758]. We report here the crystal structures of PTP1B in complex with Ac-ELEFpYMDYE-NH(2) (PTP1B.Con) and Ac-DAD(Bpa)pYLIPQQG (PTP1B.Bpa) determined to 1.8 and 1.9 A resolution, respectively. A structural analysis of PTP1B.Con and PTP1B.Bpa shows how aromatic/aliphatic residues at the -1 and -3 positions of peptide substrates are accommodated by PTP1B. A comparison of the structures of PTP1B.Con and PTP1B.Bpa with that of PTP1B.EGFR(988)(-)(993) reveals the structural basis for the plasticity of PTP1B substrate recognition. PTP1B is able to bind phosphopeptides by utilizing common interactions involving the aromatic ring and phosphate moiety of phosphotyrosine itself, two conserved hydrogen bonds between the Asp48 carboxylate side chain and the main chain nitrogens of the pTyr and residue 1, and a third between the main chain nitrogen of Arg47 and the main chain carbonyl of residue -2. The ability of PTP1B to accommodate both acidic and hydrophobic residues immediately NH(2)-terminal to pTyr appears to be conferred upon PTP1B by a single residue, Arg47. Depending on the nature of the NH(2)-terminal amino acids, the side chain of Arg47 can adopt one of two different conformations, generating two sets of distinct peptide binding surfaces. When an acidic residue is positioned at position -1, a preference for a second acidic residue is also observed at position -2. However, when a large hydrophobic group occupies position -1, Arg47 adopts a new conformation so that it can participate in hydrophobic interactions with both positions -1 and -3.
- Vetter SW, Keng YF, Lawrence DS, Zhang ZY
- Assessment of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B substrate specificity using "inverse alanine scanning".
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 2265-8
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An "inverse alanine scanning" peptide library approach has been developed to assess the substrate specificity of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases). In this method each Ala moiety in the parent peptide, Ac-AAAApYAAAA-NH(2), is separately and sequentially replaced by the 19 non-Ala amino acids to generate a library of 153 well defined peptides. The relatively small number of peptides allows the acquisition of explicit kinetic data for all library members, thereby furnishing information about the contribution of individual amino acids with respect to substrate properties. The approach was applied to protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) as a first example, and the highly potent peptide substrate Ac-ELEFpYMDYE-NH(2) (k(cat)/K(m) 2.2 +/- 0.05 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1)) has been identified. More importantly, several heretofore unknown features of the substrate specificity of PTP1B were revealed. This includes the ability of PTP1B to accommodate acidic, aromatic, and hydrophobic residues at the -1 position, a strong nonpreference for Lys and Arg residues in any position, and the first evidence that residues well beyond the +1 position contribute to substrate efficacy.
- Zhang YL, Yao ZJ, Sarmiento M, Wu L, Burke TR Jr, Zhang ZY
- Thermodynamic study of ligand binding to protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B and its substrate-trapping mutants.
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 34205-12
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The binding of several phosphonodifluoromethyl phenylalanine (F(2)Pmp)-containing peptides to protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and its substrate-trapping mutants (C215S and D181A) has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding of a high affinity ligand, Ac-Asp-Ala-Asp-Glu-F(2)Pmp-Leu-NH(2), to PTP1B (K(d) = 0.24 microm) is favored by both enthalpic and entropic contributions. Disruption of ionic interactions between the side chain of Arg-47 and the N-terminal acidic residues reduces the binding affinity primarily through the reduction of the TDeltaS term. The role of Arg-47 may be to maximize surface contact between PTP1B and the peptide, which contributes to high affinity binding. The active site Cys-215 --> Ser mutant PTP1B binds ligands with the same affinity as the wild-type enzyme. However, unlike wild-type PTP1B, peptide binding to C215S is predominantly driven by enthalpy change, which likely results from the elimination of the electrostatic repulsion between the thiolate anion and the phosphonate group. The increased enthalpic contribution is offset by reduction in the binding entropy, which may be the result of increased entropy of the unbound protein caused by this mutation. The general acid-deficient mutant D181A binds the peptide 5-fold tighter than the C215S mutant, consistent with the observation that the Asp to Ala mutant is a better "substrate-trapping" reagent than C215S. The increased binding affinity for D181A as compared with the wild-type PTP1B results primarily from an increase in the DeltaH of binding in the mutant, which may be related to decreased electrostatic repulsion between the phosphate moiety and PTP1B. These results have important implications for the design of high affinity PTP1B inhibitors.
- Yang J, Cheng Z, Niu T, Liang X, Zhao ZJ, Zhou GW
- Structural basis for substrate specificity of protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 4066-71
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The substrate specificity of the catalytic domain of SHP-1, an important regulator in the proliferation and development of hematopoietic cells, is critical for understanding the physiological functions of SHP-1. Here we report the crystal structures of the catalytic domain of SHP-1 complexed with two peptide substrates derived from SIRPalpha, a member of the signal-regulatory proteins. We show that the variable beta5-loop-beta6 motif confers SHP-1 substrate specificity at the P-4 and further N-terminal subpockets. We also observe a novel residue shift at P-2, the highly conserved subpocket in protein- tyrosine phosphatases. Our observations provide new insight into the substrate specificity of SHP-1.
- Qu CK
- The SHP-2 tyrosine phosphatase: signaling mechanisms and biological functions.
- Cell Res. 2000; 10: 279-88
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Cellular biological activities are tightly controlled by intracellular signaling processes initiated by extracellular signals. Protein tyrosine phosphatases, which remove phosphate groups from phosphorylated signaling molecules, play equally important tyrosine roles as protein tyrosine kinases in signal transduction. SHP-2, a cytoplasmic SH2 domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase, is involved in the signaling pathways of a variety of growth factors and cytokines. Recent studies have clearly demonstrated that this phosphatase plays an important role in transducing signal relay from the cell surface to the nucleus, and is a critical intracellular regulator in mediating cell proliferation and differentiation.
- Ibrahimi OA, Wu L, Zhao K, Zhang ZY
- Synthesis and characterization of a novel class of protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors.
- Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2000; 10: 457-60
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Nonpeptidyl aryloxymethylphosphonates were prepared and evaluated as protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors. The results suggest that aryloxymethylphosphonates are effective nonhydrolyzable phosphotyrosine surrogates and provide further insight into the molecular mechanisms by which phosphate mimics inhibit phosphatase function.
- Miller DT, Read R, Rusconi J, Cagan RL
- The Drosophila primo locus encodes two low-molecular-weight tyrosine phosphatases.
- Gene. 2000; 243: 1-9
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The fine modulation of tyrosine phosphorylation by protein tyrosine phosphatases and protein tyrosine kinases is a key regulatory mechanism for many cell signaling pathways active during development. In a screen for genes with interesting expression patterns in the developing Drosophila pupal retina, we identified a novel pair of protein tyrosine phosphatases that exhibit an expression pattern suggesting a role in multiple steps of Drosophila neurogenesis. Together, these phosphatases define the primo locus. Their sequence is approx. 50% identical to each other and to low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatases (LMW-PTPs) identified in other species. Little is understood of the biological role of LMW-PTPs, and the powerful tools available in Drosophila should provide important insight into their role in signaling and development.
- Peters GH, Frimurer TM, Andersen JN, Olsen OH
- Molecular dynamics simulations of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B. II. substrate-enzyme interactions and dynamics.
- Biophys J. 2000; 78: 2191-200
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Molecular dynamics simulations of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) complexed with the phosphorylated peptide substrate DADEpYL and the free substrate have been conducted to investigate 1) the physical forces involved in substrate-protein interactions, 2) the importance of enzyme and substrate flexibility for binding, 3) the electrostatic properties of the enzyme, and 4) the contribution from solvation. The simulations were performed for 1 ns, using explicit water molecules. The last 700 ps of the trajectories was used for analysis determining enthalpic and entropic contributions to substrate binding. Based on essential dynamics analysis of the PTP1B/DADEpYL trajectory, it is shown that internal motions in the binding pocket occur in a subspace of only a few degrees of freedom. In particular, relatively large flexibilities are observed along several eigenvectors in the segments: Arg(24)-Ser(28), Pro(38)-Arg(47), and Glu(115)-Gly(117). These motions are correlated to the C- and N-terminal motions of the substrate. Relatively small fluctuations are observed in the region of the consensus active site motif (H/V)CX(5)R(S/T) and in the region of the WPD loop, which contains the general acid for catalysis. Analysis of the individual enzyme-substrate interaction energies revealed that mainly electrostatic forces contribute to binding. Indeed, calculation of the electrostatic field of the enzyme reveals that only the field surrounding the binding pocket is positive, while the remaining protein surface is characterized by a predominantly negative electrostatic field. This positive electrostatic field attracts negatively charged substrates and could explain the experimentally observed preference of PTP1B for negatively charged substrates like the DADEpYL peptide.
- Sarmiento M et al.
- Structure-based discovery of small molecule inhibitors targeted to protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- J Med Chem. 2000; 43: 146-55
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) are involved in the control of tyrosine phosphorylation levels in the cell and are believed to be crucial for the regulation of a multitude of cellular functions. A detailed understanding of the role played by PTPases in various signaling pathways has not yet been achieved, and potent and selective PTPase inhibitors are essential in the quest to determine the functionality of individual PTPases. Using the DOCK methodology, we have carried out a structure-based, computer-assisted search of an available chemical database in order to identify low molecular weight, nonpeptidic PTP1B inhibitors. We have identified several organic molecules that not only possess inhibitory activity against PTP1B but which also display significant selectivity for PTP1B. This indicates that although structural features important for pTyr recognition are conserved among different PTPases, it is possible to generate selective inhibitors targeted primarily to the catalytic site. Kinetic analysis and molecular modeling experiments suggest that the PTP1B active site possesses significant plasticity such that substituted and extended aromatic systems can be accommodated. The newly identified molecules provide a molecular framework upon which therapeutically useful compounds can ultimately be based, and systematic optimization of these lead compounds is likely to further enhance their potency and selectivity.
- Peters GH et al.
- Residue 259 is a key determinant of substrate specificity of protein-tyrosine phosphatases 1B and alpha.
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 18201-9
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The aim of this study was to define the structural elements that determine the differences in substrate recognition capacity of two protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), PTP1B and PTPalpha, both suggested to be negative regulators of insulin signaling. Since the Ac-DADE(pY)L-NH(2) peptide is well recognized by PTP1B, but less efficiently by PTPalpha, it was chosen as a tool for these analyses. Calpha regiovariation analyses and primary sequence alignments indicate that residues 47, 48, 258, and 259 (PTP1B numbering) define a selectivity-determining region. By analyzing a set of DADE(pY)L analogs with a series of PTP mutants in which these four residues were exchanged between PTP1B and PTPalpha, either in combination or alone, we here demonstrate that the key selectivity-determining residue is 259. In PTPalpha, this residue is a glutamine causing steric hindrance and in PTP1B a glycine allowing broad substrate recognition. Significantly, replacing Gln(259) with a glycine almost turns PTPalpha into a PTP1B-like enzyme. By using a novel set of PTP inhibitors and x-ray crystallography, we further provide evidence that Gln(259) in PTPalpha plays a dual role leading to restricted substrate recognition (directly via steric hindrance) and reduced catalytic activity (indirectly via Gln(262)). Both effects may indicate that PTPalpha regulates highly selective signal transduction processes.
- Koul A et al.
- Cloning and characterization of secretory tyrosine phosphatases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- J Bacteriol. 2000; 182: 5425-32
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Two genes with sequence homology to those encoding protein tyrosine phosphatases were cloned from genomic DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H(37)Rv. The calculated molecular masses of these two putative tyrosine phosphatases, designated MPtpA and MPtpB, were 17. 5 and 30 kDa, respectively. MPtpA and MPtpB were expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The affinity-purified proteins dephosphorylated the phosphotyrosine residue of myelin basic protein (MBP), but they failed to dephosphorylate serine/threonine residues of MBP. The activity of these phosphatases was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatases, but not by okadaic acid, an inhibitor of serine/threonine phosphatases. Mutations at the catalytic site motif, cysteine 11 of MPtpA and cysteine 160 of MPtpB, abolished enzyme activity. Southern blot analysis revealed that, while mptpA is present in slow-growing mycobacterial species as well as fast-growing saprophytes, mptpB was restricted to members of the M. tuberculosis complex. These phosphatases were present in both whole-cell lysates and culture filtrates of M. tuberculosis, suggesting that these proteins are secreted into the extracellular medium. Since tyrosine phosphatases are essential for the virulence of several pathogenic bacteria, the restricted distribution of mptpB makes it a good candidate for a virulence gene of M. tuberculosis.
- Arregui CO, Balsamo J, Lilien J
- Regulation of signaling by protein-tyrosine phosphatases: potential roles in the nervous system.
- Neurochem Res. 2000; 25: 95-105
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During neuronal development, cells respond to a variety of environmental cues through cell surface receptors that are coupled to a signaling transduction machinery based on protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases have received a great deal of attention; however, in the last few years, receptor (plasma membrane associated) and non-receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have also been shown to play important roles in development of the nervous system. In many cases PTPs have provocative distribution patterns or have been shown to be associated with specific cell adhesion and growth factor receptors. Additionally, altering PTP expression levels or activity impairs neuronal behavior. In this review we outline what is currently known about the role of PTPs in development, differentiation and neuronal physiology.
- Li L, Dixon JE
- Form, function, and regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatases and their involvement in human diseases.
- Semin Immunol. 2000; 12: 75-84
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are a family of enzymes that modulate the cellular level of tyrosine phosphorylation. Based on cellular location, they are classified as receptor like or intracellular PTPs. Structure and function studies have led to the understanding of the enzymatic mechanism of this class of enzymes. Proper targeting of PTPs is essential for many cellular signalling events including antigen induced proliferative responses of B and T cells. The physiological significance of PTPs is further unveiled through mice gene knockout studies and human genome sequencing and mapping projects. Several PTPs are shown to be critical in the pathogenesis of human diseases.
- Wang S, Tabernero L, Zhang M, Harms E, Van Etten RL, Stauffacher CV
- Crystal structures of a low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its complex with the substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate.
- Biochemistry. 2000; 39: 1903-14
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Low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases are virtually ubiquitous, which implies that they have important cellular functions. We present here the 2.2 A resolution X-ray crystallographic structure of wild-type LTP1, a low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We also present the structure of an inactive mutant substrate complex of LTP1 with p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) at a resolution of 1.7 A. The crystal structures of the wild-type protein and of the inactive mutant both have two molecules per asymmetric unit. The wild-type protein crystal was grown in HEPES buffer, a sulfonate anion that resembles the phosphate substrate, and a HEPES molecule was found with nearly full occupancy in the active site. Although the fold of LTP1 resembles that of its bovine counterpart BPTP, there are significant changes around the active site that explain differences in their kinetic behavior. In the crystal of the inactive mutant of LTP1, one molecule has a pNPP in the active site, while the other has a phosphate ion. The aromatic residues lining the walls of the active site cavity exhibit large relative movements between the two molecules. The phosphate groups present in the structures of the mutant protein bind more deeply in the active site (that is, closer to the position of nucleophilic cysteine side chain) than does the sulfonate group of the HEPES molecule in the wild-type structure. This further confirms the important role of the phosphate-binding loop in stabilizing the deep binding position of the phosphate group, thus helping to bring the phosphate close to the thiolate anion of nucleophilic cysteine, and facilitating the formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate.
- Tamir I, Dal Porto JM, Cambier JC
- Cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2: regulators of B cell signal transduction.
- Curr Opin Immunol. 2000; 12: 307-15
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One of the areas of greatest recent progress in immunology has been the elucidation of inhibitory receptors and their mode of signal transduction. A common feature of members of this growing family is expression of a conserved cytoplasmic sequence motif, the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif, which functions to recruit and activate phosphatases that mediate the receptors' function. Family members include the protein tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 (Src-homology-2-domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 1) and SHP-2, which function to dephosphorylate key intermediaries in antigen receptor signaling pathways. Surprisingly, whereas most data to date support a role for SHP-1 in inhibitory signaling, SHP-2 exhibits distinct functions that appear to positively regulate receptor function.
- Zhang XM, Dormady SP, Chaung W, Basch RS
- mVH1, a dual-specificity phosphatase whose expression is cell cycle regulated.
- Mamm Genome. 2000; 11: 1154-6
- Salmeen A, Andersen JN, Myers MP, Tonks NK, Barford D
- Molecular basis for the dephosphorylation of the activation segment of the insulin receptor by protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- Mol Cell. 2000; 6: 1401-12
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The protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B is responsible for negatively regulating insulin signaling by dephosphorylating the phosphotyrosine residues of the insulin receptor kinase (IRK) activation segment. Here, by integrating crystallographic, kinetic, and PTP1B peptide binding studies, we define the molecular specificity of this reaction. Extensive interactions are formed between PTP1B and the IRK sequence encompassing the tandem pTyr residues at 1162 and 1163 such that pTyr-1162 is selected at the catalytic site and pTyr-1163 is located within an adjacent pTyr recognition site. This selectivity is attributed to the 70-fold greater affinity for tandem pTyr-containing peptides relative to mono-pTyr peptides and predicts a hierarchical dephosphorylation process. Many elements of the PTP1B-IRK interaction are unique to PTP1B, indicating that it may be feasible to generate specific, small molecule inhibitors of this interaction to treat diabetes and obesity.
- Zhao R, Qi Y, Zhao ZJ
- FYVE-DSP1, a dual-specificity protein phosphatase containing an FYVE domain.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000; 270: 222-9
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Dual-specificity protein phosphatases (DSPs) dephosphorylate proteins at Ser/Thr and Tyr. FYVE domain is a double zinc finger motif which specifically binds phosphatidylinositol(3)-phosphate. Here, we report a novel dual specificity phosphatase that contains a FYVE domain at the C-terminus. We designate the protein FYVE-DSP1. Molecular cloning yielded three isoforms of the enzyme presumably derived from alternate RNA splicing. Sequence alignment revealed that the catalytic phosphatase domain of FYVE-DSP1 closely resembled that of myotubularin, while its FYVE domain has all the conserved amino acid residues found in other proteins of the same family. Recombinant FYVE-DSP1 is partitioned in both cytosolic and membrane fractions. It dephosphorylates proteins phosphorylated on Ser, Thr, and Tyr residues and low molecular weight phosphatase substrate para-nitrophenylphosphate. It shows typical characteristics of other DSPs and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). These include inhibition by sodium vanadate and pervanadate, pH dependency, and inactivation by mutation of the key cysteinyl residue at the phosphatase signature motif. Finally, PCR analyses demonstrated that FYVE-DSP1 is widely distributed in human tissues but different spliced forms expressed differently.
- Schraven B
- CD148.
- J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2000; 14: 220-2
- Walchli S, Curchod ML, Gobert RP, Arkinstall S, Hooft van Huijsduijnen R
- Identification of tyrosine phosphatases that dephosphorylate the insulin receptor. A brute force approach based on "substrate-trapping" mutants.
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 9792-6
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Many pharmacologically important receptors, including all cytokine receptors, signal via tyrosine (auto)phosphorylation, followed by resetting to their original state through the action of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Establishing the specificity of PTPs for receptor substrates is critical both for understanding how signaling is regulated and for the development of specific PTP inhibitors that act as ligand mimetics. We have set up a systematic approach for finding PTPs that are specific for a receptor and have validated this approach with the insulin receptor kinase. We have tested nearly all known human PTPs (45) in a membrane binding assay, using "substrate-trapping" PTP mutants. These results, combined with secondary dephosphorylation tests, confirm and extend earlier findings that PTP-1b and T-cell PTP are physiological enzymes for the insulin receptor kinase. We demonstrate that this approach can rapidly reduce the number of PTPs that have a particular receptor or other phosphoprotein as their substrate.
- Savle PS, Shelton TE, Meadows CA, Potts M, Gandour RD, Kennelly PJ
- N-(cyclohexanecarboxyl)-O-phospho-l-serine, a minimal substrate for the dual-specificity protein phosphatase IphP.
- Arch Biochem Biophys. 2000; 376: 439-48
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Three dual-specific phosphatases [DSPs], IphP, VHR, and Cdc14, and three protein-tyrosine phosphatases [PTPs], PTP-1B, PTP-H1, and Tc-PTPa, were challenged with a set of low molecular weight phosphoesters to probe the factors underlying the distinct substrate specificities displayed by these two mechanistically homologous families of protein phosphatases. It was observed that beta-naphthyl phosphate represented an excellent general substrate for both PTPs and DSPs. While DSPs tended to hydrolyze alpha-naphthyl phosphate at rates comparable to that of the beta-isomer, the PTPs PTP-1B and Tc-PTPa did not. PTP-H1, however, displayed high alpha-naphthyl phosphatase activity. Intriguingly, PTP-H1 also displayed much higher protein-serine phosphatase activity in vitro, 0.2-0.3% that toward equivalent tyrosine phosphorylated proteins, than did PTP-1B or Tc-PTPa. The latter two PTPs discriminated between the serine- and tyrosine-phosphorylated forms of two test proteins by factors of >/=10(4)-10(6). While free phosphoserine represented an extremely poor substrate for all of the DSPs examined, the addition of a hydrophobic "handle" to form N-(cyclohexanecarboxyl)-O-phospho-l-serine produced a compound that was hydrolyzed by IphP with high efficiency, i.e., at a rate comparable to that of free phosphotyrosine or p-nitrophenyl phosphate. VHR also hydrolyzed N-(cyclohexanecarboxyl)-O-phospho-l-serine (1 mM) at a rate approximately one-tenth that of beta-naphthyl phosphate. None of the PTPs tested exhibited significant activity against this compound. However, N-(cyclohexanecarboxyl)-O-phospho-l-serine did not prove to be a universal substrate for DSPs as Cdc14 displayed little propensity to hydrolyze it.
- Calvert-Evers J, Hammond K
- The influence of lysis buffer composition on the expression and activity of protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- Electrophoresis. 2000; 21: 2944-6
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Lysis conditions are crucial in the extraction and solubilization of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in a form that is immunoreactive, undegraded and enzymatically active. To establish optimal experimental conditions, we evaluated protein tyrosine phosphatase enzyme activity and the detection of PTP-1 B protein in human acute promyelocytic leukaemic cells, both before and after retinoic acid treatment. We found that the composition of the lysing buffer greatly influenced the efficiency of solubilization, resulting in major alterations in the activity of protein tyrosine phosphatases and on the mobility of PTP-1 B protein.
- Zhang J, Somani AK, Siminovitch KA
- Roles of the SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase in the negative regulation of cell signalling.
- Semin Immunol. 2000; 12: 361-78
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The critical role for the SH2 domain-containing SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase in regulating haemopoietic cell behaviour was initially revealed by data linking SHP-1 deficiency to the systemic autoimmunity and severe inflammation exhibited by motheaten mice. This discovery laid the groundwork for the identification of SHP-1 as an inhibitor of activation-promoting signalling cascades and for the coincident demonstration that protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) such as SHP-1 show considerable specificity with respect to the mechanisms whereby they modulate the biochemical and biological sequelae of extracellular simulation. As outlined in this review, SHP-1 has now been implicated in the regulation of a myriad of signalling cascades and cell functions. As a result, the cumulative data generated from studies of this PTP have elucidated not only the functional relevance of SHP-1, but also a number of novel paradigms as to the molecular mechanisms whereby signalling cascades are regulated so as to either augment or abrogate specific cell behaviours.
- Andersen HS et al.
- 2-(oxalylamino)-benzoic acid is a general, competitive inhibitor of protein-tyrosine phosphatases.
- J Biol Chem. 2000; 275: 7101-8
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are critically involved in regulation of signal transduction processes. Members of this class of enzymes are considered attractive therapeutic targets in several disease states, e.g. diabetes, cancer, and inflammation. However, most reported PTP inhibitors have been phosphorus-containing compounds, tight binding inhibitors, and/or inhibitors that covalently modify the enzymes. We therefore embarked on identifying a general, reversible, competitive PTP inhibitor that could be used as a common scaffold for lead optimization for specific PTPs. We here report the identification of 2-(oxalylamino)-benzoic acid (OBA) as a classical competitive inhibitor of several PTPs. X-ray crystallography of PTP1B complexed with OBA and related non-phosphate low molecular weight derivatives reveals that the binding mode of these molecules to a large extent mimics that of the natural substrate including hydrogen bonding to the PTP signature motif. In addition, binding of OBA to the active site of PTP1B creates a unique arrangement involving Asp(181), Lys(120), and Tyr(46). PTP inhibitors are essential tools in elucidating the biological function of specific PTPs and they may eventually be developed into selective drug candidates. The unique enzyme kinetic features and the low molecular weight of OBA makes it an ideal starting point for further optimization.
- Buist A, Zhang YL, Keng YF, Wu L, Zhang ZY, den Hertog J
- Restoration of potent protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity into the membrane-distal domain of receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha.
- Biochemistry. 1999; 38: 914-22
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Most transmembrane, receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) contain two cytoplasmic catalytic protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) domains, of which the membrane-proximal domain, D1, contains the majority of the activity, while the membrane-distal domain, D2, exhibits little or no activity. We have investigated the structural basis for reduced activity in RPTP-D2s, using RPTPalpha as a model system. Sequence alignment of PTP domains indicated that two motifs, the KNRY motif and the WpD motif, are highly conserved in all PTP domains, but not in RPTP-D2s. In RPTPalpha-D2, the Tyr in the KNRY motif is substituted by Val (position 555) and the Asp in the WpD motif by Glu (position 690). Mutation of Val555 and Glu690 had synergistic effects on RPTPalpha-D2 activity, in that the PTP activity of RPTPalpha-D2-V555Y/E690D was greatly enhanced to levels that were similar to or approaching those of RPTPalpha-D1. Therefore, Val555 and Glu690 are responsible in large part for reduced RPTPalpha-D2 activity. In addition, we established that the increased PTP activity is due to restoration of effective transition-state stabilization in RPTPalpha-D2-V555Y/E690D. Since the KNRY motif and the WpD motif are mutated in all RPTP-D2s, it is highly unlikely, due to lack of transition-state stabilization, that the residual RPTP-D2 catalytic activity plays a role in the function of RPTPs.
- Reynolds RA, Yem AW, Wolfe CL, Deibel MR Jr, Chidester CG, Watenpaugh KD
- Crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of Cdc25B required for G2/M phase transition of the cell cycle.
- J Mol Biol. 1999; 293: 559-68
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Cdc25B is a dual specificity phosphatase involved in the control of cyclin-dependent kinases and the progression of cells through the cell cycle. A series of minimal domain Cdc25B constructs maintaining catalytic activity have been expressed. The structure of a minimum domain construct binding sulfate was determined at 1.9 A resolution and a temperature of 100 K. Other forms of the same co?nstruct were determined at lower resolution and room temperature. The overall folding and structure of the domain is similar to that found for Cdc25A. An important difference between the two is that the Cdc25B domain binds oxyanions in the catalytic site while that of Cdc25A appears unable to bind oxyanions. There are also important conformational differences in the C-terminal region. In Cdc25B, both sulfate and tungstate anions are shown to bind in the catalytic site containing the signature motif (HCxxxxxR) in a conformation similar to that of other protein tyrosine phosphatases and dual specificity phosphatases, with the exception of the Cdc25A. The Cdc25B constructs, with various truncations of the C-terminal residues, are shown to have potent catalytic activity. When cut back to the site at which the Cdc25A structure begins to deviate from the Cdc25B structure, the activity is considerably less. There is a pocket extending from the catalytic site to an anion-binding site containing a chloride about 14 A away. The catalytic cysteine residue, Cys473, can be oxidized to form a disulfide linkage to Cys426. A readily modifiable cysteine residue, Cys484, resides in another pocket that binds a sulfate but not in the signature motif conformation. This region of the structure is highly conserved between the Cdc25 molecules and could serve some unknown function.
- Glover NR, Tracey AS
- Nuclear magnetic resonance and restrained molecular dynamics studies of the interaction of an epidermal growth factor-derived peptide with protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- Biochemistry. 1999; 38: 5256-71
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The epidermal growth factor-derived (EGFR988) fluorophosphonate peptide, DADE(F2Pmp)L, is a potent (30 pM) inhibitor of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (nOe) experiments have been used to determine the conformation of DADE(F2Pmp)L while bound in the active site of PTP1B. When bound, the peptide adopts an extended beta-strand conformation. Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations allowed the elucidation of the sources of many of the interactions leading to binding of this inhibitor. Electrostatic, hydrophobic, and hydrogen-bonding interactions were all found to contribute significantly to its binding. However, despite the overall tight binding of this inhibitor, the N-terminal and adjacent residue of the peptide were virtually unrestrained in their motion. The major contributions to binding arose from hydrophobic interactions at the leucine and at the aromatic center, hydrogen bonding to the pro-R fluorine of the fluorophosphonomethyl group, and electrostatic interactions involving the carboxylate functionalities of the aspartate and glutamate residues. These latter two residues were found to form tight contacts with surface recognition elements (arginine and lysine) situated near the active-site cleft.
- Glover NR, Tracey AS
- Structure, modelling, and molecular dynamics studies of the inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B by sulfotyrosine peptides.
- Biochem Cell Biol. 1999; 77: 469-86
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The protein tyrosine phosphatases comprise a class of enzymes that are crucial for the regulation of a number of cellular processes. Because of this, they are attracting increasing attention, not only as legitimate therapeutic targets, but also because of their relationship to many fundamental cellular processes. Certain sulfotyrosine peptides derived from casein are known to be good inhibitors of the protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTP1B. In this study, NMR transfer nuclear Overhauser effect studies have been used to ascertain the bound-state conformation adopted by the 12-amino acid residue casein-derived peptide, CAS200 (NANEEE(sY)SIGSA) and N-terminal truncated forms of this peptide, CAS203 and CAS205. Each of the peptides were found to bind in an extended beta-strand conformation. Extensive molecular modelling and molecular dynamics simulations of the PTP1B/peptide complexes, in a fully hydrated model, allowed a detailed description of the potential sources of the binding interactions to be developed. In agreement with the NMR studies, the modelling provided a picture of binding of CAS200 in which only the central (E203-I208) residues contributed significantly to the binding while the 3 N-terminal and 3 C-terminal residues were quite fluxional. Critical cationic surface residues, lying near to, but outside the active site pocket were the source of strong stabilizing forces that complemented the stabilizing interactions of the active site pocket. Electrostatic, hydrophobic, and hydrogen bonding interactions, in a residue specific manner, were all found to make significant contributions to the binding of these inhibitors.
- Angers-Loustau A, Cote JF, Tremblay ML
- Roles of protein tyrosine phosphatases in cell migration and adhesion.
- Biochem Cell Biol. 1999; 77: 493-505
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Signal transduction pathways are often seen as cascades of kinases, whereas phosphatases are relinquished to the housekeeping function of resetting the individual elements to a resting state. However, critical biological processes such as cellular migration require a coordinated and constant remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton as well as a rapid turnover of the cell-substratum linkages that necessitate the concomitant action of antagonistic enzymes. Tyrosine phosphorylation was long known to be involved in adhesion and de-adhesion mediated via the integrin receptors. As the roles of tyrosine kinases such as focal adhesion kinase, c-Src, and Csk in this pathway are being extensively studied, increasing evidence is emerging about the importance of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTP). In this review we discuss examples of PTPs that were recently shown to play a role in cell adhesion and migration and their mechanism of action.
- Jiang G, den Hertog J, Su J, Noel J, Sap J, Hunter T
- Dimerization inhibits the activity of receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatase-alpha.
- Nature. 1999; 401: 606-10
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are vital for regulating tryosine phosphorylation in many processes, including growth and differentiation. The regulation of receptor-like PTP (RPTP) activity remains poorly understood, but based on the crystal structure of RPTPalpha domain 1 we have proposed that dimerization can negatively regulate activity, through the interaction of an inhibitory 'wedge' on one monomer with the catalytic cleft of domain 1 in the other monomer. Here we show that dimerization inhibits the activity of a full-length RPTP in vivo. We generated stable disulphide-bonded full-length RPTPalpha homodimers by expressing mutants with single cysteines at different positions in the ectodomain juxtamembrane region. Expression of wild-type RPTPalpha and Phe135Cys and Thr141Cys mutants in RPTPalpha-null mouse embryo cells increased dephosphorylation and activity of Tyr 529 in the protein tyrosine kinase c-Src; in contrast, expression of a Pro137Cys mutant did not. Mutation of Pro 210/211 to leucine in the inhibitory wedge of the Pro137Cys mutant restored its ability to activate c-Src, indicating that dimerization may inhibit full-length RPTPalpha activity in a manner stereochemically consistent with RPTPalpha crystal structures. Our results suggest that RPTPalpha activity can in principle be negatively regulated by dimerization in vivo.
- Fischer EH
- Cell signaling by protein tyrosine phosphorylation.
- Adv Enzyme Regul. 1999; 39: 359-69
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The above data, and others not described herein, indicate the following: First, that phosphatases are not scavenger enzymes, simply there to remove the phosphate groups introduced by the kinases. They cannot be viewed simply as providing an 'off' switch in an 'on/off' kinase/phosphatase system. Kinases and phosphatases do not carry out one-way and opposing reactions. The same enzyme, depending on where it localizes within the cell, or the molecule with which it might interact, can serve either as a positive or negative determinant in defining cell behavior. In many instances, it can act synergistically with the kinases to enhance the phosphorylation reaction. Second, the factors that determine whether a phosphatase would enhance or oppose a kinase reaction would seem to depend less on its state of activity than on its subcellular localization. This would suggest that if one wanted to call upon it to control transformation, one should try to tamper with its localization segments or whatever binding proteins it might be attached to--rather than with its catalytic domains. Displacement of these enzymes from where they are meant to bind would seem a more promising approach than trying to modulate their catalytic activity. Finally, their architectural features are so basically different from those of the kinases, with receptor tyrosine phosphatases displaying all the structural characteristics of cell adhesion molecules, that they must also have a mission of their own in cell development, survival and death, quite apart from that of the kinases.
- Cummings FW
- Spatial patterning via PTP adhesive phosphatases.
- J Theor Biol. 1999; 196: 19-26
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Signaling pathways to the genome are a common way by which cells communicate with each other and their environment, and are often kineases or phosphatases. Patter formation is the differential spatial specification of gene activity necessary for multicellularity. It has been suspected that signaling pathways are crucial players in pattern formation in metazoans, but exactly how the pattern arise from the signaling systems has not been shown. The model discussed here is based on the protein tyrosine phosphatases, and it is shown how this important signaling system may straightforwardly produce patterns typical of early development. The protein tyrosine phosphatases have architectural characteristics basically different from those of the kinases, with the receptor tyrosine phosphatases displaying structural motifs of cell adhesion molecules. These membrane-spanning phosphatases then have a unique mission in cell growth, cell shape, and differentiation quite apart from that of the kineases. The complex intracellular biochemistry involved is modeled in the simplest way, with the intent that concepts be emphasized over biochemical detail.
- Gross S et al.
- Inactivation of protein-tyrosine phosphatases as mechanism of UV-induced signal transduction.
- J Biol Chem. 1999; 274: 26378-86
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UV irradiation of cells causes ligand-independent activation of receptor tyrosine kinases. On the basis of dephosphorylation kinetics, UV-induced inactivation of receptor-directed tyrosine phosphatases (PTP) has been proposed as the mechanism of receptor activation (Knebel, A., Rahmsdorf, H. J., Ullrich, A., and Herrlich, P. (1996) EMBO J. 15, 5314-5325). Here we show that four defined protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), SHP-1, RPTPalpha, RPTPsigma, and DEP-1, are partially inactivated upon UV irradiation of PTP-overexpressing cells. The dephosphorylation of coexpressed platelet-derived growth factor beta (PDGFbeta) receptor by RPTPalpha is inhibited upon UV irradiation. UV converts RPTPalpha into a substrate-trapping enzyme which can coprecipitate PDGFbeta receptor, similarly to the PTP mutant at the active-center cysteine: C433S. In agreement with the proposed mechanism that inactivation of PTPs accounts for receptor tyrosine kinase activation, no evidence for a UV-induced receptor cross-linking could be obtained in PDGFbeta receptor-enriched membrane micelle preparations and in PDGFbeta receptor overexpressing 293 cells. The intrinsic activity of PDGFbeta receptor kinase was required for the UV-induced enhancement of receptor phosphorylation, but was not changed upon UV irradiation. The data support a mechanism of UV-induced signal transduction involving inactivation of PTPs through an unknown reactive intermediate that oxidizes the conserved cysteine in the active sites of PTPs.
- Kolmodin K, Nordlund P, Aqvist J
- Mechanism of substrate dephosphorylation in low Mr protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- Proteins. 1999; 36: 370-9
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Substrate dephosphorylation by the low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases proceeds via nucleophilic substitution at the phosphorous atom yielding a cysteinyl phosphate intermediate. However, several questions regarding the exact reaction mechanism remain unanswered. Starting from the crystal structure of the enzyme we study the energetics of this reaction, using the empirical valence bond method in combination with molecular dynamics and free energy perturbation simulations. The free energy profiles of two mechanisms corresponding to different protonation states of the reacting groups are examined along stepwise and concerted pathways. The activation barriers calculated relative to the enzyme-substrate complex are very similar for both monoanionic and dianionic substrates, but taking the substrate binding step into account shows that hydrolysis of monoanionic substrates is strongly favored by the enzyme, because a dianionic substrate will not bind when the reacting cysteine is ionized. The calculated activation barrier for dephosphorylation of monoanionic phenyl phosphate according to this novel mechanism is 14 kcal mol(-1), which is in good agreement with experimental data. Proteins 1999;36:370-379.
- Tabernero L, Evans BN, Tishmack PA, Van Etten RL, Stauffacher CV
- The structure of the bovine protein tyrosine phosphatase dimer reveals a potential self-regulation mechanism.
- Biochemistry. 1999; 38: 11651-8
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The bovine protein tyrosine phosphatase (BPTP) is a member of the class of low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) found to be ubiquitous in mammalian cells. The catalytic site of BPTP contains a CX(5)R(S/T) phosphate-binding motif or P-loop (residues 12-19) which is the signature sequence for all PTPases. Ser19, the final residue of the P-loop motif, interacts with the catalytic Cys12 and participates in stabilizing the conformation of the active site through interactions with Asn15, also in the P-loop. Mutations at Ser19 result in an enzyme with altered kinetic properties with changes in the pK(a) of the neighboring His72. The X-ray structure of the S19A mutant enzyme shows that the general conformation of the P-loop is preserved. However, changes in the loop containing His72 result in a displacement of the His72 side chain that may explain the shift in the pK(a). In addition, it was found that in the crystal, the protein forms a dimer in which Tyr131 and Tyr132 from one monomer insert into the active site of the other monomer, suggesting a dual-tyrosine motif on target sites for this enzyme. Since the activity of this PTPase is reportedly regulated by phosphorylation at Tyr131 and Tyr132, the structure of this dimer may provide a model of a self-regulation mechanism for the low-molecular weight PTPases.
- Chernoff J
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases as negative regulators of mitogenic signaling.
- J Cell Physiol. 1999; 180: 173-81
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The regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation represents a key mechanism governing cell proliferation. In fibroblasts, inputs from both growth factor and extracellular matrix receptors are required for cell division. Triggering such receptors induces a wave of tyrosine phosphorylation on key signaling molecules, culminating in the activation of cyclin-dependent kinases and cell cycle progression. In general, protein tyrosine kinases stimulate, while protein tyrosine phosphatases inhibit, such cell proliferation pathways. The role of protein tyrosine kinases in mitogenesis has been extensively studied, but the identity and targets of the protein tyrosine phosphatases that regulate cell growth are not well described. In this review, I will survey recent advances in the identification and regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatases that downregulate cell proliferation.
- Ono K, Suga H, Iwabe N, Kuma K, Miyata T
- Multiple protein tyrosine phosphatases in sponges and explosive gene duplication in the early evolution of animals before the parazoan-eumetazoan split.
- J Mol Evol. 1999; 48: 654-62
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) regulate various physiological events in animal cells. They comprise a diverse family which are classified into two categories, receptor type and nonreceptor type. From the domain organization and phylogenetic tree, we have classified known PTPs into 17 subtypes (9 receptor-type and 8 nonreceptor-type PTPs) which are characterized by different organization of functional domain and independent cluster in tree. The receptor type PTPs are thought to be implicated in cell-cell adhesion by association of cell adhesion molecules. Since sponges are the most primitive multicellular animals and are thought to be lacking cell cohesiveness and coordination typical of eumetazoans, cloning and sequencing of PTP cDNAs of Ephydatia fluviatilis (freshwater sponge) have been conducted by RT-PCR to determine whether or not sponges have PTP genes in their genomes. We have isolated nine PTPs, of which five are possibly receptor type. A phylogenetic tree including the sponge PTPs revealed that most of the gene duplications that gave rise to the 17 subtypes had been completed in the very early evolution of animals before the parazoan-eumetazoan split, the earliest branching among extant animal phyla. The family tree also revealed the rapid evolutionary rate of PTP subtypes in the early stage of animal evolution.
- Uppenberg J, Lindqvist F, Svensson C, Ek-Rylander B, Andersson G
- Crystal structure of a mammalian purple acid phosphatase.
- J Mol Biol. 1999; 290: 201-11
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Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is a mammalian di-iron- containing enzyme that belongs to the family of purple acid phosphatases (PAP). It is highly expressed in a limited number of tissues, predominantly in bone-resorbing osteoclasts and in macrophages of spleen. We have determined the crystal structure of rat TRAP in complex with a phosphate ion to 2.7 A resolution. The fold resembles that of the catalytic domain of kidney bean purple acid phosphatase (KBPAP), although the sequence similarity is limited to the active site residues. A surface loop near the active site is absent due to proteolysis, leaving the active-site easily accessible from the surrounding solvent. This, we believe, gives a structural explanation for the observed proteolytic activation of TRAP. The current structure was determined at a relatively high pH and without any external reducing agents. It is likely that it represents an oxidized and therefore catalytically inactive form of the enzyme.
- Muda M, Manning ER, Orth K, Dixon JE
- Identification of the human YVH1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase orthologue reveals a novel zinc binding domain essential for in vivo function.
- J Biol Chem. 1999; 274: 23991-5
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A human orthologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae YVH1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase is able to rescue the slow growth defect caused by the disruption of the S. cerevisiae YVH1 gene. The human YVH1 gene is located on chromosome 1q21-q22, which falls in a region amplified in human liposarcomas. The evolutionary conserved COOH-terminal noncatalytic domain of human YVH1 is essential for in vivo function. The cysteine-rich COOH-terminal domain is capable of coordinating 2 mol of zinc/mol of protein, defining it as a novel zinc finger domain. Human YVH1 is the first protein-tyrosine phosphatase that contains and is regulated by a zinc finger domain.
- Wang Q, Scheigetz J, Gilbert M, Snider J, Ramachandran C
- Fluorescein monophosphates as fluorogenic substrates for protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999; 1431: 14-23
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A series of novel fluorescein monophosphates aimed as substrates for protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) were synthesized and evaluated against fluorescein diphosphate (FDP), the currently used fluorescent substrate for PTPs. In contrast to FDP, which is dephosphorylated to monophosphate and then to fluorescein in a sequential reaction, these monophosphates are dephosphorylated in a single step. This eliminates the complication in assaying PTPs due to the cleavage of the second phosphate group. The kinetic studies of these substrates with PTPs were performed and Michaelis-Menten parameters were obtained. These designed substrates have Km 0.03-0. 35 mM, kcat/Km of 3-100 mM-1 s-1 with CD45 and PTP1B. The results showed that the substrates with negative charge groups on the fluorescein have higher affinities for PTP1B, which are consistent with other observations. In this series, fluorescein monosulfate monophosphate (FMSP) was the best substrate observed. Since FMSP showed large increases in both absorption and fluorescence upon dephosphorylation by PTPs at pH>6.0, it is one of the most sensitive, stable and high affinity substrates reported for PTPs.
- Taing M, Keng YF, Shen K, Wu L, Lawrence DS, Zhang ZY
- Potent and highly selective inhibitors of the protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- Biochemistry. 1999; 38: 3793-803
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Several protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) have been implicated as regulatory agents in the insulin-stimulated signal transduction pathway, including PTP1B, PTPalpha, and LAR. Furthermore, since all three enzymes are suggested to serve as negative regulators of insulin signaling, one or more may play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. We report herein the acquisition of highly selective PTP1B-targeted inhibitors. We recently demonstrated that PTP1B contains two proximal aromatic phosphate binding sites [Puius, Y. A., Zhao, Y., Sullivan, M., Lawrence, D. S., Almo S. C., and Zhang, Z. Y. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 13420-5], and we have now employed this structural feature to design and synthesize an array of bis(aryldifluorophosphonates). Not only do the lead compounds serve as potent inhibitors of PTP1B but, in addition, several exhibit selectivities for PTP1B versus PTPalpha, LAR, and VHR that are greater than 2 orders in magnitude.
- den Hertog J
- Protein-tyrosine phosphatases in development.
- Mech Dev. 1999; 85: 3-14
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One of the most important mechanisms of eukaryotic signalling is protein phosphorylation on tyrosine residues, which plays a pivotal role in development by regulating cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. Cellular phosphotyrosine (P.Tyr) levels are regulated by the antagonistic activities of the protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). We have good insight into the function of PTKs at the molecular level and into the role of PTK-mediated signalling in development. Intuitively, PTPs and PTKs are equally important in development. Over the past decade, much emphasis has been placed on elucidation of the function of PTPs, which has led to good insights into the mechanism of PTP-mediated dephosphorylation. Although still relatively little is known about the role of PTPs in cell signalling and development, evidence is now emerging that several PTPs are crucial for proper development. Here I will introduce PTP-mediated signalling and discuss recent findings regarding the function of PTPs in development.
- Peters GH, Frimurer TM, Andersen JN, Olsen OH
- Molecular dynamics simulations of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B. I. ligand-induced changes in the protein motions.
- Biophys J. 1999; 77: 505-15
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Activity of enzymes, such as protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), is often associated with structural changes in the enzyme, resulting in selective and stereospecific reactions with the substrate. To investigate the effect of a substrate on the motions occurring in PTPs, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of PTP1B and PTP1B complexed with a high-affinity peptide DADEpYL, where pY stands for phosphorylated tyrosine. The peptide sequence is derived from the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR988-993). Simulations were performed in water for 1 ns, and the concerted motions in the protein were analyzed using the essential dynamics technique. Our results indicate that the predominately internal motions in PTP1B occur in a subspace of only a few degrees of freedom. Upon substrate binding, the flexibility of the protein is reduced by approximately 10%. The largest effect is found in the protein region, where the N-terminal of the substrate is located, and in the loop region Val198-Gly209. Displacements in the latter loop are associated with the motions in the WPD loop, which contains a catalytically important aspartic acid. Estimation of the pKa of the active-site cysteine along the trajectory indicates that structural inhomogeneity causes the pKa to vary by approximately +/-1 pKa unit. In agreement with experimental observations, the active-site cysteine is negatively charged at physiological pH.
- Uwanogho DA et al.
- Molecular cloning, chromosomal mapping, and developmental expression of a novel protein tyrosine phosphatase-like gene.
- Genomics. 1999; 62: 406-16
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) mediate the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine. PTPs are known to be involved in many signal transduction pathways leading to cell growth, differentiation, and oncogenic transformation. We have cloned a new family of novel protein tyrosine phosphatase-like genes, the Ptpl (protein tyrosine phosphatase-like; proline instead of catalytic arginine) gene family. This gene family is composed of at least three members, and we describe here the developmental expression pattern and chromosomal location for one of these genes, Ptpla. In situ hybridization studies revealed that Ptpla expression was first detected at embryonic day 8.5 in muscle progenitors and later in differentiated muscle types: in the developing heart, throughout the liver and lungs, and in a number of neural crest derivatives including the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. Postnatally Ptpla was expressed in a number of adult tissues including cardiac and skeletal muscle, liver, testis, and kidney. The early expression pattern of this gene and its persistent expression in adult tissues suggest that it may have an important role in the development, differentiation, and maintenance of a number of different tissue types. The human homologue of Ptpla (PTPLA) was cloned and shown to map to 10p13-p14.
- Mustelin T et al.
- The next wave: protein tyrosine phosphatases enter T cell antigen receptor signalling.
- Cell Signal. 1999; 11: 637-50
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Recent years have seen an exponentially increasing interest in the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction. Much of the focus has been on protein tyrosine kinase-mediated signalling, while the study of protein tyrosine phosphatases has lagged behind. We predict that the phosphatases will become a "hot topic" in the field within the next few years. This review summarizes the current state-of-the-art in our understanding of the structure, regulation and role of protein tyrosine phosphatases in T lymphocyte activation.
- Kolmodin K, Aqvist J
- Computational modeling of the rate limiting step in low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- FEBS Lett. 1999; 456: 301-5
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Hydrolysis of the phosphoenzyme intermediate is the second and rate limiting step of the reaction catalyzed by the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). The cysteinyl phosphate thioester bond is cleaved by nucleophilic displacement where an active site water molecule attacks the phosphorus atom. Starting from the crystal structure of the low molecular weight PTP, we study the energetics of this reaction utilizing the empirical valence bond method in combination with molecular dynamics and free energy perturbation simulations. The reactions of the wild-type as well as the D129A and C17S mutants are modeled. For the D129A mutant, which lacks the general acid/base residue Asp-129, an alternative reaction mechanism is proposed. The calculated activation barriers are in all cases in good agreement with experimental reaction rates. The present results together with earlier computational and experimental work now provide a detailed picture of the complete reaction mechanism in many PTPs. The key role played by the structurally invariant signature motif in stabilizing a double negative charge is reflected by its control of the energetics of both transition states and the reaction intermediate.
- Stravopodis DJ, Kyrpides NC
- Identification of protein-tyrosine phosphatases in Archaea.
- J Mol Evol. 1999; 48: 625-7
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Protein-tyrosine dephosphorylation is a major mechanism in cellular regulation. A large number of protein-tyrosine phosphatases is known from Eukarya, and more recently bacterial homologues have also been identified. By employing conserved sequence patterns from both eukaryotic and bacterial protein-tyrosine phosphatases, we have identified three homologous sequences in two of the four complete archaeal genomes. Two hypothetical open reading frames in the genome of Methanococcus jannaschii (MJ0215 and MJECL20) and one in the genome of Pyrococcus horikoshii (PH1732) clearly bear all the conserved residues of this family. No homologues were found in the genomes of Archaeoglobus fulgidus and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. This is the first report of protein-tyrosine phosphatase sequences in Archaea.
- Fordham-Skelton AP, Skipsey M, Eveans IM, Edwards R, Gatehouse JA
- Higher plant tyrosine-specific protein phosphatases (PTPs) contain novel amino-terminal domains: expression during embryogenesis.
- Plant Mol Biol. 1999; 39: 593-605
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Sequences encoding proteins with homology to protein tyrosine phosphatases have been identified in Arabidopsis, soybean and pea. Each contains a predicted catalytic domain containing sequence motifs characteristic of tyrosine-specific protein phosphatases (PTPs) which play an important role in signal transduction in other eukaryotes and are distinct from dual-specificity, cdc25 or low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatases. Their identity as PTPs was confirmed by characterising the soybean PTP expressed as a recombinant His-tagged fusion protein. The enzyme had phosphatase activity towards p-nitrophenolphosphate (pNPP) and phosphotyrosine, but did not hydrolyse phosphoserine or phosphothreonine at a measureable rate. Phosphotyrosine containing peptides also served as substrates, with Km values in the micromolar range. Activity was abolished by inhibitors specific for tyrosine phosphatases (vanadate, dephostatin) but was unaffected by inhibitors of serine/threonine protein phosphatases (fluoride, cantharidin, metal-chelating agents). Gel filtration chromatography showed that the recombinant enzyme was a monomer. The Arabidopsis PTP sequence was isolated both as a genomic clone and as a partial EST, whereas the pea and soybean sequences were isolated as cDNAs. Southern analysis suggested a single gene in Arabidopsis and a small gene family in pea and soybean. In pea, PTP transcripts were present in embryos, and decreased in level with development; transcripts were also detectable in other tissues. The plant PTPs all contain a similar N-terminal domain which shows no similarity to any known protein sequence. This domain may be involved in PTP functions unique to plants.
- Taylor SD, Kotoris CC, Dinaut AN, Wang Q, Ramachandran C, Huang Z
- Potent non-peptidyl inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- Bioorg Med Chem. 1998; 6: 1457-68
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The development of inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) has recently been the subject of intensive investigation due to their potential as chemotherapeutics and as tools for studying signal transduction pathways. Here we report the evaluation of a variety of small molecule, non-peptidyl inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), bearing the alpha, alpha-difluoromethylenephosphonic acid (DFMP) group, a non-hydrolyzable phosphate mimetic. A series of phenyl derivatives bearing a single DFMP group were initially surveyed. In general, these were not significantly more potent inhibitors than the parent compound, alpha, alpha-difluorobenzylphosphonic acid, with the exception being the meta-phenyl substituted species which decreased the IC50 by approximately 17-fold relative to alpha, alpha-difluorobenzylphosphonic acid. However, certain compounds bearing two DFMP moieties were very potent inhibitors. Some of these are among the most potent small molecule inhibitors of any PTP reported to date with the best one exhibiting a Ki of 1.5 microM. The structural basis for these results are discussed. One of the bis-DFMP inhibitors was examined in detail and it was found that the fluorines were essential for potent inhibition. Inhibition was independent of pH between pH 5.5-7.2 suggesting that both the mono and dianionic forms of the individual DFMP groups bind equally well. The trends observed in the inhibitory potency of these compounds with PTP1B were very similar to the trends observed by other workers on the K(m)'s of the analogous phenylphosphate substrates with rat PTP1. This indicates that studies of non-peptidyl substrates with rat PTP1 can be used as a guide for the development of human PTP1B inhibitors.
- Pennisi E
- Taking a structured approach to understanding proteins.
- Science. 1998; 279: 978-9
- Partanen S
- Histochemically demonstrable acid phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity in human tissues.
- Eur J Histochem. 1998; 42: 171-81
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A histochemical method for the demonstration of activity of acid phosphatase(s) hydrolyzing o-phospho-L-tyrosine at pH 6.2 is described. Due to the instability of ordinary acid phosphatase incubation media containing phosphotyrosine and lead salt, the latter was dissolved in citrate solution (possibly forming a chelate) to obtain a stable incubation mixture. Localization of enzyme activity at the cellular level was good. Phosphotyrosine is known to be hydrolyzed at slightly acid pH by prostatic, macrophagic, and low-molecular weight cytoplasmic acid phosphatases and phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases. These enzymes have been suggested or are established to be involved in cellular regulation by dephosphorylation of tyrosyl residues of proteins formed by various protein tyrosine kinases. An unexpected finding from various tissues was that the widely distributed lysosomal acid phosphatase did not contribute to the histochemical reaction, possibly due to poor hydrolysis of phosphotyrosine by lysosomal-type acid phosphatase. Various human tissues were studied for their acid phosphotyrosine phosphatase activities, which were then quantitated photometrically. Highest activity was found in the prostate glands, seminal vesicle epithelium, endometrial secretory glands, alveolar macrophages, stratum granulosum of the skin, and lymph nodes. The contribution of various enzymes hydrolyzing phosphotyrosine to histochemically detected activity in different tissues is discussed here.
- Wang F et al.
- Conformational and dynamic changes of Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase induced by ligand binding and active site mutation and revealed by H/D exchange and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.
- Biochemistry. 1998; 37: 15289-99
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPase) play important roles in the intracellular signal transduction pathways that regulate cell transformation, growth, and proliferation. Here, solvent accessibility is determined for backbone amide protons from various segments of wild-type Yersinia PTPase in the presence or absence of 220 microM vanadate, a competitive inhibitor, as well as an active site mutant in which the essential cysteine 403 has been replaced by serine (C403S). The method consists of solution-phase H/D exchange, followed by pepsin digestion, high-performance liquid chromatography, and electrospray ionization high-field (9.4 T) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Proteolytic segments spanning approximately 93.5% of the primary sequence are analyzed. Binding of vanadate reduces the H/D exchange rate throughout the protein, both for the WpD loop and for numerous other residues that are shielded when that loop is pulled down over the active site on binding of the inhibitor. The single active site C403S mutation reduces solvent access to the WpD loop itself, but opens up the structure in several other segments. Although the 3D structure of the ligand-bound C403S mutant is similar to that of the wild-type PTPase, and the C403S mutant and the wild-type enzyme display similar affinities for vanadate, the thermodynamics for binding of vanadate is different for the two proteins. Collectively, these results establish the flexibility of the WpD loop (previously inferred by comparing PTPase X-ray single-cyrstal diffraction structures in the presence and absence of a tungstate inhibitor), as well as several other signficant changes in segment exposure and/or flexibility that are not evident from X-ray structures.
- Grangeasse C et al.
- Functional characterization of the low-molecular-mass phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase of Acinetobacter johnsonii.
- J Mol Biol. 1998; 278: 339-47
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The ptp gene of Acinetobacter johnsonii was previously reported to encode a low-molecular-mass protein, Ptp, whose amino acid sequence, predicted from the theoretical analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the gene, exhibits a high degree of similarity with those of different eukaryotic and prokaryotic phosphotyrosine-protein phophatases. We have now overexpressed the ptp gene in Escherichia coli cells, purified the Ptp protein to homogeneity by a single-step chromatographic procedure, and analysed its functional properties. We have shown that Ptp can catalyse the dephosphorylation of p-nitrophenyl phosphate and phosphotyrosine, but has no effect on phosphoserine or phosphothreonine. Its activity is blocked by ammonium molybdate and sodium orthovanadate, which are strong inhibitors of phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatases, as well as by N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetic acid. Such specificity of Ptp for phosphotyrosine has been confirmed by the observation that it can dephosphorylate endogenous proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine, but not proteins modified on either serine or threonine. In addition, Ptp has been shown to quantitatively dephosphorylate two exogenous peptides, derived respectively from leech hirudin and human gastrin, previously phosphorylated on tyrosine. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis experiments performed on Cys11 and Arg16, which are both present in the sequence motif (H/V)C(X5)R(S/T) typical of eukaryotic phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatases, have demonstrated that each amino acid residue is essential for the catalytic activity of Ptp. Taken together, these data provide evidence that Ptp is a member of the phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase family. Furthermore, in search for the biological function of Ptp, we have found that it can specifically dephosphorylate an endogenous protein kinase, termed Ptk, which is known to autophosphorylate at multiple tyrosine residues in the inner membrane of Acinetobacter johnsonii cells. This represents the first identification of a protein substrate for a bacterial phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase, and therefore constitutes a possible model for analysing the role of reversible phosphorylation on tyrosine in the regulation of microbial physiology.
- Choi HJ, Kang SW, Yang CH, Rhee SG, Ryu SE
- Crystal structure of a novel human peroxidase enzyme at 2.0 A resolution.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1998; 5: 400-6
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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been implicated recently as an intracellular messenger that affects cellular processes including protein phosphorylation, transcription and apoptosis. A set of novel peroxidases, named peroxiredoxins (Prx), regulate the intracellular concentration of H2O2 by reducing it in the presence of an appropriate electron donor. The crystal structure of a human Prx enzyme, hORF6, reveals that the protein contains two discrete domains and forms a dimer. The N-terminal domain has a thioredoxin fold and the C-terminal domain is used for dimerization. The active site cysteine (Cys 47), which exists as cysteine-sulfenic acid in the crystal, is located at the bottom of a relatively narrow pocket. The positively charged environment surrounding Cys 47 accounts for the peroxidase activity of the enzyme, which contains no redox cofactors.
- Fauman EB et al.
- Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the human cell cycle control phosphatase, Cdc25A.
- Cell. 1998; 93: 617-25
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Cdc25 phosphatases activate the cell division kinases throughout the cell cycle. The 2.3 A structure of the human Cdc25A catalytic domain reveals a small alpha/beta domain with a fold unlike previously described phosphatase structures but identical to rhodanese, a sulfur-transfer protein. Only the active-site loop, containing the Cys-(X)5-Arg motif, shows similarity to the tyrosine phosphatases. In some crystals, the catalytic Cys-430 forms a disulfide bond with the invariant Cys-384, suggesting that Cdc25 may be self-inhibited during oxidative stress. Asp-383, previously proposed to be the general acid, instead serves a structural role, forming a conserved buried salt-bridge. We propose that Glu-431 may act as a general acid. Structure-based alignments suggest that the noncatalytic domain of the MAP kinase phosphatases will share this topology, as will ACR2, a eukaryotic arsenical resistance protein.
- Burke TR Jr, Zhang ZY
- Protein-tyrosine phosphatases: structure, mechanism, and inhibitor discovery.
- Biopolymers. 1998; 47: 225-41
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Protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and their associated signaling pathways are crucial for the regulation of numerous cell functions including growth, mitogenesis, motility, cell-cell interactions, metabolism, gene transcription, and the immune response. Since tyrosine phosphorylation is reversible and dynamic in vivo, the phosphorylation states of proteins are governed by the opposing actions of PTKs and protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). In this light, both PTKs and PTPs play equally important roles in signal transduction in eukaryotic cells, and comprehension of mechanisms behind the reversible pTyr-dependent modulation of protein function and cell physiology must necessarily encompass the characterization of PTPs as well as PTKs. In spite of the large number of PTPs identified to date and the emerging role played by PTPs in disease, a detailed understanding of the role played by PTPs in signaling pathways has been hampered by the absence of PTP-specific agents. Such PTP-specific inhibitors could potentially serve as useful tools in determining the physiological significance of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in complex cellular signal transduction pathways and may constitute valuable therapeutics in the treatment of several human diseases. The goal of this review is therefore to summarize current understandings of PTP structure and mechanism of catalysis and the relationship of these to PTP inhibitor development. The review is organized such that enzyme structure is covered first, followed by mechanisms of catalysis then PTP inhibitor development. In discussing PTP inhibitor development, nonspecific inhibitors and those obtained by screening methods are initially presented with the focus then shifting to inhibitors that utilize a more structure-based rationale.
- Zeng Q, Hong W, Tan YH
- Mouse PRL-2 and PRL-3, two potentially prenylated protein tyrosine phosphatases homologous to PRL-1.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998; 244: 421-7
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) play a fundamental role in regulating diverse cellular processes. PRL-1 is a unique nuclear PTP that is induced in mitogen-stimulated cells and regenerating liver. Database searches using the PRL-1 sequence led to the identification of mouse PRL-2 and PRL-3 which exhibit 87% and 76% identity to mouse PRL-1 in their amino acid sequences. All three mouse PRL proteins contain a C-terminal consensus sequence for prenylation. All PRL proteins bear significant sequence homology to Cdc14p and the recently identified tumor suppressor PTEN/MMAC1, in regions other than the conserved PTP signature motif. The nucleotide sequences of the coding regions of mouse PRL-2 and PRL-3 are, respectively, 71% and 62%, identical to mouse PRL-1, while the 5' un-translated regions of mouse PRL-1, PRL-2, and PRL-3 are much more divergent. Northern blot analysis revealed that PRL-2 is preferentially expressed in skeletal muscle, while PRL-3 is preferentially expressed in both skeletal muscle and heart, although both PRL-2 and PRL-3 are expressed at lower levels in other tissues.
- Yang J, Liang X, Niu T, Meng W, Zhao Z, Zhou GW
- Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
- J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 28199-207
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The crystal structures of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 catalytic domain and the complex it forms with the substrate analogue tungstate have been determined and refined to crystallographic R values of 0.209 at 2.5 A resolution and 0.207 at 2.8 A resolution, respectively. Despite low sequence similarity, the catalytic domain of SHP-1 shows high similarity in secondary and tertiary structures with other protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). In contrast to the conformational changes observed in the crystal structures of PTP1B and Yersinia PTP, the WPD loop (Trp419-Pro428) in the catalytic domain of SHP-1 moves away from the substrate binding pocket after binding the tungstate ion. Sequence alignment and structural analysis suggest that the residues in the WPD loop, especially the amino acid following Asp421, are critical for the movement of WPD loop on binding substrates and the specific activity of protein-tyrosine phosphatases. Our mutagenesis and kinetic measurements have supported this hypothesis.
- Yuan Y, Li DM, Sun H
- PIR1, a novel phosphatase that exhibits high affinity to RNA . ribonucleoprotein complexes.
- J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 20347-53
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases are involved in the regulation of important cellular processes such as signal transduction, cell cycle progression, and tumor suppression. Here we report the cloning and characterization of PIR1, a novel member in the dual-specificity phosphatase subfamily of the protein tyrosine phosphatases. PIR1 also contains two stretches of arginine-rich sequences. We have shown that the recombinant PIR1 protein possessed an intrinsic phosphatase activity on phosphotyrosine-containing substrate. A unique feature of this phosphatase is that it binds directly to RNA in vitro with high affinity. In addition, we have found that PIR1 interacted with splicing factors 9G8 and SRp30C, possibly through an RNA intermediate during a yeast two-hybrid screen. PIR1 exhibited a nuclear-staining pattern that was sensitive to RNase A, but not to DNase I, suggesting that PIR1 in the cells are associated with RNA and/or ribonucleoprotein particles. Furthermore, a fraction of PIR1 showed a speckle-staining pattern that superimposed with that of the splicing factor, SC35. Taken together, our data suggest that PIR1 is a novel phosphatase that may participate in nuclear mRNA metabolism.
- Sarmiento M, Zhao Y, Gordon SJ, Zhang ZY
- Molecular basis for substrate specificity of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 26368-74
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases can exhibit stringent substrate specificity in vivo, although the molecular basis for this is not well understood. The three-dimensional structure of the catalytically inactive protein-tyrosine phosphate 1B (PTP1B)/C215S complexed with an optimal substrate, DADEpYL-NH2, reveals specific interactions between amino acid residues in the substrate and PTP1B. The goal of this work is to rigorously evaluate the functional significance of Tyr46, Arg47, Asp48, Phe182, and Gln262 in substrate binding and catalysis, using site-directed mutagenesis. Combined with structural information, kinetic analysis of the wild type and mutant PTP1B using p-nitrophenyl phosphate and phosphotyrosine-containing peptides has yielded further insight into PTP1B residues, which recognize general features, as well as specific properties, in peptide substrates. In addition, the kinetic results suggest roles of these residues in E-P hydrolysis, which are not obvious from the structure of PTP1B/peptide complex. Thus, Tyr46 and Asp48 recognize common features of peptide substrates and are important for peptide substrate binding and/or E-P formation. Arg47 acts as a determinant of substrate specificity and is responsible for the modest preference of PTP1B for acidic residues NH2-terminal to phosphotyrosine. Phe182 and the invariant Gln262 are not only important for substrate binding and/or E-P formation but also important for the E-P hydrolysis step.
- Zhao Y, Wu L, Noh SJ, Guan KL, Zhang ZY
- Altering the nucleophile specificity of a protein-tyrosine phosphatase-catalyzed reaction. Probing the function of the invariant glutamine residues.
- J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 5484-92
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) catalysis involves a cysteinyl phosphate intermediate, in which the phosphoryl group cannot be transferred to nucleophiles other than water. The dual specificity phosphatases and the low molecular weight phosphatases utilize the same chemical mechanism for catalysis and contain the same (H/V)C(X)5R(S/T) signature motif present in PTPases. Interestingly, the latter two groups of phosphatases do catalyze phosphoryl transfers to alcohols in addition to water. Unique to the PTPase family are two invariant Gln residues which are located at the active site. Mutations at Gln-446 (and to a much smaller extent Gln-450) to Ala, Asn, or Met (but not Glu) residues disrupt a bifurcated hydrogen bond between the side chain of Gln-446 and the nucleophilic water and confer phosphotransferase activity to the Yersinia PTPase. Thus, the conserved Gln-446 residue is responsible for maintaining PTPases' strict hydrolytic activity and for preventing the PTPases from acting as kinases to phosphorylate undesirable substrates. This explains why phosphoryl transfer from the phosphoenzyme intermediate in PTPases can only occur to water and not to other nucleophilic acceptors. Detailed kinetic analyses also suggest roles for Gln-446 and Gln-450 in PTPase catalysis. Although Gln-446 is not essential for the phosphoenzyme formation step, it plays an important role during the hydrolysis of the intermediate by sequestering and positioning the nucleophilic water in the active site for an in-line attack on the phosphorus atom of the cysteinyl phosphate intermediate. Gln-450 interacts through a bound water molecule with the phosphoryl moiety and may play a role for the precise alignment of active site residues, which are important for substrate binding and transition state stabilization for both of the chemical steps.
- Cuppen E, Gerrits H, Pepers B, Wieringa B, Hendriks W
- PDZ motifs in PTP-BL and RIL bind to internal protein segments in the LIM domain protein RIL.
- Mol Biol Cell. 1998; 9: 671-83
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The specificity of protein-protein interactions in cellular signaling cascades is dependent on the sequence and intramolecular location of distinct amino acid motifs. We used the two-hybrid interaction trap to identify proteins that can associate with the PDZ motif-rich segment in the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL. A specific interaction was found with the Lin-11, Isl-1, Mec-3 (LIM) domain containing protein RIL. More detailed analysis demonstrated that the binding specificity resides in the second and fourth PDZ motif of PTP-BL and the LIM domain in RIL. Immunohistochemistry on various mouse tissues revealed a submembranous colocalization of PTP-BL and RIL in epithelial cells. Remarkably, there is also an N-terminal PDZ motif in RIL itself that can bind to the RIL-LIM domain. We demonstrate here that the RIL-LIM domain can be phosphorylated on tyrosine in vitro and in vivo and can be dephosphorylated in vitro by the PTPase domain of PTP-BL. Our data point to the presence of a double PDZ-binding interface on the RIL-LIM domain and suggest tyrosine phosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism for LIM-PDZ associations in the assembly of multiprotein complexes. These findings are in line with an important role of PDZ-mediated interactions in the shaping and organization of submembranous microenvironments of polarized cells.
- Xu Q, Fu HH, Gupta R, Luan S
- Molecular characterization of a tyrosine-specific protein phosphatase encoded by a stress-responsive gene in Arabidopsis.
- Plant Cell. 1998; 10: 849-57
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Protein tyrosine kinases and phosphatases play a vital role in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation in animal systems. However, none of these enzymes has been characterized from higher plants. In this study, we isolated a cDNA encoding a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) from Arabidopsis (referred to as AtPTP1). The expression level of AtPTP1 is highly sensitive to environmental stresses. High-salt conditions increased AtPTP1 mRNA levels, whereas cold treatment rapidly eliminated the AtPTP1 transcript. The recombinant AtPTP1 protein specifically hydrolyzed phosphotyrosine, but not phosphoserine/threonine, in protein substrates. Site-directed mutagenesis defined two highly conserved amino acids, cysteine-265 and aspartate-234, as being essential for the phosphatase activity of the AtPTP1 protein, suggesting a common catalytic mechanism for PTPases from all eukaryotic systems. In summary, we have identified AtPTP1 as a tyrosine-specific protein phosphatase that may function in stress responses of higher plants.
- Wishart MJ, Dixon JE
- Gathering STYX: phosphatase-like form predicts functions for unique protein-interaction domains.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1998; 23: 301-6
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The effects of tyrosine phosphorylation are manifested and regulated through protein domains that bind to specific phosphotyrosine motifs. STYX is a unique modular domain found within proteins implicated in mediating the effects of tyrosine phosphorylation in vivo. Individual STYX domains are not catalytically active; however, they resemble protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) domains and, like PTPs, contain core sequences that recognize phosphorylated substrates. Thus, the STYX domain adds to the repertoire of modular domains that can mediate intracellular signaling in response to protein phosphorylation.
- Peters JW, Lanzilotta WN, Lemon BJ, Seefeldt LC
- X-ray crystal structure of the Fe-only hydrogenase (CpI) from Clostridium pasteurianum to 1.8 angstrom resolution.
- Science. 1998; 282: 1853-8
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A three-dimensional structure for the monomeric iron-containing hydrogenase (CpI) from Clostridium pasteurianum was determined to 1.8 angstrom resolution by x-ray crystallography using multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) phasing. CpI, an enzyme that catalyzes the two-electron reduction of two protons to yield dihydrogen, was found to contain 20 gram atoms of iron per mole of protein, arranged into five distinct [Fe-S] clusters. The probable active-site cluster, previously termed the H-cluster, was found to be an unexpected arrangement of six iron atoms existing as a [4Fe-4S] cubane subcluster covalently bridged by a cysteinate thiol to a [2Fe] subcluster. The iron atoms of the [2Fe] subcluster both exist with an octahedral coordination geometry and are bridged to each other by three non-protein atoms, assigned as two sulfide atoms and one carbonyl or cyanide molecule. This structure provides insights into the mechanism of biological hydrogen activation and has broader implications for [Fe-S] cluster structure and function in biological systems.
- Goldstein BJ, Li PM, Ding W, Ahmad F, Zhang WR
- Regulation of insulin action by protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Vitam Horm. 1998; 54: 67-96
- Huyer G et al.
- Affinity selection from peptide libraries to determine substrate specificity of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Anal Biochem. 1998; 258: 19-30
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Affinity selection from peptide libraries is a powerful tool that has been used for determining the sequence specificities of a number of enzymes and protein binding domains, including protein kinases, src homology 2 domains, and PDZ domains. We have extended this approach to protein tyrosine phosphatases using peptide libraries containing a nonhydrolyzable phosphotyrosine analog, difluorophosphonomethylphenylalanine. A size-exclusion method is used to separate enzyme-peptide complexes from free peptide, providing several advantages over the traditional immobilized protein affinity column approach. In addition, the feasibility of using mass spectrometric detection to quantitate peptides rapidly and reproducibly is demonstrated as an alternative to quantitation by peptide sequencing. The validity of this analysis is demonstrated by synthesizing individual peptides and comparing their affinity for enzyme with the predictions from the affinity selection process. As a model for these studies the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B is used, providing additional insights into the sequence specificity of this enzyme. In particular, a selection for aromatic amino acids at the pY - 1 position (immediately N-terminal to the phosphotyrosine), as well as a broad pY + 1 selectivity, is observed in addition to the general preference for acidic residues N-terminal to the phosphotyrosine. The approach described here should prove applicable to protein tyrosine phosphatases in general as well as for the study of nonpeptidyl combinatorial libraries.
- Noguchi T, Matozaki T, Kasuga M
- [Roles of protein-tyrosine phosphatases in insulin-mediated signal transduction system]
- Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 1998; 43: 1200-8
- Ogata M
- [Protein tyrosine phosphatases in the signal transduction pathways of cell-adhesion]
- Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 1998; 43: 1176-85
- Arimura Y, Ogimoto M, Katagiri T, Yakura H
- [Regulation of lymphocyte signal transduction by protein tyrosine phosphatases]
- Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 1998; 43: 1169-75
- Yao ZJ et al.
- Structure-based design and synthesis of small molecule protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitors.
- Bioorg Med Chem. 1998; 6: 1799-810
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitors are attractive as potential signal transduction-directed therapeutics which may be useful in the treatment of a variety of diseases. We have previously reported the X-ray structure of 1,1-difluoro-1-(2-naphthalenyl)methyl] phosphonic acid (4) complexed with the human the protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and its use in the design of an analogue which binds with higher affinity within the catalytic site (Burke, T. R., Jr. et al. Biochemistry 1996, 35, 15989). In the current study, new naphthyldifluoromethyl phosphonic acids were designed bearing acidic functionality intended to interact with the PTP1B Arg47, which is situated just outside the catalytic pocket. This residue has been shown previously to provide key interactions with acidic residues of phosphotyrosyl-containing peptide substrates. Consistent with trends predicted by molecular dynamics calculations, the new analogues bound with 7- to 14-fold higher affinity than the parent 4, in principal validating the design rationale.
- Yakura H
- [Structure and function of protein tyrosine phosphatases]
- Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 1998; 43: 1131-5
- Hooft van Huijsduijnen R
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: counting the trees in the forest.
- Gene. 1998; 225: 1-8
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The recent identification of many different protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) has led to the recognition that these enzymes match protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) in importance for intracellular signalling. The total number of PTPs encoded by the mammalian genome has been estimated at between 500 and approx. 2000. These estimates are imprecise due to the large number of sequence database entries that represent different splice forms, or duplicates of the same PTP sequence. A careful analysis of these entries, grouped by identical catalytic domain shows that no more than 48 full-length PTP sequences are currently known, and that their total number in the human genome may not exceed 100. An alignment of all catalytic domains also suggests that during evolution intragenic catalytic domain duplication, as seen in most membrane-bound PTPs, preceded gene duplication.
- Zhang M, Stauffacher CV, Lin D, Van Etten RL
- Crystal structure of a human low molecular weight phosphotyrosyl phosphatase. Implications for substrate specificity.
- J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 21714-20
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The low molecular weight phosphotyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) constitute a distinctive class of phosphotyrosine phosphatases that is widely distributed among vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. In vertebrates, two isoenzymes of these low molecular weight PTPases are commonly expressed. The two human isoenzymes, HCPTPA and HCPTPB, differ in an alternatively spliced sequence (residues 40-73) referred to as the variable loop, resulting in isoenzymes that have different substrate specificities and inhibitor/activator responses. We present here the x-ray crystallographic structure of a human low molecular weight PTPase solved by molecular replacement to 2.2 A. The structure of human low molecular weight PTPase is compared with a structure representing the other isoenzyme in this PTPase class, in each case with a sulfonate inhibitor bound to the active site. Possible aromatic residue interactions with the phosphotyrosine substrate are proposed from an examination of the binding site of the inhibitors. Differences are observed in the variable loop region, which forms one wall and the floor of a long crevice leading from the active-site loop. A set of residues lying along this crevice (amino acids 49, 50, and 53) is suggested to be responsible for differences in substrate specificity in these two enzymes.
- Pannifer AD, Flint AJ, Tonks NK, Barford D
- Visualization of the cysteinyl-phosphate intermediate of a protein-tyrosine phosphatase by x-ray crystallography.
- J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 10454-62
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are signal transduction enzymes that catalyze the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine residues via the formation of a transient cysteinyl-phosphate intermediate. The mechanism of hydrolysis of this intermediate has been examined by generating a Gln-262 --> Ala mutant of PTP1B, which allows the accumulation and trapping of the intermediate within a PTP1B crystal. The structure of the intermediate at 2.5-A resolution reveals that a conformationally flexible loop (the WPD loop) is closed over the entrance to the catalytic site, sequestering the phosphocysteine intermediate and catalytic site water molecules and preventing nonspecific phosphoryltransfer reactions to extraneous phosphoryl acceptors. One of the catalytic site water molecules, the likely nucleophile, forms a hydrogen bond to the putative catalytic base, Asp-181. In the wild-type enzyme, the nucleophilic water molecule would be coordinated by the side chain of Gln-262. In combination with our previous structural data, we can now visualize each of the reaction steps of the PTP catalytic pathway. The hydrolysis of the cysteinyl-phosphate intermediate of PTPs is reminiscent of GTP hydrolysis by the GTPases, in that both families of enzymes utilize an invariant Gln residue to coordinate the attacking nucleophilic water molecule.
- Mustelin T et al.
- Lymphocyte activation: the coming of the protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Front Biosci. 1998; 3: 106096-106096
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The molecular mechanisms of signal transduction have been at the focus of intense scientific research world-wide. As a result, our understanding of protein tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling has advanced at an unprecedented pace during the past decade. In contrast, the study of protein tyrosine phosphatases is in its infancy, but is currently gathering momentum and is predicted to become a "hot topic" in the field within the next few years. This review summarizes the current state-of-the art in our understanding of the structure, regulation and role of protein tyrosine phosphatases in lymphocyte activation.
- Siminovitch KA, Neel BG
- Regulation of B cell signal transduction by SH2-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatases.
- Semin Immunol. 1998; 10: 329-47
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Tyrosyl phosphorylation plays a key role in B lymphocyte signaling. The mechanisms by which protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) regulate signaling pathways in B cells have been investigated extensively. More recently, attention has turned to the protein--tryosine phosphatases (PTPs), particularly those containing SH2 domains. SHP-1 has been shown to be a critical regulator of antigen receptor signaling, acting, at least in part, via inhibitory co-receptors containing SHP-1 binding sites. These studies have been aided considerably by the analysis of mice carrying naturally-arising mutations in the SHP-1 gene as well as mice bearing targeted mutations in other components of Be cells signaling pathways. The function of SHP-2 in B cells in less clear, although studies in other cell systems suggests that it may play a signal-enhancing role.
- Pellegrini MC et al.
- Mapping the subsite preferences of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-1B using combinatorial chemistry approaches.
- Biochemistry. 1998; 37: 15598-606
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) are important regulators of signal transduction systems, but the specificity of their action is largely unexplored. We have approached this problem by attempting to map the subsite preferences of these enzymes using combinatorial chemistry approaches. Protein-tyrosine peptidomimetics containing nonhydrolyzable phosphotyrosine analogues bind to PTPases with high affinity and act as competitive inhibitors of phosphatase activity. Human PTP-1B, a PTPase implicated to play an important role in the regulation of growth factor signal transduction pathways, was used to screen a synthetic combinatorial library containing malonyltyrosine as a phosphotyrosine mimic. Using two cross-validating combinatorial chemistry screening approaches, one using an iterative method and the other employing library affinity selection-mass spectrometric detection, peptides with high affinity for PTP-1B were identified and subsite preferences were detailed by quantitatively comparing residues of different character. Consistent with previous observations, acidic residues were preferred in subsites X-3 and X-2. In contrast, aromatic substitutions were clearly preferred at the X-1 subsite. This information supports the concept that this class of enzymes may have high substrate specificity as dictated by the sequence proximal to the phosphorylation site. The results are discussed with regards to the use of combinatorial techniques in order to elucidate the interplay between enzyme subsites.
- Cleghon V et al.
- Opposing actions of CSW and RasGAP modulate the strength of Torso RTK signaling in the Drosophila terminal pathway.
- Mol Cell. 1998; 2: 719-27
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In Drosophila, specification of embryonic terminal cells is controlled by the Torso receptor tyrosine kinase. Here, we analyze the molecular basis of positive (Y630) and negative (Y918) phosphotyrosine (pY) signaling sites on Torso. We find that the Drosophila homolog of RasGAP associates with pY918 and is a negative effector of Torso signaling. Further, we show that the tyrosine phosphatase Corkscrew (CSW), which associates with pY630, specifically dephosphorylates the negative pY918 Torso signaling site, thus identifying Torso to be a substrate of CSW in the terminal pathway. CSW also serves as an adaptor protein for DRK binding, physically linking Torso to Ras activation. The opposing actions of CSW and RasGAP modulate the strength of the Torso signal, contributing to the establishment of precise boundaries for terminal structure development.
- Fuchs M, Wang H, Ciossek T, Chen Z, Ullrich A
- Differential expression of MAM-subfamily protein tyrosine phosphatases during mouse development.
- Mech Dev. 1998; 70: 91-109
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The MAM-subfamily of type II transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) currently comprises the enzymes PTPkappa, PTPmu and PCP2. In an effort to elucidate the individual physiological roles of these closely related proteins we performed a detailed analysis of their mRNA transcript distributions at different stages of mouse embryogenesis and postnatal brain development. Our in situ hybridization studies revealed distinct and complementary expression patterns of PTPkappa, PTPmu and PCP2 transcripts. Based on our results and previous reports we discuss MAM-PTPases as a new class of morphoregulatory molecules.
- Peters GH, Frimurer TM, Olsen OH
- Electrostatic evaluation of the signature motif (H/V)CX5R(S/T) in protein-tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochemistry. 1998; 37: 5383-93
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The catalytic activity of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) is mediated by a cysteine side chain which carries out a nucleophilic attack initiating the phosphate cleavage. Experimentally, it has been observed that the active site cysteine has a remarkably low pKa. In the present study, we have investigated the origin of the low pKa by analyzing the electrostatic properties of four different protein-tyrosine phosphatases: Yersinia PTP (bacteria), PTP1B (human), VHR (human), and low molecular weight phosphatase (bovine). These phosphatases have very low sequence homology and show very low structural similarity. However, they share a common active site motif [the (H/V)CX5R(S/T) sequence] which adopts a unique loop structure. We have applied the so-called single site titration method, which is based on the Poisson-Boltzmann methodology, to (i) study the influence of the architecture of the (H/V)CX5R(S/T) loop on the pKa of the active cysteine and (ii) examine which parts of the active site region stabilize the ionized form of the cysteine. Our results indicate that the architecture of the (H/V)CX5R(S/T) loop has a major impact on the low pKa of the active cysteines. The orientation of the microdipoles generated by the partial charges of the backbone atoms (i.e., the CONHCalpha atoms) is essential for maintaining the low pKa. Further, the electrostatic field generated by these microdipoles has a larger impact than the electrostatic dipole generated by the central alpha-helix. Interactions of the active cysteine with other ionizable side chains play a minor role in stabilizing the thiolate anion. The only ionizable side chain significantly influencing the pKa of the active site cysteine is the arginine, which is an important part of the consensus sequence.
- Yang CQ, Friesel R
- Identification of a receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase expressed during Xenopus development.
- Dev Dyn. 1998; 212: 403-12
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To begin to determine the role of receptor-like tyrosine phosphatases during Xenopus development, we have isolated a cDNA predicted to encode receptor-like tyrosine phosphatase with significant amino acid sequence identity to mouse and human protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha (PTPalpha). Xenopus PTPalpha (XPTPalpha) exists as a maternally expressed mRNA that decreases in expression during gastrulation and then maintains a constant lower level of expression through early tadpole stages. In situ hybridization reveals that XPTPalpha mRNA is expressed throughout the gastrula stage embryo. During subsequent development, XPTPalpha mRNA becomes restricted in its expression to various regions of the brain and the visceral arches. XPTPalpha mRNA is also expressed in several adult tissues and in Xenopus XTC cells. Immunoblot analysis demonstrates that XPTPalpha protein is expressed at relatively uniform levels throughout development. Expression of XPTPalpha protein in insect cells with a recombinant baculovirus results in a glycosylated polypeptide of 110-130 kDa with intrinsic phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity. The spatial and temporal patterns of expression of XPTPalpha indicate that it may play multiple roles during early development including development of the brain.
- Martell KJ, Angelotti T, Ullrich A
- The "VH1-like" dual-specificity protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Mol Cells. 1998; 8: 2-11
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The number of dual-specificity protein tyrosine phosphatases has grown considerably in the last few years, and thus it would be helpful to organize these novel enzymes. The simple term "VH1-like" or "dual-specificity" phosphatase does not adequately reflect the different subclasses within this new and important phosphatase subfamily. In this article, we review the salient features of dual-specificity phosphatases and propose a novel classification scheme of these enzymes based on their structural motifs. Classification of dual-specificity phosphatases based on their motifs should serve as a useful organizational framework for bringing together this now large subgroup of phosphatases. Moreover, this classification scheme may hold predictive value, since some of these motifs may hold the key to new, undiscovered functional properties.
- Yakura H
- Phosphatases and kinases in lymphocyte signaling.
- Immunol Today. 1998; 19: 198-201
- Zhang M, Zhou M, Van Etten RL, Stauffacher CV
- Crystal structure of bovine low molecular weight phosphotyrosyl phosphatase complexed with the transition state analog vanadate.
- Biochemistry. 1997; 36: 15-23
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The early transition metal oxoanions vanadate, molybdate, and tungstate are widely used inhibitors for phosphatase enzymes. These oxoanions could inhibit such enzymes by simply mimicking the tetrahedral geometry of phosphate ion. However, in some cases, the enzyme-inhibitor dissociation constants (Ki) for these oxoanions are much lower than that for phosphate. Such observations gave rise to the hypothesis that in some cases these transition metal oxoanions may inhibit phosphomonoesterases by forming complexes that resemble the trigonal bipyramidal geometry of the SN2(P) transition state. As a test of this, the crystal structures of a low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase at pH 7.5 complexed with the inhibitors vanadate and molybdate were solved at 2.2 A resolution and compared to a newly refined 1.9 A structure of the enzyme. Geometric restraints on the oxoanions were relaxed during refinement in order to minimize model bias. Both inhibitors were bound at the active site, and the overall protein structures were left unchanged, although some small but significant side chain movements at the active site were observed. Vanadate ion formed a covalent linkage with the nucleophile Cys12 at the active site and exhibited a trigonal bipyramidal geometry. In contrast, simple tetrahedral geometry was observed for the weaker molybdate complex. These studies are consistent with the conclusion that vanadate inhibits tyrosine phosphatases by acting as a transition state analog. The structure of the vanadate complex may be expected to closely resemble the transition state for reactions catalyzed by protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Flint AJ, Tiganis T, Barford D, Tonks NK
- Development of "substrate-trapping" mutants to identify physiological substrates of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997; 94: 1680-5
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The identification of substrates of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) is an essential step toward a complete understanding of the physiological function of members of this enzyme family. PTPs are defined by a conserved catalytic domain harboring 27 invariant residues. From a mutagenesis study of these invariant residues that was guided by our knowledge of the crystal structure of PTP1B, we have discovered a mutation of the invariant catalytic acid (Asp-181 in PTP1B) that converts an extremely active enzyme into a "substrate trap." Expression of this D181A mutant of PTP1B in COS and 293 cells results in an enzyme that competes with endogenous PTP1B for substrates and promotes the accumulation of phosphotyrosine primarily on the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor as well as on proteins of 120, 80, and 70 kDa. The association between the D181A mutant of PTP1B and these substrates was sufficiently stable to allow isolation of the complex by immunoprecipitation. As predicted for an interaction between the substrate-binding site of PTP1B and its substrates, the complex is disrupted by vanadate and, for the EGF receptor, the interaction absolutely requires receptor autophosphorylation. Furthermore, from immunofluorescence studies, the D181A mutant of PTP1B appeared to retain the endogenous EGF receptor in an intracellular complex. These results suggest that the EGF receptor is a bona fide substrate for PTP1B in vivo and that one important function of PTP1B is to prevent the inappropriate, ligand-independent, activation of newly synthesized EGF receptor in the endoplasmic reticulum. This essential catalytic aspartate residue is present in all PTPs and has structurally equivalent counterparts in the dual-specificity phosphatases and the low molecular weight PTPs. Therefore we anticipate that this method may be widely applicable to facilitate the identification of substrates of other members of this enzyme family.
- Ramponi G, Stefani M
- Structure and function of the low Mr phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1997; 1341: 137-56
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Phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases (PTPases) catalyse the hydrolysis of phosphotyrosine residues in proteins and are hence implicated in the complex mechanism of the control of cell proliferation and differentiation. The low Mr PTPases are a group of soluble PTPases displaying a reduced molecular mass; in addition, a group of low molecular mass dual specificity (ds)PTPases which hydrolyse phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine/threonine residues in proteins are known. The enzymes belonging to the two groups are unrelated to each other and to other PTPase classes except for the presence of a CXXXXXRS/T sequence motif containing some of the catalytic residues (active site signature) and for the common catalytic mechanism, clearly indicating convergent evolution. The low Mr PTPases have a long evolutionary history since microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) counterparts of both tyrosine-specific and dsPTPases have been described. Despite the relevant number of data reported on the structural and catalytic features of a number of low Mr PTPases, only limited information is presently available on the substrate specificity and the true biological roles of these enzymes, in prokaryotic, yeast and eukaryotic cells.
- Byon JC, Kenner KA, Kusari AB, Kusari J
- Regulation of growth factor-induced signaling by protein-tyrosine-phosphatases.
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1997; 216: 1-20
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The binding of a growth factor to its specific receptor catalyzes a complex cascade of intracellular signaling events, characterized by changes in the phosphorylation state of many key proteins. Among these phosphorylation events, tyrosine phosphorylation plays a prominent role in the transmission of postreceptor signals. The state of tyrosine phosphorylation is regulated by the actions of protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein-tyrosine-phosphatases (PTPs). Dysregulation of either event can lead to abnormal cellular responses. PTPs generally act to regulate negatively-that is, to turn off-any signals generated by PTKs. However, this is not always the case, as seen by the phosphatase SHP-2, which can either be a positive or negative regulator of signal transduction depending on the particular cellular context. In addition, a novel family of dual specificity phosphatases has been recently discovered. These enzymes are capable of dephosphorylating phosphotyrosine and phosphothreonine/phosphoserine residues, and seem to play a significant role in attenuating the action of MAP kinases. Several themes appear throughout PTP regulation of growth factor signaling, including positive or negative regulation, importance of cell/ tissue type, identity of the receptor activated, and subcellular localization. Although only a handful of PTPs have been identified, the present work done in elucidating their function has revealed their significance in the maintenance of normal physiological responses to growth factors.
- Liang X, Meng W, Niu T, Zhao Z, Zhou GW
- Expression, purification, and crystallization of the catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.
- J Struct Biol. 1997; 120: 201-3
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The catalytic domain of SHP-1, a SH2-domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase, has been crystallized by the vapor diffusion method using polyethylene glycol as the precipitant. The crystals belong to the monoclinic space group P21 with unit cell dimensions a = 42.12 A, b = 87.94 A, c = 43.22 A, alpha = 90.0 degrees, beta = 120.12 degrees, and gamma = 90.0 degrees. There is one catalytic domain of SHP-1 per asymmetric unit. X-ray was diffracted to at least 2.5 A and the crystals are appropriate for high-resolution structure determination.
- Kwon HJ, Tirumalai R, Landy A, Ellenberger T
- Flexibility in DNA recombination: structure of the lambda integrase catalytic core.
- Science. 1997; 276: 126-31
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Lambda integrase is archetypic of site-specific recombinases that catalyze intermolecular DNA rearrangements without energetic input. DNA cleavage, strand exchange, and religation steps are linked by a covalent phosphotyrosine intermediate in which Tyr342 is attached to the 3'-phosphate of the DNA cut site. The 1.9 angstrom crystal structure of the integrase catalytic domain reveals a protein fold that is conserved in organisms ranging from archaebacteria to yeast and that suggests a model for interaction with target DNA. The attacking Tyr342 nucleophile is located on a flexible loop about 20 angstroms from a basic groove that contains all the other catalytically essential residues. This bipartite active site can account for several apparently paradoxical features of integrase family recombinases, including the capacity for both cis and trans cleavage of DNA.
- Myers MP et al.
- P-TEN, the tumor suppressor from human chromosome 10q23, is a dual-specificity phosphatase.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997; 94: 9052-7
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have long been thought to play a role in tumor suppression due to their ability to antagonize the growth promoting protein tyrosine kinases. Recently, a candidate tumor suppressor from 10q23, termed P-TEN, was isolated, and sequence homology was demonstrated with members of the PTP family, as well as the cytoskeletal protein tensin. Here we show that recombinant P-TEN dephosphorylated protein and peptide substrates phosphorylated on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues, indicating that P-TEN is a dual-specificity phosphatase. In addition, P-TEN exhibited a high degree of substrate specificity, showing selectivity for extremely acidic substrates in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mutations in P-TEN, identified from primary tumors, tumor cells lines, and a patient with Bannayan-Zonana syndrome, resulted in the ablation of phosphatase activity, demonstrating that enzymatic activity of P-TEN is necessary for its ability to function as a tumor suppressor.
- Liu ZJ et al.
- The first structure of an aldehyde dehydrogenase reveals novel interactions between NAD and the Rossmann fold.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1997; 4: 317-26
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The first structure of an aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is described at 2.6 A resolution. Each subunit of the dimeric enzyme contains an NAD-binding domain, a catalytic domain and a bridging domain. At the interface of these domains is a 15 A long funnel-shaped passage with a 6 x 12 A opening leading to a putative catalytic pocket. A new mode of NAD binding, which differs substantially from the classic beta-alpha-beta binding mode associated with the 'Rossmann fold', is observed which we term the beta-alpha,beta mode. Sequence comparisons of the class 3 ALDH with other ALDHs indicate a similar polypeptide fold, novel NAD-binding mode and catalytic site for this family. A mechanism for enzymatic specificity and activity is postulated.
- Hoffmann KM, Tonks NK, Barford D
- The crystal structure of domain 1 of receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase mu.
- J Biol Chem. 1997; 272: 27505-8
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Receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) play important roles in regulating intracellular processes. We have been investigating the regulation and function of RPTPmu, a receptor-like PTP related to the Ig superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. Recently, the crystal structure of a dimer of the membrane proximal domain of RPTPalpha (RPTPalpha D1) was described (Bilwes, A. M., den Hertog, J., Hunter, T., and Noel J. P. (1996) Nature 382, 555-559). Within this crystal structure, the catalytic site of each subunit of the dimer is sterically blocked by the insertion of the N-terminal helix-turn-helix segment of the dyad-related monomer. It was proposed that dimerization would lead to inhibition of catalytic activity and may provide a paradigm for the regulation of the RPTP family. We have determined the crystal structure, to 2.3 A resolution, of RPTPmu D1, which shares 46% sequence identity with that of RPTPalpha D1. Although the tertiary structures of RPTPalpha D1 and RPTPmu D1 are very similar, with a root mean square deviation between equivalent Calpha atoms of 1.1 A, the quaternary structures of these two proteins are different. Neither the catalytic site nor the N-terminal helix-turn-helix segment of RPTPmu D1 participates in protein-protein interactions. The catalytic site of RPTPmu D1 is unhindered and adopts an open conformation similar to that of the cytosolic PTP, PTP1B (Barford, D., Flint, A. J., and Tonks, N. K. (1994) Science 263, 1397-1404). We propose that dimerization-induced modulation of RPTP activity may not be a general feature of this family of enzymes.
- Mizuno K, Yakura H
- [Protein tyrosine phosphatases in the neural system]
- Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 1997; 42: 446-52
- Juszczak LJ, Zhang ZY, Wu L, Gottfried DS, Eads DD
- Rapid loop dynamics of Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochemistry. 1997; 36: 2227-36
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The Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPase) contain a single and invariant tryptophan (W354) located at one of the hinge positions of the flexible loop (WpD loop), which is essential for catalysis. The wild-type Yersinia PTPase and an active site mutant in which the esential Cys 403 has been replaced by serine (C403S) have been examined using both time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy and steady-state UV resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopies. Both enzymes were examined with and without the bound inhibitor arsenate. The UVRR spectra indicate that in solution the ligand-free, wild-type PTPase exists as an equilibrium mixture of two tryptophan rotamer structures with chi2,1 dihedral angles of -4 degrees and -90 degrees. The two rotamers have been attributed to the presence of both "closed" and "open" WpD loop conformers of the ligand-free enzyme. Conversely, the UVRR spectra of the arsenate-ligated, wild-type PTPase and of ligand-free and arsenate-ligated C403S PTPase contain a single W3 band which is correlated to the -4 degrees rotamer of W354, indicating a predominance of the closed WpD loop conformer. The tryptophan fluorescence anisotropy decay measurements of the ligand-bound, wild-type Yersinia PTPase and of both ligation states of the C403S PTPase reveal a single correlation time of 30-48 ns due to the rotational motion of the protein, while the ligand-free, wild-type PTPase is found to have two correlation times of 31 and 3.8 ns. The 3.8 ns correlation time of the ligand-free enzyme is attributed to the hinged movement of the WpD loop which contains W354. These results indicate that under physiological conditions, the nonligated, wild-type Yersinia PTPase alternates between an open WpD loop and a closed loop form with a rate constant of approximately 2.6 x 10(8) s(-1). We conclude that the rate of WpD loop closure of the wild-type Yersinia PTPase is thus independent of the presence of ligand, whereas in the presence of ligand the rate of opening is dramatically reduced resulting in a closed conformation on ligand binding. In contrast, the ligand-free and ligated C403S PTPase remain in the loop closed configuration over the time course of our dynamic measurements. The lack of WpD loop motion in the C403S PTPase is believed to be due to either a loss of repulsive potential between the anionic thiolate and Asp 356 of the WpD loop and/or the formation of a hydrogen bond or water bridged hydrogen bond between Ser 403 and Asp 356.
- Neel BG
- Role of phosphatases in lymphocyte activation.
- Curr Opin Immunol. 1997; 9: 405-20
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Many lymphocyte signaling pathways are regulated by protein tyrosyl phosphorylation, which is controlled by protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Substantial progress has been made in defining the functions of lymphocyte PTPs. Individual PTPs can enhance or diminish cell signaling levels. The transmembrane PTP CD45 is a key positive element in multiple lymphocyte signaling pathways in vivo. New insights into the function of individual CD45 isoforms have emerged. Anti-CD45 antibodies with potent immunosuppressant activity have been identified, suggesting that CD45 may be a propitious target for drug design. Progress has also been made in elucidating the function and targets of specific nontransmembrane PTPs, particularly those with Src homology 2 domains.
- Schaapveld R, Wieringa B, Hendriks W
- Receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases: alike and yet so different.
- Mol Biol Rep. 1997; 24: 247-62
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Reversible phosphorylation on tyrosine residues is an extremely rapid and powerful posttranslational modification that is used in signalling pathways for the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. Over the past several years an impressive number of receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTPase) family members have been identified by molecular cloning, and undoubtedly many more will follow. This review provides an overview of the molecular data that are available for the currently identified RPTPases and discusses their possible biological implications.
- van Montfort RL et al.
- The structure of an energy-coupling protein from bacteria, IIBcellobiose, reveals similarity to eukaryotic protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Structure. 1997; 5: 217-25
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BACKGROUND:. The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) mediates the energy-driven uptake of carbohydrates and their concomitant phosphorylation. In addition, the PTS is intimately involved in the regulation of a variety of metabolic and transcriptional processes in the bacterium. The multiprotein PTS consists of a membrane channel and at least four cytoplasmic proteins or protein domains that sequentially transfer a phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate to the transported carbohydrate. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of the IIB enzymes within the multiprotein complex would provide insights into the mechanisms by which they promote efficient transport by the membrane channel IIC protein and phosphorylate the transported carbohydrate on the inside of the cell. RESULTS:. The crystal structure of the IIB enzyme specific for cellobiose, IIBcellobiose (molecular weight 11.4 kDa), has been determined to a resolution of 1.8 and refined to an R factor of 18.7% (Rfree of 24. 1%). The enzyme consists of a single four-stranded parallel beta sheet flanked by helices on both sides. The phosphorylation site (Cys 10) is located at the C-terminal end of the first beta strand. No positively charged residues, which could assist in phosphoryl-transfer, can be found in or near the active site. The fold of IIBcellobiose is remarkably similar to that of the mammalian low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases. CONCLUSIONS:. A comparison between IIBcellobiose and the structurally similar low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases provides insight into the mechanism of the phosphoryltransfer reactions in which IIBcellobiose is involved. The differences in tertiary structure and active-site composition between IIBcellobiose and the glucose-specific IIBglucose give a structural explanation why the carbo-hydrate-specific components of different families cannot complement each other.
- Ramponi G, Stefani M
- Structural, catalytic, and functional properties of low M(r), phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases. Evidence of a long evolutionary history.
- Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 1997; 29: 279-92
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The PTPase family comprises a number of classes of functionally and structurally unrelated enzymes; it represents an important component of the protein-tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation machinery, which regulates the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of intracellular proteins. A wealth of recently reported data indicates growing interest in a group of PTPases characterized by low (near 20 kDa) molecular weight and high sequence homology (low M(r), PTPases). These enzymes are present in organisms spanning the philogenetic scale, from prokaryotes to yeast and mammals. The sequence homology of the low M(r), PTPases with other classes of PTPases is limited to the active site sequence CXXXXXRS/T, containing the Cys and Arg residues involved in enzyme catalysis found in all PTPases. The X-ray structural data of three enzymes belonging to different classes of PTPases, a bovine liver low M(r), PTPase isoenzyme, PTP1B, and Yersinia PTPase, show that all these enzymes maintain the same active site and overall catalytic mechanism, though displaying different chain foldings and topologies, supporting convergent evolution. Limited findings on the in vivo function of the low M(r), PTPases are presently available; however, an involvement of the mammalian enzymes in the membrane growth factor receptor signal transduction is emerging. The distribution of these enzymes in philogenetically distant unicellular and multicellular organisms supports their participation in important cell functions.
- Ulyanova T, Blasioli J, Thomas ML
- Regulation of cell signaling by the protein tyrosine phosphatases, CD45 and SHP-1.
- Immunol Res. 1997; 16: 101-13
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An equilibrium between positive and negative regulation of immunoreceptor signaling leads to the proper execution of lymphocyte activation. Tyrosine phosphorylation is the initial event in antigen receptor-induced lymphocyte activation. It is generally accepted that protein tyrosine kinases are involved in positive regulation, whereas protein tyrosine phosphatases are important for the negative regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent processes. However, the interaction between protein tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases is complex. This article discusses the role of two protein tyrosine phosphatases. CD45 and SHP-1, in the regulation of immunoreceptor signaling. SHP-1 acts as a negative regulator for several immunoreceptors, including those for T- and B-cell antigen receptors. The major role of CD45 is in the positive regulation of T- and B-cell antigen receptor signaling.
- Pani G, Siminovitch KA
- Protein tyrosine phosphatase roles in the regulation of lymphocyte signaling.
- Clin Immunol Immunopathol. 1997; 84: 1-16
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Tyrosine phosphorylation-based signaling cascades represent an integral component of the signaling circuitry connecting extracellular stimuli to cell response. As the molecular elements which drive such cascades have become increasingly well-characterized, appreciation has grown for the critical roles played by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in intracellular signal relay and for the capacity of PTPs to act not only as a counterbalance for protein kinase activities, but also as pivotal enzymes in directing and modulating signal relay and the translation of given stimuli to cell behaviour. PTP function has been particularly well studied in relation to lymphocyte antigen receptor signaling and the results of these studies have provided many novel and significant insights into the biochemical mechanisms whereby PTPs participate in the integration and interpretation of the complex transmembrane stimulatory signals driving cell function and development.
- Puius YA, Zhao Y, Sullivan M, Lawrence DS, Almo SC, Zhang ZY
- Identification of a second aryl phosphate-binding site in protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B: a paradigm for inhibitor design.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997; 94: 13420-5
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The structure of the catalytically inactive mutant (C215S) of the human protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has been solved to high resolution in two complexes. In the first, crystals were grown in the presence of bis-(para-phosphophenyl) methane (BPPM), a synthetic high-affinity low-molecular weight nonpeptidic substrate (Km = 16 &mgr;M), and the structure was refined to an R-factor of 18. 2% at 1.9 A resolution. In the second, crystals were grown in a saturating concentration of phosphotyrosine (pTyr), and the structure was refined to an R-factor of 18.1% at 1.85 A. Difference Fourier maps showed that BPPM binds PTP1B in two mutually exclusive modes, one in which it occupies the canonical pTyr-binding site (the active site), and another in which a phosphophenyl moiety interacts with a set of residues not previously observed to bind aryl phosphates. The identification of a second pTyr molecule at the same site in the PTP1B/C215S-pTyr complex confirms that these residues constitute a low-affinity noncatalytic aryl phosphate-binding site. Identification of a second aryl phosphate binding site adjacent to the active site provides a paradigm for the design of tight-binding, highly specific PTP1B inhibitors that can span both the active site and the adjacent noncatalytic site. This design can be achieved by tethering together two small ligands that are individually targeted to the active site and the proximal noncatalytic site.
- Bult A, Zhao F, Dirkx R Jr, Raghunathan A, Solimena M, Lombroso PJ
- STEP: a family of brain-enriched PTPs. Alternative splicing produces transmembrane, cytosolic and truncated isoforms.
- Eur J Cell Biol. 1997; 72: 337-44
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The family of striatal enriched phosphatases (STEPs) consists of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) that are enriched within the central nervous system. Previous biochemical studies have shown that the STEP family includes transmembrane, as well as soluble, cytosolic proteins. We now extend these findings with the isolation and characterization of a new, truncated member of this family, termed STEP38. The cDNA of STEP38 encodes a protein of 346 amino acids with a predicted mobility of 38 kDa. In contrast to the cytosolic variants, it contains two hydrophobic amino acid sequences at its N-terminus, two sequences enriched in Pro, Glu, Asp, Ser and Thr residues (PEST sequences), and two polyproline domains. We have used differential centrifugation, continuous sucrose gradients, and transfection experiments to clarify the subcellular localization of STEP38 within membrane compartments. These experiments suggest that a pool of STEP38 is targeted to membrane compartments of the endoplasmic reticulum. The STEP38 cDNA contains a stop codon upstream of the catalytic phosphatase domain that is normally present in other STEP variants, and enzymatic assays conform that STEP38 is inactive. Thus, the STEP family consists of cytosolic, transmembrane, and truncated isoforms. These findings are similar to what has been found for some members of the protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) family that uses alternative splicing mechanisms to produce active and inactive variants. By analogy with suggested mechanisms of action for the truncated PTKs, inactive STEP isoforms may participate in signaling events by protecting potential substrates from dephosphorylation by other members of this family.
- Hansson T, Nordlund P, Aqvist J
- Energetics of nucleophile activation in a protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Mol Biol. 1997; 265: 118-27
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The nucleophilic attack by cysteine 12 in the low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatase is believed to be carried out by the thiolate anion form of this residue. We here study the energetics of proton transfer between the thiol group of cysteine 12 and a substrate phosphate oxygen atom, to examine the effects of the enzymic environment on the stability of the thiolate nucleophile. This is done by molecular dynamics and free energy perturbation simulations, utilizing the empirical valence bond method to describe the potential surface of the system. The calculations show that the protein environment significantly stabilizes the thiolate ion, thereby setting the stage for the nucleophilic attack. We compare these results with those from further simulations of a mutant enzyme, and demonstrate the importance of serine 19 in thiolate stabilization.
- Zondag GC, Moolenaar WH
- Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases: involvement in cell-cell interaction and signaling.
- Biochimie. 1997; 79: 477-83
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Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) represent a relatively new family of cell-surface receptors consisting of a variable, putative ligand-binding ectodomain followed by a single transmembrane segment and one or two intracellular catalytic domains. The RPTPs are thought to transduce extracellular signals by dephosphorylating tyrosine-phosphorylated intracellular substrates. As such, they are the enzymatic counterparts of the well studied receptor tyrosine kinases. However, little is known about the signaling mechanisms and biological functions of the RPTPs. Recent studies show that the extracellular domain of certain RPTPs can mediate either homophilic or heterophilic interactions and suggest a role in cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion, possibly via an action on catenins. This review will focus on the role of RPTPs in cell-cell interaction and the possible biological implications.
- Dayton MA, Knobloch TJ
- Multiple phosphotyrosine phosphatase mRNAs are expressed in the human lung fibroblast cell line WI-38.
- Recept Signal Transduct. 1997; 7: 241-56
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases are important components of signal transduction pathways. The authors have used reverse transcription/polymerase chain reactions to accomplish a comprehensive examination of the RNA expression for 58 distinct mammalian protein tyrosine and dual specificity phosphatase (PTPase) and PTPase-like genes in the normal human diploid fibroblast cell line WI-38. Thirty-seven of these PTPase genes express easily measurable RNA, and four simultaneously express the RNA for two or more isoforms. Messages for an additional eight PTPase genes are detectable at low levels. Only 14 known PTPase genes do not express measurable RNA under our conditions. For purposes of comparison, the authors also assessed the PTPases expressed in the WI-38 cell line using highly degenerate primers to conserved motifs found in the classical tyrosine-specific PTPases. Only eight of the 22 classic tyrosine-specific PTPases detected using the specific primers were detected using these degenerate primers. Our panel of specific PTPase primers should be very useful for semiquantitatively assessing the repertoire of PTPases expressed by cells.
- Park HW, Boduluri SR, Moomaw JF, Casey PJ, Beese LS
- Crystal structure of protein farnesyltransferase at 2.25 angstrom resolution.
- Science. 1997; 275: 1800-4
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Protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) catalyzes the carboxyl-terminal lipidation of Ras and several other cellular signal transduction proteins. The essential nature of this modification for proper function of these proteins has led to the emergence of FTase as a target for the development of new anticancer therapy. Inhibition of this enzyme suppresses the transformed phenotype in cultured cells and causes tumor regression in animal models. The crystal structure of heterodimeric mammalian FTase was determined at 2.25 angstrom resolution. The structure shows a combination of two unusual domains: a crescent-shaped seven-helical hairpin domain and an alpha-alpha barrel domain. The active site is formed by two clefts that intersect at a bound zinc ion. One cleft contains a nine-residue peptide that may mimic the binding of the Ras substrate; the other cleft is lined with highly conserved aromatic residues appropriate for binding the farnesyl isoprenoid with required specificity.
- Wang H, Lian Z, Lerch MM, Chen Z, Xie W, Ullrich A
- Characterization of PCP-2, a novel receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase of the MAM domain family.
- Oncogene. 1996; 12: 2555-62
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DNA sequences encoding a novel member of the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (R-PTP) family, termed PCP-2, were identified in a human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cDNA library. Human PCP-2 cDNA predicts a protein of 1430 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 160 kDa. The predicted PCP-2 enzyme consists of a 740 amino acid extracellular region, a single transmembrane domain, and a 666 amino acid intracellular portion. The extracellular sequence contains a MAM (meprin/A5/PTPmu) domain, an immunoglobulin-like domain and four fibronectin type III-like repeats, suggesting that it is a member of the PTPkappa and PTPmu subfamily. The intracellular region contains two tandemly-repeated protein tyrosine phosphatase domains. Northern blot analyses revealed a single transcript of 5.5 kilobases, which is expressed at different levels in many human tissues except spleen and placenta. Upon transfection of PCP-2 cDNA into human embryonic kidney fibroblast 293 cells, a protein with an apparent Mr of 180 000 was detected by immunoblot analysis. This size was reduced to the predicted Mr upon treatment with endoglycosidase F, indicating that PCP-2 is glycosylated and, hence, expressed at the cell surface. A potential role of PCP-2 in cell-cell recognition and adhesion is supported by its co-localization with cell adhesion molecules, such as catenin and E-cadherin, at sites of cell-cell contact.
- Streuli M
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases in signaling.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1996; 8: 182-8
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During the past few years, molecular cloning has established the existence of a structurally diverse family of intracellular and transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases). The importance of PTPases in signaling is best understood in three model systems: the mammalian transmembrane CD45 PTPase, the Drosophila Src homology (SH)2 domain containing corkscrew PTPase and its vertebrate homolog SH-PTP2, and the mouse SH2-domain-containing hematopoietic cell PTPase. Whereas CD45, corkscrew and SH-PTP2 positively regulate tyrosine phosphorylation, the hematopoietic cell PTPase negatively regulates or terminates signaling. Recent data indicate that several transmembrane PTPases mediate cell adhesion, suggesting that they effect adhesion-specific signaling events.
- Cates CA et al.
- Prenylation of oncogenic human PTP(CAAX) protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Cancer Lett. 1996; 110: 49-55
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Many isoprenylated proteins are known to participate in signal transduction, but not all have been identified. Using an in vitro prenylation screen, two human cDNAs (PTP(CAAXI) and PTP(CAAX2)) homologous to the rat PRL-1 and human OV-1 protein tyrosine phosphatase genes were identified. PTP(CAAXI) and PTP(CAAX2) were farnesylated in vitro by mammalian farnesyl:protein transferase, and epitope-tagged PTP(CAAX2) was prenylated in epithelial cells. Overexpression of PTP(CAAXI) and PTP(CAAX2) in epithelial cells caused a transformed phenotype in culture and tumor growth in nude mice. Thus, PTP(CAAXI) and PTP(CAAX2) represent a novel class of isoprenylated, oncogenic protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Eckstein JW, Beer-Romero P, Berdo I
- Identification of an essential acidic residue in Cdc25 protein phosphatase and a general three-dimensional model for a core region in protein phosphatases.
- Protein Sci. 1996; 5: 5-12
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The reaction mechanism of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) and dual-specificity protein phosphatases is thought to involve a catalytic aspartic acid residue. This residue was recently identified by site-directed mutagenesis in Yersinia PTPase, VHR protein phosphatase, and bovine low molecular weight protein phosphatase. Herein we identify aspartic acid 383 as a potential candidate for the catalytic acid in human Cdc25A protein phosphatase, using sequence alignment, structural information, and site-directed mutagenesis. The D383N mutant enzyme exhibits a 150-fold reduction in kcat, with Kw only slightly changed. Analysis of sequence homologies between several members of the Cdc25 family and deletion mutagenesis substantiate the concept of a two-domain structure for Cdc25, with a regulatory N-terminal and a catalytic C-terminal domain. Based on the alignment of catalytic residues and secondary structure elements, we present a three-dimensional model for the core region of Cdc25. By comparing this three-dimensional model to the crystal structures of PTP1b, Yersinia PTPase, and bovine low molecular weight PTPase, which share only very limited amino acid sequence similarities, we identify a general architecture of the protein phosphatase core region, encompassing the active site loop motif HCXXXXXR and the catalytic aspartic acid residue.
- Muise ES, Vrielink A, Ennis MA, Lemieux NH, Tremblay ML
- Thermosensitive mutants of the MPTP and hPTP1B protein tyrosine phosphatases: isolation and structural analysis.
- Protein Sci. 1996; 5: 604-13
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A PCR-based random mutagenesis procedure was employed to identify several thermosensitive mutants of the MPTP enzyme, the murine homologue of the human T-cell PTPase and rat PTP-S enzymes. Four mutants with varying degrees of thermosensitivity were characterized for their thermostability and refolding properties following incubation at the nonpermissive temperature. Structure analysis of these mutations based on the hPTP1B co-ordinate structure demonstrates a clear relationship between the position of each mutated amino acid relative to the catalytic cysteine residue and their thermostability. Introduction of two of these mutations in the related enzyme hPTP1B suggests that the structural defects and the resulting thermosensitivity of these mutations may represent an intrinsic property of all PTPase catalytic domains.
- Matozaki T, Kasuga M
- Roles of protein-tyrosine phosphatases in growth factor signalling.
- Cell Signal. 1996; 8: 13-9
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) as well as protein-tyrosine kinases play key roles in various growth factor-or cytokine-mediated signal transduction pathways. Some PTP directly dephosphorylates tyrosine-phosphorylated growth factor receptors, whereas others mediate upstream signals to the downstream pathway as a second messenger of growth factor stimulus. In addition, some PTP functions as a negative feed-back signal in the growth-factor signalling. Since PTPs appear to regulate growth factor-mediated cell proliferation in both a positive and negative manner, overexpression or loss of certain types of PTPs might contribute to malignant transformation of cells.
- Gamper M, Howard PK, Hunter T, Firtel RA
- Multiple roles of the novel protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP3 during Dictyostelium growth and development.
- Mol Cell Biol. 1996; 16: 2431-44
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PTP3, the third nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase identified in Dictyostelium discoideum, has a single catalytic protein tyrosine phosphatase domain. Recombinant PTP3 exhibited phosphatase activity that was inhibited by vanadate. PTP3 is expressed at a moderate level during growth. The level of transcripts increased between growth and 8 h of development and declined thereafter. Expression of lacZ under the control of the PTP3 promoter indicated a spatial localization of PTP3 in the anterior-like and prestalk cell types. There are two copies of the PTP3 gene in this haploid organism. Disruption of one copy led to a slow-growth phenotype. We were unable to obtain a strain with disruptions in both PTP3 genes. Overexpression of wild-type PTP3 led to slower growth rates and the formation of large aggregation streams. These streams split into smaller aggregates, many of which then arrested in development. Overexpression of a catalytically inactive mutation (Cys to Ser) had no effect on growth rate; however, this strain also formed large aggregation streams that later split up into large and small mound structures and became fruiting bodies of various sizes. Antiphosphotyrosine Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of total cell proteins showed that the pattern of protein tyrosine phosphorylation was specifically altered in PTP3 mutants. Addition of growth medium to starving cells and a subsequent replacement with nonnutrient buffer led to reciprocal changes in the pattern of several phosphotyrosine proteins, including a protein of approximately 130 kDa. Analysis of strains overexpressing active or inactive PTP3 suggested that p130 is a potential substrate of PTP3. A transient posttranslational phosphorylation of PTP3 further supported the role of PTP3 in these processes. The data obtained strongly suggest new regulatory functions for PTP3 that are distinct from those described earlier for D. discoideum PTP1 and PTP2.
- Montal M
- Protein folds in channel structure.
- Curr Opin Struct Biol. 1996; 6: 499-510
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Advances have been made during the past year in our understanding of the structural basis of channel-protein function. With the convergence of conceptual and technical breakthroughs, we stand at the threshold of an exciting phase in the analysis of membrane proteins with the same molecular detail that used to be the exclusive domain of aqueous soluble proteins. The provocative prospect of establishing the occurrence of minimum units of structure with specific functional attributes may provide a realistic pathway towards understanding the fundamental principles underlying the sequence-structure determinism.
- Fauman EB, Yuvaniyama C, Schubert HL, Stuckey JA, Saper MA
- The X-ray crystal structures of Yersinia tyrosine phosphatase with bound tungstate and nitrate. Mechanistic implications.
- J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 18780-8
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X-ray crystal structures of the Yersinia tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) in complex with tungstate and nitrate have been solved to 2. 4-A resolution. Tetrahedral tungstate, WO42-, is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme and is isosteric with the substrate and product of the catalyzed reaction. Planar nitrate, NO3-, is isosteric with the PO3 moiety of a phosphotransfer transition state. The crystal structures of the Yersinia PTPase with and without ligands, together with biochemical data, permit modeling of key steps along the reaction pathway. These energy-minimized models are consistent with a general acid-catalyzed, in-line displacement of the phosphate moiety to Cys403 on the enzyme, followed by attack by a nucleophilic water molecule to release orthophosphate. This nucleophilic water molecule is identified in the crystal structure of the nitrate complex. The active site structure of the PTPase is compared to alkaline phosphatase, which employs a similar phosphomonoester hydrolysis mechanism. Both enzymes must stabilize charges at the nucleophile, the PO3 moiety of the transition state, and the leaving group. Both an associative (bond formation preceding bond cleavage) and a dissociative (bond cleavage preceding bond formation) mechanism were modeled, but a dissociative-like mechanism is favored for steric and chemical reasons. Since nearly all of the 47 invariant or highly conserved residues of the PTPase domain are clustered at the active site, we suggest that the mechanism postulated for the Yersinia enzyme is applicable to all the PTPases.
- Ranjan M, Hudson LD
- Regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation and protein tyrosine phosphatases during oligodendrocyte differentiation.
- Mol Cell Neurosci. 1996; 7: 404-18
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Tyrosine phosphorylation is key to the differentiation of oligodendrocytes, as the FGF2 and PDGF receptor tyrosine kinases are known to mediate the proliferation and maintenance of their precursors. Marked changes in the levels and localization of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins were found to accompany differentiation in the CG4 rat oligodendrocyte cell line. These alterations in phosphorylation as well as other differentiation-specific changes were found to be sensitive to inhibition by a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor. This suggested that at some point early in the differentiation process, tyrosine phosphatases are important. A differential display strategy revealed 11 distinct tyrosine phosphatases in the oligodendrocyte lineage, with both precursor cells and oligodendrocytes expressing four major phosphatase transcripts: PTP alpha, PTP zeta, PTP sigma, and PTP gamma. A majority of the phosphatases examined show an increase in their mRNA levels during differentiation, with a striking upregulation observed for PTP epsilon. Our results suggest a significant role for this class of signal transducers in oligodendrocyte differentiation.
- Denu JM, Stuckey JA, Saper MA, Dixon JE
- Form and function in protein dephosphorylation.
- Cell. 1996; 87: 361-4
- Hengge AC, Denu JM, Dixon JE
- Transition-state structures for the native dual-specific phosphatase VHR and D92N and S131A mutants. Contributions to the driving force for catalysis.
- Biochemistry. 1996; 35: 7084-92
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Isotope effects have been measured for the reaction of the human dual-specific phosphatase VHR with p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP). Isotope effects in the nonbridge oxygen atoms, in the bridge oxygen atom, and in the nitrogen atom were measured by the competitive method using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. These are isotope effects on V/K, and give information on the chemical step of phosphoryl transfer from substrate to the enzymatic nucleophile Cys-124. With native VHR, 18(V/K)nonbridge = 1.0003 +/- 0.0003, 18(V/K)bridge = 1.0118 +/- 0.0020, and 15(V/K) = 0.9999 +/- 0.0004. The values are similar to the intrinsic isotope effects for the uncatalyzed reaction, indicating that the chemical step is rate-limiting with the pNPP substrate. The transition-state structure resembles that for the uncatalyzed reaction and those previously found for the protein-tyrosine phosphatases YOP51 and PTP1, and is highly dissociative with P-O bond cleavage and protonation of the leaving group by the general acid Asp-92 both well advanced. The D92N mutant exhibits a transition state similar to that of the uncatalyzed reaction of the pNPP dianion, dissociative and with the leaving group departing as the nitrophenolate anion. The S131A mutation causes an increase in the pKa of the nucleophilic Cys, but the isotope effect data are unchanged from those for the native enzyme, indicating no effects of this increase in nucleophilicity on transition-state structure. The double mutant D92N/S131A manifests both the increase in pKa of the nucleophilic Cys and the loss of general acid assistance to the leaving group. In the absence of the general acid, the change in nucleophile pKa results in an increase in 18(V/K)nonbridge from 1.0019 (with D92N) to 1.0031 (with D92N/S131A), indicating loss of P-O nonbridge bond order in the transition state. It is concluded that this is more likely caused by electrostatic effects rather than resulting from increased nucleophile-phosphorus bonding in a less dissociative transition state, although the latter explanation cannot be excluded on the basis of the present data. Electrostatic effects between the thiolate anion nucleophile and the phosphoryl group may be an important part of the driving force for catalysis in this family of enzymes.
- Bilwes AM, den Hertog J, Hunter T, Noel JP
- Structural basis for inhibition of receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase-alpha by dimerization.
- Nature. 1996; 382: 555-9
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Receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs), like their non-receptor counterparts, regulate the level of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins derived from the action of protein-tyrosine kinases. RPTPs are type-I integral membrane proteins which contain one or two catalytic domains in their cytoplasmic region. It is not known whether extracellular ligands regulate the activity of RPTPs. Here we describe the crystal structure of the membrane-proximal catalytic domain (D1) of a typical RPTP, murine RPTP alpha. Significant structural deviations from the PTP1B fold reside within the amino-terminal helix-turn-helix segment of RPTPalphaD1 (residues 214 to 242) and a distinctive two-stranded beta-sheet formed between residues 211-213 and 458-461. The turn of the N-terminal segment inserts into the active site of a dyad-related D1 monomer. On the basis of two independent crystal structures, sequence alignments, and the reported biological activity of EGF receptor/CD45 chimaeras, we propose that dimerization and active-site blockage is a physiologically important mechanism for downregulating the catalytic activity of RPTPalpha and other RPTPs.
- Andersen G, Poterszman A, Egly JM, Moras D, Thierry JC
- The crystal structure of human cyclin H.
- FEBS Lett. 1996; 397: 65-9
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The crystal structure of human cyclin H has been solved at 2.6 A resolution by the MIR method and refined to an R-factor of 23.1%. The core of the molecule consists of two helical repeats adopting the canonical cyclin fold already observed in the structures of cyclin A [Brown et al. (1995) Structure 3, 1235-1247; Jeffrey et al. (1995) Nature 376, 313-320; Russo et al. (1996) Nature 382, 325-331] and TFIIB [Nikoilov et al. (1995) Nature 377, 119-128]. The N-terminal and C-terminal residues form a new domain built on two long helices interacting essentially with the first repeat of the molecule.
- Burke TR Jr et al.
- Small molecule interactions with protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B and their use in inhibitor design.
- Biochemistry. 1996; 35: 15989-96
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We have previously shown that a small peptide bearing the hydrolytically stable phosphotyrosyl (pTyr) mimetic, (difluorophosphonomethyl) phenylalanine (F2Pmp), is an extremely potent inhibitor of PTP1B, with an IC50 value of 100 nM [Burke, T. R., Kole, H. K., & Roller, P. P. (1994) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 204, 129-134]. We further demonstrated that removal of the peptide portion and incorporation of the difluorophosphonomethyl moiety onto a naphthalene ring system, but not a phenyl ring system, resulted in good inhibitory potency [Kole, H. K., Smyth, M. S., Russ, P. L., & Burke, T. R., Jr. (1995) Biochem, J. 311, 1025-1031]. In order to understand the structural basis for this inhibition, and to aid in the design of further analogs, we solved the X-ray structure of [1, 1-difluoro-1-(2-naphthalenyl)-methyl]phosphonic acid (6) complexed within the catalytic site of PTP1B, solved to 2.3 A resolution. In addition to showing the manner in which the phosphonate group is held within the catalytic site, the X-ray structure also revealed extensive hydrophobic interactions with the naphthalene ring system, beyond that possible with an analog bearing a single phenyl ring. It is further evident that, of the two fluorine atoms, the pro-R alpha-fluorine interacts with the enzyme to a significantly greater degree than the pro-S alpha-fluorine, forming a hydrogen bond to Phe 182. On the basis of a computer-assisted molecular modeling analysis, it was determined that addition of a hydroxyl to the naphthyl 4-position, giving [1, 1-difluoro-1-[2-(4-hydroxynaphthalenyl)] methyl]phosphonic acid (8), could potentially replace a water molecule situated in the PTP1B-6 complex, thereby allowing new hydrogen-bonding interactions with Lys 120 and Tyr 46. Compound 8 was therefore prepared and found to exhibit a doubling of affinity (Ki = 94 microM) relative to parent unsubstituted 6 (Ki = 179 microM), supporting, in principle, the development of high-affinity ligands based on molecular modeling analysis of the enzyme-bound parent.
- Fang KS, Martins-Green M, Williams LT, Hanafusa H
- Characterization of chicken protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha and its expression in the central nervous system.
- Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1996; 37: 1-14
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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are important in cell proliferation, differentiation and functioning of the central nervous system. We have identified a cDNA clone encoding a new transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase from a chicken brain cDNA library. The predicted amino acid sequence contains two phosphatase tandem repeats in the intracellular domain and multiple glycosylation sites in the extracellular domain. Since its intracellular domain shares 94% identity with human PTP alpha, we call it chicken PTP alpha (ChPTP alpha). Antibodies specific to ChPTP alpha recognize two major protein bands at 130 and 85 kDa in immunoblot and immunoprecipitation. ChPTP alpha transcript and protein are found in many tissues, but they are particularly abundant in brain. To gain insight into the function of PTP alpha s, we investigated the cell-type specific localization of ChPTP alpha in cerebellum by in situ hybridization and immunostaining. Throughout development, the level of ChPTP alpha remains similar from embryonic day 7 to post-hatching day 14, but the abundance and distribution of cells expressing this protein vary systematically through this period. During development, ChPTP alpha appears in pre-migratory and migrating granule cells, and in Bergmann glia and their radial processes. By 2-weeks after hatching, ChPTP alpha disappears from all cells of the cerebellum except Bergmann glia. Our data, which show for the first time the temporal and spacial distribution of a PTP alpha, suggest that these transmembrane phosphatases are important in the differentiation and function of Bergmann glia and in the migration of granule cells, and thereby play a role in development of the cerebellum.
- Rose JP, Wu CK, Hsiao CD, Breslow E, Wang BC
- Crystal structure of the neurophysin-oxytocin complex.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1996; 3: 163-9
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The first crystal structure of the pituitary hormone oxytocin complexed with its carrier protein neurophysin has been determined and refined to 3.0 A resolution. The hormone-binding site is located at the end of a 3(10)-helix and involves residues from both domains of each monomer. Hormone residues Tyr 2, which is buried deep in the binding pocket, and Cys 1 have been confirmed as the key residues involved in neurophysin-hormone recognition. We have compared the bound oxytocin observed in the neurophysin-oxytocin complex, the X-ray structures of unbound oxytocin analogues and the NMR-derived structure for bound oxytocin. We find that while our structure is in agreement with the previous crystallographic findings, it differs from the NMR result with regard to how Tyr 2 of the hormone is recognized by neurophysin.
- Schmid B, Wimmer M, Tag C, Hoffmann R, Hofer HW
- Protein phosphotyrosine phosphatases in Ascaris suum muscle.
- Mol Biochem Parasitol. 1996; 77: 183-92
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Two forms of protein tyrosine phosphatases were partially purified from the musculo-cutaneous layer of Ascaris suum. A 50-55-kDa soluble form of the phosphatase cross-reacted with antisera raised against human PTP-1B and TC-PTP. Like the enzyme of human origin the phosphatase from Ascaris exhibited a preference for anionic substrates (tyrosine-phosphorylated carboxymethylated and maleylated lysozyme) and was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of vanadate, molybdate, Zn2+, heparin, and poly(Glu4Tyr). As revealed by immuno-cytochemistry, the phosphatase was mainly localized and appeared equally distributed in the cytoplasm, apart from the myofibrils, possibly in loose association with cytoskeletal elements. A second tyrosine phosphatase of 180 kDa molecular mass was mainly found in detergent extracts from a microsomal fraction. It showed no cross-reactivity with antisera raised against soluble mammalian phosphatases and dephosphorylated a basic substrate (Tyr-phosphorylated myelin basic protein). It was resistant to common inhibitors of mammalian tyrosine phosphatases except Zn2+ and thiol reagents.
- Taylor WP, Zhang ZY, Widlanski TS
- Quiescent affinity inactivators of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Bioorg Med Chem. 1996; 4: 1515-20
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alpha-Halobenzylphosphonates were investigated as possible inactivators of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases). These compounds inactivate the Yersinia PTPase (Yop51*delta 162) in a time- and concentration-dependent fashion. This inactivation is active-site directed and irreversible, and is surprisingly rapid in light of the stability of the alpha-halobenzylphosphonates toward nucleophiles in solution. The potential of these molecules for probing the stereochemistry of PTPase inactivation, as well as for providing a useful paradigm for the design of more potent PTPase inhibitors is discussed.
- Denu JM, Lohse DL, Vijayalakshmi J, Saper MA, Dixon JE
- Visualization of intermediate and transition-state structures in protein-tyrosine phosphatase catalysis.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996; 93: 2493-8
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Engineering site-specific amino acid substitutions into the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) PTP1 and the dual-specific vaccinia H1-related phosphatase (VHR), has kinetically isolated the two chemical steps of the reaction and provided a rare opportunity for examining transition states and directly observing the phosphoenzyme intermediate. Changing serine to alanine in the active-site sequence motif HCXXGXXRS shifted the rate-limiting step from intermediate formation to intermediate hydrolysis. Using phosphorus 31P NMR, the covalent thiol-phosphate intermediate was directly observed during catalytic turnover. The importance of the conserved aspartic acid (D92 in VHR and D181 in PTP1) in both chemical steps was established. Kinetic analysis of D92N and D181N mutants indicated that aspartic acid acts as a general acid by protonating the leaving-group phenolic oxygen. Structure-reactivity experiments with native and aspartate mutant enzymes established that proton transfer is concomitant with P-O cleavage, such that no charge develops on the phenolic oxygen. Steady- and presteady-state kinetics, as well as NMR analysis of the double mutant D92N/S131A (VHR), suggested that the conserved aspartic acid functions as a general base during intermediate hydrolysis. As a general base, aspartate would activate a water molecule to facilitate nucleophilic attack. The amino acids involved in transition-state stabilization for cysteinylphosphate hydrolysis were confirmed by the x-ray structure of the Yersinia PTPase complexed with vanadate, a transition-state mimic that binds covalently to the active-site cysteine. Consistent with the NMR, x-ray, biochemical, and kinetic data, a unifying mechanism for catalysis is proposed.
- Zhao Y, Zhang ZY
- Reactivity of alcohols toward the phosphoenzyme intermediate in the protein-tyrosine phosphatase-catalyzed reaction: probing the transition state of the dephosphorylation step.
- Biochemistry. 1996; 35: 11797-804
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In solution phosphate monoesters hydrolyze via a highly dissociative mechanism involving a "loose" or "exploded" metaphosphate-like transition state where bond formation to the incoming nucleophile is minimal and bond breaking between phosphorus and the leaving group is substantial. To better understand how protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) effects catalysis, it is important to determine the nature of the enzymic transition state. PTPases catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters by a two-step mechanism that proceeds through a phosphoenzyme intermediate (E-P). Extensive heavy atom kinetic isotope effect and leaving group dependency studies have provided insights into the nature of the transition state for the first step (E-P formation) of the PTPase reaction. In this paper we have probed the transition state for the low M(r) PTPase-catalyzed dephosphorylation step by studying the effect of changing the alcohol basicity on its reactivity toward E-P. The Bronsted beta nu value for the reactions of alcohols and E-P is determined to be 0.14, which indicates that the enzymic transition state is highly dissociative and similar to that in uncatalyzed solution reactions. We show that the conserved hydroxyl group in the PTPase signature motif is primarily involved in the E-P dephosphorylation step. We further demonstrate that elimination of the hydroxyl group renders the transition state for E-P dephosphorylation less dissociative, suggesting that the main function of the hydroxyl group in the PTPase active site is to promote the E-P going through a dissociative pathway and to stabilize the dissociative transition state.
- Laporte J et al.
- A gene mutated in X-linked myotubular myopathy defines a new putative tyrosine phosphatase family conserved in yeast.
- Nat Genet. 1996; 13: 175-82
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X-linked recessive myotubular myopathy (MTM1) is characterized by severe hypotonia and generalized muscle weakness, with impaired maturation of muscle fibres. We have restricted the candidate region to 280 kb and characterized two candidate genes using positional cloning strategies. The presence of frameshift or missense mutations (of which two are new mutations) in seven patients proved that one of these genes is indeed implicated in MTM1. The protein encoded by the MTM1 gene is highly conserved in yeast, which is surprising for a muscle specific disease. The protein contains the consensus sequence for the active site of tyrosine phosphatases, a wide class of proteins involved in signal transduction. At least three other genes, one located within 100 kb distal from the MTM1 gene, encode proteins with very high sequence similarities and define, together with the MTM1 gene, a new family of putative tyrosine phosphatases in man.
- Charest A, Wagner J, Jacob S, McGlade CJ, Tremblay ML
- Phosphotyrosine-independent binding of SHC to the NPLH sequence of murine protein-tyrosine phosphatase-PEST. Evidence for extended phosphotyrosine binding/phosphotyrosine interaction domain recognition specificity.
- J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 8424-9
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The phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) or phosphotyrosine interaction (PI) domain of the proto-oncoprotein p52SHC binds to an NPXpY consensus sequence found in several growth factor receptors (Kavanaugh, W. M., Turck, C. W., and Williams, L. T. (1994) Science 268, 1177-1179). The amino-terminal region of p52SHC, which includes the PTB/PI domain, has been previously shown to associate with protein-tyrosine phosphatase-PEST (PTP-PEST) in vivo (Habib, T. , Herrera, R., and Decker, S. J. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 25243-25246). We report here the detailed mapping of this interaction in a murine context using glutathione S-transferase fusion protein binding studies and peptide competition assays. We show that the interaction between murine SHC and murine PTP-PEST is mediated through the PTB/PI domain of murine SHC and an NPLH sequence found in the carboxyl terminus of murine PTP-PEST. Since this interaction is not dependent on the presence of a tyrosine-phosphorylated residue in the target sequence, this reveals that the PTB/PI domain of SHC can recognize both tyrosine-phosphorylated sequences and non-tyrosine-based recognition motifs.
- Zhao Z
- Thiophosphate derivatives as inhibitors of tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1996; 218: 480-4
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Thiophosphorylated proteins or peptides are poor substrates of protein phosphatases. As a competitive inhibitor of a protein tyrosine phosphatase, a tyrosine-thiophosphorylated nonapeptide ENDYINASL displays a KI value of 0.25 microM, in comparison with the Km value of 3.1 microM exerted by the enzyme toward the phosphorylated form of the peptide. Furthermore, adenosine 5'-O-3-thiotriphosphate is also an effective competitive inhibitor of the enzyme with a KI value of 1.4 microM. In contrast, ATP and 5'-adenylimidodiphosphate are much less effective, indicating that the thiophosphate group plays a major role in the inhibition process. Further supporting this is the fact that sodium thiophosphate is a more effective inhibitor than inorganic phosphate (IC50 = 0.47 mM versus 15 mM). The inhibition by thiophosphate compounds is specific for PTPs. The data suggest the application of thiophosphate derivatives as specific inhibitors of PTPs.
- Magistrelli G, Toma S, Isacchi A
- Substitution of two variant residues in the protein tyrosine phosphatase-like PTP35/IA-2 sequence reconstitutes catalytic activity.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1996; 227: 581-8
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The PTP35/IA-2 protein shows high homology to protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) but harbours a few changes in invariant PTPase residues. Accordingly, PTP35/IA-2 has been reported to lack catalytic activity in vitro, and its in vivo biological function remains to be determined. We investigated if reversion of selected amino acids to the PTPase consensus could reconstitute enzymatic activity. Substitution of aspartic acid 911 in the putative active site with alanine resulted in the appearance of low but reproducible activity on pNPP dephosphorylation. Moreover, contemporary replacement of alanine 877 with aspartic acid greatly increased the catalytic efficiency of the D911A mutant. The A877D/D911A double mutant protein was also found to specifically dephosphorylate myelin basic protein phosphorylated on tyrosine. These results suggest that the general scaffold of the PTP35 protein is compatible with a common catalytic mechanism shared by PTPases and argue against an intrinsic enzymatic function of the wild type form.
- Chen L, Montserat J, Lawrence DS, Zhang ZY
- VHR and PTP1 protein phosphatases exhibit remarkably different active site specificities toward low molecular weight nonpeptidic substrates.
- Biochemistry. 1996; 35: 9349-54
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The dual-specificity protein phosphatases have recently been shown to act as key regulators of mitogenic signaling pathways as well as of the cell cycle process. The are unusual catalysts in that they can utilize protein substrates containing phosphotyrosine as well as phosphoserine/threonine. The dual-specificity phosphatases and the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPase) share the active site motif (H/V)C(X)5R(S/T) but display little amino acid sequence identity outside of the active site. Although the dual-specificity phosphatases and the PTPases appear to bring about phosphate monoester hydrolysis through a similar mechanism, there is very limited information about the structural features that control the substrate specificity for the two groups of enzymes. As a first step in the development of selective dual-specificity phosphatase inhibitors, we have examined the active site substrate specificity of the human dual-specificity phosphatase, VHR [for VH1-Related; Ishibashi et al. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 12170-12174]. Like the tyrosine-specific PTP1, VHR also preferentially catalyzes the hydrolysis of aromatic phosphates. However, we demonstrate herein that relatively modest changes in the substitution patterns on the phosphorylated aromatic nucleus generates dramatic, and differential, swings in substrate selectivity for VHR and PTP1. For example, VHR appears to be significantly more accommodating than PTP1 toward sterically-demanding substrates. Thus, the active site specificity of these two protein phosphatases is decidedly dissimilar. In addition, we have also identified several low molecular weight compounds that are more efficient substrates than the most potent peptidic substrates ever reported for VHR. Finally, we have shown that the Michaelis constants exhibited by these substrates are accurate assessments of enzyme affinity. Consequently, it should be possible to develop phospatase-selective inhibitors based upon the distinct substrate specificities of these enzymes.
- Dunn D, Chen L, Lawrence DS, Zhang ZY
- The active site specificity of the Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 168-73
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Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase substrates have been synthesized employing an expedient methodology that incorporates phosphorylated non-amino acid residues into an active site-directed peptide. While the peptidic portion of these compounds serves an enzyme targeting role, the nonpeptidic component provides a critical assessment of the range of functionality that can be accommodated within the active site region. We have found that the Yersinia phosphatase hydrolyzes both L- and D-stereoisomers of phosphotyrosine in active site-directed peptides, with the former serving as a 10-fold more efficient substrate than the latter. In addition, this enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of a variety of aromatic and aliphatic phosphates. Indeed, a peptide bearing the achiral phosphotyrosine analog, phosphotyramine, is not only the most efficient substrate described in this study, it is also one of the most efficient substrates ever reported for the Yersinia phosphatase. Straight chain peptide-bound aliphatic phosphates of the general structure, (Glu)4-NH-(CH2)n-OPO3(2-) (n = 2-8), are also hydrolyzed, where the most efficient substrate contains seven methylene groups. Finally, a comparison of the substrate efficacy of the peptide-bound species with that of the corresponding non-peptidic analogs, reveals that the peptide component enhances kcat/Km by up to nearly 3 orders of magnitude.
- Montserat J, Chen L, Lawrence DS, Zhang ZY
- Potent low molecular weight substrates for protein-tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 7868-72
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The ability of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) to catalyze the hydrolysis of simple aromatic phosphates has been recognized for some time. However, these compounds are significantly poorer substrates than their peptide-based counterparts containing phosphotyrosine. Consequently, the effort to create potent PTPase substrates has predominantly focused on the use of peptidic carriers to deliver the phosphotyrosine moiety to the enzyme active site. We now report the synthesis and evaluation of several low molecular weight aromatic phosphates that serve as robust substrates for the rat PTPase, PTP1. We initially surveyed the ability of PTP1 to catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of phenyl phosphate structural variants. Sterically demanding substituents positioned ortho and (to a lesser extent) meta to the phosphate group severely compromise the ability of these species to serve as phosphatase substrates. However, both benzylic and negatively charged substituents para to the hydrolyzable phosphate dramatically promote hydrolytic efficiency, which appears to be augmented through a dramatic enhancement in the affinity of the substrate for PTP1. The best substrate examined in this study exhibits a Km of 16 +/- 3 microM. In addition, it serves as an inhibitor of the PTP1-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate with a Ki of 4.9 +/- 0.7 microM. The extraordinary structural simplicity of this compound, as well as those of several others described herein, provides a promising starting point for the design of potent PTPase inhibitors.
- Taylor KS, Lou MZ, Chin TM, Yang NC, Garavito RM
- A novel, multilayer structure of a helical peptide.
- Protein Sci. 1996; 5: 414-21
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X-ray diffraction analysis at 1.5 A resolution has confirmed the helical conformation of a de novo designed 18-residue peptide. However, the crystal structure reveals the formation of continuous molecular layers of parallel-packed amphiphilic helices as a result of much more extensive helix-helix interactions than predicted. The crystal packing arrangement, by virtue of distinct antiparallel packing interactions, segregates the polar and apolar surfaces of the helices into discrete and well-defined interfacial regions. An extensive "ridges-into-grooves" interdigitation characterizes the hydrophobic interface, whereas an extensive network of salt bridges and hydrogen bonds dominates the corresponding hydrophilic interface.
- Mourey RJ et al.
- A novel cytoplasmic dual specificity protein tyrosine phosphatase implicated in muscle and neuronal differentiation.
- J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 3795-802
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Dual specificity protein tyrosine phosphatases (dsPTPs) are a subfamily of protein tyrosine phosphatases implicated in the regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). In addition to hydrolyzing phosphotyrosine, dsPTPs can hydrolyze phosphoserine/threonine-containing substrates and have been shown to dephosphorylate activated MAPK. We have identified a novel dsPTP, rVH6, from rat hippocampus. rVH6 contains the conserved dsPTP active site sequence, VXVHCX2GX2RSX5AY(L/I)M, and exhibits phosphatase activity against activated MAPK. In PC12 cells, rVH6 mRNA is induced during nerve growth factor-mediated differentiation but not during insulin or epidermal growth factor mitogenic stimulation. In MM14 muscle cells, rVH6 mRNA is highly expressed in proliferating cells and declines rapidly during differentiation. rVH6 expression correlates with the inability of fibroblast growth factor to stimulate MAPK activity in proliferating but not in differentiating MM14 cells. rVH6 protein localizes to the cytoplasm and is the first dsPTP to be localized outside the nucleus. This novel subcellular localization may expose rVH6 to potential substrates that differ from nuclear dsPTPs substrates.
- Dixon JE
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: their roles in signal transduction.
- Recent Prog Horm Res. 1996; 51: 405-14
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases play critical roles in a number of cellular signal transduction pathways. Receptor-like PTPases such as CD45 are essential for antigen-induced proliferative responses of T-cells. Intracellular PTPases have been shown to associate with specific growth factor receptors and this association has a dramatic effect on receptor signaling mechanisms. Other phosphatases (e.g., the product of the CDC25 gene) are essential for cell cycle progression. It appears that the cellular location of the intracellular PTPases plays an important role in defining the substrate specificity. Phosphatases are also present in both pathogenic bacteria and viruses. These PTPases most likely function to disrupt important signal transduction pathways present in the host. More than 30 different phosphatases have been cloned and characterized. A detailed understanding of their catalytic properties suggests that all PTPases use a common mechanism for removing phosphatase from various phosphoproteins. Two PTPase structures recently have been determined. The structural information along with biochemical and kinetic data provides a basis for understanding the catalytic properties of these enzymes.
- Daniel N, Waters MJ, Bignon C, Djiane J
- Involvement of a subset of tyrosine kinases and phosphatases in regulation of the beta-lactoglobulin gene promoter by prolactin.
- Mol Cell Endocrinol. 1996; 118: 25-35
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This study used pharmacological intervention to provide support for a role of kinases and phosphatases in prolactin transactivation of a milk protein gene. It was based on transient cotransfection using a rabbit prolactin receptor expression plasmid and a beta-lactoglobulin promoter/CAT reporter construct. In cotransfected CHO cells, herbimycin A and tyrphostin, two tyrosine kinase inhibitors, were able to decrease the CAT response by over 50%, along with tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins, whereas genistein and lavendustine were without effect on lactoglobulin transactivation. Orthovanadate, an inactivator of tyrosine phosphatases, was able to substitute for prolactin in inducing the CAT response. Staurosporine, a non-specific kinase inhibitor, was able, when used at low concentrations (10 nM), to augment the prolactin response strikingly. Threonine/serine kinases do not appear to be involved early in beta-lactoglobulin promoter transactivation, since four C-kinase inhibitors and okadaic acid a threonine/serine phosphatase inhibitor, were without substantive effect. We conclude that specific tyrosine kinases are responsible for most of the signal transduction from the prolactin receptor to the beta-lactoglobulin gene promoter.
- Evans B, Tishmack PA, Pokalsky C, Zhang M, Van Etten RL
- Site-directed mutagenesis, kinetic, and spectroscopic studies of the P-loop residues in a low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- Biochemistry. 1996; 35: 13609-17
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The structure of the specific phosphate binding loop (P-loop) of bovine protein tyrosine phosphatase (BPTP) is very similar to that present in high M(r) PTPases. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to explore the role of several conserved residues involved in forming the P-loop of BPTP. Thus, Ser-19 and Ser-43 were individually mutated to alanines, and Asn-15 was mutated to alanine and glutamine. The 1H NMR spectra of the mutants showed good conservation of global secondary structure when compared to wild-type enzyme. Kinetic measurements revealed that only S19A and N15A had substantially altered catalytic activities toward p-nitrophenyl phosphate at pH 5.0, with both mutants exhibiting Vmax values that were 0.25-0.33% of wild-type enzyme. Further kinetic analyses of the N15A and S19A mutants were performed using phosphomonoester substrates with varied phenolic leaving groups. For S19A, the slope of the correlation between Vmax and the substrate leaving group pKa was significantly altered, consistent with a change of the rate-determining step from dephosphorylation to phosphorylation. This was confirmed by partitioning experiments employing methanol as an alternative nucleophile in the dephosphorylation step. Thus, mutating Ser-19 to alanine reduced the efficiency of nucleophilic attack by Cys-12. It is concluded that Ser-19 acts to facilitate the ionization and orientation of Cys-12 for optimal reaction as a nucleophile and as a leaving group. It also appears that Asn-15, Ser-19, His-72, and to a lesser extent Ser-43 serve structural functions that allow the active site to adopt an optimal geometry for phosphate binding. The Asn-15 to Ala mutation appears to disrupt the hydrogen-bonding network, with an accompanying alteration of the geometry of the P-loop. These conclusions are also consistent with changes in the stability of the respective proteins, as measured by urea denaturation.
- Tonks NK
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases and the control of cellular signaling responses.
- Adv Pharmacol. 1996; 36: 91-119
- Frearson JA, Alexander DR
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases in T-cell development, apoptosis and signalling.
- Immunol Today. 1996; 17: 385-91
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The study of phosphatases was viewed as a rather esoteric subject for immunologists until eight years ago, when the discovery that CD45 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) began to make the topic respectable. Now, as reviewed by Julie Frearson and Denis Alexander, PTPases are increasingly being shown to play key roles in the molecular physiology of haematopoietic cells and some have been shown to regulate critical events in T-cell development and signalling.
- Cirri P et al.
- The molecular basis of the differing kinetic behavior of the two low molecular mass phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase isoforms.
- J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 2604-7
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The low molecular mass phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase is a cytosolic enzyme of 18 kDa. Mammalian species contain a single gene that codifies for two distinct isoenzymes; they are produced through alternative splicing and thus differ only in the sequence from residue 40 to residue 73. Isoenzymes differ also in substrate specificity and in the sensitivity to activity modulators. In our study, we mutated a number of residues included in the alternative 40-73 sequence by substituting the residues present in the type 2 isoenzyme with those present in type 1 and subsequently examined the kinetic properties of the purified mutated proteins. The results enabled us to identify the molecular site that determines the kinetic characteristics of each isoform; the residue in position 50 plays the main role in the determination of substrate specificity, while the residues in both positions 49 and 50 are involved in the strong activation of the type 2 low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase isoenzyme by purine compounds such as guanosine and cGMP. The sequence 49-50 is included in a loop whose N terminus is linked to the beta 2-strand and whose C terminus is linked to the alpha 2-helix; this loop is very near the active site pocket. Our findings suggest that this loop is involved both in the regulation of the enzyme activity and in the determination of the substrate specificity of the two low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase isoenzymes.
- Pulido R, Serra-Pages C, Tang M, Streuli M
- The LAR/PTP delta/PTP sigma subfamily of transmembrane protein-tyrosine-phosphatases: multiple human LAR, PTP delta, and PTP sigma isoforms are expressed in a tissue-specific manner and associate with the LAR-interacting protein LIP.1.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995; 92: 11686-90
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The transmembrane protein-tyrosine-phosphatases (PTPases) LAR, PTP delta, and PTP sigma each contain two intracellular PTPase domains and an extracellular region consisting of Ig-like and fibronectin type III-like domains. We describe the cloning and characterization of human PTP sigma (HPTP sigma) and compare the structure, alternative splicing, tissue distribution, and PTPase activity of LAR, HPTP delta, and HPTP sigma, as well their ability to associate with the intracellular coiled-coil LAR-interacting protein LIP.1. Overall, these three PTPases are structurally very similar, sharing 64% amino acid identity. Multiple isoforms of LAR, HPTP delta, and HPTP sigma appear to be generated by tissue-specific alternative splicing of up to four mini-exon segments that encode peptides of 4-16 aa located in both the extracellular and intracellular regions. Alternative usage of these peptides varies depending on the tissue mRNA analyzed. Short isoforms of both HPTP sigma and HPTP delta were also detected that contain only four of the eight fibronectin type III-like domains. Northern blot analysis indicates that LAR and HPTP sigma are broadly distributed whereas HPTP delta expression is largely restricted to brain, as is the short HPTP sigma isoform containing only four fibronectin type III-like domains. LAR, HPTP delta, and HPTP sigma exhibit similar in vitro PTPase activities and all three interact with LIP.1, which has been postulated to recruit LAR to focal adhesions. Thus, these closely related PTPases may perform similar functions in various tissues.
- Haring MA, Siderius M, Jonak C, Hirt H, Walton KM, Musgrave A
- Tyrosine phosphatase signalling in a lower plant: cell-cycle and oxidative stress-regulated expression of the Chlamydomonas eugametos VH-PTP13 gene.
- Plant J. 1995; 7: 981-8
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The first evidence for tyrosine phosphatase signalling pathways in plants is presented by characterizing a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase gene from the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos. This cDNA, referred to as VH-PTP13, contains an open reading frame specifying a protein with a molecular weight of 30.3 kDa, that has significant homology with a distinct group of dual-specificity phosphatases. The highest homology is found with CL-100, a human stress-response gene that regulates MAPkinase activity. The purified VH-PTP13 protein expressed in E. coli had phosphatase activity and inactivated MAPkinases from alfalfa and tobacco. Nondividing C. eugametos gametes did not express the VH-PTP13 gene whereas synchronously dividing vegetative cells only expressed VH-PTP13 in the early G1-phase of the cycle, implying a function there. When vegetative cells were subjected to oxidative stress, expression of the VH-PTP13 gene was strongly induced, analogous to the human CL-100 gene. Its potential role in plant signalling pathways is discussed.
- Mossman K, Ostergaard H, Upton C, McFadden G
- Myxoma virus and Shope fibroma virus encode dual-specificity tyrosine/serine phosphatases which are essential for virus viability.
- Virology. 1995; 206: 572-82
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Sequence analysis of the genomes of the Leporipoxviruses myxoma virus and Shope fibroma virus (SFV) led to the discovery of open reading frames homologous to the vaccinia H1L gene encoding a soluble protein phosphatase with dual tyrosine/serine specificity. These viral phosphatase genes were subsequently localized to the myxoma BamHI-I fragment and the SFV BamHI-M fragment, and the resulting encoded proteins were designated I1L and M1L, respectively. The localization and orientation of the myxoma I1L and SFV M1L open reading frames within the well conserved central core of the viral genomes closely mirror that of the Orthopoxviruses vaccinia virus and variola virus. The myxoma I1L and SFV M1L phosphatases each contain the conserved tyrosine phosphatase signature sequence motif, (I/V)HCXAGXXR(S/T)G, including the active site cysteine, found previously to be essential for phosphotyrosine dephosphorylation. The vaccinia H1L phosphatase was originally shown to have the ability to dephosphorylate phosphotyrosyl and phosphoseryl residues in vitro. To assess whether this is a common feature of poxvirus phosphatases, myxoma I1L was expressed as a GST-fusion protein, purified, and shown to dephosphorylate substrates containing tyrosine and serine phosphorylated residues, in a similar fashion to vaccinia H1L. A myxoma I1L variant, in which the active site cysteine 110 was mutated to serine, was expressed in a parallel fashion to the wild-type I1L protein and found to be completely deficient in its ability to dephosphorylate both phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine amino acids. In an attempt to ascertain the biological requirement for the myxoma I1L phosphatase, we constructed a recombinant myxoma virus containing a disrupted I1L open reading frame. This I1L mutant virus was able to successfully propagate in tissue culture only in the presence of a wild-type complementing gene, and pure virus clones containing only the disrupted allele were not viable. Thus, we conclude that the myxoma I1L dual specificity phosphatase is an essential factor for virus viability.
- Boissonneault M, Chapdelaine A, Chevalier S
- The enhancement by pervanadate of tyrosine phosphorylation on prostatic proteins occurs through the inhibition of membrane-associated tyrosine phosphatases.
- Mol Cell Biochem. 1995; 153: 139-44
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The relapse of prostate cancer during endocrine therapies is attributed to the proliferation of growth factor (GF)-dependent epithelial cells. Such cells are present but in a quiescent state in the normal adult human and dog (experimental model) prostates. GF-signaling pathways involve the activation of protein tyrosine kinases (PTK) whose action is also modulated by phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases (PTPs). To that effect, we have previously reported that dividing canine prostatic epithelial cells exhibited high levels of phosphotyrosyl-(pY)-proteins which were greatly enhanced when incubated in the presence of vanadate. The aim of this study, performed with pervanadate (pV), was to determine whether pV acts either directly by stimulating prostatic PTKs or indirectly by inhibiting PTPs. Upon fractionation, most of the PTK activity was found in membranes of dividing cells and pV selectively increased its activity. This was due to an inhibition of intrinsic PTPs, as demonstrated by dephosphorylation of endogenous pY-proteins which was abolished by pV. This activity was very sensitive to pV (IC50: 150 nM) and was due to non-secreted forms of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), a pV inhibited-enzyme, as well as to PTP-1 B, as demonstrated by gel filtration, isoelectric focusing and probing with antibodies. These enzymes were also detected in membranes from human hyperplastic/neoplastic prostates but only PTP-1 B was present in those of prostatic carcinoma PC3 cells. These PTPs, bound to membranes of dividing cells (normal vs neoplastic) where activated PTKs are also located, may be of importance in the development and progression of prostatic proliferative diseases.
- Serra-Pages C, Kedersha NL, Fazikas L, Medley Q, Debant A, Streuli M
- The LAR transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase and a coiled-coil LAR-interacting protein co-localize at focal adhesions.
- EMBO J. 1995; 14: 2827-38
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Focal adhesions are sites of cell-extracellular matrix interactions that function in anchoring stress fibers to the plasma membrane and in adhesion-mediated signal transduction. Both focal adhesion structure and signaling ability involve protein tyrosine phosphorylation. LAR is a broadly expressed transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase comprised of a cell adhesion-like ectodomain and two intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatase domains. We have identified a novel cytoplasmic 160 kDa phosphoserine protein termed LAR-interacting protein 1 (LIP.1), which binds to the LAR membrane-distal D2 protein tyrosine phosphatase domain and appears to localize LAR to focal adhesions. Both LAR and LIP.1 decorate the ends of focal adhesions most proximal to the cell nucleus and are excluded from the distal ends of focal adhesions, thus localizing to regions of focal adhesions presumably undergoing disassembly. We propose that LAR and LIP.1 may regulate the disassembly of focal adhesions and thus help orchestrate cell-matrix interactions.
- Okumura M, Thomas ML
- Regulation of immune function by protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Curr Opin Immunol. 1995; 7: 312-9
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CD45 is a leukocyte transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase that functions in lymphocyte activation by increasing the kinase activity of Src family members. In contrast, an intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatase that contains Src homology 2 domains, SHP, is required to inactivate receptors. Recent studies have examined the mechanisms of interaction and regulation of these enzymes.
- Dechert U et al.
- Comparison of the specificity of bacterially expressed cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine phosphatases SHP and SH-PTP2 towards synthetic phosphopeptide substrates.
- Eur J Biochem. 1995; 231: 673-81
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SHP and SH-PTP2 are related cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine phosphatases having two tandem amino-terminal src homology 2 domains linked to a single catalytic domain. There is growing evidence that these two molecules may exhibit opposing effects within specific signaling pathways. However, the relative contributions of the src homology 2 domains or the catalytic domains to these opposing effects are not well known. To evaluate the potential contribution of the catalytic domains, we compared the substrate specificity of the two phosphatases. As seen previously, the catalytic activities of bacterially expressed SHP and SH-PTP2 were regulated by the presence of the linked src homology 2 domains. In addition, we characterized a cryptic thrombin cleavage site within the carboxy-terminus of SHP that led to a striking increase in the activity of the catalytic domain. Employing a panel of phosphopeptide substrates whose sequences were modeled after intracellular phosphorylation sites, both SHP and SH-PTP2 demonstrated a similar specificity pattern. Similar to SH-PTP2, SHP failed to elicit detectable phosphate release from several phosphopeptide substrates, while displaying catalytic efficiencies that ranged over approximately 40-1.6 x 10(3) M-1 s-1 towards other substrates. In contrast, the PTP-1B phosphatase dephosphorylated all of the phosphopeptide substrates tested with approximately equal ease. The overall similarity demonstrated by the catalytic domains of SHP and SH-PTP2 suggested that differences in the in vivo behavior of these two molecules might not stem from differences in the substrate specificity of the catalytic domains, suggesting instead that the specificity of the src homology 2 domains is more important in this regard.
- Higashitsuji H et al.
- Enhanced expression of multiple protein tyrosine phosphatases in the regenerating mouse liver: isolation of PTP-RL10, a novel cytoplasmic-type phosphatase with sequence homology to cytoskeletal protein 4.1.
- Oncogene. 1995; 10: 407-14
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To elucidate the role that protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPs) may play in liver regeneration, PTPs expressed in the mouse liver after partial hepatectomy (PH) were investigated by a PCR-based cloning method. Sequencing of 115 cDNA clones identified 10 different sequences including MPTP (T cell PTP), PTP-1B, PTP-P19, mR-PTP mu, R-PTP alpha, PTP NE-3 (PTP-P1), R-PTP-kappa and the murine homologue of human LAR. The remaining two sequences, PTP-RL9 and PTP-RL10, encoded novel PTPs. PTP-RL10 cDNA contained an open reading frame of 1176 amino acids with no apparent membrane-spanning region. The amino-terminal region had sequence homology to those of human erythrocyte protein 4.1 and ezrin, cytoskeletal proteins. In the regenerating liver, the levels of five PTP gene mRNAs (MPTP, PTP-P19, R-PTP alpha, LAR homologue, and PTP-RL9) increased within 6 h, decreased to the normal level by 24 h, and increased again at 48 to 72 h after PH. The levels of PTP-1B and R-PTP-kappa mRNAs peaked within 6 h, decreased gradually, and returned to the normal level by 168 h after PH. In contrast, the levels of two PTP mRNAs (mR-PTP mu and PTP-RL10) peaked at 48 to 72 h, and returned to the normal level by 168 h after PH. No expression of PTP NE-3 was detected in the liver by Northern blotting. The differential expression of multiple PTPs during the pre-replicative and post-replicative stages of liver regeneration suggests that PTPs are involved in the regulation of growth and differentiation of liver cells.
- Zhang ZY, Palfey BA, Wu L, Zhao Y
- Catalytic function of the conserved hydroxyl group in the protein tyrosine phosphatase signature motif.
- Biochemistry. 1995; 34: 16389-96
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Burst kinetics is observed with the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase). This provides direct kinetic evidence for a phosphoenzyme mechanism and suggests that the breakdown of the phosphoenzyme intermediate is the rate-limiting step. Burst kinetics is a powerful tool for mechanistic studies of PTPase catalysis since functional roles of active site residues can be evaluated by studying their effects on the individual elementary steps associated with the formation and the breakdown of the intermediate. In order to investigate the role of Thr410, a conserved residue that is present in the PTPase signature motif, this residue was altered by site-directed mutagenesis to serine and alanine. The effects of these mutations, as observed in both steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetic experiments with p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) as a substrate, demonstrated that the hydroxyl group of Thr410 is directly involved in catalysis. The hydroxyl group at residue 410 plays an important role in facilitating the breakdown of the phosphoenzyme intermediate.
- Fujinaga M, Chernaia MM, Tarasova NI, Mosimann SC, James MN
- Crystal structure of human pepsin and its complex with pepstatin.
- Protein Sci. 1995; 4: 960-72
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The three-dimensional crystal structure of human pepsin and that of its complex with pepstatin have been solved by X-ray crystallographic methods. The native pepsin structure has been refined with data collected to 2.2 A resolution to an R-factor of 19.7%. The pepsin:pepstatin structure has been refined with data to 2.0 A resolution to an R-factor of 18.5%. The hydrogen bonding interactions and the conformation adopted by pepstatin are very similar to those found in complexes of pepstatin with other aspartic proteinases. The enzyme undergoes a conformational change upon inhibitor binding to enclose the inhibitor more tightly. The analysis of the binding sites indicates that they form an extended tube without distinct binding pockets. By comparing the residues on the binding surface with those of the other human aspartic proteinases, it has been possible to rationalize some of the experimental data concerning the different specificities. At the S1 site, valine at position 120 in renin instead of isoleucine, as in the other enzymes, allows for binding of larger hydrophobic residues. The possibility of multiple conformations for the P2 residue makes the analysis of the S2 site difficult. However, it is possible to see that the specific interactions that renin makes with histidine at P2 would not be possible in the case of the other enzymes. At the S3 site, the smaller volume that is accessible in pepsin compared to the other enzymes is consistent with its preference for smaller residues at the P3 position.
- Kole HK et al.
- Protein-tyrosine phosphatase inhibition by a peptide containing the phosphotyrosyl mimetic, L-O-malonyltyrosine.
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995; 209: 817-22
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Peptides containing phosphonate based non-hydrolyzable phosphotyrosyl (pTyr) mimetics previously have been shown to be competitive inhibitors of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). These agents suffer from low cellular penetration which is partially attributable to ionization of the phosphonate group at physiological pH. We have developed the non-phosphorus containing pTyr mimetic, L-O-malonyltyrosine (L-OMT) and herein demonstrate using a PTP 1B enzyme assay that it is superior to phosphonomethyl phenylalanine (Pmp) as a pTyr mimetic when incorporated into the hexamer peptide Ac-D-A-D-E-X-L-amide (X = D,L-Pmp, IC50 = 200 microM; X = L-OMT, IC50 = 10 microM). Prodrug protection of L-OMT as its carboxylic acid diester could potentially increase cellular penetration, thereby making this a valuable reagent for cellular studies.
- Chen L et al.
- Why is phosphonodifluoromethyl phenylalanine a more potent inhibitory moiety than phosphonomethyl phenylalanine toward protein-tyrosine phosphatases?
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995; 216: 976-84
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The phosphonodifluoromethyl phenylalanine (F2Pmp) is superior to phosphonomethyl phenylalanine (Pmp) as a non-hydrolyzable phosphotyrosine (pTyr) mimetic. The difluoromethyl moiety increases the inhibitory potency of a F2Pmp-containing peptide over a Pmp-containing counterpart by 1000-fold toward the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase), PTP1. Fluorine substitution at the methylene carbon have the double effect of lowering the phosphonate pKa2 as well as introducing hydrogen bonding interactions similar to the phosphate ester oxygen in pTyr. The inhibition of PTP1-catalyzed dephosphorylation reaction by both the F2Pmp and Pmp-containing peptides did not vary as a function of pH. The data indicate that both the monoanion and the dianion forms of the phosphonate bind PTP1 with equal efficiency. Thus, the better binding by the F2Pmp-peptide as compared to the Pmp-peptide is not due to the difference in pKa2. Taken together, these results offer an explanation for the increased affinity of F2Pmp for PTP1. The two fluorine atoms in F2Pmp may be able to interact with active site residues in PTP1 in a fashion analogous to that involving the phenolic oxygen and side chains in the active site of PTP1. Ki measurements for a simple phosphonic acid, Pmp- and F2Pmp-containing peptides suggest that although the principal recognition element is F2Pmp itself, the surrounding amino acids are required for high affinity binding. Comparative analysis of the inhibition of PTP1, PTP alpha and LAR by F2Pmp-containing peptides suggests that selective, tight-binding PTPase inhibitors can be developed.
- Lohse DL, Denu JM, Dixon JE
- Insights derived from the structures of the Ser/Thr phosphatases calcineurin and protein phosphatase 1.
- Structure. 1995; 3: 987-90
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The crystal structures of serine/threonine phosphatases provide the basis for understanding their inhibition by physiologically relevant compounds such as microcystin, cyclosporin and FK506. The structures also highlight the importance of a common sequence motif found in a large family of metal-containing enzymes involved in phosphate ester hydrolysis.
- Zhang ZY et al.
- Purification and characterization of the low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase, Stp1, from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
- Biochemistry. 1995; 34: 10560-8
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Genetic screening in fission yeast has identified a gene named stp1+ that rescues cdc25-22 [Mondesert et al. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 27996-27999]. This gene encodes a 17.4 kDa protein that is 42% identical to members of the low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases (low M(r)PTPases) previously known to exist only in mammalian species. A simple and efficient purification procedure was developed to obtain the homogeneous recombinant yeast low M(r)PTPase, Stp1, in large quantities suitable for kinetic and structural studies. Authentic Stp1 was produced as judged by amino terminal protein sequencing and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analyses. Stp1 was shown to possess intrinsic phosphatase activity toward both aryl phosphates (such as phosphotyrosine) and alkyl phosphates (such as phosphoserine). Stp1 also dephosphorylated phosphotyrosyl peptide/protein substrates. The yeast enzyme was 6-fold slower than the mammalian enzymes, which made it amenable to pre-steady-state stopped-flow spectroscopic kinetic analysis at 30 degrees C and pH 6.0. Burst kinetics was observed with Stp1 using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate, suggesting that the rate-limiting step corresponds to the decomposition of the phosphoenzyme intermediate. Interestingly, the bovine heart low M(r)PTPase was capable of removing phosphate groups from both phosphotyrosyl and phosphoseryl/threonyl protein substrates with comparable efficiencies. The low M(r)PTPases, like the Cdc25 family of phosphatases, may represent a new group of dual specificity phosphatases which may be involved in cell cycle control.
- Denu JM et al.
- The purification and characterization of a human dual-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1995; 270: 3796-803
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An expression and purification method was developed to obtain the recombinant human dual-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) VHR in quantities suitable for both kinetic studies and crystallization. Physical characterization of the homogeneous recombinant protein verified the mass to be 20,500 +/- 100 by matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry, confirmed the anticipated NH2-terminal amino acid sequence and demonstrated that the protein exists as a monomer. Conditions were developed to obtain crystals which were suitable for x-ray structure determination. Using synthetic diphosphorylated peptides corresponding to MAP177-189 (mitogen-activated protein) kinase (DHTG-FLpTEpYVATR), an assay was devised which permitted the determination of the rate constants for dephosphorylation of the diphosphorylated peptide on threonine and tyrosine residues. The diphosphorylated peptides are preferred over the singly phosphorylated on tyrosine by 3-8-fold. The apparent second-order rate constant kcat/Km for dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine on DHTGFLpTEpYVATR was 32,000 M-1 S-1 while dephosphorylation of phosphothreonine was 14 M-1 S-1 (pH 6). The reaction of DHTGFLpTEpYVATR with VHR is ordered, with rapid dephosphorylation on tyrosine occurring first followed by slow dephosphorylation on threonine. Similar results were obtained with F(NLe)(N-Le)pTPpYVVTR, a peptide corresponding to a MAP kinase-like protein (JNK1(180-189)) which is involved in the stress response signaling pathway.
- Pokalsky C, Wick P, Harms E, Lytle FE, Van Etten RL
- Fluorescence resolution of the intrinsic tryptophan residues of bovine protein tyrosyl phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1995; 270: 3809-15
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Fluorescence steady-state and lifetime measurements have been performed that permit the differentiation of the 2 intrinsic tryptophan residues in bovine low molecular weight phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase (BPTP). Spectral information was obtained by use of two single-tryptophan mutant proteins, W39F and W49F, and the double mutant protein W39,49F. Fluorescence measurements show that Trp39 is characterized by a large blue shift, a low quantum yield, and a shorter mean lifetime compared to Trp49. Solute fluorescence quenching studies of W39F reveal that Trp49 is highly exposed to the aqueous environment. In contrast, Trp39 is situated within a hydrophobic core and is only partially accessible to quenching agents such as acrylamide, iodide ion, and cesium ion. The fluorescence contributions of Trp39 and Trp49 are additive, and their sum is equivalent to that observed for wild type BPTP. Calculated intramolecular distances between Trp39 or Trp49 and a 5-[[(acetylamino)-ethyl]amino]naphthalene-1- sulfonate group covalently bound at Cys12 or Cys17 of the respective protein mutants, place Trp49 within 10 A and Trp39 at least 20 A from the active site. The fluorescence decay of the single tryptophan mutants and, surprisingly, wild type BPTP were each adequately fitted as biexponentials. The latter is a consequence of the imprecision involved in determining actual minima in a three- and four-exponential fitting. Comparison of quenching results of wild type BPTP with those of the single tryptophan mutant proteins indicates that minor fluorescence components, easily resolved using a biexponential fitting for the mutant proteins, are unresolvable for wild type BPTP. These minor components skewed the weighted magnitudes and induced perturbations in lifetimes for the tryptophan fluorescence of wild type BPTP, which directly influenced the calculated values of Ksv and kq.
- West AH, Martinez-Hackert E, Stock AM
- Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the chemotaxis receptor methylesterase, CheB.
- J Mol Biol. 1995; 250: 276-90
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Signaling activity of bacterial chemotaxis transmembrane receptors is modulated by reversible covalent modification of specific receptor glutamate residues. The level of receptor methylation results from the activities of a specific S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase, CheR, and the CheB methylesterase, which catalyzes hydrolysis of receptor glutamine or methylglutamate side-chains to glutamic acid. The CheB methylesterase belongs to a large family of response regulator proteins in which N-terminal regulatory domains control the activities of C-terminal effector domains. The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the Salmonella typhimurium CheB methylesterase has been determined at 1.75 A resolution. The domain has a modified, doubly wound alpha/beta fold in which one of the helices is replaced by an anti-parallel beta-hairpin. Previous biochemical and mutagenesis data, suggest that the methylester hydrolysis catalyzed by CheB proceeds through a mechanism involving a serine nucleophile. The methylesterase active site is tentatively identified as a cleft at the C-terminal edge of the beta-sheet containing residues Ser164, His190 and Asp286. The three-dimensional fold, and the arrangement of residues within the catalytic triad distinguishes the CheB methylesterase from any previously described serine protease or serine hydrolase.
- Tahirov TH, Lu TH, Liaw YC, Chen YL, Lin JY
- Crystal structure of abrin-a at 2.14 A.
- J Mol Biol. 1995; 250: 354-67
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The crystal structure of abrin-a, a type II ribosome-inactivating protein from the seeds of Abrus precatorius, has been determined from a novel crystalline form by the molecular replacement method using the coordinates of ricin. The structure has been refined at 2.14 A to a R-factor of 18.9%. The root-mean-square deviations of bond lengths and angles from the standard values are 0.013 A and 1.82 degrees, respectively. The overall protein folding is similar to that of ricin, but there are differences in the secondary structure, mostly of the A-chain. Several parts of the molecular surface differ significantly; some of them are quite near the active site cleft, and probably influence ribosome recognition. The positions of invariant active site residues remain the same, except the position of Tyr74. Two water molecules of hydrogen-bonded active site residues have been located in the active site cleft. Both of them may be responsible for hydrolyzing the N-C glycosidic bond. The current abrin-a structure is lactose free; this is probably essential for abrin-a crystallization. The B-chain is a glycoprotein, and the positions of several sugar residues of two sugar chains linked to earlier predicted glycosylation sites were determined. One of the sugar chains is a bridge between two neighboring molecules, since one of its mannose residues is connected to the galactose binding site of the neighboring molecule. Another sugar chain covers the surface of the B-chain.
- Fashena SJ, Zinn K
- Cell-cell signaling: The ins and outs of receptor tyrosine phosphatases.
- Curr Biol. 1995; 5: 1367-9
- Dixon JE
- Structure and catalytic properties of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1995; 766: 18-22
- Sharma E, Zhao F, Bult A, Lombroso PJ
- Identification of two alternatively spliced transcripts of STEP: a subfamily of brain-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1995; 32: 87-93
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A brain-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase termed STEP46 (striatal enriched phosphatase) was previously isolated and characterized. Immunological studies with a STEP monoclonal antibody recognized several STEP-immunoreactive proteins, and suggested that additional STEP-related polypeptides existed. This study reports the isolation of two alternatively spliced transcripts of the STEP gene. One of these, STEP20 (with a predicted molecular mass of 20 kDa) was further characterized and found to lack the conserved tyrosine phosphatase domain. Northern analysis detected a 2.8 kb STEP20 message in mouse brain. The second alternatively spliced transcript, STEP61, has a 5'-extended open reading frame that encodes a protein with a predicted molecular mass of 61 kDa and contains a single tyrosine phosphatase domain. The exon-intron organization responsible for the novel STEP20 and STEP61 sequences was determined in the mouse STEP genomic DNA. We propose that the original STEP46, along with STEP20 and STEP61, are members of a brain-enriched subfamily of protein tyrosine phosphatases, and that STEP isoforms may have distinct functions within the central nervous system.
- Zhang ZY, Wu L, Chen L
- Transition state and rate-limiting step of the reaction catalyzed by the human dual-specificity phosphatase, VHR.
- Biochemistry. 1995; 34: 16088-96
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The dual-specificity phosphatases are unusual catalysts in that they can utilize protein substrates containing phosphotyrosine as well as phosphoserine/threonine. The dual-specificity phosphatases and the protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) share the active site motif (H/V)C(X)5R(S/T), but display little amino acid sequence identity outside of the active site. Although the dual-specificity phosphatases and the PTPases appear to bring about phosphate monoester hydrolysis through a similar mechanism, it is not clear what causes the difference in the active-site specificity between the two groups of enzymes. In this paper, we show that the human dual-specificity phosphatase, VHR [for VH1-Related; Ishibashi et al. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 12170-12174], is rather promiscuous toward small phosphate monoesters (including both aryl and alkyl phosphates of primary alcohols) with effectively identical kcat/Km and kcat values while the pKa values of the leaving groups (phenols or alcohols) varied from 7 to 16. Linear free-energy relationship analysis of kcat and kcat/Km of the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis reaction suggests that a uniform mechanism is utilized for both the aryl and alkyl substrates. The very small dependency of kcat/Km on the leaving group pKa can be accounted for by the protonation of the leaving group. Pre-steady-state burst kinetic analysis of the VHR-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate provides direct kinetic evidence for the involvement of a phosphoenzyme intermediate in the dual specificity phosphatase-catalyzed reaction. The rate-limiting step for the VHR-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate corresponds to the decomposition of the phosphoenzyme intermediate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Brady-Kalnay SM, Tonks NK
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases as adhesion receptors.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1995; 7: 650-7
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The intracellular segments of classic adhesion molecules such as N-CAM do not show structural similarity to any known signaling molecules. This suggests that their effects on signaling responses must be exerted indirectly through associated proteins. In contrast, many receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) possess extracellular segments with homology to cell adhesion molecules linked directly to intracellular segments comprising one or two protein tyrosine phosphatase catalytic domains. Therefore, the RPTPs have the potential for direct modulation of catalytic function through engagement of the extracellular segment, suggesting they could be direct signal transducers of cell contact phenomena. In the past few years, some RPTPs have been shown to effect cell-cell adhesion directly via homophilic binding or indirectly by association with known cell adhesion molecules. In addition, RPTPs have been localized to points of cell-cell or cell-matrix contact, indicating their potential to regulate these structures.
- Schubert HL, Fauman EB, Stuckey JA, Dixon JE, Saper MA
- A ligand-induced conformational change in the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- Protein Sci. 1995; 4: 1904-13
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) play critical roles in the intracellular signal transduction pathways that regulate cell transformation, growth, and proliferation. The structures of several different PTPases have revealed a conserved active site architecture in which a phosphate-binding loop, together with an invariant arginine, cradle the phosphate of a phosphotyrosine substrate and poise it for nucleophilic attack by an invariant cysteine nucleophile. We previously reported that binding of tungstate to the Yop51 PTPase from Yersinia induced a loop conformational change that moved aspartic acid 356 into the active site, where it can function as a general acid. This is consistent with the aspartic acid donating a proton to the tyrosyl leaving group during the initial hydrolysis step. In this report, using a similar structure of the inactive Cys 403-->Ser mutant of the Yersinia PTPase complexed with sulfate, we detail the structural and functional details of this conformational change. In response to oxyanion binding, small perturbations occur in active site residues, especially Arg 409, and trigger the loop to close. Interestingly, the peptide bond following Asp 356 has flipped to ligate a buried, active site water molecule that also hydrogen bonds to the bound sulfate anion and two invariant glutamines. Loop closure also significantly decreases the solvent accessibility of the bound oxyanion and could effectively shield catalytic intermediates from phosphate acceptors other than water. We speculate that the intrinsic loop flexibility of different PTPases may be related to their catalytic rate and may play a role in the wide range of activities observed within this enzyme family.
- Denu JM, Dixon JE
- A catalytic mechanism for the dual-specific phosphatases.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995; 92: 5910-4
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Dual-specific protein-tyrosine phosphatases have the common active-site sequence motif HCXXGXXRS(T). The role of the conserved hydroxyl was investigated by changing serine-131 to an alanine (S131A) in the dual-specific protein-tyrosine phosphatase VHR. The pH profile of the kcat/Km value for the S131A mutant is indistinguishable from that of the native enzyme. In contrast, the kcat value for S131A mutant is 100-fold lower than that for the native enzyme, and the shape of the pH profile was perturbed from bell-shaped in the native enzyme to a pH-independent curve over the pH range 4.5-9.0. This evidence, along with results from a previous study, suggests that the S131A mutation alters the rate-limiting step in the catalytic mechanism. Formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate appears to be rate-limiting with the native enzyme, whereas in the S131A mutant breakdown of the intermediate is rate-limiting. This was confirmed by the appearance of a burst of p-nitrophenol formation when p-nitrophenyl phosphate rapidly reacted with the S131A enzyme in a stopped-flow spectrophotometer. Loss of this hydroxyl group at the active site dramatically diminished the ability of the enzyme to hydrolyze the thiol-phosphate intermediate without exerting any significant change in the steps leading to and including the formation of the intermediate. Consistent with rate-limiting intermediate formation in the native enzyme, the rate of burst in the S131A mutant was 1.5 s-1, which agrees well with the kcat value of 5 s-1 observed for native enzyme. The amplitude of the burst was stoichiometric with final enzyme concentration, and the slow linear rate (0.06 s-1) of p-nitrophenol formation after the burst was in agreement with the steady-state determined value of kcat (0.055 s-1).
- Kwak SP, Dixon JE
- Multiple dual specificity protein tyrosine phosphatases are expressed and regulated differentially in liver cell lines.
- J Biol Chem. 1995; 270: 1156-60
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An emerging subclass of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) exhibits sequence identity to the vaccinia H-1 (VH-1) gene product. These VH-1-like PTPases possess the canonical HCXAGXXR(S/T) sequence common to all PTPases, but unlike other PTPases they exhibit dual catalytic activity toward phosphotyrosine and nearby phosphothreonine residues in substrate proteins. We have isolated a novel VH-1-like PTPase, hVH-3, from the human placenta and compared various aspects of its expression with previously isolated members of this subfamily. The mammalian members of this subfamily including hVH-3 commonly localize to the nucleus and exhibit catalytic activity toward phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase. However, while the expression of some VH-1-like PTPases is extremely transient and independent of protein synthesis, hVH-3 expression is sustained over 3 h after being cell stimulated. Tissue-specific expression of hVH-3 is also distinct from other VH-1-like PTPases. Although VH-1-like PTPases have overlapping substrate specificity, there are differences in their mRNA regulation, response to extracellular stimuli, and tissue-specific expression, suggesting they serve specific roles in cellular function.
- Thomas ML
- Positive and negative regulation of leukocyte activation by protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Semin Immunol. 1995; 7: 279-88
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Many of the initial signal transduction events essential for eliciting an immune response are controlled by the concerted action of protein tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases. However, positive or negative regulation of the cellular response does not fall exclusively into the domain of either class of enzymes. Rather, distinct enzymes can be either positive or negative regulators of a molecular reaction and in certain circumstances, it is conceivable that a single enzyme may have both functions. The biological functions of two protein tyrosine phosphatases, SHP and CD45, serve to illustrate the dichotomy by which this class of enzymes regulate immune responses.
- Denu JM, Zhou G, Guo Y, Dixon JE
- The catalytic role of aspartic acid-92 in a human dual-specific protein-tyrosine-phosphatase.
- Biochemistry. 1995; 34: 3396-403
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The mechanism of catalysis for the human dual-specific (vaccinia H1-related) protein-tyrosine-phosphatase was investigated. The pH dependence of the kcat value is bell-shaped when p-nitrophenyl phosphate was employed as a model substrate. The kcat/Km pH profile rises with a slope of 2 and decreases with a slope of -1, indicating that two groups must be unprotonated and one group must be protonated for activity. An amino acid residue with an apparent pKa value of 5.5 +/- 0.2 must be unprotonated and a residue with a pKa value of 5.7 must be unprotonated for activity. The pKa value of the catalytic cysteine-124 (C124) was 5.6 +/- 0.1. The aspartic acid-92-asparagine (D92N) mutant enzyme was 100-fold less active than the native enzyme and exhibited the loss of the basic limb in the pH profiles, suggesting that in the native enzyme D92 must be protonated for activity. The D92 residue is conserved throughout the entire family of dual-specific phosphatases. Mutants glutamic acid-6-glutamine, glutamic acid-32-glutamine, aspartic acid-14-asparagine, and aspartic acid-110-asparagine had less than a 2-fold effect on the kinetic parameters when compared to native enzyme. Based upon the lack of a "burst" in rapid reaction kinetics, formation of the intermediate is rate-limiting with both native and D92N mutant enzymes. In agreement with rate-limiting formation of the intermediate, the pKa value of 5.5 for the group which must be unprotonated for activity was assigned to C124.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Nandi J, Banerjee K
- Tyrosine phosphorylation as a possible regulatory mechanism in the expression of human immunodeficiency virus genes.
- Med Hypotheses. 1995; 45: 476-80
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Phosphorylation of proteins on serine, threonine and tyrosine is one of the significant regulatory mechanisms in gene expression and post-translational modifications in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in particular is implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation and certain pathological modifications including transformation. The overall protein tyrosine phosphorylation is modulated by protein tyrosine kinases (PTK) and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTP). There are several viruses known to contain PTK and PTPs. A computer-based protein sequence search using the FAST P programme was used to investigate whether, theoretically, a sequence for a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase is present in the genomic sequence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A conserved motif GXGXXG characteristic of both PTK and PTP was found at the 5' LTR region of the HIV genome. Interesting sequence similarities with regulatory proteins of other retroviruses, viz. VPx of HIV-2 and X-protein of HTLV-1, and some transforming proteins were also observed. The implication of the possible phosphorylation event in association with the HIV regulatory proteins tat, rev and nef in AIDS-related malignancies is discussed.
- Gmeiner BM, Seelos CC
- Measurement of phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity using the Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reaction.
- Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1995; 36: 943-8
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An assay for the estimation of phosphotyrosine phosphatase using the Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reaction to monitor enzyme activity is presented. The method is based on the property of the substrate phosphotyrosine not to react as a phenol until it is dephosphorylated. The method is sensitive, there is no interference from the use of detergents and it does not rely on special laboratory equipment to distinguish tyrosine from phosphotyrosine.
- Zhang ZY
- Are protein-tyrosine phosphatases specific for phosphotyrosine?
- J Biol Chem. 1995; 270: 16052-5
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) are believed to exhibit restricted specificity toward phosphotyrosine. I demonstrate here that both the Yersinia PTPase and rat PTP1 can dephosphorylate alkyl phosphates such as flavin mononucleotide, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, D-glucose 6-phosphate, DL-alpha-glycerophosphate, O-phospho-L-serine, and O-phospho-L-threonine. The kcat values for alkyl phosphates are orders of magnitude slower than those for aryl phosphates such as p-nitrophenyl phosphate and O-phospho-L-tyrosine, reflecting the intrinsic lower chemical reactivity of the alkyl phosphates. In addition, the kcat values for the PTPase-catalyzed hydrolysis of alkyl phosphates are similar to the kcat values for the PTPase-catalyzed 18O exchange reaction between inorganic phosphate and water. I conclude that the rate-limiting step for the hydrolysis of alkyl phosphates has changed to the phosphorylation of the PTPases, i.e. the formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate. The implications of the results described in this report in terms of studying the PTPase catalytic mechanism and their potential application in developing selective PTPase inactivators are discussed.
- Bliska JB
- Crystal structure of the Yersinia tyrosine phosphatase.
- Trends Microbiol. 1995; 3: 125-7
- Purushotham KR, Humphreys-Beher MG
- The role of phosphotyrosine signaling pathway in a parotid gland proliferation and function.
- Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 1995; 6: 119-31
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Tyrosine phosphorylation and the intracellular signaling processes associated with it have been the focus of intense study due to its importance in the regulation of biological processes as diverse as cell proliferation and cell differentiation. While much of what we now understand has been derived from the study of cell lines and tumor cells, the salivary glands provide a model to examine the effects of tyrosine kinases and tyrosine phosphatases in a normal differentiated tissue. This review will focus, therefore, on the role tyrosine kinases and phosphatases play in inducing the transition from stasis to active proliferation and their potential role in mediating secretory function of the salivary glands.
- Kurokawa H, Mikami B, Hirose M
- Crystal structure of diferric hen ovotransferrin at 2.4 A resolution.
- J Mol Biol. 1995; 254: 196-207
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The three-dimensional structure of diferric hen ovotransferrin has been determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.4 A resolution. The structure was solved by molecular replacement, using the coordinates of diferric human lactoferrin as a search model. Several rounds of simulated annealing and restrained least-squares refinement have resulted in a model structure with an R-factor of 0.171 for the data between 11.0 and 2.4 A resolution. The model comprises 5284 protein atoms (residues 5 to 686), 2 Fe3+, 2 CO3(2)- and 132 water molecules. The overall structure of ovotransferrin is similar to those of human lactoferrin and rabbit serum transferrin, being folded into two homologous lobes, each containing two dissimilar domains with one Fe3+ and one CO3(2)- bound at a specific site in each interdomain cleft. However, the relative orientation of the two lobes, which may be related to the class specificity of transferrins to receptors, is different from either human lactoferrin or rabbit serum transferrin. The angle of the relative orientation in ovotransferrin is increased by 6.8 degrees and 15.7 degrees as compared with to those in rabbit serum transferrin and human lactoferrin, respectively. Interdomain Lys209-Lys301 and Gln541-Lys638 interactions are found near the metal binding site of each lobe. The interlobe interactions and their role in the stabilization of iron binding are discussed.
- Cirri P et al.
- Kinetic studies on rat liver low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases. The activation mechanism of the isoenzyme AcP2 by cGMP.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1995; 1243: 129-35
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The reaction mechanisms of p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis catalyzed by two rat liver isoenzymes of the low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (AcP1 and AcP2) were compared. Furthermore, the effect of some heterocyclic compounds on their activities were tested. Cyclic GMP and guanosine causes a particularly high activation of the isoenzyme AcP2, whereas its effect on AcP1 is very poor. A study on the mechanism of cyclic GMP activation was carried out. The results suggest that cyclic GMP activates the AcP2 isoenzyme by increasing the rate of the step that leads to the hydrolysis of the covalent enzyme-substrate phosphorylated complex formed during the catalytic process. The physiological significance of cyclic GMP activation of only one of the two isoenzymes (AcP2) remains uncertain.
- Hengge AC, Sowa GA, Wu L, Zhang ZY
- Nature of the transition state of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase-catalyzed reaction.
- Biochemistry. 1995; 34: 13982-7
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The dephosphorylation of p-nitrophenyl phosphate by Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) and by the rat PTP1 has been examined by measurement of heavy-atom isotope effects at the nonbridge oxygen atoms [18(V/K)nonbridge], at the bridging oxygen atom [18(V/K)bridge], and the nitrogen atom in the leaving group 15(V/K). The effects were measured using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer by the competitive method and thus are effects on V/K. The results for the Yersinia PTPase and rat PTP1, respectively, are 1.0142 +/- 0.0004 and 1.0152 +/- 0.0006 for 18(V/K)bridge; 0.9981 +/- 0.0015 and 0.9998 +/- 0.0013 for 18(V/K)nonbridge; and 1.0001 +/- 0.0002 and 0.9999 +/- 0.0003 for 15(V/K). The magnitudes of the isotope effects are similar to the intrinsic values measured in solution, indicating that the chemical step is rate-limiting for V/K. The transition state for phosphorylation of the enzyme is dissociative in character, as is the case in solution. Binding of the substrate is rapid and reversible, as is the binding-induced conformational change which brings the catalytic general acid into the active site. Cleavage of the P-O bond and proton transfer from the general acid Asp to the leaving group are both far advanced in the transition state, and there is no development of negative charge on the departing leaving group. Experiments with several general acid mutants give values for 18(V/K)bridge of around 1.0280, 15(V/K) of about 1.002, and 18(V/K)nonbridge effects of from 1.0007 to 1.0022. These data indicate a dissociative transition state with the leaving group departing as the nitrophenolate anion but suggest more nucleophilic participation than in the solution reaction.
- Shock LP, Bare DJ, Klinz SG, Maness PF
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases expressed in developing brain and retinal Muller glia.
- Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1995; 28: 110-6
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Regulation of protein function through tyrosine phosphorylation is critical to many developmental processes involving cell-cell communication. A number of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have been identified in the early postnatal and mature central nervous system (CNS), but the PTPs expressed during its development have not been well characterized. Using a polymerase chain reaction with degenerate primers, we analyzed PTPs expressed in fetal (E18) rat brain and Muller glia cultures from embryonic chick retina, two systems in which cell-to-cell contacts are numerous. Fetal rat brain expressed four known receptor-like PTPs (PTP delta, LAR, LAR-PTP2, LRP (PTP alpha)) and the non-receptor phosphatase PTP1B. Muller glia exhibited a distinct but overlapping pattern of expression: four known receptor PTPs (PTP alpha, PTP gamma, PTP delta, PTP zeta) and PTP1B. In addition, two novel PTPs, termed MG-PTP1 and 2 (Muller glia PTP 1 and 2) were identified in Muller glia cDNA. MG-PTP1 was related to, but distinct from PTP delta, while MG-PTP2 was related to, but distinct from the cytosolic T-cell phosphatase. These results demonstrate that a distinct but overlapping set of PTPs is expressed in the developing brain and retinal Muller glia, including two novel PTPs that may participate in neural cell communication.
- Seimiya H, Sawabe T, Inazawa J, Tsuruo T
- Cloning, expression and chromosomal localization of a novel gene for protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP-U2) induced by various differentiation-inducing agents.
- Oncogene. 1995; 10: 1731-8
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Previously, we cloned two gene fragments encoding novel protein tyrosine phosphatases, termed PTP-U1 and PTP-U2. Here, we report the full-length sequence, expression, and chromosomal localization of the PTP-U2 gene. The cDNA for PTP-U2, which was obtained from a human normal kidney library, predicts a protein of 1216 amino acids, -140 kDa, that contains a single transmembrane domain and a single intracellular catalytic domain. The extracellular domain of PTP-U2 contains 14 putative N-glycosylation sites and eight repeats of fibronectin type III-like motif. These data suggest that PTP-U2 is structurally similar to HPTP beta and DPTP10D, which have been reported previously. Northern blot analysis revealed that there were two different transcripts for PTP-U2. In kidney and brain, gene expression of PTP-U2 was detected as a 5.4 kb mRNA and in lung and placenta as 3.5 kb. The 3.5 kb transcript was also detected in human leukemia cell lines (eg., U937). Interestingly, its gene expression was enhanced by various differentiation-inducing agents, such as phorbol ester, dihydroxy vitamin D3, retinoic acid, and dimethyl sulfoxide. The bacterially expressed PTP-U2 fusion protein exhibited intrinsic tyrosine phosphatase activity. The PTP-U2 gene was assigned to chromosome 12p13.2-p13.3.
- Goldstein BJ
- Phosphoprotein phosphatases 1: tyrosine phosphatases.
- Protein Profile. 1995; 2: 1425-1585
- Guo YL, Roux SJ
- Partial purification and characterization of an enzyme from pea nuclei with protein tyrosine phosphatase activity.
- Plant Physiol. 1995; 107: 167-75
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A pea (Pisum sativum L.) nuclear enzyme with protein tyrosine phosphatase activity has been partially purified and characterized. The enzyme has a molecular mass of 90 kD as judged by molecular sieve column chromatography and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Like animal protein tyrosine phosphatases it can be inhibited by low concentrations of molybdate and vanadate. It is also inhibited by heparin and spermine but not by either the acid phosphatase inhibitors citrate and tartrate or the protein serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid. The enzyme does not require Ca2+, Mg2+, or Mn2+ for its activity but is stimulated by ethylenediaminetetraacetate and by ethyleneglycolbis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid. It dephosphorylates phosphotyrosine residues on the four different 32P-tyrosine-labeled peptides tested but not the phosphoserine/threonine residues on casein and histone. Like some animal protein tyrosine phosphatases, it has a variable pH optimum depending on the substrate used: the optimum is 5.5 when the substrate is [32P]tyrosine-labeled lysozyme, but it is 7.0 when the substrate is [32P]tyrosine-labeled poly(glutamic acid, tyrosine). It has a Km of 4 microM when the lysozyme protein is used as a substrate.
- Jeffrey PD, Gorina S, Pavletich NP
- Crystal structure of the tetramerization domain of the p53 tumor suppressor at 1.7 angstroms.
- Science. 1995; 267: 1498-502
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The p53 protein is a tetrameric transcription factor that plays a central role in the prevention of neoplastic transformation. Oligomerization appears to be essential for the tumor suppressing activity of p53 because oligomerization-deficient p53 mutants cannot suppress the growth of carcinoma cell lines. The crystal structure of the tetramerization domain of p53 (residues 325 to 356) was determined at 1.7 angstrom resolution and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 19.2 percent. The monomer, which consists of a beta strand and an alpha helix, associates with a second monomer across an antiparallel beta sheet and an antiparallel helix-helix interface to form a dimer. Two of these dimers associate across a second and distinct parallel helix-helix interface to form the tetramer.
- Hiriyanna KT, Baedke D, Baek KH, Forney BA, Kordiyak G, Ingebritsen TS
- Thiophosphorylated substrate analogs are potent active site-directed inhibitors of protein-tyrosine phosphatases.
- Anal Biochem. 1994; 223: 51-8
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Thiophosphotyrosyl protein and peptide substrate analogs were found to be potent and specific protein-tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors with IC50s in the range of 0.2-30 microM. The analogs were based on highly reactive substrates and included thiophosphotyrosyl forms of reduced carboxamidomethylated and maleylated lysozyme and peptides based on tyrosine phosphorylation sites of lysozyme, alpha s2-casein, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor. These analogs inhibited protein-tyrosine phosphatases from both the intracellular and transmembrane classes and from a variety of species ranging from a prokaryote (Yersinia enterolitica) to man. The extent of inhibition of phosphatase activity by a given analog varied with the phosphatase species. In contrast, protein kinases and protein-serine/threonine phosphatases were not significantly affected by these analogs. The mechanism of inhibition was investigated using rat brain protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1 as a prototype. These studies indicated that the inhibition was rapid and reversible and was competitive in nature. The Ki for inhibition by various thiophosphotyrosyl analogs was generally proportional to the apparent Km for the corresponding phosphorylated substrates. Unphosphorylated substrate molecules were generally much weaker inhibitors than the corresponding thiophosphotyrosyl substrate analogs. Taken together these results point to an active site-directed mechanism for inhibition. These specific inhibitory probes could be used to study substrate binding mechanisms as well as physiological roles of various protein-tyrosine phosphatases.
- Shibata K, Noda M, Sawa Y, Watanabe T
- Acid phosphatase purified from Mycoplasma fermentans has protein tyrosine phosphatase-like activity.
- Infect Immun. 1994; 62: 313-5
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Acid phosphatase purified from Mycoplasma fermentans dephosphorylated phosphotyrosine-containing lysozyme and Raytide, a peptide substrate for protein tyrosine phosphatases. The optimum pH for Raytide was about 5.5. Raytide phosphatase activity was inhibited by potassium fluoride, sodium molybdate, and sodium orthovanadate and was found to exist in some mycoplasmas.
- Barnea G, Grumet M, Sap J, Margolis RU, Schlessinger J
- Close similarity between receptor-linked tyrosine phosphatase and rat brain proteoglycan.
- Cell. 1994; 76: 205-205
- Naegele JR, Lombroso PJ
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases in the nervous system.
- Crit Rev Neurobiol. 1994; 9: 105-14
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) act to oppose the action of tyrosine kinases and serve important roles in regulating levels of phosphotyrosine in cells. Accumulating evidence points to the roles of PTPs in neuronal development and function, as well as neurotransmitter and growth factor receptor signaling cascades. By analogy to the family of tyrosine kinases, there are both receptor-like and intracellular tyrosine phosphatases. A number of these have been identified in the brain and found to be nervous system-enriched. This article describes brain-enriched PTPs, their localization patterns in brain, and speculations regarding their functional roles.
- Su XD et al.
- Crystallisation of a low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase from bovine liver.
- FEBS Lett. 1994; 343: 107-8
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Single crystals of a low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase from bovine liver have been grown. The crystals belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), have cell dimensions a = 46.3 A, b = 62.2 A, c = 62.7 A and diffract to better than 2.0 A resolution. The crystals are well suited for high resolution X-ray studies.
- Feng GS, Pawson T
- Phosphotyrosine phosphatases with SH2 domains: regulators of signal transduction.
- Trends Genet. 1994; 10: 54-8
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Among the rapidly growing family of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), a subfamily of cytoplasmic PTPs that contain SH2 domains has been identified in both mammals and Drosophila. These PTPs each contain two tandem SH2 domains at their amino-terminus, and a single phosphatase domain. The SH2-containing PTPs appear to be downstream targets of growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases, and have been shown genetically to be required for normal development in Drosophila and in the mouse. Accumulating biochemical and genetic data therefore suggest that SH2-containing PTPs might have a physiological role in intracellular signal transduction.
- Fisher DK, Higgins TJ
- A sensitive, high-volume, colorimetric assay for protein phosphatases.
- Pharm Res. 1994; 11: 759-63
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Protein phosphatases are intimately involved in a variety of cellular processes, many of which are of interest to the pharmaceutical industry. Phosphatase assays generally employ radioisotopes, making them tedious to perform, costly, and hazardous, while other procedures require antibodies and/or are unsuitable for mass screening efforts. To facilitate screening for inhibitors of the CD45 protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase), we have developed a sensitive colorimetric assay, using small volumes in 96-well microtiter plates and read on a standard ELISA plate reader. The assay was sensitive down to 0.5 nmol of released phosphate and can be easily run by robotics to assay thousands of compounds in a day. The assay is sparing of reagents and has been successfully used with all classes of phosphatases. The reagents are nonradioactive, readily obtainable, and minimal in cost. This assay should facilitate the search for specific inhibitors of phosphatases.
- Zhang ZY, Dixon JE
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: mechanism of catalysis and substrate specificity.
- Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol. 1994; 68: 1-36
- Divne C et al.
- The three-dimensional crystal structure of the catalytic core of cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei.
- Science. 1994; 265: 524-8
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Cellulose is the major polysaccharide of plants where it plays a predominantly structural role. A variety of highly specialized microorganisms have evolved to produce enzymes that either synergistically or in complexes can carry out the complete hydrolysis of cellulose. The structure of the major cellobiohydrolase, CBHI, of the potent cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma reesei has been determined and refined to 1.8 angstrom resolution. The molecule contains a 40 angstrom long active site tunnel that may account for many of the previously poorly understood macroscopic properties of the enzyme and its interaction with solid cellulose. The active site residues were identified by solving the structure of the enzyme complexed with an oligosaccharide, o-iodobenzyl-1-thio-beta-cellobioside. The three-dimensional structure is very similar to a family of bacterial beta-glucanases with the main-chain topology of the plant legume lectins.
- Cahir McFarland ED, Flores E, Matthews RJ, Thomas ML
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases involved in lymphocyte signal transduction.
- Chem Immunol. 1994; 59: 40-61
- Livingstone CD, Barton GJ
- Secondary structure prediction from multiple sequence data: blood clotting factor XIII and Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase.
- Int J Pept Protein Res. 1994; 44: 239-44
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Predictions of protein structure are best tested without prior knowledge of the protein three-dimensional structure. Three-dimensional atomic models will soon be determined by X-ray crystallography for the alpha-subunit of human blood clotting factor XIII and members of the family of protein tyrosine specific phosphatases. Accordingly, we here present secondary structure predictions for each of these proteins. The secondary structure predictions were generated from aligned sets of protein sequences. This technique has previously provided reliable predictions for the Annexins and the SH2 domains. The factor XIII alpha prediction contains 39 regions predicted in strand conformation (34% of the protein) with only 3 helices (4%). The protein tyrosine phosphatases have 12 predicted strands and 5 helices (30 and 17%, respectively). We expect greater reliability from regions of alignments that show clear patterns of residue conservation (61% of factor XIII alpha and 57% of the protein tyrosine phosphatases). The aligned protein tyrosine phosphatases show two regions (L39-L80 and I138-E253) with clear patterns of residue conservation separated by a region of variable amino acid composition. We suggest this indicates that the tyrosine phosphatase fold comprises two domains separated by an exposed linker. Potential phosphate binding sites are identified in the protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Marx J
- Taking a first look at a tyrosine phosphatase.
- Science. 1994; 263: 1373-1373
- Zhou G, Denu JM, Wu L, Dixon JE
- The catalytic role of Cys124 in the dual specificity phosphatase VHR.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 28084-90
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The recombinant human Vaccinia virus H1-related protein tyrosine phosphatase, (VHR PTPase) possesses intrinsic Tyr and Thr/Ser phosphatase activities. Both activities were abolished by a single amino acid substitution, C124S. When VHR was incubated with a 32P-labeled phosphotyrosine-containing substrate and then rapidly denatured, enzyme-associated 32P was evident following SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The formation of 32P-labeled protein could be blocked in the presence of an unlabeled substrate. VHR-associated 32P was sensitive to iodine but insensitive to pyridine and hydroxylamine. The catalytically inactive C124S mutant would not form a 32P-labeled enzyme. Furthermore, VHR phosphatase could be selectively inactivated by the alkylating agent iodoacetate. The inactivation resulted from the specific covalent modification of Cys124. Collectively these results suggest that a thiol-phosphate enzyme intermediate is formed when Cys124 of VHR accepts a phosphate from the substrate. Our results also demonstrate that the dual specificity phosphatases and the tyrosine-specific PTPases employ similar catalytic mechanisms.
- Mondesert O, Moreno S, Russell P
- Low molecular weight protein-tyrosine phosphatases are highly conserved between fission yeast and man.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 27996-9
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Cdc25 protein phosphatase dephosphorylates tyrosine 15 of Cdc2, thereby activating Cdc2/cyclin B kinase, which then brings about mitosis. A fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cDNA expression library was screened for clones that rescue cdc25-22. In addition to the cdc25+ and pyp3+ protein-tyrosine phosphatase genes, a third gene was discovered. This gene, named stp1+ (small tyrosine phosphatase), encodes a approximately 17.5-kDa protein that is approximately 42% identical to members of an unusual class of small (approximately 18 kDa) cytosolic phosphatases previously known to exist only in mammalian species. The biological functions of these proteins are unknown, but they have vigorous protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity in vitro and have a sequence motif, Cys-X5-Arg, that is present at the active sites of all known types of protein-tyrosine phosphatases. Sequence homology between S. pombe Stp1 and its mammalian homologs is particularly high in the active site region of the proteins. Rescue of cdc25-22 by overproduction of Stp1 protein is probably due to an ability of Stp1 to dephosphorylate tyrosine 15 of Cdc2. Disruption of stp1+ causes no obvious phenotype. The fact that Stp1 homologs are highly conserved between yeast and man suggests that they have important functions.
- Su XD, Taddei N, Stefani M, Ramponi G, Nordlund P
- The crystal structure of a low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase.
- Nature. 1994; 370: 575-8
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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are central reactions for control of cellular division, differentiation and development. Here we describe the crystal structure of a low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (PTPase), a cytosolic phosphatase present in many mammalian cells. The enzyme catalyses the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine-containing substrates, and overexpression of the protein in normal and transformed cells inhibits cell proliferation. The structure of the low-molecular-weight PTPase reveals an alpha/beta protein containing a phosphate-binding loop motif at the amino end of helix alpha 1. This motif includes the essential active-site residues Cys 12 and Arg 18 and bears striking similarities to the active-site motif recently described in the structure of human PTP1B. The structure of the low-molecular-weight PTPase supports a reaction mechanism involving the conserved Cys 12 as an attacking nucleophile in an in-line associative mechanism. The structure also suggests a catalytic role for Asp 129 in the reaction cycle.
- Zhang M, Van Etten RL, Stauffacher CV
- Crystal structure of bovine heart phosphotyrosyl phosphatase at 2.2-A resolution.
- Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 11097-105
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The first X-ray crystallographic structure of a member of the class of low molecular weight (M(r) 18,000) phosphotyrosyl phosphatases is presented. Bovine heart phosphotyrosyl phosphatase (BHPTP) exemplifies this class and is highly homologous (94% sequence identity) to an isoenzyme known as red cell acid phosphatase that is present throughout human tissues. The high-resolution (2.2-A) crystal structure of BHPTP shows that the enzyme consists of a four-strand central parallel beta sheet with alpha helices packed on both sides in a manner characteristic of a Rossmann fold. A bound phosphate ion defines the active site location in a loop of the first beta alpha beta motif at the C-terminus of the beta sheet. The location and enzymatic significance of the residues in the characteristic low molecular weight PTPase active site motif, including the essential arginine (Arg 18) and nucleophilic cysteine (Cys 12), are described. The functional role of a histidine (His 72) suggested previously to be near the active site is defined in the structure, as well as a potential proton donor for the leaving group in the tyrosyl phosphate cleavage. Surface maps of BHPTP define a hydrophobic crevice suitable for phosphotyrosyl peptide binding. Comparison of the BHPTP structure to the related, but structurally distinct enzyme PTP1B is made, illustrating the unique way this smallest of these phosphatases has formed the phosphotyrosine active site.
- McCulloch J, Siminovitch KA
- Involvement of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1C in cellular physiology, autoimmunity and oncogenesis.
- Adv Exp Med Biol. 1994; 365: 245-54
- Tainer J, Russell P
- Enzyme structure. Cracking tyrosine phosphatases.
- Nature. 1994; 370: 506-7
- Su J, Batzer A, Sap J
- Receptor tyrosine phosphatase R-PTP-alpha is tyrosine-phosphorylated and associated with the adaptor protein Grb2.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 18731-4
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Receptor tyrosine phosphatases (R-PTPases) have generated interest because of their suspected involvement in cellular signal transduction. The adaptor protein Grb2 has been implicated in coupling receptor tyrosine kinases to Ras. We report that a ubiquitous R-PTPase, R-PTP-alpha, is tyrosine-phosphorylated and associated in vivo with the Grb2 protein. This association can be reproduced in stably and transiently transfected cells, as well as in vitro using recombinant Grb2 protein. Association requires the presence of an intact SH2 domain in Grb2, as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of R-PTP-alpha. This observation links a receptor tyrosine phosphatase with a key component of a central cellular signalling pathway and provides a basis for addressing R-PTP-alpha function.
- Jinno S et al.
- Cdc25A is a novel phosphatase functioning early in the cell cycle.
- EMBO J. 1994; 13: 1549-56
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The cdc25+ tyrosine phosphatase is a key mitotic inducer of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, controlling the timing of the initiation of mitosis. Mammals contain at least three cdc25+ homologues called cdc25A, cdc25B and cdc25C. In this study we investigate the biological function of cdc25A. Although very potent in rescuing the S.pombe cdc25 mutant, cdc25A is less structurally related to the S.pombe enzyme. Northern and Western blotting detection reveals that unlike cdc25B, cdc25C and cdc2, cdc25A is predominantly expressed in late G1. Moreover, immunodepletion of cdc25A in rat cells by microinjection of a specific antibody effectively blocks their cell cycle progression from G1 into the S phase, as determined by laser scanning single cell cytometry. These results indicate that cdc25A is not a mitotic regulator but a novel phosphatase that plays a crucial role in the start of the cell cycle. In view of its strong ability to activate cdc2 kinase and its specific expression in late G1, cdc2-related kinases functioning early in the cell cycle may be targets for this phosphatase.
- Zhang Z, Harms E, Van Etten RL
- Asp129 of low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase is involved in leaving group protonation.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 25947-50
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Site-directed mutagenesis was used to explore the functions of a number of acidic residues of bovine low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase. Residues Asp-129, Asp-56, and Asp-92 were mutated to Ala or Asn. The mutant enzymes D56A, D56N, and D92A showed no significant changes in Vmax values, although they did exhibit significantly altered Km values. In contrast, the D129A mutant enzyme exhibited a greater than 2000-fold reduction in Vmax, using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate. The Vmax values of D129A also exhibited a leaving group dependence, an altered solvent isotope effect of VmaxH/VmaxD of 0.78, and a lack of dependence on the presence of alternative phosphate acceptor alcohols, all properties that distinguish this mutant from wild type enzyme. The differences are due to a change of the rate-limiting step of the catalytic reaction. Asp-129 is concluded to be the proton donor to the leaving group in the phosphorylation step, and its mutation to alanine results in a reduced Vmax value and a change in the rate-limiting step of the catalysis from dephosphorylation to phosphorylation. Mechanistic considerations suggest that other phosphotyrosyl phosphatases having cysteine at the active site may be expected to have a similar requirement for a proton donor.
- Ishibashi T, Bottaro DP, Michieli P, Kelley CA, Aaronson SA
- A novel dual specificity phosphatase induced by serum stimulation and heat shock.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 29897-902
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To identify new members of a family of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), of which VH1 is prototype, we screened a B5/589 human mammary epithelial cell cDNA library by low stringency hybridization with probes for the catalytic domains of the human VHR and mouse 3CH134 phosphatases. Two overlapping clones of 1.8 and 2.5 kilobase pairs were detected by 3CH134 but not VHR probes. Sequence analysis of the largest clone, B23, revealed a 2470-nucleotide open reading frame encoding a novel protein. Within the 397 amino acid sequence, the HCXAGXXR signature sequence for PTPs was located at positions 261-268. The closest similarities were to 3CH134, its human homolog CL100, and PAC-1, PTPs induced as early response genes to mitogen stimulation. Less relatedness was observed with VHR and VH1 dual specificity phosphatases of human and vaccinia virus, respectively. A bacterially expressed recombinant protein containing the catalytic domain of B23 showed significant but consistently lower activity than VHR in vitro. Among the substrates tested, B23 displayed the highest relative activity toward phosphorylated extracellular signal regulated kinase-1, suggesting that it may be a target for B23 activity in vivo. The B23 transcript was detected in a wide variety of normal human tissues, with relatively high expression in pancreas and brain. B23 was induced by serum stimulation of human fibroblasts as well as by heat shock with similar kinetics to those observed with CL100. Thus, B23 is a new human protein phosphatase which appears to be regulated in response to mitogenic signaling and at least some forms of stress.
- Hoppe E et al.
- Expression, purification and crystallization of human phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1B.
- Eur J Biochem. 1994; 223: 1069-77
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Protein phosphotyrosine phosphatases are believed to be involved in the regulation of the activity of cellular proteins, such as receptor tyrosine kinases, by controlling their phosphorylation status. One of the best described and characterized protein of this class of enzymes is the phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1B. To obtain sufficient quantities for structural investigations, truncated forms of PTP1B encompassing the catalytic domain were over-expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity by conventional chromatography. The activity of these purified enzymes has been compared with the wild-type enzyme expressed in mammalian cells. By measuring the activities against p-nitrophenyl phosphate, the pH dependence of this activity, and responses to different modulators, it could be demonstrated that the truncated forms of PTP1B retained the same characteristics as the full-length mammalian enzyme, but are not subject to inhibition of enzymic activity mediated by the C-terminus. Due to their improved solubility, it can be assumed that the catalytic domains are advantageous for crystallization studies in comparison to the natural enzyme. In a screening for crystallization conditions, we obtained protein crystals indicating that the quality of the purified protein is sufficient for crystallographic studies.
- Zhang ZY, Malachowski WP, Van Etten RL, Dixon JE
- Nature of the rate-determining steps of the reaction catalyzed by the Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 8140-5
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Product inhibition and 18O exchange experiments suggest that the Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase-catalyzed phosphate monoester hydrolysis proceeds through at least two different chemical steps, i.e. the formation and breakdown of a covalent phosphoenzyme intermediate. The pH dependence of kcat values is bell-shaped, with the apparent pKa derived from the acidic limb of the profile at 4.6 for both p-nitrophenyl phosphate and beta-naphthyl phosphate, whereas the apparent pKa derived from the basic limb of the profile is substrate-dependent, with apparent pKa values of 5.2 and 5.8 for p-nitrophenyl phosphate and beta-naphthyl phosphate, respectively. Twelve aryl phosphates with leaving groups having pKa values from approximately 7 to 10 are also examined as substrates at two pH values. At pH 4.0, the beta lg values is effectively zero, whereas at pH 7.5, a beta lg value of 0.16 is observed. Collectively, our results suggest that the rate-determining step under acidic conditions corresponds to the breakdown of the phosphoenzyme intermediate, whereas under more alkaline conditions, substrate effects also contribute to the rate-limiting step. A model is proposed for the mechanism of the Yersinia protein-tyrosine phosphatase-catalyzed reaction.
- Sun H, Tonks NK
- The coordinated action of protein tyrosine phosphatases and kinases in cell signaling.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1994; 19: 480-5
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The levels of tyrosine phosphorylation required for cell growth and differentiation are achieved through the coordinated action of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). Depending upon the cellular context, these two types of enzymes may either antagonize or cooperate with each other during the signal transmission process. An imbalance between these enzymes may impair normal cell growth, leading to cellular transformation. Both PTKs and PTPs have evolved to a level of structural diversity that allows them to regulate many cellular processes. This review will focus on several specific examples that highlight the interplay between PTPs and PTKs in cell signaling.
- Logan TM, Zhou MM, Nettesheim DG, Meadows RP, Van Etten RL, Fesik SW
- Solution structure of a low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 11087-96
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are important enzymes involved in signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, and the control of differentiation. Despite the importance of this class of enzymes in the control of critical cell processes, very little structural information is available for this family of proteins. In this paper, we present the first solution structure of a protein tyrosine phosphatase. This protein is a low molecular weight cytosolic PTP that was initially isolated from bovine heart. The structure that was determined from 1747 NMR-derived restraints consists of a central four-stranded parallel beta-sheet surrounded by four alpha-helices and a short 3(10) helix. The phosphate binding site, identified by chemical shift changes upon the addition of the competitive inhibitors phosphate and vanadate, is in a loop region connecting the C-terminal end of the first beta-strand with the first alpha-helix. Residues in the second, fourth, and fifth alpha-helices and in some of the loop regions connecting the elements of regular secondary structure also contribute to the binding site. The structure determined here is consistent with previous mutagenesis and chemical modification studies conducted on this protein.
- Zhao Z, Larocque R, Ho WT, Fischer EH, Shen SH
- Purification and characterization of PTP2C, a widely distributed protein tyrosine phosphatase containing two SH2 domains.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 8780-5
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PTP2C, a widely distributed protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) containing two SH2 domains, was expressed as a recombinant enzyme in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme and a truncated form lacking the SH2 domains (delta SH2-PTP2C) have been characterized with four commonly used substrates. Both forms showed pH optima of around neutrality for protein substrates but below 5.5 for a peptide substrate and para-nitrophenylphosphate. The dependence of the enzymes on ionic strength varied with the nature of the substrates involved. Like its analog PTP1C, PTP2C displayed a specific activity of less than 0.1% of that observed with other known PTPs toward protein substrates. Deletion of the SH2 domains increased its activity by 12-45-fold, depending on the substrates used. Limited trypsinolysis which cleaved about 4 kDa from the carboxyl terminus resulted in a 2-5-fold activation of the full-length enzyme but was essentially without effect on the truncated enzyme. Both forms showed similar responses to effectors including activators (e.g. anionic phospholipids) or inhibitors (e.g. vanadate, molybdate, or Zn2+). PTP2C and delta SH2-PTP2C were phosphorylated in vitro by mitogen-activated protein kinase, protein kinase C, and various protein tyrosine kinases; in the latter case, they underwent autodephosphorylation. No significant effect of the phosphorylation reactions on enzyme activity could be observed in vitro.
- Mourey RJ, Dixon JE
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: characterization of extracellular and intracellular domains.
- Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1994; 4: 31-9
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) play an important role in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. With over 30 PTPs identified, the specific functions of these enzymes are now being addressed. The identification of extracellular domain receptor-like PTP interactions and the characterization of intracellular PTP 'targeting' domains represent recent efforts in this pursuit.
- Barford D, Keller JC, Flint AJ, Tonks NK
- Purification and crystallization of the catalytic domain of human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B expressed in Escherichia coli.
- J Mol Biol. 1994; 239: 726-30
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The amino-terminal 321 residues encoding the catalytic domain of human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (molecular mass 37 kDa) has been expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity and crystallized. The crystals diffract to 2.4 A resolution when exposed to synchrotron radiation and belong to space group P3(1)21 (or its enantiomorph P3(2)21) with a = 88.4 A, b = 88.4 A, c = 104.0 A, alpha = beta = 90.0 degrees, gamma = 120.0 degrees. There is one molecule of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B per asymmetric unit and the crystal form is suitable for the determination of the atomic structure of the enzyme.
- White A, Withers SG, Gilkes NR, Rose DR
- Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the beta-1,4-glycanase cex from Cellulomonas fimi.
- Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 12546-52
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beta-1,4-Glycanases, principally cellulases and xylanases, are responsible for the hydrolysis of plant biomass. The bifunctional beta-1,4-xylanase/glucanase Cex from the bacterium Cellulomonas fimi, one of a large family of cellulases/xylanases, depolymerizes oligosaccharides and releases a disaccharide unit from the substrate nonreducing end. Hydrolysis occurs with net retention of the anomeric configuration of the sugar through a double-displacement mechanism involving a covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. The active site nucleophile, Glu233, has been unambiguously identified by trapping of such an intermediate [Tull et al. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 15621-15625] and the acid/base catalyst, Glu127, by detailed kinetic analysis of mutants [MacLeod et al. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 6371-6376]. However, little is known about the enzyme's overall folding and its active site architecture. We report here the high-resolution crystal structure of the catalytic domain of Cex. The atomic structure refinement results in a model that includes 2400 protein atoms and 45 water molecules, with an R-factor of 0.217 for data extending to 1.8-A resolution. The protein forms an eight-parallel-stranded alpha/beta-barrel, which is a novel folding pattern for a microbial beta-glycanase. The active site, inferred from the location of Glu233, Glu127, and other conserved residues, is an open cleft on the carboxy-terminal end of the alpha/beta-barrel. An extensive hydrogen-bonding network stabilizes the ionization states of the key residues; in particular, the Asp235-His205-Glu233 hydrogen-bonding network may play a role in modulating the ionization state of Glu233 and in controlling local charge balance during the reaction.
- Mauro LJ, Dixon JE
- 'Zip codes' direct intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatases to the correct cellular 'address'.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1994; 19: 151-5
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The transmembrane and intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) play an essential role as signal transduction proteins involved in various cellular processes including division, proliferation and differentiation. As such, their activity must be strictly regulated to avoid nonspecific tyrosine dephosphorylation of cellular proteins. The intracellular PTPs possess a diversity of protein sequences outside the catalytic domain that appear to serve as 'zip codes' specifically 'addressing' these proteins to defined subcellular compartments. These localization strategies are proposed to function as a regulatory mechanism, defining the substrate specificity and function of the intracellular PTPs.
- Davis JP, Zhou MM, Van Etten RL
- Spectroscopic and kinetic studies of the histidine residues of bovine low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase.
- Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 1278-86
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The role of the two conserved histidine residues in the low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases was investigated using site-directed mutagenesis of the recombinant bovine heart enzyme. His-66 and His-72 were individually mutated to alanine and to asparagine. A double mutant, containing only alanines in place of the histidines, was also created. The 1H NMR spectra of the purified proteins revealed no apparent tertiary structure alterations. Microscopic pKas for the two histidines were determined from a pH titration of the wild-type enzyme using 1H NMR spectroscopy and an MLEV-17 spectral editing scheme to more readily follow shifts in the specific histidine resonance peaks. His-66 titrates with an apparent pKa of 8.4 while for His-72 the value is 9.2. Since earlier chemical modification experiments indicated that the wild-type enzyme was inactivated by the histidine-selective modification reagent diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP), the histidine mutants were tested for sensitivity to DEP. Both of the histidine single mutants were inactivated by DEP, and surprisingly, the double mutant containing no histidines was also readily inactivated by DEP. Thus, for this protein, modification by DEP is not specific for histidine residues. Kinetic studies of the mutant proteins reveal that neither histidine is essential in the catalytic mechanism. His-66 mutants showed virtually identical catalytic properties compared to wild-type enzyme, whereas His-72 mutants had reduced specific activity and higher phosphate Ki and lower Km values at pH5 and higher. It is proposed that His-72, although not essential for catalysis, may serve a significant structural role at the enzyme active site.
- Zhang ZY et al.
- The Cys(X)5Arg catalytic motif in phosphoester hydrolysis.
- Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 15266-70
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The Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) was identified in the genus of bacteria responsible for the plague or the Black Death and was shown to be essential for pathogenesis. The three-dimensional structure of the catalytic domain of the Yersinia PTPase has been solved, and this information along with a detailed kinetic analysis has led to a better understanding of the catalytic mechanism of the PTPase. Mutational and chemical modification experiments have established that an invariant Cys residue (Cys403) is directly involved in formation of a covalent phosphoenzyme intermediate. We have shown that Arg409 plays a critical role in PTPase action and that the Cys(X)5Arg active site motif forms a phosphate-binding loop which appears to represent the essential features necessary for catalysis by the PTPases, the dual specific phosphatases, and the low molecular weight acid phosphatases.
- Donella-Deana A, Krinks MH, Ruzzene M, Klee C, Pinna LA
- Dephosphorylation of phosphopeptides by calcineurin (protein phosphatase 2B).
- Eur J Biochem. 1994; 219: 109-17
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38 (6-32 residues) enzymically phosphorylated synthetic peptides have been assayed as substrates for calcineurin, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase (PP-2B) belonging to the family of Ser/Thr-specific enzymes but also active on phosphotyrosine residues. Many peptides reproduce, with suitable modifications, naturally occurring phosphoacceptor sites. While protein phosphatases 2A and 2C are also very active on short phosphopeptides, an extended N-terminal stretch appears to be a necessary, albeit not sufficient, condition for an optimal dephosphorylation, comparable to that of protein substrates, of both phosphoseryl and phosphotyrosyl peptides by calcineurin. This finding corroborates the view that higher-order structure is an important determinant for the substrate specificity of calcineurin. However, a number of shorter peptides are also appreciably dephosphorylated by this enzyme, their efficiency as substrates depending on local structural features. All the peptides that are appreciably dephosphorylated by calcineurin contain basic residue(s) on the N-terminal side. A basic residue located at position -3 relative to the phosphorylated residue plays a particularly relevant positive role in determining the dephosphorylation of short phosphopeptides. Acidic residue(s) adjacent to the C-terminal side of the phosphoamino acid are conversely powerful negative determinants, preventing the dephosphorylation of otherwise suitable peptide substrates. However, calcineurin displays an only moderate preference for phosphothreonyl peptides which are conversely strikingly preferred over their phosphoseryl counterparts by the other classes of Ser/Thr-specific protein phosphatases. Moreover calcineurin does not perceive as a strong negative determinant the motif Ser/Thr-Pro in peptides where this motif prevents dephosphorylation by the other classes of Ser/Thr protein phosphatases. Whenever tested on phosphotyrosyl peptides, calcineurin exhibits a specificity which is strikingly different from that of T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase, a bona fide protein tyrosine phosphatase. In particular while the latter enzyme is especially active toward a number of phosphopeptides reproducing the phosphoacceptor sites of src products and of calmodulin whose N-terminal moieties are predominantly acidic, the artificial substrate phospho-angiotensin II, bearing an arginine residue at position -2, is far preferred by calcineurin over all phosphotyrosyl peptides of similar size. Collectively taken these results show that the specificity of calcineurin, rather than resting on a given consensus sequence, is determined by a variety of primary and higher-order structural features conferring to it an overall selectivity that is different from those of any other known protein phosphatase.
- Adachi M, Miyachi T, Sekiya M, Hinoda Y, Yachi A, Imai K
- Structure of the human LC-PTP (HePTP) gene: similarity in genomic organization within protein-tyrosine phosphatase genes.
- Oncogene. 1994; 9: 3031-5
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Recently, various cDNA sequences coding protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have been reported and their extensive similarities in the catalytic domains clarified, but knowledge of the structures and organizations of their genes is still limited. In this study, a detailed structure and organization of the human intracellular LC-PTP (also called HePTP) gene is reported. The 13 to 18.5 kb genomic clones encoding human LC-PTP have been isolated. The LC-PTP gene is organized into 11 exons, including the 5'-noncoding first exon and the 3'-noncoding exon. Splicing sites for exons 4 to 10, which encode the conserved catalytic PTP domain, arise almost at the same position as for the CD45 gene. This elucidation of the LC-PTP gene structure provides insight into the domain evolution of intracellular LC-PTP and transmembrane CD45, which may be generated by gene duplications of an ancestral gene.
- Zhang ZY, Maclean D, McNamara DJ, Sawyer TK, Dixon JE
- Protein tyrosine phosphatase substrate specificity: size and phosphotyrosine positioning requirements in peptide substrates.
- Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 2285-90
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The structural requirements of substrates for two recombinant protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) are probed using various-sized synthetic phosphotyrosine (pY)-containing peptides corresponding to the autophosphorylation site in EGF receptor (EGFR) at Y992. The peptide EGFR988-998 (DADEpYLIPQQG) is chosen as a template due to its favorable kinetic constants. The contribution of individual amino acids on both sides of pY to binding and catalysis was assessed by kinetic analysis using a continuous, spectrophotometric assay. For both Yersinia PTPase and a soluble recombinant mammalian PTPase of 323 amino acid residues (rat PTP1), efficient binding and catalysis required six amino acids including the pY residue, i.e., four residues N-terminal to pY and one residue C-terminal to pY. Thus, PTPase substrate specificity is primarily dictated by residues to the N-terminal side of pY. The pY moiety and the rest of the peptide interact with PTPases in a cooperative manner. The presence of pY in the peptide substrate is necessary but not sufficient for high-affinity binding, since phosphotyrosine and other simple aryl phosphates exhibit weak binding, and dephosphorylated peptides do not bind to PTPases. Two variations on the pY moiety are also examined in order to assess their utility in PTPase inhibitor design. It is demonstrated that the thiophosphoryl analog in which one of the phosphate oxygens is replaced by sulfur can be hydrolyzed by PTPases, whereas the phosphonomethylphenylalanine analog in which the tyrosyl oxygen is replaced by a CH2 group is a competitive and nonhydrolyzable inhibitor, with Ki values of 18.6 and 10.2 microM, respectively, for the Yersinia PTPase and the rat PTP1.
- Zhang ZY, Wang Y, Dixon JE
- Dissecting the catalytic mechanism of protein-tyrosine phosphatases.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994; 91: 1624-7
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) contain an evolutionarily conserved segment of 250 amino acids referred to as the PTPase catalytic domain. The recombinant PTPase domain from Yersinia enterocolitica enhances the rate of hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate, a phosphate monoester, by approximately 10(11) over the non-enzyme-catalyzed rate by water. Specific amino acid residues responsible for the catalytic rate acceleration have been examined by site-directed mutagenesis. Our results suggest that Asp-356 (D356) and Glu-290 (E290) are the general acid and the general base catalysts responsible for Yersinia PTPase-catalyzed phosphate ester hydrolysis. The PTPase with both E290Q and D356N mutations shows no pH dependence for catalysis but displays a rate enhancement of 2.6 x 10(6), compared to the noncatalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate by water. This rate enhancement probably occurs via transition-state stabilization. Our results suggest that all PTP-ases use a common mechanism that depends upon formation of a thiol-phosphate intermediate and general acid-general base catalysis.
- Fang KS, Barker K, Sudol M, Hanafusa H
- A transmembrane protein-tyrosine phosphatase contains spectrin-like repeats in its extracellular domain.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 14056-63
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We report the first chicken transmembrane protein-tyrosine phosphatase, ChPTP lambda, isolated from a brain cDNA library and preB cells. ChPTP lambda has transcripts of about 5.6 kilobases and is abundant in spleen, intestine, and fibroblasts transformed by oncogenic ras or erbA/B. It has five alternative splicing products varying near their amino termini, and the largest one contains 1237 amino acids. The extracellular domain of ChPTP lambda has several features including a Ser/Thr/Pro-rich region, one fibronectin type III module, and spectrin-like repeats (the first case that spectrin-like repeats were found in the non-cytoplasmic compartment). These repeats were also found in other phosphatases, including CD45 and yeast acid phosphatases PHO5 and PHO3. Antibodies to ChPTP lambda recognized several protein species whose M(r) range from 170,000 to 210,000. ChPTP lambda exhibited phosphotyrosine-specific phosphatase activity. Since CD45 also has these features in the extracellular domain and the two protein-tyrosine phosphatases share 70% similarity in the intracellular domains, we propose that ChPTP lambda and CD45 belong to the same gene family.
- Gerondakis S, Economou C, Grumont RJ
- Structure of the gene encoding the murine dual specificity tyrosine-threonine phosphatase PAC1.
- Genomics. 1994; 24: 182-4
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The mitogen-induced early-response gene, PAC-1, encodes a nuclear 32-kDa tyrosine-threonine dual specificity phosphatase, which has been shown to specifically dephosphorylate the mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases, ERK1 and ERK2. Here, we describe the structure and sequence of the murine PAC-1 gene. Transcription starts at three major sites located between 80 and 90 nucleotides upstream of the murine PAC-1 initiation codon within a highly G/C-rich region. The gene comprises three exons, with exon 1 encoding the unique N-terminal half of the protein, while exons 2 and 3 encode the C-terminus that is homologous to the closely related phosphatases, 3CH134 and VH1. The conserved catalytic domain common to all tyrosine phosphatases is encompassed by exon 3. The organization of the murine PAC-1 gene suggests that the PAC-1 N-terminus, which may serve a regulatory function, has evolved as a separate domain from the C-terminal catalytic domain.
- Wiener JR et al.
- Overexpression of the tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B is associated with human ovarian carcinomas.
- Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994; 170: 1177-83
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OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to determine whether protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B is overexpressed in ovarian cancers, possibly altering the balance of intracellular tyrosine phosphorylation. STUDY DESIGN: The expression of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B was assayed in frozen sections from 54 human ovarian carcinomas and seven normal ovaries by immunochemical staining with monoclonal antibody AE4-2J, which is specific for protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B. The expression of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B-specific messenger ribonucleic acid in tumors was determined by Northern analysis. The results were analyzed statistically by means of Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: Minimal staining was observed in normal ovarian epithelium. In contrast, 43 of 54 (79.6%) tumors displayed increased protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B expression, which is statistically associated with malignancy. Overexpression was associated with the expression of the p185c-erbB-2, p170EGFR, and p165mCSFR growth factor receptor protein tyrosine kinases. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B messenger ribonucleic acid expression was inconsistently increased in tumor cells. CONCLUSION: Increased expression of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B in ovarian cancers that also express protein tyrosine kinases suggests that protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B may play a role in the growth regulation of ovarian cancers.
- Sheng Z, Charbonneau H
- The baculovirus Autographa californica encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 4728-33
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The genome of the baculovirus Autographa californica encodes a 19-kDa protein (BVP) containing an active site sequence motif ((I/V)HCXAGXXR(S/T)G) that characterizes a large family of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). The baculoviral protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified so that its enzymatic properties could be examined. We have demonstrated that recombinant BVP has intrinsic protein tyrosine phosphatase activity. Like VH1, a PTP encoded by vaccinia virus, BVP also dephosphorylates seryl or threonyl residues. However, the similarity of BVP to VH1 or the catalytic domains from PTPs of eukaryotic origin is restricted to a small region surrounding the active site motif. In contrast, the similarity of BVP to two putative PTPs encoded by the CDC14 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a gene of unknown function from Caenorhabditis elegans extends throughout its sequence. We postulate that BVP and its two homologs constitute a unique subfamily that may differ from other PTPs in having a specialized function, mode of regulation, or substrate preference.
- McLaughlin S, Dixon JE
- Alternative splicing gives rise to a nuclear protein tyrosine phosphatase in Drosophila.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 6839-42
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A novel Drosophila protein tyrosine phosphatase gene (dPTP61F) undergoes alternative splicing to encode two non-receptor-like proteins of 61,000 daltons. This splice selection occurs at the 3' end of the message, altering the carboxyl termini of the encoded proteins. These carboxyl-terminal sequences govern the targeting of each protein tyrosine phosphatase either to a cytoplasmic membrane or to the nucleus. The catalytic activity of the two protein products is indistinguishable, suggesting that substrate specificity is modulated by the protein's subcellular location.
- Zhang ZY, Maclean D, Thieme-Sefler AM, Roeske RW, Dixon JE
- A continuous spectrophotometric and fluorimetric assay for protein tyrosine phosphatase using phosphotyrosine-containing peptides.
- Anal Biochem. 1993; 211: 7-15
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Two continuous assays for protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) have been developed using phosphotyrosine containing peptide substrates. These assays are based on the marked differences in the spectra of the peptide before and after the removal of the phosphate group. The increase in the absorbance at 282 nm or the fluorescence at 305 nm of the peptide upon the action of PTPase can be followed continuously and the resulting progress curve (time course) can be analyzed directly using the integrated form of the Michaelis-Menten equation. The procedure is convenient and efficient, since both kcat and Km values can be obtained in a single run. The difference absorption coefficient (delta epsilon) at 282 nm is relatively insensitive to the pH of the reaction media. These techniques were applied to two homogeneous recombinant PTPases employing six phosphotyrosine-containing peptides. Km and kcat values obtained from the progress curve analysis were similar to those determined by the traditional initial rate inorganic phosphate assay. The peptides corresponding to autophosphorylation sites in Neu, p56lck, and p60src proteins show distinct behavior with the Yersinia PTPase, Yop51*, and the mammalian PTPase (PTP1U323). In both cases, the kcat values were relatively constant for all the peptides tested whereas the Km values were very sensitive to the amino acid sequence surrounding the tyrosine residue, especially in the case of Yop51*. Thus, both Yop51* and PTP1U323 show differential recognition of the phosphotyrosyl residues in the context of distinct primary structure of peptide substrates.
- Pan MG, Rim C, Lu KP, Florio T, Stork PJ
- Cloning and expression of two structurally distinct receptor-linked protein-tyrosine phosphatases generated by RNA processing from a single gene.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 19284-91
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We describe here the first example of RNA processing generating two functional receptor-linked protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTP) (protein-tyrosine-phosphate phosphohydrolase, EC that are structurally distinct within their catalytic domains. Two cDNAs, PTP-P1 and PTP-PS, were isolated from rat pheochromocytoma cells, which encode two receptor-linked protein-tyrosine-phosphatases and are produced by alternative splicing and differential use of polyadenylation sites. Both cDNAs share an identical extracellular domain and a single transmembrane domain, but differ within their cytoplasmic regions: PTP-P1 contains two tandem repeated PTPase catalytic domains, whereas PTP-PS contains only the amino-terminal domain. Bacterial expression of PTPase domains of both cDNAs demonstrates that PTP-P1 and PTP-PS contain tyrosine-phosphatase activity. PTP-P1 is encoded by three transcripts of approximately 8, 6, and 4 kilobases, whereas PTP-PS is encoded by a single 4.8-kilobase transcript. PTP-P1 (6 kilobases) and PTP-PS are mainly expressed within the brain and in neuronal and endocrine cells. These data suggest that PTP-P1 and PTP-PS may be involved in neuronal function.
- Pallen CJ
- The receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha: a role in cell proliferation and oncogenesis.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 403-8
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The transmembrane nature of the receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) suggests that they transduce as yet unidentified extracellular signals to intracellular events via a phosphotyrosyl-protein dephosphorylation step, although little is known of their regulation and cellular activities. Structure/function studies of PTP alpha demonstrate that both catalytic domains are required for full enzymatic efficiency and that interdomain interactions may modulate PTP alpha activity and specificity. Overexpression of PTP alpha results in cell transformation and tumorigenesis, likely as a consequence of the ability of PTP alpha to dephosphorylate and activate the c-src tyrosine kinase. This suggests a role for PTP alpha in normal cell proliferation. PTP alpha is so far unique among the PTPases in terms of its oncogenic potential, and overexpression or deregulation of PTP alpha may be involved in the genesis, progression or maintenance of certain tumor states.
- Zinn K
- Drosophila protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 397-401
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Seven protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) genes have been identified in the fruit-fly Drosophila melanogaster. Four of these genes encode receptor-linked PTPases (R-PTPs) that are expressed on central nervous system axons in the embryo. Each axonal R-PTP has an extracellular domain that is homologous to vertebrate adhesion molecules and to identified mammalian R-PTPs. Two non-receptor PTPase genes have been isolated to date. One of these, corkscrew (csw), encodes an SH2 domain-containing PTPase that appears to be a homolog of mammalian PTP1D. Genetic evidence indicates that the csw PTPase is involved in the transduction of signals from receptor tyrosine kinases to their down-stream targets, which include Ras proteins.
- Lau KH, Baylink DJ
- Phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases: potential regulators of cell proliferation and differentiation.
- Crit Rev Oncog. 1993; 4: 451-71
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Tyrosyl phosphorylated proteins have been associated with the regulation of cellular activities, including proliferation, differentiation, and transformation. The overall cellular levels of tyrosyl phosphorylated proteins are regulated by the balance of the activities of both tyrosyl protein kinases and phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases. Until recently, it was generally assumed that the kinase reaction was the key regulatory process for determining the level of tyrosyl phosphorylated proteins and that the dephosphorylation reaction was an unregulated event. However, recent evidence strongly suggest a regulatory role for phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases for determination of the overall level of tyrosyl phosphorylated proteins. This review focuses on the discussion of the properties, the regulation, and the primary structure of phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases. Evidence that supports an important role for phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases on cell proliferation and differentiation also is presented.
- Daum G, Solca F, Diltz CD, Zhao Z, Cool DE, Fischer EH
- A general peptide substrate for protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Anal Biochem. 1993; 211: 50-4
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The determination of protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity using different protein substrates such as modified lysozyme or myelin basic protein is greatly affected by the type of enzyme involved, the condition of the assay, and the presence of effectors. The purpose of this study was to develop a general substrate of wide applicability with which variations in enzymatic activity would be minimized. A nonapeptide ENDYINASL derived from a highly conserved region of the T-cell phosphatase TC.PTP (Cool et al. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 5257-5261) was phosphorylated with a recombinant tyrosine kinase domain of the EGF receptor and purified on a C18 cartridge. Phosphatase activities of intracellular and receptor-linked PTPs were as high as the highest values obtained with the protein substrates. The intracellular, low-molecular-weight PTPs exhibited Km values between 0.5 and 1.3 microM, whereas the receptor forms CD45 and RPTP alpha gave values of 14 and 35 microM, respectively. All PTPs displayed similar properties toward the peptide including a low pH optimum and inhibition by vanadate, divalent cations, and heparin. Following immunoprecipitation, 1 ng of TC.PTP could be detected with ENDY(P)INASL compared to 10 ng in presence of protein substrates.
- Ramalingam R, Shaw DR, Ennis HL
- Cloning and functional expression of a Dictyostelium discoideum protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 22680-5
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Using polymerase chain reaction methods, we cloned a 1.7-kilobase cDNA, denoted DdPTPa, that has high homology with other known eukaryotic protein tyrosine phosphatases. DdPTPa possess a 241-amino acid protein tyrosine phosphatase domain located in the C terminus, which exhibits a 39-43% amino acid sequence identity with published protein tyrosine phosphatases. Absence of a characteristic signal sequence and transmembrane domain suggests that DdPTPa is a nonreceptor type cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphatase. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA indicates the presence of a multigene protein tyrosine phosphatase family in Dictyostelium. Northern blot analysis reveals four species of mRNA that hybridize to the DdPTPa probe, at least three of which are developmentally regulated. The entire coding sequence of DdPTPa was subcloned into the pET15-b vector and expressed in Escherichia coli. Affinity-purified DdPTPa protein efficiently dephosphorylates both p-nitrophenyl phosphate and tyrosine-phosphorylated reduced, carboxyamidomethylated, and maleylated lysozyme. A Dictyostelium transformant overexpressing DdPTPa does not develop normally. The overexpresser fails to aggregate, in contrast to the control transformant containing vector alone, and after 24 h gives rise to only a few abnormal slugs and small fruiting bodies.
- Zhang ZY et al.
- Substrate specificity of the protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993; 90: 4446-50
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The substrate specificity of a recombinant protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) was probed using synthetic phosphotyrosine-containing peptides corresponding to several of the autophosphorylation sites in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The peptide corresponding to the autophosphorylation site, EGFR988-998, was chosen for further study due to its favorable kinetic constants. The contribution of individual amino acid side chains to the binding and catalysis was ascertained utilizing a strategy in which each amino acid within the undecapeptide EGFR988-998 (DADEpYLIPQQG) was sequentially substituted by an Ala residue (Ala-scan). The resulting effects due to singular Ala substitution were assessed by kinetic analysis with two widely divergent homogeneous PTPases. A "consensus sequence" for PTPase recognition may be suggested from the Ala-scan data as DADEpYAAPA, and the presence of acidic residues proximate to the NH2-terminal side of phosphorylation is critical for high-affinity binding and catalysis. The Km value for EGFR988-998 decreased as the pH increased, suggesting that phosphate dianion is favored for substrate binding. The results demonstrate that chemical features in the primary structure surrounding the dephosphorylation site contribute to PTPase substrate specificity.
- Saito H
- Structural diversity of eukaryotic protein tyrosine phosphatases: functional and evolutionary implications.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 379-87
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In the past few years, very rapid advances have been made in determining the primary structure of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases). PTPase genes have now been isolated from bacteria, viruses, yeasts and insects as well as vertebrates. The cytosolic PTPases have a catalytic domain associated with various accessory domains that are believed to be involved in protein-protein interaction or subcellular localization. The transmembrane PTPases have either one or two cytoplasmic PTPase domains and an extracellular receptor-like structure. The existence of a large number of structurally diverse PTPases suggests that they play specific and crucial roles in signal transduction. In this article, the structural features of the PTPases from higher eukaryotes are reviewed.
- Tonks NK
- Introduction: protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 373-7
- Walton KM, Dixon JE
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Annu Rev Biochem. 1993; 62: 101-20
- Ruzzene M et al.
- Specificity of T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase toward phosphorylated synthetic peptides.
- Eur J Biochem. 1993; 211: 289-95
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The local specificity determinants for a T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) have been inspected with the aid of a series of synthetic peptides, either enzymically or chemically phosphorylated, derived from the phosphoacceptor sites of phosphotyrosyl proteins. The truncated form of T-cell PTP, deprived of its C-terminal down-regulatory domain, readily dephosphorylates submicromolar concentrations of eptapeptides to eicosapeptides, reproducing the C-terminal down-regulatory site of pp60c-src (Tyr527), the phosphorylated loop IV of calmodulin and the main autophosphorylation site of two protein tyrosine kinases of the src family (Tyr416 of pp60c-src and Tyr412 of p51fgr). However, phosphopeptides of similar size, derived from phosphoacceptor tyrosyl sites of the abl and epidermal-growth-factor receptor protein tyrosine kinases, the phosphorylated loop III of calmodulin, and phosphoangiotensin II undergo either very slow or undetectable dephosphorylation, even if tested up to 1 microM concentration. The replacement of either Ser-P or O-methylated phosphotyrosine for phosphotyrosine within suitable peptide substrates gives rise to totally inert derivatives. Moreover, amino acid substitutions around phosphotyrosine in the peptides src(412-418), src(414-418) and abl-(390-397) deeply influence the dephosphorylation efficiency. From these data and from a comparative analysis of efficient versus poor phosphopeptide substrates, it can be concluded that acidic residues located on the N-terminal side of phosphotyrosine, with special reference to position -3, play a crucial role in substrate recognition, while basic residues in the same positions act as negative determinants. In any event, the presence of at least two aminoacyl residues upstream of phosphotyrosine represents a necessary, albeit not sufficient, condition for detectable dephosphorylation to occur. By replacing the truncated form of TC-PTP with the full length TC-PTP, the dephosphorylation efficiencies of all peptides tested are dramatically impaired. Such an effect is invariably accounted for by a substantial increase in Km values, accompanied by a more or less pronounced decrease in Vmax values. These data support the concept that the C-terminal regulatory domain of TC-PTP exerts its function primarily by altering the affinity of the enzyme toward its phosphotyrosyl targets.
- Cho H et al.
- Substrate specificities of catalytic fragments of protein tyrosine phosphatases (HPTP beta, LAR, and CD45) toward phosphotyrosylpeptide substrates and thiophosphotyrosylated peptides as inhibitors.
- Protein Sci. 1993; 2: 977-84
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The transmembrane PTPase HPTP beta differs from its related family members in having a single rather than a tandemly duplicated cytosolic catalytic domain. We have expressed the 354-amino acid, 41-kDa human PTP beta catalytic fragment in Escherichia coli, purified it, and assessed catalytic specificity with a series of pY peptides. HPTP beta shows distinctions from the related LAR PTPase and T cell CD45 PTPase domains: it recognizes phosphotyrosyl peptides of 9-11 residues from lck, src, and PLC gamma with Km values of 2, 4, and 1 microM, some 40-200-fold lower than the other two PTPases. With kcat values of 30-205 s-1, the catalytic efficiency, kcat/Km, of the HPTP beta 41-kDa catalytic domain is very high, up to 5.7 x 10(7) M-1 s-1. The peptides corresponding to PLC gamma (766-776) and EGFR (1,167-1,177) phosphorylation sites were used for structural variation to assess pY sequence context recognition by HPTP beta catalytic domain. While exchange of the alanine residue at the +2 position of the PLC gamma (Km of 1 microM) peptide to lysine or aspartic acid showed little or no effect on substrate affinity, replacement by arginine increased the Km 35-fold. Similarly, the high Km value of the EGFR pY peptide (Km of 104 microM) derives largely from the arginine residue at the +2 position of the peptide, since arginine to alanine single mutation at the -2 position of the EGFR peptide decreased the Km value 34-fold to 3 microM. Three thiophosphotyrosyl peptides have been prepared and act as substrates and competitive inhibitors of these PTPase catalytic domains.
- Boehm T
- Analysis of multigene families by DNA fingerprinting of conserved domains: directed cloning of tissue-specific protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Oncogene. 1993; 8: 1385-90
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Little is known about the number of mouse protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) and their developmental and tissue-specific expression patterns. A new procedure based on fingerprinting of amplified catalytic domains detects expression of at least 20 different mouse PTPs during development. The majority of these PTPs show developmentally regulated expression patterns; some display a unique tissue specificity. Diagnostic fragments detected in the fingerprint analysis are used here as specific probes to directly clone two previously unknown ubiquitously expressed PTPs and PTP1C, a protein tyrosine phosphatase highly expressed in thymus RNA. The fingerprinting procedure is also applicable to the analysis of protein tyrosine kinases and may also be used to study the expression pattern of other multigene families.
- Hippen KL et al.
- Acidic residues are involved in substrate recognition by two soluble protein tyrosine phosphatases, PTP-5 and rrbPTP-1.
- Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 12405-12
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The mechanisms for substrate recognition by two cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphatases, PTP-5 and rrbPTP-1, were investigated. Phosphorylation sites on tyrosine-phosphorylated casein, a model PTP substrate, were characterized. Two peptides based on casein phosphorylation sites and one peptide based on the tyrosine phosphorylation site of reduced, carboxamidomethylated and maleylated (RCM) lysozyme were tested as PTP substrates. The three peptides were dephosphorylated by PTP-5 and rrbPTP-1 at rates comparable to those of the corresponding sites on the intact proteins. This indicates that peptides based on the two model PTP substrates, casein and RCM-lysozyme, contained all or most of the structural information necessary for PTP-5 and rrbPTP-1 substrate recognition. Structural elements required for substrate recognition by PTP-5 and rrbPTP-1 were also investigated. Km values for dephosphorylation of three simple aromatic phosphate esters (phosphotyrosine, p-nitrophenyl phosphate, and phenyl phosphate) by rrbPTP-1 were about 5000-fold higher than those obtained for the peptide and protein substrates. This indicates that recognition of protein and peptide substrates involves structural elements in addition to the phosphate group and the aromatic tyrosine ring of phosphotyrosine. Analysis of the effects of truncations and Ala for polar substitutions on the reactivity with PTP-5 and rrbPTP-1 of peptides based on casein, RCM-lysozyme, and angiotensin II indicated that Asp or Glu within the first five residues on the N-terminal side of phosphotyrosine increased peptide reactivity with both PTP's. Asn residues were unable or only weakly able to substitute for Asp residues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Radha V, Kamatkar S, Swarup G
- Binding of a protein-tyrosine phosphatase to DNA through its carboxy-terminal noncatalytic domain.
- Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 2194-201
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The noncatalytic domain of a non-receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase (the T-cell phosphatase or PTP-S) isolated from a rat spleen cDNA library shows homology with the basic domains of transcription factors Fos and Jun [Swarup, G., Kamatkar, S., Radha, V., & Rema, V. (1991) FEBS Lett. 280,65-69]. We have expressed this phosphatase in Escherichia coli under the control of T7 promoter. The PTP-S gene product expressed in E. coli shows protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity and binds to DNA at pH 7.4 as determined by DNA affinity chromatography, Southwestern blotting, and gel retardation methods. The carboxy-terminal region of this phosphatase was fused with glutathione S-transferase by constructing expression vectors. Experiments using fusion proteins with glutathione S-transferase suggest that the carboxy-terminal 57 amino acids of PTP-S are sufficient for DNA binding. Deletion of the C-terminal 57 amino acids of PTP-S protein abolished its DNA binding property, as determined by Southwestern blotting, but not its enzymatic activity. This suggests that the C-terminal 57 amino acids are essential for the DNA binding function of this protein but not for its enzymatic activity. Another non-receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase, PTP-1, when expressed in enzymatically active form in E. coli did not bind to DNA. These results suggest that a nontransmembrane protein-tyrosine phosphatase, PTP-S, binds to DNA in vitro through its carboxy-terminal noncatalytic region.
- Zhou MM, Davis JP, Van Etten RL
- Identification and pKa determination of the histidine residues of human low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases: a convenient approach using an MLEV-17 spectral editing scheme.
- Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 8479-86
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A useful approach using an MLEV-17 pulse sequence was developed to identify histidine C epsilon 1H magnetic resonances of proteins. This technique can be readily applied to proteins dissolved directly in deuterium oxide solution and eliminates the necessity for an exhaustive exchange of NH to ND. Because of its sensitivity, this technique makes it possible to significantly extend the limitations on protein size. The utility of this spin-lock sequence is demonstrated using ribonuclease, subtilisin, and human prostatic acid phosphatase, with molecular weights ranging from 12K to 100K. With this technique, all three or four of the histidine 1H NMR signals of two human low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases (HCPTP-A or -B, respectively) were readily detected. Histidine peak assignments were accomplished through the use of histidine to alanine mutants of HCPTP-A and -B and a homologous bovine enzyme. Analysis of the pH titration curves of these signals provided microscopic pKa's for the histidines in the human enzymes. A comparison of corresponding histidine pKa values of the two isoenzymes, together with an examination of the 1H NMR spectra of the proteins, provided evidence of significant differences in secondary structure. Titration of HCPTP-A and -B with vanadate, a strongly bound competitive inhibitor, caused the His-72 peak to appear as two signals at nearly equimolar concentrations of protein and vanadate, while the other histidine peaks were not affected. This is interpreted to mean that His-72 is at the enzyme active site.
- Wong EC, Mullersman JE, Thomas ML
- Leukocyte common antigen-related phosphatase (LRP) gene structure: conservation of the genomic organization of transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Genomics. 1993; 17: 33-8
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The leukocyte common antigen-related protein tyrosine phosphatase (LRP) is a widely expressed transmembrane glycoprotein thought to be involved in cell growth and differentiation. Similar to most other transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases, LRP contains two tandem cytoplasmic phosphatase domains. To understand further the regulation and evolution of LRP, we have isolated and characterized mouse lambda genomic clones. Thirteen genomic clones could be divided into two non-overlapping clusters. The first cluster contained the transcription initiation site and the exon encoding most of the 5' untranslated region. The second cluster contained the remaining exons encoding the protein and the 3' untranslated region. The gene consists of 22 exons spanning over 75 kb. The distance between exon 1 and exon 2 is at least 25 kb. Characterization of the 5' ends of LRP mRNA by S1 nuclease protection identifies putative initiation start sites within a G/C-rich region. The upstream region does not contain a TATA box. Comparison of the LRP gene structure to the mammalian protein tyrosine phosphatase gene, CD45, shows striking similarities in size and genomic organization.
- Guan KL, Dixon JE
- Bacterial and viral protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 389-96
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Unrestricted protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) activity may play a role in pathogenesis. For instance, the virulence determinant gene, yopH, of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis encodes a PTPase. The phosphatase activity of the YopH protein is essential for the pathogenesis of Y. pseudotuberculosis. Yersinia pestis, the bacterium which causes the bubonic plague, also contains a gene closely related to yopH. The action of YopH on host proteins appears to break down signal transduction mechanisms in many cell types including those of the immune system. This may contribute to the ability of the bacterium to escape effective surveillance by the immune system. The vaccinia virus VH1 gene, like yopH in the Yersinia bacteria, encodes a protein phosphatase. The VH1 PTPase defines a new class of phosphatases capable of dephosphorylating both phosphoserine/threonine and tyrosine containing substrates. Proteins sharing sequence identity to this dual-specificity phosphatase have been identified from other viruses, yeast and man. Although a complete understanding of the function of these dual-specificity phosphatases is not presently available, they clearly play important roles in cell cycle regulation, growth control and mitogenic signaling mechanisms. The unique catalytic properties of the dual specificity phosphatases suggest that these catalysts constitute a distinct subfamily of phosphatases.
- Cool DE, Fischer EH
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases in cell transformation.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 443-53
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The role of tyrosine phosphorylation in cell transformation has been well established. It has been proposed that protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) may be capable of dephosphorylating critical substrates involved in the transformation process, suggesting that they represent a tumor suppressor family of enzymes. Indeed, recent work showed that overexpression of some PTPases in malignant cells counteracted the action of oncogenic tyrosine kinases although overexpression of other forms of these enzymes increased tumorigenicity. The work described herein has provided some insight into the action, both antagonistic and synergistic, of the kinases and phosphatases on cell growth and transformation.
- Tonks NK, Flint AJ, Gebbink MF, Sun H, Yang Q
- Signal transduction and protein tyrosine dephosphorylation.
- Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res. 1993; 28: 203-10
- Zhao Z, Bouchard P, Diltz CD, Shen SH, Fischer EH
- Purification and characterization of a protein tyrosine phosphatase containing SH2 domains.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 2816-20
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A protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) containing two SH2 domains (PTP1C) was purified to near homogeneity from an adenovirus expression system by a two-step chromatographic procedure with a yield of 67%. The purified enzyme behaves as a monomer of 68 kDa on gel filtration and is totally specific for phosphotyrosyl residues. Its optimal pH is around neutrality for protein substrates such as reduced, carboxyamidomethylated, maleylated (RCM)-lysozyme and myelin basic protein but below 5 for low molecular weight compounds such as para-nitrophenyl phosphate (p-NPP) and phosphotyrosine. Furthermore, with the protein substrates, it displays an activity less than 1% of that obtained with other known PTPs but comparable activities toward p-NPP and phosphotyrosine. Its responsiveness toward the usual PTP activators (e.g. spermine) or inhibitors (e.g. vanadate, molybdate, heparin, or Zn2+) varied considerably with the nature of the substrates involved. Limited digestion with trypsin caused the cleavage of a C-terminal segment of the enzyme, giving rise to a 63-kDa fragment; this cleavage resulted in an approximately 20- and 10-fold activation of the enzyme toward RCM-lysozyme and myelin basic protein, respectively.
- Potts M, Sun H, Mockaitis K, Kennelly PJ, Reed D, Tonks NK
- A protein-tyrosine/serine phosphatase encoded by the genome of the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune UTEX 584.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 7632-5
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Protein-tyrosine phosphorylation has long been regarded as an exclusively eukaryotic phenomenon. Although some non-eukaryotes, mainly viruses, possess genes encoding protein-tyrosine kinases or protein-tyrosine phosphatases, these were probably appropriated from the eukaryotic hosts that constitute the sites of action of these enzymes. Herein we identify a gene, iphP, from the chromosome of the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune UTEX 584 that contains the His-Cys-Xaa-Ala-Gly-Xaa-Xaa-Arg sequence characteristic of known protein-tyrosine phosphatases. The expressed gene product, IphP, displayed protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity toward phosphotyrosine residues on reduced, carboxyamidomethylated, and maleylated lysozyme with optimum activity at pH 5.0. In addition, IphP dephosphorylated the phosphoseryl groups on casein that had been phosphorylated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Cell lysates of N. commune probed with antibodies to phosphotyrosine indicated the presence of a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein of M(r) approximately 85 kDa. This tyrosine-phosphorylated protein was detected in cells grown in the presence of combined nitrogen but not in nitrogen-deficient media that induces the formation of differentiated N2-fixing cells (heterocysts). Together, these data suggest a role for protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in regulating cellular functions in this cyanobacterium. IphP is the first protein-tyrosine phosphatase to be discovered that is encoded by the chromosomal DNA of any prokaryote. Given the free-living nature of N. commune and the phylogenetic antiquity of the cyanobacteria, these findings suggest for the first time the existence of a protein-tyrosine phosphatase of genuine, unambiguous prokaryotic ancestry, thus raising fundamental questions as to the origin and role of tyrosine phosphorylation.
- Cirri P et al.
- The role of Cys12, Cys17 and Arg18 in the catalytic mechanism of low-M(r) cytosolic phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase.
- Eur J Biochem. 1993; 214: 647-57
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Low-M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (PTPase), previously known as low-M(r) acid phosphatase, catalyzes the in-vitro hydrolysis of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins, low-M(r) aryl phosphates and natural and synthetic acyl phosphates. Its activity on Ser/Thr-phosphorylated proteins and on most alkyl phosphates is very poor. In this study the mechanism of benzoyl-phosphate hydrolysis was studied by means of non-mutated and mutated PTPase fusion proteins. The mechanism of benzoyl-phosphate hydrolysis catalyzed by the enzyme was compared to the known mechanism of p-nitrophenyl-phosphate hydrolysis. The results demonstrated that both hydrolytic processes proceed through common enzyme-catalyzed mechanisms. Nevertheless, the performed phosphoenzyme-trapping experiments enable us to identify Cys12 as the active-site residue that performs the nucleophilic attack at the phosphorus atom of the substrate to produce a phosphoenzyme covalent intermediate. In addition, while the role of Cys17 in the substrate binding was confirmed, its participation a second time in the step that involves the Cys12 dephosphorylation was suggested by the results of phosphoenzyme-trapping experiments. The participation of Arg18 in the substrate-binding site was demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis that produced the conservative Lys18 and the non-conservative Met18 mutants. Both these mutants were almost inactive and not able to bind the substrate and a competitive inhibitor. Furthermore, phosphoenzyme-trapping experiments clearly excluded that Cys62 and Cys145 (that were indicated by another laboratory to be involved in the active site of the enzyme as powerful nucleophilic agents) are the residues directly involved in the formation of the phosphoenzyme covalent intermediate.
- Neel BG
- Structure and function of SH2-domain containing tyrosine phosphatases.
- Semin Cell Biol. 1993; 4: 419-32
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The importance of tyrosyl phosphorylation in regulating growth factor-receptor-mediated signal transduction is firmly established, but the roles of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) in these pathways are unclear. PTPases that contain src-homology 2 (SH2) domains, which mediate interactions with specific phosphotyrosyl proteins, probably play an important role in early signaling events following growth factor stimulation. In this review, the two mammalian SH2-containing PTPases, SH-PTP1 and SH-PTP2, are described and their possible roles in signal transduction discussed. In addition, the implications of recent genetic studies in the mouse and Drosophila, which shed light on the actions of these PTPases in physiology and pathology, will be addressed.
- Yang Q, Co D, Sommercorn J, Tonks NK
- Cloning and expression of PTP-PEST. A novel, human, nontransmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1993; 268: 17650-17650
- Zhang ZY, Dixon JE
- Active site labeling of the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase: the determination of the pKa of the active site cysteine and the function of the conserved histidine 402.
- Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 9340-5
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In this report, we demonstrated that the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) could be inactivated by the alkylating agent iodoacetate. The enzyme modification was selective, and the covalent attachment was stoichiometric. The residue that was labeled by iodoacetate was shown to be Cys403, which was the same catalytically essential residue identified by site-directed mutagenesis [Guan, K. L., & Dixon, J.E. (1990) Science 249, 553-556]. The rate of iodoacetate modification decreased as the ionic strength of the media increased. There was no significant D2O solvent isotope effect associated with the inactivation of the enzyme, suggesting that thiol anion of Cys403 reacted as a nucleophile. The Yersinia PTPase also displayed differential reactivity (940-fold) toward iodoacetate over iodoacetamide. This indicates that residues within the active site of the enzyme are positively charged. The pKa of the active site thiol group was determined to be 4.67. The low pKa value suggests that ionic interactions are important in stabilizing the thiolate anion. One candidate residue for this stabilization is the invariant histidine (His402) found in all PTPases. Substitutions of His402 with Asn or Ala altered the active site thiol pKa to 5.99 and 7.35, respectively. Interestingly, the active site thiol in the mutants also showed enhanced reactivity toward iodoacetate. The second-order rate constants for the inactivation of the wild-type enzyme, H402N, and H402A were 59.7, 3305, and 1763 M-1 min-1, respectively.
- Ottinger EA, Shekels LL, Bernlohr DA, Barany G
- Synthesis of phosphotyrosine-containing peptides and their use as substrates for protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 4354-61
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Prior methods for the chemical synthesis of phosphotyrosine-containing peptides involved the incorporation of fully protected phosphoamino acids into the peptide chain or phosphorylation of free phenol side chains after peptide assembly is complete. The present work describes a novel and general methodology for the solid-phase synthesis of phosphopeptides, featuring direct incorporation of N alpha-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)-O-phospho-L-tyrosine (unprotected side chain). This technique obviated the formation of peptide byproducts containing tyrosine H-phosphonate, a previously unrecognized side reaction from literature phosphorylation/oxidation approaches. Phosphopeptides corresponding to the tyrosine phosphorylation site of adipocyte lipid binding protein were synthesized by the newer, preferred method. These peptides were purified and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), amino acid analysis (AAA), fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS), and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR). The synthetic peptides were tested as substrates for two distinct protein tyrosine phosphatases, rat brain protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) and human acid phosphatase. Substrate specificity was measured at pH 6.0 and 37 degrees C, using a colorimetric assay for released inorganic phosphate. Kinetic analysis revealed that both the rat brain PTPase and the human adipocyte acid phosphatase catalyzed peptide dephosphorylation but with different rates and affinities. The rat brain PTPase displayed classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with Km's of 68 +/- 9 microM and 42 +/- 11 microM and kcat/Km values of 4.9 x 10(5) s-1 M-1 and 6.9 x 10(5) s-1 M-1 determined for phosphorylated peptides of lengths 4 and 10 residues, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
- Titus L, Marzilli LG, Rubin J, Nanes MS, Catherwood BD
- Rat osteoblasts and ROS 17/2.8 cells contain a similar protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- Bone Miner. 1993; 23: 267-84
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Tyrosine phosphorylation plays a central role in intracellular signaling by many hormones and growth factors. Termination of the signal is thought to involve dephosphorylation of target proteins by phosphotyrosine phosphatases (PTPase). Soluble protein PTPases from neonatal rat osteoblasts (ROBs) and rat osteosarcoma (ROS 17/2.8) cells were chromatographically distinguished and characterized using 32P-labelled glutamate/tyrosine co-polymer as substrate. Two activities from both cell types were chromatographically separable. The dominant PTPase activity in the presence of 60-125 mM salt (E1), was eluted from phosphocellulose by 180-280 mM NaCl, bound weakly to a strong anion exchange column (QAE-trisacryl), had an apparent Km for [32P]glutamate/tyrosine copolymer of 52 micrograms/ml, was enhanced (5-10-fold, ROS; 1.5-3-fold, ROB) by assay in 125 mM NaCl, had no significant alkaline, acid, or serine phosphatase activity and had an M(r) of 53,000. A second activity (E2) was not retained by phosphocellulose but eluted from QAE-trisacryl in a single peak at 90-130 mM NaCl. It had an apparent Km for [32P]glutamate/tyrosine copolymer of 30 micrograms/ml (ROS) and its activity was not enhanced by NaCl in the assay. Activity E1 from both cells was 50% inhibited by 0.05 microM Na3VO4, 20 microM ZnCl2, or 5-10 microM CoCl2, but not by 1 mM NaF; activity E2 had a similar inhibition profile, but was more sensitive to ZnCl2 (IC50, 5 microM). Co2+ is a relatively non-toxic metal which may be a useful tool for investigating the role of phosphotyrosine in osteoblast proliferation and function. The similarity between the E1 activity from ROS cells and ROBs suggests that ROS cells may be useful in studying PTPase regulation by hormones, but molecular approaches will be required to establish the identity of PTPases in ROBs and ROS cells.
- Noguchi T, Metz R, Chen L, Mattei MG, Carrasco D, Bravo R
- Structure, mapping, and expression of erp, a growth factor-inducible gene encoding a nontransmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase, and effect of ERP on cell growth.
- Mol Cell Biol. 1993; 13: 5195-205
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We have characterized a growth factor-inducible gene, erp, and demonstrated that it encodes a 367-amino-acid nontransmembrane tyrosine phosphatase protein with significant similarity to the vaccinia virus H1 protein. Immunoprecipitation analyses show that the erp protein, ERP, is rapidly induced following serum stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts. ERP has been expressed as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase and shown to have tyrosine as well as serine protein phosphatase activity. The enzymatic activity of ERP depends on the presence of reducing agents such as dithiothreitol, and its tyrosine phosphatase activity is inhibited by sodium vanadate, a potent inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases. The number of stable NIH 3T3 clones obtained after transfection with a vector expressing the complete ERP protein is reduced more than 90% compared with that after transfection with a vector expressing a mutated inactive ERP protein. The remaining ERP-expressing clones present a significant increase in the proportion of bi- and multinucleated cells and a decrease in proliferation rate. Studies on the genomic structure reveal that the erp transcription unit is 2.8 kbp long and split into four exons. The erp gene maps to the 17A2-17C region of the murine genome. Our results demonstrate that the protein product of the immediate-early gene erp has a negative effect on cell proliferation.
- Freeman RM Jr, Plutzky J, Neel BG
- Identification of a human src homology 2-containing protein-tyrosine-phosphatase: a putative homolog of Drosophila corkscrew.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992; 89: 11239-43
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src homology 2 (SH2) domains direct binding to specific phosphotyrosyl proteins. Recently, SH2-containing protein-tyrosine-phosphatases (PTPs) were identified. Using degenerate oligonucleotides and the PCR, we have cloned a cDNA for an additional PTP, SH-PTP2, which contains two SH2 domains and is expressed ubiquitously. When expressed in Escherichia coli, SH-PTP2 displays tyrosine-specific phosphatase activity. Strong sequence similarity between SH-PTP2 and the Drosophila gene corkscrew (csw) and their similar patterns of expression suggest that SH-PTP2 is the human corkscrew homolog. Sequence comparisons between SH-PTP2, SH-PTP1, corkscrew, and other SH2-containing proteins suggest the existence of a subfamily of SH2 domains found specifically in PTPs, whereas comparison of the PTP domains of the SH2-containing PTPs with other tyrosine phosphatases suggests the existence of a subfamily of PTPs containing SH2 domains. Since corkscrew, a member of the terminal class signal transduction pathway, acts in concert with D-raf to positively transduce the signal generated by the receptor tyrosine kinase torso, these findings suggest several mechanisms by which SH-PTP2 may participate in mammalian signal transduction.
- Fischer EH, Charbonneau H, Cool DE, Tonks NK
- Tyrosine phosphatases and their possible interplay with tyrosine kinases.
- Ciba Found Symp. 1992; 164: 132-40
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases represent a new family of intracellular and receptor-linked enzymes. They are totally specific toward tyrosyl residues in proteins, and, with specific activities 10-1000-fold greater than those of the protein tyrosine kinases, they can be expected to tightly control the level of phosphotyrosine within the cell. Most transmembrane forms contain two conserved intracellular catalytic domains, as displayed by the leukocyte common antigen CD45, but highly variable external segments. Some are related to the neuronal cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) or fasciclin II and others contain fibronectin III repeats; this suggests that these enzymes might be involved in cell-cell interaction. The intercellular enzymes appear to contain a highly conserved catalytic core linked to a regulatory segment. Deletion of the regulatory domain alters both substrate specificity and cellular localization. Likewise, overexpression of the full-length and truncated enzymes affects cell cycle progression and actin filament stability, respectively. The interplay between tyrosine kinases and phosphatases is considered. A hypothesis is presented suggesting that in some systems phosphatases might act synergistically with the kinases and elicit a physiological response, irrespective of the state of phosphorylation of the target protein.
- Zhao Z, Zander NF, Malencik DA, Anderson SR, Fischer EH
- Continuous spectrophotometric assay of protein tyrosine phosphatase using phosphotyrosine.
- Anal Biochem. 1992; 202: 361-6
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A continuous activity assay for protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), employing phosphotyrosine (P-Tyr) as a substrate, has been developed and applied to measure the activities of two purified enzymes, namely, the full length T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC PTP) and its truncated form (TC delta C11 PTP). The reaction was followed by changes in ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence resulting from the dephosphorylation of P-Tyr. Both enzymes obey Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with Km = 304 microM, Vmax = 62,000 units/mg for TC PTP and Km = 194 microM, Vmax = 73,000 units/mg for TC delta C11 PTP. The D- and L-forms of P-Tyr are equally effective as substrates. The optimum pH for both enzymes is 4.75. The known effectors of PTPs have the predicted effects on catalytic activity.
- Brautigan DL
- Great expectations: protein tyrosine phosphatases in cell regulation.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1992; 1114: 63-77
- Hunter T, Lindberg RA, Middlemas DS, Tracy S, van der Geer P
- Receptor protein tyrosine kinases and phosphatases.
- Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1992; 57: 25-41
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It is clear that the number of receptor PTKs and PTPs encoded by a typical vertebrate genome is rather large. Although the signal pathways activated by the receptor PTKs may in many cases be common, specificity is provided by the ligand-binding domain and the availability of ligand. In addition, the precise spectrum of substrates that bind to and are phosphorylated by each receptor PTK can differ based on the number and nature of the autophosphorylation sites and on the repertoire of SH2-containing proteins and other substrates expressed in each cell type. It is also clear that receptor PTKs can activate multiple independent signaling pathways and that the output of these pathways can be integrated to provide a specific cellular response. The role of receptor PTPs in such integrated signaling networks is not yet obvious. In some cases, they may activate nonreceptor PTKs, whereas in other cases, they may counteract the effects of activated receptor and nonreceptor PTKs by dephosphorylating the PTKs themselves or their substrates. We know very little about the substrate specificity of PTPs, but in part this must be dictated by their subcellular location. It is possible that there are specific pairs of receptor PTKs and PTPs, which act in concert at the cell surface to activate and down-regulate specific signal pathways. Progress in understanding the function of receptor PTPs will depend on identifying ligands for receptor PTPs and then determining how ligand binding influences their activity.
- Pot DA, Dixon JE
- A thousand and two protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1992; 1136: 35-43
- Zhang ZY, Davis JP, Van Etten RL
- Covalent modification and active site-directed inactivation of a low molecular weight phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase.
- Biochemistry. 1992; 31: 1701-11
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Covalent modification experiments were conducted in order to identify active site residues of the 18-kDa cytoplasmic phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatases. The enzyme was inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate, phenylglyoxal, cyclohexanedione, iodoacetate, iodoacetamide, phenylarsine oxide, and certain epoxides in a manner consistent with the modification of active site residues. Phenylglyoxal and cyclohexanedione both bind to the active site in a rapid preequilibrium process and thus act as active site-directed inhibitors. The pH dependencies of the inactivation by iodoacetate and by iodoacetamide were examined in detail and compared with rate data for the alkylation of glutathione as a model compound. The enzyme inactivation data permitted the determination of pKa values of two reactive cysteines at or near the active site. Although phosphomycin is simply a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme, it was found that 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propane (EPNP) and (R)- and (S)-benzylglycidol act as irreversible covalent inactivators, consistent with the importance of a hydrophobic moiety on the substrate in controlling substrate specificity. EPNP exhibits characteristics of an active site-directed inactivator, with a preequilibrium binding constant somewhat smaller than that of phosphate ion. The pH dependencies of inactivation of EPNP and (S)-benzylglycidol are identical to that observed for iodoacetamide and similar to that for iodoacetate, suggesting that they modify similar groups. Sequencing of the tryptic digests of the EPNP-labeled enzyme indicates that Cys-62 and Cys-145 are labeled. Phenylarsine oxide acts as a very slow, tight-binding inhibitor of the enzyme. The results are interpreted in terms of an active site model that incorporates a histidine-cysteine ion pair, similar to that present in papain.
- Pot DA, Dixon JE
- Active site labeling of a receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase.
- J Biol Chem. 1992; 267: 140-3
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The inactivation of the cytoplasmic domain of rat LAR, a receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase), by iodoacetate and not by iodoacetamide suggested that iodoacetate interacts in a highly selective manner with the enzyme. The data indicate that iodoacetate binds at the active site of the enzyme with a stoichiometry of 0.8 mol of iodoacetate bound per mol of rat LAR. A single [14C]iodoacetate-labeled peptide was isolated following endoproteinase Lys-C digestion of the radiolabeled PTPase. Sequence analysis of the active site labeled peptide demonstrates that Cys-1522 contains the radiolabel. This residue has been shown by site-directed mutagenesis to be essential for rat LAR activity (Pot, D. A., Woodford, T. A., Remboutsika, E., Haun, R. S., and Dixon, J. E. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 19688-19696). Iodoacetate reacts only with the first domain of this double domain PTPase. These results, for the first time, directly identify the highly reactive cysteine residue at the active site of a PTPase and highlight the ability of this residue to participate as a nucleophile in the hydrolysis of phosphate from tyrosine.
- Saito H, Streuli M, Krueger NX, Itoh M, Tsai AY
- CD45 and a family of receptor-linked protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochem Soc Trans. 1992; 20: 165-9
- Gruppuso PA, Boylan JM
- Heterogeneity of hepatic protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Second Messengers Phosphoproteins. 1992; 14: 99-108
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We have identified multiple members of the protein tyrosine phosphatase family in three subcellular compartments from rat liver; membrane, cytoskeleton and cytosol. Characterization based on substrate specificity, size, and reactivity with an anti-peptide antiserum against human placental PTP1B indicate the presence of at least three PTPases in Triton X-100 extracts of particulate membranes. Of these, one of 600 kDa possesses characteristics of a transmembrane, receptor-like enzyme. A fourth particulate PTPase (70 kDa) represents a distinct cytoskeletal PTPase. Cytosol contains one main PTPase species which was detected as a 41 kDa protein in Western immunoblots. These data indicate the existence of multiple hepatic PTPases whose differences in structure and subcellular localization may reflect functional heterogeneity.
- Tonks NK et al.
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: the problems of a growing family.
- Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1992; 57: 87-94
- Ramachandran C, Aebersold R, Tonks NK, Pot DA
- Sequential dephosphorylation of a multiply phosphorylated insulin receptor peptide by protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Biochemistry. 1992; 31: 4232-8
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The question of whether protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) dephosphorylate a multiply phosphorylated peptide in a random or ordered manner was investigated using the synthetic triphosphotyrosyl peptide TRDIY(P)ETDY(P)Y(P)RK, corresponding to the major sites of autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor, as a substrate for four purified PTPases. All four enzymes dephosphorylated the triphospho peptide to produce diphospho, monophospho, and nonphosphorylated forms. Partially dephosphorylated peptides were separated by reverse-phase HPLC, and the di- and monophospho peptides were collected and analyzed by solid-phase sequencing to determine the order of dephosphorylation of the three sites by each of the PTPases. The quantitative analysis of the signals for derivatives of tyrosine and phosphotyrosine generated at positions 5, 9, and 10 of the peptide showed that the low molecular weight human placental PTPase 1B preferentially dephosphorylated the two phosphotyrosines at positions 9 and 10 whereas the integral membrane enzyme CD45 (from human spleen) and the bacterially expressed rat LAR preferentially dephosphorylated the phosphotyrosine at position 5. A second low molecular weight enzyme, termed TCPTPase, did not display any specificity for a particular phosphotyrosyl residue. These results demonstrate that different PTPases exhibit a characteristic pattern of dephosphorylation of the triphospho peptide model substrate, raising the possibility that features in the primary structure surrounding the dephosphorylation site may contribute to substrate specificity.
- Goldstein BJ
- Protein-tyrosine phosphatases and the regulation of insulin action.
- J Cell Biochem. 1992; 48: 33-42
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Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) play an important role in the regulation of insulin action by dephosphorylating the active (autophosphorylated) form of the insulin receptor and attenuating its tyrosine kinase activity. PTPases can also modulate post-receptor signalling by catalyzing the dephosphorylation of cellular substrates of the insulin receptor kinase. Dramatic advances have recently been made in our understanding of PTPases as an extensive family of transmembrane and intracellular proteins that are involved in a number of pathways of cellular signal transduction. Identification of the PTPase(s) which act on various components of the insulin action cascade will not only enhance our understanding of insulin signalling but will also clarify the potential involvement of PTPases in the pathophysiology of insulin-resistant disease states. This brief review provides a summary of reversible tyrosine phosphorylation events in insulin action and available data on candidate PTPases in liver and skeletal muscle that may be involved in the regulation of insulin action.
- Galaktionov K, Beach D
- Specific activation of cdc25 tyrosine phosphatases by B-type cyclins: evidence for multiple roles of mitotic cyclins.
- Cell. 1991; 67: 1181-94
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Two previously unidentified human cdc25 genes have been isolated, cdc25A and cdc25B. Both genes rescue a cdc25ts mutant of fission yeast. Microinjection of anti-cdc25A antibodies into HeLa cells causes their arrest in mitosis. cdc25A and cdc25B display endogenous tyrosine phosphatase activity that is stimulated several-fold, in the absence of cdc2, by stoichiometric addition of either cyclin B1 or B2 but not A or D1. Association between cdc25A and cyclin B1/cdc2 was detected in the HeLa cells. These findings indicate that B-type cyclins are multifunctional proteins that not only act as M phase regulatory subunits of the cdc2 protein kinase, but also activate the cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, of which cdc2 is the physiological substrate. A region of amino acid similarity between cyclins and tyrosine PTPases has been detected. This region is absent in cdc25 phosphatases. The motif may represent an activating domain that has to be provided to cdc25 by intermolecular interaction with cyclin B.
- Matthews RJ, Flores E, Thomas ML
- Protein tyrosine phosphatase domains from the protochordate Styela plicata.
- Immunogenetics. 1991; 33: 33-41
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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation is an important regulatory mechanism in cell physiology. While the protein tyrosine kinase (PTKase) family has been extensively studied, only six protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) have been described. By Southern blot analysis, genomic DNA from several different phyla were found to cross-hybridize with a cDNA probe encoding the human leukocyte-common antigen (LCA; CD45) PTPase domains. To pursue this observation further, total mRNA from the protochordate Styela plicata was used as a template to copy and amplify, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, PTPase domains. Twenty-seven distinct sequences were identified that contain hallmark residues of PTPases; two of these are similar to described mammalian PTPases. Southern blot analysis indicates that at least one other Styela sequence is highly conserved in a variety of phyla. Seven of the Styela domains have significant similarity to each other, indicating a subfamily of PTPases. However, most of the sequences are disparate. A comparison of the 27 Styela sequences with the ten known PTPase domain sequences reveals that only three residues are absolutely conserved and identifies regions that are highly divergent. The data indicate that the PTPase family will be equally as large and diverse as the PTKases. The extent and diversity of the PTPase family suggests that these enzymes are, in their own right, important regulators of cell behavior.
- Gautier J, Solomon MJ, Booher RN, Bazan JF, Kirschner MW
- cdc25 is a specific tyrosine phosphatase that directly activates p34cdc2.
- Cell. 1991; 67: 197-211
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cdc25 controls the activity of the cyclin-p34cdc2 complex by regulating the state of tyrosine phosphorylation of p34cdc2. Drosophila cdc25 protein from two different expression systems activates inactive cyclin-p34cdc2 and induces M phase in Xenopus oocytes and egg extracts. We find that the cdc25 sequence shows weak but significant homology to a phylogenetically diverse group of protein tyrosine phosphatases. cdc25 itself is a very specific protein tyrosine phosphatase. Bacterially expressed cdc25 directly dephosphorylates bacterially expressed p34cdc2 on Tyr-15 in a minimal system devoid of eukaryotic cell components, but does not dephosphorylate other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins at appreciable rates. In addition, mutations in the putative catalytic site abolish the in vivo activity of cdc25 and its phosphatase activity in vitro. Therefore, cdc25 is a specific protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates tyrosine and possibly threonine residues on p34cdc2 and regulates MPF activation.
- Tonks NK, Yang Q, Guida P Jr
- Structure, regulation, and function of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1991; 56: 265-73
- Dunphy WG, Kumagai A
- The cdc25 protein contains an intrinsic phosphatase activity.
- Cell. 1991; 67: 189-96
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Genetic and biochemical studies have indicated that the cdc25 protein controls the entry into mitosis by triggering tyrosine dephosphorylation of the cdc2 protein kinase. We show that the isolated cdc25 protein can catalyze dephosphorylation of several model phosphatase substrates, including p-nitrophenyl phosphate and two distinct tyrosine-phosphorylated peptides. The cdc25-dependent cleavage reaction closely resembles dephosphorylation by known tyrosine phosphatases: the reaction requires a reducing agent, shows high sensitivity to sodium vanadate, and proceeds efficiently in the presence of metal chelators. Moreover, the phosphatase activity of the cdc25 protein is eliminated by treatment with N-ethylmaleimide or by alteration of a single conserved cysteine residue by site-directed mutagenesis. These observations indicate that the cdc25 protein can function as a tyrosine phosphatase in the absence of any other protein.
- Trowbridge IS
- CD45. A prototype for transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases.
- J Biol Chem. 1991; 266: 23517-20
- Fischer EH, Charbonneau H, Tonks NK
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: a diverse family of intracellular and transmembrane enzymes.
- Science. 1991; 253: 401-6
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) represent a diverse family of enzymes that exist as integral membrane and nonreceptor forms. The PTPs, with specific activities in vitro 10 to 1000 times greater than those of the protein tyrosine kinases would be expected to effectively control the amount of phosphotyrosine in the cell. They dephosphorylate tyrosyl residues in vivo and take part in signal transduction and cell cycle regulation. Most of the transmembrane forms, such as the leukocyte common antigen (CD45), contain two conserved intracellular catalytic domains; but their external segments are highly variable. The structural features of the transmembrane forms suggest that these receptor-linked PTPs are capable of transducing external signals; however, the ligands remain unidentified. A hypothesis is proposed explaining how phosphatases might act synergistically with the kinases to elicit a full physiological response, without regard to the state of phosphorylation of the target proteins.
- Yoshioka T, Tanaka O, Otani H, Shinohara H
- Histochemically demonstrable phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase in the rat hippocampal formation.
- Brain Res. 1991; 555: 177-9
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Using o-phospho-L-tyrosine as substrate, a possible localization of phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (PTPPase) activity was histochemically demonstrated in the rat hippocampal formation. The PTPPase activity was found in almost all layers of the hippocampal formation, with a high activity in the stratum moleculare. The activity was inhibited by vanadate and molybdate, but not by NaF and Zn2+. The activity was localized in the dendritic cytoplasm, particularly on the postsynaptic density, of hippocampal neurons.
- Alexander DR
- The role of phosphatases in signal transduction.
- New Biol. 1990; 2: 1049-62
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The importance of phosphatases in regulating the phosphorylation of proteins involved in cell signaling has been demonstrated by four recent discoveries. First, a new family of receptor-like transmembrane phosphotyrosine phosphatases, highly conserved throughout evolution, was shown to be distributed in a wide variety of tissues. Extensive heterogeneity in the extracellular regions of these molecules points to the existence of a wide diversity of ligands. These ligands are thought to mediate transduction of signals to the cell interior by means of the phosphatase activity occurring within the cytoplasmic domains of the receptor-like transmembrane phosphotyrosine phosphatases. Second, cell-permeable tumor promoters, such as okadaic acid, were shown to be potent phosphatase inhibitors that have multiple effects on signaling pathways. Third, the subunits of the type 2A phosphatase were found to associate with transforming antigens encoded by DNA tumor viruses, indicating a role for phosphatases in mediating abnormal proliferative events. Fourth, several cell-cycle mutants were found to encode phosphatases. This review focuses on the significance of the transmembrane phosphotyrosine phosphatases and on the possible ways in which intracellular phosphatases function in signaling pathways.
- Guan KL, Dixon JE
- Protein tyrosine phosphatase activity of an essential virulence determinant in Yersinia.
- Science. 1990; 249: 553-6
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Yersinia is the genus of bacteria that is the causative agent in plague or the black death, and on several occasions this organism has killed a significant portion of the world's population. An essential virulence determinant of Yersinia was shown to be a protein tyrosine phosphatase. The recombinant 50-kilodalton Yersinia phosphatase had a specificity for removal of phosphate from Tyr-containing as opposed to Ser/Thr-containing phosphopeptides and proteins. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to show that the Yersinia phosphatase possesses an essential Cys residue required for catalysis. Amino acids surrounding an essential Cys residue are highly conserved, as are other amino acids in the Yersinia and mammalian protein tyrosine phosphatases, suggesting that they use a common catalytic mechanism.
- Nishi M, Ohagi S, Steiner DF
- Novel putative protein tyrosine phosphatases identified by the polymerase chain reaction.
- FEBS Lett. 1990; 271: 178-80
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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) are a family of enzymes that specifically dephosphorylate phosphotyrosyl residues in selected protein substrates. To more fully understand the regulatory role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in cellular signal transduction, characterization of PTPases is essential. Using the polymerase chain reaction and degenerate oligonucleotide primers corresponding to conserved amino acid sequences within the catalytic domain of PTPases, we have identified 11 PTPase-related human liver cDNA sequences. Five of these have not been described previously. These results indicate that, like protein tyrosine kinases, PTPases may also comprise a gene family with a large number of members.
- Fischer EH et al.
- Protein tyrosine phosphatases: a novel family of enzymes involved in transmembrane signalling.
- Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res. 1990; 24: 273-9
- Tonks NK, Charbonneau H
- Protein tyrosine dephosphorylation and signal transduction.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1989; 14: 497-500
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The protein tyrosine phosphatases comprise a family of enzymes that specifically dephosphorylate tyrosyl residues. Determination of the amino acid sequence of a major low molecular mass form isolated from human placenta (PTPase 1B) provided the basis for the first identification of transmembrane proteins that bear intracellular phosphatase domains. The existence of such molecules, bearing the hallmarks of receptors, raises the exciting possibility of a novel mechanism of signal transduction in which the early events involve the ligand-induced dephosphorylation of tyrosyl residues in proteins.
- Hunter T
- Protein-tyrosine phosphatases: the other side of the coin.
- Cell. 1989; 58: 1013-6